Exemplo n.º 1
// Purpose: 
void CHudHealth::OnThink()
	int newHealth = 0;
	C_BasePlayer *local = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( local )
		// Never below zero
		newHealth = MAX( local->GetHealth(), 0 );

	// Only update the fade if we've changed health
	if ( newHealth == m_iHealth )

	m_iHealth = newHealth;

	if ( m_iHealth >= 20 )
	else if ( m_iHealth > 0 )

// Purpose:
void CHudHealth::OnThink( void )
	float newHealth = 0;
	C_BasePlayer * local = C_BasePlayer:: GetLocalPlayer ();

	if (!local)

	// Never below zero 
	newHealth = max(local->GetHealth(), 0);

	// DevMsg("Sheild at is at: %f\n",newShield);
	// Only update the fade if we've changed health
	if (newHealth == m_flHealthSize)

	m_flHealthSize = newHealth;

	if ( m_flHealthSize >= 11 )
	else if ( m_flHealthSize > 0 )
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: hud.cpp Projeto: Yosam02/game
// Purpose: Return true if the passed in sections of the HUD shouldn't be drawn
bool CHud::IsHidden(int iHudFlags)
    // Not in game?
    if (!engine->IsInGame())
        return true;

    // No local player yet?
    C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
    if (!pPlayer)
        return true;

    // Get current hidden flags
    int iHideHud = pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD;
    if (hidehud.GetInt())
        iHideHud = hidehud.GetInt();

    // Everything hidden?
    if (iHideHud & HIDEHUD_ALL)
        return true;

    // Local player dead?
    if ((iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD) && (pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0 && !pPlayer->IsAlive()))
        return true;

    // Need the HEV suit ( HL2 )
    if ((iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_NEEDSUIT) && (!pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped()))
        return true;

    return ((iHudFlags & iHideHud) != 0);
// Purpose: If the shield has no health, and they're trying to raise it, flash the power level
void CWeaponCombatShield::HandleInput( void )
	// If the player's dead, ignore input
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->GetHealth() < 0 )

	// Attempting to raise the shield?
	if ( !GetShieldHealth() && ( gHUD.m_iKeyBits & IN_ATTACK2 ) )
		m_flFlashTimeEnd = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: Return true if the passed in sections of the HUD shouldn't be drawn
bool CHud::IsHidden( int iHudFlags, HUDRENDERSTAGE_t stage ) // GSTRINGMIGRATION
	const bool bDrawAll = m_iRenderingStage == HUDRENDERSTAGE_ALL;

	if ( !bDrawAll && stage != m_iRenderingStage )
		return true;

	// Not in game?
	if ( !engine->IsInGame() )
		return true;

	// No local player yet?
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return true;

	// Get current hidden flags
	int iHideHud = pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD;
	if ( hidehud.GetInt() )
		iHideHud = hidehud.GetInt();

	// Everything hidden?
	if ( iHideHud & HIDEHUD_ALL )
		return true;

	// Local player dead?
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD ) && ( pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0 && !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) )
		return true;

	// Need the HEV suit ( HL2 )
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_NEEDSUIT ) && ( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() ) )
		return true;

	// Hide all HUD elements during screenshot if the user's set hud_freezecamhide ( TF2 )
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
	extern bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot();
	extern ConVar hud_freezecamhide;

	if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() && hud_freezecamhide.GetBool() )
		return true;

	return ( ( iHudFlags & iHideHud ) != 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
// Purpose: 
void CWebHudFull::Health( void )
	int newHealth = 0;
	C_BasePlayer *local = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( local )
		// Never below zero
		newHealth = MAX( local->GetHealth(), 0 );

	// Only update the fade if we've changed health
	if ( newHealth == m_iHealth )

	m_iHealth = newHealth;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Purpose: Return true if the passed in sections of the HUD shouldn't be drawn
bool CHud::IsHidden( int iHudFlags )
	// Not in game?
	if ( !engine->IsInGame() )
		return true;

	// No local player yet?
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return true;

	// Get current hidden flags
	int iHideHud = pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD;
	if ( hidehud.GetInt() )
		iHideHud = hidehud.GetInt();

	// Everything hidden?
	if ( iHideHud & HIDEHUD_ALL )
		return true;

	// Local player dead?
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD ) && ( pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0 && !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) )
		return true;

