Exemplo n.º 1
  // finds an action, adding it if necessary
CAction * CMUSHclientDoc::GetAction (const CString & strAction,
                                     const CString & strHint,
                                     const CString & strVariable)

  // not needed if all these are empty
  if (strAction.IsEmpty () &&
      strHint.IsEmpty () &&
      strVariable.IsEmpty ())
      return NULL;

unsigned long iHash = MakeActionHash (strAction, strHint, strVariable);

  for (POSITION pos = m_ActionList.GetHeadPosition (); pos; )
    CAction * pAction = m_ActionList.GetNext (pos);

    if (pAction->m_iHash == iHash &&
        pAction->m_strAction == strAction &&
        pAction->m_strHint == strHint &&
        pAction->m_strVariable == strVariable)
      pAction->AddRef (); // one more user of it
      return pAction;

    }   // end of lookup loop

  // here when action not found

  CAction * pAction = new CAction (strAction, strHint, strVariable, this);

  pAction->AddRef ();
  m_ActionList.AddTail (pAction);   
  return pAction;
  } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::GetAction