Exemplo n.º 1
void IsisMain() {

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  FileList addList(ui.GetFileName("ADDLIST"));

  bool log = false;
  FileName logFile;
  if (ui.WasEntered("LOG")) {
    log = true;
    logFile = ui.GetFileName("LOG");
  Pvl results;
  PvlKeyword added("FilesAdded");
  PvlKeyword omitted("FilesOmitted");
  PvlKeyword pointsModified("PointsModified");

  bool checkMeasureValidity = ui.WasEntered("DEFFILE");
  ControlNetValidMeasure validator;
  if (checkMeasureValidity) {
    Pvl deffile(ui.GetFileName("DEFFILE"));
    validator = ControlNetValidMeasure(deffile);

  SerialNumberList *fromSerials = ui.WasEntered("FROMLIST") ?
    new SerialNumberList(ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST")) : new SerialNumberList();

  ControlNet inNet = ControlNet(ui.GetFileName("CNET"));
  inNet.SetModifiedDate(iTime::CurrentLocalTime()); //This should be done in ControlNet's Write fn

  QString retrievalOpt = ui.GetString("RETRIEVAL");
  PvlKeyword duplicates("DupSerialNumbers");
  if (retrievalOpt == "REFERENCE") {
    FileList list1(ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST"));
    SerialNumberList addSerials(ui.GetFileName("ADDLIST"));

    //Check for duplicate files in the lists by serial number
    for (int i = 0; i < addSerials.Size(); i++) {

      // Check for duplicate SNs accross the lists
      if (fromSerials->HasSerialNumber(addSerials.SerialNumber(i))) {

      // Check for duplicate SNs within the addlist
      for (int j = i + 1; j < addSerials.Size(); j++) {
        if (addSerials.SerialNumber(i) == addSerials.SerialNumber(j)) {
          QString msg = "Add list files [" + addSerials.FileName(i) + "] and [";
          msg += addSerials.FileName(j) + "] share the same serial number.";
          throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // Get the lat/long coords from the existing reference measure
    setControlPointLatLon(*fromSerials, inNet);
  else {
    for (int cp = 0; cp < inNet.GetNumPoints(); cp++) {
      // Get the surface point from the current control point
      ControlPoint *point = inNet.GetPoint(cp);
      SurfacePoint surfacePoint = point->GetBestSurfacePoint();

      if (!surfacePoint.Valid()) {
        QString msg = "Unable to retreive lat/lon from Control Point [";
        msg += point->GetId() + "]. RETREIVAL=POINT cannot be used unless ";
        msg += "all Control Points have Latitude/Longitude keywords.";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      g_surfacePoints[point->GetId()] = surfacePoint;

  FileName outNetFile(ui.GetFileName("ONET"));

  Progress progress;
  progress.SetText("Adding Images");

  STRtree coordTree;
  QList<ControlPoint *> pointList;
  bool usePolygon = ui.GetBoolean("POLYGON");
  if (usePolygon) {
    for (int cp = 0; cp < inNet.GetNumPoints(); cp++) {
      ControlPoint *point = inNet.GetPoint(cp);
      SurfacePoint surfacePoint = g_surfacePoints[point->GetId()];

      Longitude lon = surfacePoint.GetLongitude();
      Latitude lat = surfacePoint.GetLatitude();

      Coordinate *coord = new Coordinate(lon.degrees(), lat.degrees());
      Envelope *envelope = new Envelope(*coord);
      coordTree.insert(envelope, point);
  else {
    for (int cp = 0; cp < inNet.GetNumPoints(); cp++) {

  // Loop through all the images
  for (int img = 0; img < addList.size(); img++) {
    Cube cube;
    Pvl *cubepvl = cube.label();
    QString sn = SerialNumber::Compose(*cubepvl);
    Camera *cam = cube.camera();

    // Loop through all the control points
    QList<ControlPoint *> validPoints = usePolygon ?
        getValidPoints(cube, coordTree) : pointList;

    bool imageAdded = false;
    for (int cp = 0; cp < validPoints.size(); cp++) {
      ControlPoint *point = validPoints[cp];

      // If the point is locked and Apriori source is "AverageOfMeasures"
      // then do not add the measures.
      if (point->IsEditLocked() &&
          point->GetAprioriSurfacePointSource() ==
              ControlPoint::SurfacePointSource::AverageOfMeasures) {

      if (point->HasSerialNumber(sn)) continue;

      // Only use the surface point's latitude and longitude, rely on the DEM
      // for computing the radius.  We do this because otherwise we will receive
      // inconsistent results from successive runs of this program if the
      // different DEMs are used, or the point X, Y, Z was generated from the
      // ellipsoid.
      SurfacePoint surfacePoint = g_surfacePoints[point->GetId()];
      if (cam->SetGround(
              surfacePoint.GetLatitude(), surfacePoint.GetLongitude())) {

