Exemplo n.º 1
void CHudDamageIndicator::CalcDamageDirection( const Vector &vecFrom )
	if ( vecFrom == vec3_origin )
		m_flAttackFront	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackRear	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackRight	= 0.0;
		m_flAttackLeft	= 0.0;


	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pLocalPlayer )

	Vector vecDelta = ( vecFrom - pLocalPlayer->GetRenderOrigin() );

	if ( vecDelta.Length() <= 50 )
		m_flAttackFront	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackRear	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackRight	= 1.0;
		m_flAttackLeft	= 1.0;


	VectorNormalize( vecDelta );

	Vector forward;
	Vector right;
	AngleVectors( MainViewAngles(), &forward, &right, NULL );

	float flFront	= DotProduct( vecDelta, forward );
	float flSide	= DotProduct( vecDelta, right );

	if ( flFront > 0 )
		if ( flFront > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackFront = max( m_flAttackFront, flFront );
		float f = fabs( flFront );
		if ( f > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackRear = max( m_flAttackRear, f );

	if ( flSide > 0 )
		if ( flSide > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackRight = max( m_flAttackRight, flSide );
		float f = fabs( flSide );
		if ( f > 0.3 )
			m_flAttackLeft = max( m_flAttackLeft, f );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CFlashlightEffect::ComputeLightPosAndOrientation( const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecForward, const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp,
														Vector& vecFinalPos, Quaternion& quatOrientation, bool bTracePlayers )
	const float flEpsilon = 0.1f;			// Offset flashlight position along vecUp
	float flDistCutoff = r_flashlighttracedistcutoff.GetFloat();
	const float flDistDrag = 0.2;
	bool bDebugVis = r_flashlightvisualizetrace.GetBool();

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( m_nEntIndex );
	if ( !pPlayer )

		pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

		if ( !pPlayer )
			Assert( false );
			return false;

	// We will lock some of the flashlight params if player is on a ladder, to prevent oscillations due to the trace-rays
	bool bPlayerOnLadder = ( pPlayer->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_LADDER );

	CTraceFilterSkipPlayerAndViewModel traceFilter( pPlayer, bTracePlayers );

	//	Vector vOrigin = vecPos + r_flashlightoffsety.GetFloat() * vecUp;
	Vector vecOffset;
	pPlayer->GetFlashlightOffset( vecForward, vecRight, vecUp, &vecOffset );
	Vector vOrigin = vecPos + vecOffset;

	// Not on ladder...trace a hull
	if ( !bPlayerOnLadder ) 
		Vector vecPlayerEyePos = pPlayer->GetRenderOrigin() + pPlayer->GetViewOffset();

		trace_t pmOriginTrace;
		UTIL_TraceHull( vecPlayerEyePos, vOrigin, Vector(-2, -2, -2), Vector(2, 2, 2), ( MASK_SOLID & ~(CONTENTS_HITBOX) ) | CONTENTS_WINDOW | CONTENTS_GRATE, &traceFilter, &pmOriginTrace );//1

		if ( bDebugVis )
			debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( pmOriginTrace.endpos, Vector( -2, -2, -2 ), Vector( 2, 2, 2 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 255, 0, 16, 0 );
			if ( pmOriginTrace.DidHit() || pmOriginTrace.startsolid )
				debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( pmOriginTrace.startpos, pmOriginTrace.endpos, 255, 128, 128, true, 0 );
				debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( pmOriginTrace.startpos, pmOriginTrace.endpos, 255, 0, 0, true, 0 );

		if ( pmOriginTrace.DidHit() || pmOriginTrace.startsolid )
			vOrigin = pmOriginTrace.endpos;
			if ( pPlayer->m_vecFlashlightOrigin != vecPlayerEyePos )
				vOrigin = vecPos;
	else // on ladder...skip the above hull trace
		vOrigin = vecPos;

	// Now do a trace along the flashlight direction to ensure there is nothing within range to pull back from

	Vector vTarget = vOrigin + vecForward * r_flashlightfar.GetFloat();

	// Work with these local copies of the basis for the rest of the function
	Vector vDir   = vTarget - vOrigin;
	Vector vRight = vecRight;
	Vector vUp    = vecUp;
	VectorNormalize( vDir   );
	VectorNormalize( vRight );
	VectorNormalize( vUp    );

	// Orthonormalize the basis, since the flashlight texture projection will require this later...
	vUp -= DotProduct( vDir, vUp ) * vDir;
	VectorNormalize( vUp );
	vRight -= DotProduct( vDir, vRight ) * vDir;
	VectorNormalize( vRight );
	vRight -= DotProduct( vUp, vRight ) * vUp;
	VectorNormalize( vRight );

	AssertFloatEquals( DotProduct( vDir, vRight ), 0.0f, 1e-3 );
	AssertFloatEquals( DotProduct( vDir, vUp    ), 0.0f, 1e-3 );
	AssertFloatEquals( DotProduct( vRight, vUp  ), 0.0f, 1e-3 );

	trace_t pmDirectionTrace;
	UTIL_TraceHull( vOrigin, vTarget, Vector( -1.5, -1.5, -1.5 ), Vector( 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 ), iMask, &traceFilter, &pmDirectionTrace );//.5

	if ( bDebugVis )
		debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( pmDirectionTrace.endpos, Vector( -4, -4, -4 ), Vector( 4, 4, 4 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 0, 255, 16, 0 );
		debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vOrigin, pmDirectionTrace.endpos, 255, 0, 0, false, 0 );

	float flTargetPullBackDist = 0.0f;
	float flDist = (pmDirectionTrace.endpos - vOrigin).Length();

