Exemplo n.º 1
	void BilliardsDemo::Reset()
		Model* model;
		Body* body;

		// Balls
		float r, g, b;
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++)
				r = glm::linearRand(0.0f, 1.0f);
				g = glm::linearRand(0.0f, 1.0f);
				b = glm::linearRand(0.0f, 1.0f);
				model = new Sphere(glm::vec3(r, g, b));
				glm::vec3 scale = glm::vec3(1);
				glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3((-i + 2 * j), 3, -1.73*i);
			    glm::quat orientation = glm::quat(1, 0, 0, 0);
				body = new Body(position, orientation, scale);
				body->SetCollider(new SphereCollider(body, scale.x));
				objects.push_back(new Object(model, body));
		model = new Sphere(glm::vec3(1));
	    glm::vec3 scale = glm::vec3(1);
		glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(0, 3, 16);
		glm::quat orientation = glm::quat(1, 0, 0, 0);
		body = new Body(position, orientation, scale);
		body->SetCollider(new SphereCollider(body, scale.x));
		body->SetVelocity(glm::vec3(0, 0, -50));
		objects.push_back(new Object(model, body));
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Function: SpawnShipNear
 * Create a ship and place it in space near the given <Body>.
 * > ship = Space.SpawnShip(type, body, min, max, hyperspace)
 * Parameters:
 *   type - the name of the ship
 *   body - the <Body> near which the ship should be spawned
 *   min - minimum distance from the body to place the ship, in Km
 *   max - maximum distance to place the ship
 *   hyperspace - optional table containing hyperspace entry information. If
 *                this is provided the ship will not spawn directly. Instead,
 *                a hyperspace cloud will be created that the ship will exit
 *                from. The table contains two elements, a <SystemPath> for
 *                the system the ship is travelling from, and the due
 *                date/time that the ship should emerge from the cloud.
 * Return:
 *   ship - a <Ship> object for the new ship
 * Example:
 * > -- spawn a ship 10km from the player
 * > local ship = Ship.SpawnNear("viper_police_craft", Game.player, 10, 10)
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_space_spawn_ship_near(lua_State *l)
    if (!Pi::game)
        luaL_error(l, "Game is not started");


    const char *type = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
    if (! ShipType::Get(type))
        luaL_error(l, "Unknown ship type '%s'", type);

    Body *nearbody = LuaObject<Body>::CheckFromLua(2);
    float min_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 3);
    float max_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 4);

    SystemPath *path = 0;
    double due = -1;
    _unpack_hyperspace_args(l, 5, path, due);

    Ship *ship = new Ship(type);

    Body *thing = _maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(ship, path, due);

    // XXX protect against spawning inside the body
    Frame * newframe = nearbody->GetFrame();
    const vector3d newPosition = (MathUtil::RandomPointOnSphere(min_dist, max_dist)* 1000.0) + nearbody->GetPosition();

    // If the frame is rotating and the chosen position is too far, use non-rotating parent.
    // Otherwise the ship will be given a massive initial velocity when it's bumped out of the
    // rotating frame in the next update
    if (newframe->IsRotFrame() && newframe->GetRadius() < newPosition.Length()) {
        newframe = newframe->GetParent();



    LUA_DEBUG_END(l, 1);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Function: SpawnShip
 * Create a ship and place it somewhere in space.
 * > ship = Space.SpawnShip(type, min, max, hyperspace)
 * Parameters:
 *   type - the name of the ship
 *   min - minimum distance from the system centre (usually the primary star)
 *         to place the ship, in AU
 *   max - maximum distance to place the ship
 *   hyperspace - optional table containing hyperspace entry information. If
 *                this is provided the ship will not spawn directly. Instead,
 *                a hyperspace cloud will be created that the ship will exit
 *                from. The table contains two elements, a <SystemPath> for
 *                the system the ship is travelling from, and the due
 *                date/time that the ship should emerge from the cloud.
 *                In this case min and max arguments are ignored.
 * Return:
 *   ship - a <Ship> object for the new ship
 * Examples:
 * > -- spawn a ship 5-6AU from the system centre
 * > local ship = Ship.Spawn("eagle_lrf", 5, 6)
 * > -- spawn a ship in the ~11AU hyperspace area and make it appear that it
 * > -- came from Sol and will arrive in ten minutes
 * > local ship = Ship.Spawn(
 * >     "flowerfairy", 9, 11,
 * >     { SystemPath:New(0,0,0), Game.time + 600 }
 * > )
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_space_spawn_ship(lua_State *l)
	if (!Pi::game)
		luaL_error(l, "Game is not started");


	const char *type = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
	if (! ShipType::Get(type))
		luaL_error(l, "Unknown ship type '%s'", type);

	float min_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);
	float max_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 3);

	SystemPath *path = NULL;
	double due = -1;
	_unpack_hyperspace_args(l, 4, path, due);

	Ship *ship = new Ship(type);

	Body *thing = _maybe_wrap_ship_with_cloud(ship, path, due);

	// XXX protect against spawning inside the body
	if (path == NULL)
		thing->SetPosition(MathUtil::RandomPointOnSphere(min_dist, max_dist)*AU);
		// XXX broken. this is ignoring min_dist & max_dist. otoh, what's the
		// correct behaviour given there's now a fixed hyperspace exit point?



	return 1;