        // Make sure the samp & line are inside the image
        if (cam->InCube()) {
          ControlMeasure *newCm = new ControlMeasure();
          newCm->SetCoordinate(cam->Sample(), cam->Line(), ControlMeasure::Candidate);
          newCm->SetChooserName("Application cnetadd");

          // Check the measure for DEFFILE validity
          if (checkMeasureValidity) {
            if (!validator.ValidEmissionAngle(cam->EmissionAngle())) {
              //TODO: log that it was Emission Angle that failed the check
            else if (!validator.ValidIncidenceAngle(cam->IncidenceAngle())) {
              //TODO: log that it was Incidence Angle that failed the check
            else if (!validator.ValidResolution(cam->resolution())) {
              //TODO: log that it was Resolution that failed the check
            else if (!validator.PixelsFromEdge((int)cam->Sample(), (int)cam->Line(), &cube)) {
              //TODO: log that it was Pixels from Edge that failed the check
            else {
              Portal portal(1, 1, cube.pixelType());
              portal.SetPosition(cam->Sample(), cam->Line(), 1);
              if (!validator.ValidDnValue(portal[0])) {
                //TODO: log that it was DN that failed the check

          point->Add(newCm); // Point takes ownership

          // Record the modified Point and Measure
          newCm = NULL; // Do not delete because the point has ownership

          if (retrievalOpt == "POINT" && point->GetNumMeasures() == 1)

          imageAdded = true;

    cubepvl = NULL;
    cam = NULL;

    if (log) {
      PvlKeyword &logKeyword = (imageAdded) ? added : omitted;


  if (log) {
    // Add the list of modified points to the output log file
    QList<QString> modifiedPointsList = g_modifications.keys();
    for (int i = 0; i < modifiedPointsList.size(); i++)
      pointsModified += modifiedPointsList[i];

    if (duplicates.size() > 0) {


  // List the modified points
  if (ui.WasEntered("MODIFIEDPOINTS")) {
    FileName pointList(ui.GetFileName("MODIFIEDPOINTS"));

    // Set up the output file for writing
    std::ofstream out_stream;
    out_stream.open(pointList.expanded().toAscii().data(), std::ios::out);
    out_stream.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);   //Start writing from beginning of file

    QList<QString> modifiedPointsList = g_modifications.keys();
    for (int i = 0; i < modifiedPointsList.size(); i++)
      out_stream << modifiedPointsList[i].toStdString() << std::endl;


  // Modify the inNet to only have modified points/measures
  if (ui.GetString("EXTRACT") == "MODIFIED") {
    for (int cp = inNet.GetNumPoints() - 1; cp >= 0; cp--) {
      ControlPoint *point = inNet.GetPoint(cp);

      // If the point was not modified, delete
      // Even get rid of edit locked points in this case
      if (!g_modifications.contains(point->GetId())) {
      // Else, remove the unwanted measures from the modified point
      else {
        for (int cm = point->GetNumMeasures() - 1; cm >= 0; cm--) {
          ControlMeasure *measure = point->GetMeasure(cm);

          // Even get rid of edit locked measures in this case
          if (point->GetRefMeasure() != measure &&
                  measure->GetCubeSerialNumber())) {

  // Generate the TOLIST if wanted
  if (ui.WasEntered("TOLIST")) {
    SerialNumberList toList;

    SerialNumberList addSerials(ui.GetFileName("ADDLIST"));

    const QList<QString> snList = inNet.GetCubeSerials();
    for (int i = 0; i < snList.size(); i++) {
      QString sn = snList[i];

      if (addSerials.HasSerialNumber(sn))
      else if (fromSerials->HasSerialNumber(sn))

    IString name(ui.GetFileName("TOLIST"));
    std::fstream out_stream;
    out_stream.open(name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
    out_stream.seekp(0, std::ios::beg); //Start writing from beginning of file

    for (int f = 0; f < (int) toList.Size(); f++)
      out_stream << toList.FileName(f) << std::endl;



  delete fromSerials;
Exemplo n.º 2
/** The ISIS smtk main application */
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Open the first cube.  It is the left hand image.
  Cube lhImage;
  CubeAttributeInput &attLeft = ui.GetInputAttribute("FROM");
  vector<QString> bandLeft = attLeft.bands();

  // Open the second cube, it is geomertricallty altered.  We will be matching the
  // first to this one by attempting to compute a sample/line offsets
  Cube rhImage;
  CubeAttributeInput &attRight = ui.GetInputAttribute("MATCH");
  vector<QString> bandRight = attRight.bands();