	if ( flDist < flDistCutoff )
		// We have an intersection with our cutoff range
		// Determine how far to pull back, then trace to see if we are clear
		float flPullBackDist = bPlayerOnLadder ? r_flashlightladderdist.GetFloat() : flDistCutoff - flDist;	// Fixed pull-back distance if on ladder

		flTargetPullBackDist = flPullBackDist;

		if ( !bPlayerOnLadder )
			trace_t pmBackTrace;
			// start the trace away from the actual trace origin a bit, to avoid getting stuck on small, close "lips"
			UTIL_TraceHull( vOrigin - vDir * ( flDistCutoff * r_flashlightbacktraceoffset.GetFloat() ), vOrigin - vDir * ( flPullBackDist - flEpsilon ),
				Vector( -1.5f, -1.5f, -1.5f ), Vector( 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f ), iMask, &traceFilter, &pmBackTrace );

			if ( bDebugVis )
				debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( pmBackTrace.startpos, pmBackTrace.endpos, 255, 0, 255, true, 0 );

			if( pmBackTrace.DidHit() )
				// We have an intersection behind us as well, so limit our flTargetPullBackDist
				float flMaxDist = (pmBackTrace.endpos - vOrigin).Length() - flEpsilon;
				flTargetPullBackDist = MIN( flMaxDist, flTargetPullBackDist );
				//m_flCurrentPullBackDist = MIN( flMaxDist, m_flCurrentPullBackDist );	// possible pop

	if ( bDebugVis )
		// visualize pullback
		debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vOrigin - vDir * m_flCurrentPullBackDist, Vector( -2, -2, -2 ), Vector( 2, 2, 2 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 255, 255, 0, 16, 0 );
		debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( vOrigin - vDir * flTargetPullBackDist, Vector( -1, -1, -1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 128, 128, 0, 16, 0 );

	m_flCurrentPullBackDist = Lerp( flDistDrag, m_flCurrentPullBackDist, flTargetPullBackDist );
	m_flCurrentPullBackDist = MIN( m_flCurrentPullBackDist, flDistCutoff );	// clamp to max pullback dist
	vOrigin = vOrigin - vDir * m_flCurrentPullBackDist;

	vecFinalPos = vOrigin;
	BasisToQuaternion( vDir, vRight, vUp, quatOrientation );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Draw function for the element
void CTargetID::Paint()
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// No id if still choosing class
	if ( C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetClass() == TFCLASS_UNDECIDED )

	// Get our target's ent index
	int iEntIndex = C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer()->GetIDTarget();
	// Didn't find one?
	if ( !iEntIndex )
		// Check to see if we should clear our ID
		if ( m_flLastChangeTime && (gpGlobals->curtime > (m_flLastChangeTime + 0.5)) )
			m_flLastChangeTime = 0;
			m_sIDString[0] = 0;
			m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
			// Keep re-using the old one
			iEntIndex = m_iLastEntIndex;
		m_flLastChangeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	// Is this an entindex sent by the server?
	if ( iEntIndex )
		C_BaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<C_BaseTFPlayer*>(cl_entitylist->GetEnt( iEntIndex ));
		C_BaseTFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BaseTFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

		// Some entities we always want to check, cause the text may change
		// even while we're looking at it
		// Is it a player?
		if ( IsPlayerIndex( iEntIndex ) )
			if ( pPlayer->InSameTeam(pLocalPlayer) )
				// Check distance to other player, and if the player is on the same team
				float flDistSq = pPlayer->GetRenderOrigin().DistToSqr( pLocalPlayer->GetRenderOrigin() );
				if ( flDistSq < PLAYER_HINT_DISTANCE_SQ )
					Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nHealth: %.0f percent\nUse to donate resources",
						pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), ((float)pPlayer->GetHealth() / (float)pPlayer->GetMaxHealth() ) * 100 );
					Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nHealth: %.0f percent",
						pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), ((float)pPlayer->GetHealth() / (float)pPlayer->GetMaxHealth() ) * 100 );
			else if (( pPlayer->GetHealth() == 0) && (pLocalPlayer->GetClass() == TFCLASS_INFILTRATOR) )
				Q_snprintf( m_sIDString, sizeof(m_sIDString), "%s\nUse to disguise as this player", pPlayer->GetPlayerName() );
				m_sIDString[0] = 0;
				m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
			// Objects
			C_BaseEntity *pEnt = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( iEntIndex );
			if ( !pEnt || !pEnt->InSameTeam(pLocalPlayer) )
				// This can happen because the object was destroyed
				m_sIDString[0] = 0;
				m_iLastEntIndex = 0;
				// Don't check validity if it's sent by the server
				Q_strncpy( m_sIDString, pEnt->GetIDString(), sizeof(m_sIDString) );
				m_iLastEntIndex = iEntIndex;

	// Draw our ID string
	if ( m_sIDString[0] )
		int width, height;
		int ypos = YRES(300);

		// Messagechars can't handle multiple line strings, so parse out the \n's and give it one line at a time
		char *ch = m_sIDString;
		while ( *ch )
			// Find the next newline
			char *next_line;
			for ( next_line = ch; *next_line != '\n' && *next_line != 0; next_line++ )

			// Stomp the newline
			char *top = next_line;
			if ( *top == '\n' )
				*top = 0;
				top = NULL;

			// Draw the line
			messagechars->GetStringLength( m_hFont, &width, &height, ch );
			messagechars->DrawString( m_hFont, (ScreenWidth() - width) / 2, ypos, 255, 255, 245, 255, ch, IMessageChars::MESSAGESTRINGID_NONE );

			ypos += height;

			// Restore the newline
			if ( top ) 
				*top = '\n';

			// Move to the next line
			ch = next_line;
			if ( *ch == '\n' )