	//BG2 - found this stuff removed while porting to 2016 - Awesome
	// Need the HEV suit ( HL2 )
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_NEEDSUIT ) && ( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() ) )
		return true;

	// Hide all HUD elements during screenshot if the user's set hud_freezecamhide ( TF2 )
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
	extern bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot();
	extern ConVar hud_freezecamhide;

	if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() && hud_freezecamhide.GetBool() )
		return true;
	return ( ( iHudFlags & iHideHud ) != 0);
// Purpose: 
void CHudHealth::OnThink()
	int x = 0;
	C_BasePlayer *local = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( local )
		// Never below zero
		x = max( local->GetHealth(), 0 );

	// Only update the fade if we've changed health
	if ( x == m_iHealth )

	m_flFade = FADE_TIME;
	m_iHealth = x;
Exemplo n.º 9
// Purpose: Return true if the passed in sections of the HUD shouldn't be drawn
bool CHud::IsHidden( int iHudFlags )
	// Not in game?
	if ( !m_bEngineIsInGame )
		return true;

	// No local player yet?
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer( m_nSplitScreenSlot );
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return true;

	// Get current hidden flags
	int iHideHud = pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD;
	if ( hidehud.GetInt() )
		iHideHud = hidehud.GetInt();

	// Hide all hud elements if we're blurring the background, since they don't blur properly
	if ( GetClientMode()->GetBlurFade() )
		return true;

	// Everything hidden?
	if ( iHideHud & HIDEHUD_ALL )
		return true;

	// Don't show hud elements when we're at the mainmenu with a background map running
	if (engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground())
		return true;

	// Local player dead?
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD ) && ( pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0 ) )
		return true;

	// Need the HEV suit ( HL2 )
	if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_NEEDSUIT ) && ( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() ) )
		return true;

	return ( ( iHudFlags & iHideHud ) != 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
C_BasePlayer* GetClosestPlayer(CUserCmd* cmd, bool visible, Bone& bestBone, float& bestDamage, AimTargetType aimTargetType = AimTargetType::FOV)
	if (Settings::Aimbot::AutoAim::realDistance)
		aimTargetType = AimTargetType::REAL_DISTANCE;

	bestBone = static_cast<Bone>(Settings::Aimbot::bone);

	C_BasePlayer* localplayer = (C_BasePlayer*) entityList->GetClientEntity(engine->GetLocalPlayer());
	C_BasePlayer* closestEntity = NULL;

	// TODO Change the big value with a distance/fov slider
	float bestFov = Settings::Aimbot::AutoAim::fov;
	float bestRealDistance = Settings::Aimbot::AutoAim::fov * 5.f;
	float bestDistance = 999999999.0f;
	int bestHp = 100;

	if (!localplayer)
		return NULL;

	for (int i = 1; i < engine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
		C_BasePlayer* player = (C_BasePlayer*) entityList->GetClientEntity(i);

		if (!player
			|| player == localplayer
			|| player->GetDormant()
			|| !player->GetAlive()
			|| player->GetImmune())

		if (!Settings::Aimbot::friendly && player->GetTeam() == localplayer->GetTeam())

		IEngineClient::player_info_t entityInformation;
		engine->GetPlayerInfo(i, &entityInformation);

		if (std::find(Aimbot::friends.begin(), Aimbot::friends.end(), entityInformation.xuid) != Aimbot::friends.end())

		Vector eVecTarget = player->GetBonePosition((int) Settings::Aimbot::bone);
		Vector pVecTarget = localplayer->GetEyePosition();

		QAngle viewAngles;

		float distance = pVecTarget.DistTo(eVecTarget);
		float fov = Math::GetFov(viewAngles, Math::CalcAngle(pVecTarget, eVecTarget));
		float real_distance = GetRealDistanceFOV(distance, Math::CalcAngle(pVecTarget, eVecTarget), cmd);
		int hp = player->GetHealth();

		if (aimTargetType == AimTargetType::DISTANCE && distance > bestDistance)

		if (aimTargetType == AimTargetType::FOV && fov > bestFov)

		if (aimTargetType == AimTargetType::REAL_DISTANCE && real_distance > bestRealDistance)

		if (aimTargetType == AimTargetType::HP && hp > bestHp)