  // Ensure only single bands
  if (lhImage.bandCount() != 1 || rhImage.bandCount() != 1) {
    QString msg = "Input Cubes must have only one band!";
    throw IException(IException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  //  Both images must have a Camera and can also have a Projection.  We will
  //  only deal with a Camera, however as a projected, non-mosaicked image
  //  uses a Projection internal to the Camera object.
  Camera *lhCamera = NULL;
  Camera *rhCamera = NULL;
  try {
    lhCamera = lhImage.camera();
    rhCamera = rhImage.camera();
  catch (IException &ie) {
    QString msg = "Both input images must have a camera";
    throw IException(ie, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //  Since we are generating a DEM, we must turn off any existing
  //  DEM that may have been initialized with spiceinit.

  // Get serial number
  QString serialLeft = SerialNumber::Compose(lhImage, true);
  QString serialRight = SerialNumber::Compose(rhImage, true);

//  This still precludes band to band registrations.
  if (serialLeft == serialRight) {
    QString sLeft = FileName(lhImage.fileName()).name();
    QString sRight = FileName(rhImage.fileName()).name();
    if (sLeft == sRight) {
      QString msg = "Cube Serial Numbers must be unique - FROM=" + serialLeft +
                   ", MATCH=" + serialRight;
      throw IException(IException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);
    serialLeft = sLeft;
    serialRight = sRight;

  Progress prog;
  prog.SetText("Finding Initial Seeds");

  int nl = lhImage.lineCount();
  int ns = lhImage.sampleCount();
  BigInt numAttemptedInitialPoints = 0;

  //  Declare Gruen matcher
  SmtkMatcher matcher(ui.GetFileName("REGDEF"), &lhImage, &rhImage);

  // Get line/sample linc/sinc parameters
  int space   = ui.GetInteger("SPACE");
  int linc (space), sinc(space);

  // Do we have a seed points from a control net file?
  bool useseed = ui.WasEntered("CNET");

  // Base points on an input cnet
  SmtkQStack gstack;
  double lastEigen(0.0);
  if (useseed) {
    ControlNet cnet(ui.GetFileName("CNET"));


    for (int cpIndex = 0; cpIndex < cnet.GetNumPoints(); cpIndex ++) {
      ControlPoint *cp = cnet.GetPoint(cpIndex);

      if (!cp->IsIgnored()) {
        ControlMeasure *cmLeft(0), *cmRight(0);
        for(int cmIndex = 0; cmIndex < cp->GetNumMeasures(); cmIndex ++) {
          ControlMeasure *cm = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);
          if (!cm->IsIgnored()) {
            if (cm->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialLeft)
              cmLeft = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);
            if (cm->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialRight)
              cmRight = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);

        //  If we have both left and right images in the control point, save it
        if ( (cmLeft != 0) && (cmRight != 0) ) {
          Coordinate left = Coordinate(cmLeft->GetLine(), cmLeft->GetSample());
          Coordinate right = Coordinate(cmRight->GetLine(), cmRight->GetSample());
          SmtkPoint spnt = matcher.Create(left, right);

          // Insert the point (unregistered)
          if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
            int line = (int) cmLeft->GetLine();
            int samp = (int) cmLeft->GetSample();
            gstack.insert(qMakePair(line, samp), spnt);
            lastEigen = spnt.GoodnessOfFit();

  else {
  // We want to create a grid of control points that is N rows by M columns.

    int rows = (lhImage.lineCount() + linc - 1)/linc;
    int cols = (lhImage.sampleCount() + sinc - 1)/sinc;

    prog.SetMaximumSteps(rows * cols);

    // First pass stack and eigen value statistics
    SmtkQStack fpass;
    fpass.reserve(rows * cols);
    Statistics temp_mev;

    // Loop through grid of points and get statistics to compute
    // initial set of points
    for (int line = linc / 2 + 1; line < nl; line += linc) {
      for (int samp = sinc / 2 + 1 ; samp < ns; samp += sinc) {
        numAttemptedInitialPoints ++;
        SmtkPoint spnt = matcher.Register(Coordinate(line,samp));
        if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
          fpass.insert(qMakePair(line, samp), spnt);

    //  Now select a subset of fpass points as the seed points
    cout << "Number of Potential Seed Points: " << fpass.size() << "\n";
    cout << "Min / Max Eigenvalues Matched: " << temp_mev.Minimum() << ", "
         << temp_mev.Maximum() << "\n";

