Exemplo n.º 1
	void calibratePositionToKinect()
		if ( ! this->checkKinect( "CalibratePositionToKinect" ) ) return;

		this->pBrain->drive()->setStopWithin( 0 );

		std::cerr << "Performing odometry calibration, please wait..." << std::endl;

		sleep( 4 );

		// Make sure Robotino is not driving
		while ( this->pBrain->odom()->currentAbsSpeed() > 0.01 || this->pBrain->odom()->currentAbsOmega() > 0.01 )
			usleep( 100000 );

		/// @todo Improvement: Use current coordinate system, so this is not lost if calibration is aborted (not currently applicable).
		this->pBrain->odom()->set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		this->pBrain->cbha()->innerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.4 );
		this->pBrain->cbha()->outerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.4 );
		std::cerr << "Wait for arm to reach position..." << std::endl;
		while ( this->pBrain->cbha()->armTotalPressureDiff() > 0.1 )
			usleep( 100000 );

			<< "Stand beside Robotino and make sure Kinect is reading your hand.\n"
			<< "Then, using your wrist, slightly push down on the tip of Robotinos gripper.\n"
			<< "Robotino will, after a slight pause, drive 1 meter forward"
			<< std::endl;

		VolumeCoordinate kinectCoordinate0 = this->pBrain->cbha()->getTouchCoordinate();

		std::cerr << "First coordinate stored : " << kinectCoordinate0 << "\nGet out of my way!" << std::endl;

		this->pBrain->cbha()->innerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.2 );
		this->pBrain->cbha()->outerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.2 );
		usleep ( 500000 );

		this->pBrain->drive()->setDestination( Coordinate( 1.0, 0.0 ) );
		this->pBrain->drive()->setPointAt( Coordinate( 1000.0, 0.0 ) );
		sleep ( 2 );

		this->pBrain->cbha()->innerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.4 );
		this->pBrain->cbha()->outerToCoordinate( 0.0, 0.4 );

		// Wait until Robotino is in position
		while ( this->pBrain->odom()->currentAbsSpeed() > 0.01 || this->pBrain->odom()->currentAbsOmega() > 0.01 )
			usleep( 100000 );


		std::cerr << "Wait for arm to reach position..." << std::endl;
		while ( this->pBrain->cbha()->armTotalPressureDiff() > 0.1 )
			usleep( 100000 );

			<< "Again, using your wrist tracked by Kinect, slightly push down on the tip of Robotinos gripper."
			<< std::endl;

		VolumeCoordinate kinectCoordinate1 = this->pBrain->cbha()->getTouchCoordinate();
		std::cerr << "Second coordinate stored: " << kinectCoordinate1 << std::endl;

		// Get current odom position
		AngularCoordinate odomPos1 = this->pBrain->odom()->getPosition();

			// Calculate actual heading and position:
		// This is done using the now known travel direction of Robotino, and
		// the approximate distance between the touched arm and Robotinos
		// center.
		Vector odomDeviation = Coordinate( 0.0, 1.0 ).getVector( odomPos1 );
		Angle phi;
		Coordinate kinectCoordinate0Adjusted = kinectCoordinate0;
		float kinectAngleDiff = 99.0;

		while ( true )
			Vector kinectVector = kinectCoordinate0Adjusted.getVector( kinectCoordinate1 );
			kinectAngleDiff -= fabs( kinectVector.phi() );

			kinectAngleDiff = fabs( kinectAngleDiff );

			phi = Angle( kinectVector.phi() + odomPos1.phi() );

			Coordinate convertedOdomDeviation = Vector( odomDeviation.magnitude(), phi.phi() ).cartesian();

			kinectCoordinate0Adjusted = Coordinate(
					kinectCoordinate0.x() + convertedOdomDeviation.x(),
					kinectCoordinate0.y() + convertedOdomDeviation.y() );

			if ( kinectAngleDiff > 0.01 ) break;
			kinectAngleDiff = fabs( kinectVector.phi() );

		// Calculate the arm offset to apply to the second kinect position
		Coordinate armVector = Vector( CONTROL_CALIBRATE_ARM_DISPLACEMENT, phi.phi() ).cartesian();

		// Calculate and apply coordinates and vector
		float x = kinectCoordinate1.x() - armVector.x();
		float y = kinectCoordinate1.y() - armVector.y();
		if ( this->pBrain->odom()->set( x, y, phi.phi() ) )
			usleep( 200000 );	// Give set a moment to take effect
			std::cerr << "Calibration completed, new position set: " << this->pBrain->odom()->getPosition() << std::endl;

		this->pBrain->drive()->setDestination( this->pBrain->odom()->getPosition() );