		if (visible && !Settings::Aimbot::AutoWall::enabled && !Entity::IsVisible(player, Settings::Aimbot::bone))

		bestBone = static_cast<Bone>(Entity::GetBoneByName(player, targets[(int) Settings::Aimbot::bone]));

		if (Settings::Aimbot::AutoWall::enabled)
			float damage = 0.0f;
			Bone bone;
			GetBestBone(player, damage, bone);

			if (damage >= bestDamage && damage >= Settings::Aimbot::AutoWall::value)
				bestDamage = damage;
				bestBone = bone;
				closestEntity = player;
			closestEntity = player;
			bestFov = fov;
			bestRealDistance = real_distance;
			bestDistance = distance;
			bestHp = hp;

	return closestEntity;
Exemplo n.º 11
void CHUDQuickInfo::Paint()

	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( player == NULL )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
	if ( pWeapon == NULL )

	float fX, fY;
	bool bBehindCamera = false;
	CHudCrosshair::GetDrawPosition( &fX, &fY, &bBehindCamera );

	// if the crosshair is behind the camera, don't draw it
	if( bBehindCamera )

	int		xCenter	= (int)fX;
	int		yCenter = (int)fY - m_icon_lb->Height() / 2;

	float	scalar  = 138.0f/255.0f;
	// Check our health for a warning
	int	health	= player->GetHealth();
	if ( health != m_lastHealth )
		m_lastHealth = health;

			if ( m_warnHealth == false )
				m_healthFade = 255;
				m_warnHealth = true;
				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" );
			m_warnHealth = false;

	// Check our ammo for a warning
	int	ammo = pWeapon->Clip1();
	if ( ammo != m_lastAmmo )
		m_lastAmmo	= ammo;

		// Find how far through the current clip we are
		float ammoPerc = (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1();

		// Warn if we're below a certain percentage of our clip's size
		if (( pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() > 1 ) && ( ammoPerc <= ( 1.0f - CLIP_PERC_THRESHOLD )))
			if ( m_warnAmmo == false )
				m_ammoFade = 255;
				m_warnAmmo = true;

				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" );
			m_warnAmmo = false;

	Color clrNormal = gHUD.m_clrNormal;
	clrNormal[3] = 255 * scalar;
	m_icon_c->DrawSelf( xCenter, yCenter, clrNormal );

	if( IsX360() )
		// Because the fixed reticle draws on half-texels, this rather unsightly hack really helps
		// center the appearance of the quickinfo on 360 displays.
		xCenter += 1;

	if ( !hud_quickinfo.GetInt() )

	int	sinScale = (int)( fabs(sin(gpGlobals->curtime*8.0f)) * 128.0f );

	// Update our health
	if ( m_healthFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_healthFade );
		float healthPerc = (float) health / 100.0f;
		healthPerc = clamp( healthPerc, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		Color healthColor = m_warnHealth ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnHealth )
			healthColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			healthColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - (m_icon_lb->Width() * 2), yCenter, m_icon_lb, m_icon_lbe, ( 1.0f - healthPerc ), healthColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );

	// Update our ammo
	if ( m_ammoFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_ammoFade );
		float ammoPerc;

		if ( pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() <= 0 )
			ammoPerc = 0.0f;
			ammoPerc = 1.0f - ( (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() );
			ammoPerc = clamp( ammoPerc, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		Color ammoColor = m_warnAmmo ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnAmmo )
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + m_icon_rb->Width(), yCenter, m_icon_rb, m_icon_rbe, ammoPerc, ammoColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
Exemplo n.º 12
void CHUDQuickInfo::Paint()
	CHudTexture	*icon_c		= gHUD.GetIcon( "crosshair" );
	CHudTexture	*icon_rb	= gHUD.GetIcon( "crosshair_right" );
	CHudTexture	*icon_lb	= gHUD.GetIcon( "crosshair_left" );

	if ( !icon_c || !icon_rb || !icon_lb )

	int		xCenter	= ( ScreenWidth() / 2 ) - icon_c->Width() / 2;
	int		yCenter = ( ScreenHeight() / 2 ) - icon_c->Height() / 2;
	int		scalar;
	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( player == NULL )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();

	if ( pWeapon == NULL )

	//Get our values
	int	health	= player->GetHealth();
	int	ammo	= pWeapon->Clip1();

	if ( m_fDamageFade > 0.0f )
		m_fDamageFade -= (gpGlobals->frametime * 200.0f);

	//Check our health for a warning
	if ( health != m_lastHealth )
		if ( health < m_lastHealth )
			m_fDamageFade = QINFO_FADE_TIME;

		m_fFade			= QINFO_FADE_TIME;
		m_lastHealth	= health;

			if ( m_warnHealth == false )
				m_healthFade = 255;
				m_warnHealth = true;
				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowHealth" );
			m_warnHealth = false;

	// Check our ammo for a warning
	if ( ammo != m_lastAmmo )
		m_fFade		= QINFO_FADE_TIME;
		m_lastAmmo	= ammo;

		if ( ( (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() ) <= ( 1.0f - CLIP_PERC_THRESHOLD ) )
			if ( m_warnAmmo == false )
				m_ammoFade = 255;
				m_warnAmmo = true;

				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "HUDQuickInfo.LowAmmo" );
			m_warnAmmo = false;

	//Get our crosshair intensity
	if ( m_fFade > 0.0f )
		m_fFade  -= (gpGlobals->frametime * 50.0f);

		if ( m_fFade  < 128.0f )
			scalar = (int) max( 16, (m_fFade) );
			scalar = 128;
		scalar = 16;

	if ( player->IsInAVehicle() )
		scalar = 48;

	Color clrNormal = gHUD.m_clrNormal;
	clrNormal[3] = 255 * scalar;
	icon_c->DrawSelf( xCenter, yCenter, clrNormal );

	int	sinScale = (int)( fabs(sin(gpGlobals->curtime*8.0f)) * 128.0f );

	//Update our health
	if ( m_healthFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter - 10, yCenter-5, icon_lb, m_healthFade );
		float	healthPerc = (float) health / 100.0f;

		Color healthColor = m_warnHealth ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnHealth )
			healthColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			healthColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter - 10, yCenter-5, icon_lb, ( 1.0f - healthPerc ), healthColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );

	//Update our ammo
	if ( m_ammoFade > 0.0f )
		DrawWarning( xCenter + icon_rb->Width() - 6, yCenter-5, icon_rb, m_ammoFade );
		float ammoPerc = 1.0f - ( (float) ammo / (float) pWeapon->GetMaxClip1() );

		Color ammoColor = m_warnAmmo ? gHUD.m_clrCaution : gHUD.m_clrNormal;
		if ( m_warnAmmo )
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * sinScale;
			ammoColor[3] = 255 * scalar;
		gHUD.DrawIconProgressBar( xCenter + icon_rb->Width() - 6, yCenter-5, icon_rb, ammoPerc, ammoColor, CHud::HUDPB_VERTICAL );
Exemplo n.º 13
void CBaseHTML::WebThink()
	if ( !cl_web_think.GetBool() )

	float flNextThink = cl_web_think_interval.GetFloat();

	// Información de la partida
	SetProperty( "isInGame", JSValue(engine->IsInGame()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "isPaused", JSValue(engine->IsPaused()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "maxClients", JSValue(engine->GetMaxClients()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "isLoading", JSValue(GameUI().m_bIsLoading), m_pGameObject );

	if ( InRules )
		SetProperty( "gameMode", JSValue(InRules->GameMode()), m_pGameObject );
	// Obtenemos al Jugador
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	// Existe, estamos en una partida
	if ( pPlayer )
		// Información actual del Jugador
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
		int iHealth					= pPlayer->GetHealth();
		int iAmmo					= 0;
		int iAmmoTotal				= 0;

		// Tenemos un arma
		if ( pWeapon )
			iAmmo		= pWeapon->Clip1();
			iAmmoTotal	= pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

		// Actualizamos la información básica
		SetProperty( "health", JSValue(iHealth), m_pPlayerObject );
		SetProperty( "clip1Ammo", JSValue(iAmmo), m_pPlayerObject );
		SetProperty( "clip1TotalAmmo", JSValue(iAmmoTotal), m_pPlayerObject );

	// Información de la API de Steam
	if ( IsPC() && steamapicontext )
		// ID de Steam
		if ( !m_pSteamID )
			// Intentamos obtener la ID
			if ( steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
				CSteamID steamID	= steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID();
				uint64 mySteamID	= steamID.ConvertToUint64();
				m_pSteamID			= VarArgs("%llu", mySteamID);

			// ID cargada, se lo dejamos a JavaScript...
			if ( m_pSteamID )
				SetProperty( "playerID", JSValue(WSLit(m_pSteamID)), m_pSteamObject );
				ExecuteJavaScript( "Helper.loadUserInfo()", "" );

		// Utilidades e información
		if ( steamapicontext->SteamUtils() )
			uint32 serverTime	= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetServerRealTime();
			const char *country = steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetIPCountry();
			uint8 battery		= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetCurrentBatteryPower();
			uint32 computer		= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetSecondsSinceComputerActive();

			SetProperty( "serverTime", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", serverTime))), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "country", JSValue(country), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "batteryPower", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", battery))), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "computerActive", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", computer))), m_pSteamObject );

	// Pensamiento en JS
	ExecuteJavaScript( "think()", "" );

	// Pensamiento nuevamente en...
	m_flNextThink = gpGlobals->curtime + flNextThink;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Purpose: Draw function for the element
void CTargetID::Paint()
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// No id if still choosing class
	if ( C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetClass() == TFCLASS_UNDECIDED )

	// Get our target's ent index
	int iEntIndex = C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetIDTarget();
	// Didn't find one?
	if ( !iEntIndex )
		// Check to see if we should clear our ID
		if ( m_flLastChangeTime && (gpGlobals->curtime > (m_flLastChangeTime + 0.5)) )
			m_flLastChangeTime = 0;
			m_sIDString[0] = 0;
			m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
			// Keep re-using the old one
			iEntIndex = m_iLastEntIndex;
		m_flLastChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	// Is this an entindex sent by the server?
	if ( iEntIndex )
		C_BaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<C_BaseTFPlayer*>(cl_entitylist->GetEnt( iEntIndex ));
		C_BaseTFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

		// Some entities we always want to check, cause the text may change
		// even while we're looking at it
		// Is it a player?
		if ( IsPlayerIndex( iEntIndex ) )
			if ( pPlayer->InSameTeam(pLocalPlayer) )
				// Check distance to other player, and if the player is on the same team
				float flDistSq = pPlayer->GetRenderOrigin().DistToSqr( pLocalPlayer->GetRenderOrigin() );
				if ( flDistSq < PLAYER_HINT_DISTANCE_SQ )
					Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nHealth: %.0f percent\nUse to donate resources",
						pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), ((float)pPlayer->GetHealth() / (float)pPlayer->GetMaxHealth() ) * 100 );
					Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nHealth: %.0f percent",
						pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), ((float)pPlayer->GetHealth() / (float)pPlayer->GetMaxHealth() ) * 100 );
			else if (( pPlayer->GetHealth() == 0) && (pLocalPlayer->GetClass() == TFCLASS_INFILTRATOR) )
				Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nUse to disguise as this player", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
				m_sIDString[0] = 0;
				m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
			// Objects
			C_BaseEntity *pEnt = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( iEntIndex );
			if ( !pEnt || !pEnt->InSameTeam(pLocalPlayer) )
				// This can happen because the object was destroyed
				m_sIDString[0] = 0;
				m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
				// Don't check validity if it's sent by the server
				Q_strncpy( m_sIDString, pEnt->GetIDString(), sizeof(m_sIDString) );
				m_iLastEntIndex = iEntIndex;

	// Draw our ID string
	if ( m_sIDString[0] )
		int width, height;
		int ypos = YRES(300);

		// Messagechars can't handle multiple line strings, so parse out the \n's and give it one line at a time
		char *ch = m_sIDString;
		while ( *ch )
			// Find the next newline
			char *next_line;
			for ( next_line = ch; *next_line != '\n' && *next_line != 0; next_line++ )

			// Stomp the newline
			char *top = next_line;
			if ( *top == '\n' )
				*top = 0;
				top = NULL;

			// Draw the line
			messagechars->GetStringLength( m_hFont, &width, &height, ch );
			messagechars->DrawString( m_hFont, (ScreenWidth() - width) / 2, ypos, 255, 255, 245, 255, ch, IMessageChars::MESSAGESTRINGID_NONE );

			ypos += height;

			// Restore the newline
			if ( top ) 
				*top = '\n';

			// Move to the next line
			ch = next_line;
			if ( *ch == '\n' )