    // How many seed points are requested
    double nseed = ui.GetDouble("NSEED");
    int inseed;
    if (nseed >= 1.0) inseed = (int) nseed;
    else if (nseed > 0.0) inseed = (int) (nseed * (double) (fpass.size()));
    else inseed = (int) ((double) (fpass.size()) * 0.05);

    double seedsample = ui.GetDouble("SEEDSAMPLE");

    // Generate a new stack
    while ((gstack.size() < inseed) && (!fpass.isEmpty() )) {
      SmtkQStack::iterator bestm;
      if (seedsample <= 0.0) {
        bestm = matcher.FindSmallestEV(fpass);
      else {
        bestm = matcher.FindExpDistEV(fpass, seedsample, temp_mev.Minimum(),

      //  Add point to stack
      if (bestm != fpass.end()) {
        Coordinate right = bestm.value().getRight();
        gstack.insert(bestm.key(), bestm.value());
        lastEigen = bestm.value().GoodnessOfFit();

    // If a user wants to see the seed network, write it out here
    if (ui.WasEntered("OSEEDNET")) {
      WriteCnet(ui.GetFileName("OSEEDNET"), gstack,
                lhCamera->target()->name(), serialLeft, serialRight);


  // All done with seed points.  Sanity check ensures we actually found
  // some.
  if (gstack.size() <= 0) {
    QString msg = "No seed points found - may need to check Gruen parameters.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //  Report seed point status
  if (!useseed) {
    cout << "Number of Seed Points used: " << gstack.size() << "\n";
    cout << "EV of last Seed Point:      " << lastEigen << "\n";
  else {
    cout << "Number of Manual Seed Points:   " << gstack.size() << "\n";

  // Use seed points (in stack) to grow
  SmtkQStack bmf;
  bmf.reserve(gstack.size());  // Probably need much more but for starters...

  BigInt numOrigPoints = gstack.size();
  BigInt passpix2 = 0;

  int subcbox = ui.GetInteger("SUBCBOX");
  int halfBox((subcbox-1)/2);
  while (!gstack.isEmpty()) {

    SmtkQStackIter cstack = matcher.FindSmallestEV(gstack);

    // Print number on stack
    if ((gstack.size() % 1000) == 0) {
      cout << "Number on Stack: " << gstack.size()
           << ". " << cstack.value().GoodnessOfFit() << "\n";

    // Test to see if already determined
    SmtkQStackIter bmfPt = bmf.find(cstack.key());
    if (bmfPt == bmf.end()) {
      // Its not in the final stack, process it

      //  Retrieve the point
      SmtkPoint spnt = cstack.value();
      //  Register if its not already registered
      if (!spnt.isRegistered()) {
        spnt = matcher.Register(spnt, spnt.getAffine());

      // Still must check for validity if the point was just registered,
      // otherwise should be good
      if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
        bmf.insert(cstack.key(), spnt);  // inserts (0,0) offset excluded below
        int line   = cstack.key().first;
        int sample = cstack.key().second;

        //  Determine match points
        double eigen(spnt.GoodnessOfFit());
        for (int sampBox = -halfBox ; sampBox <= halfBox ; sampBox++ ) {
          int csamp = sample + sampBox;
          for (int lineBox = -halfBox ; lineBox <= halfBox ; lineBox++) {
            int cline = line + lineBox;
            if ( !( (sampBox == 0) && (lineBox == 0)) ) {// Already added above
              SmtkQPair dupPair(cline, csamp);
              SmtkQStackIter temp = bmf.find(dupPair);
              SmtkPoint bmfpnt;
              if (temp != bmf.end()) {
                if (temp.value().GoodnessOfFit() > eigen) {
                  // Create cloned point with better fit
                  bmfpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, Coordinate(cline,csamp));
              else {  // ISIS2 is BMF(SAMP,LINE,7) .EQ VALID_MAX4)
                // Clone new point for insert
                bmfpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, Coordinate(cline,csamp));

              //  Add if good point
              if (bmfpnt.isValid()) {
                bmf.insert(dupPair, bmfpnt);

        // Grow stack with spacing adding info to stack
        for (int i = -1 ; i <= 1 ; i ++) {  // Sample
          for (int j = -1 ; j <= 1 ; j ++) {  // Line
            // Don't re-add the original sample, line
            if ( !((i == 0) && (j == 0)) ) {
              //  Grow based upon spacing
              double ssamp = sample + (i * space);
              double sline = line   + (j * space);
              Coordinate pnt = Coordinate(sline, ssamp);
              SmtkPoint gpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, pnt);

              if ( gpnt.isValid() ) {
                SmtkQPair growpt((int) sline, (int) ssamp);

                // double check we don't have a finalized result at this position
                SmtkQStackIter temp = bmf.find(growpt);
                if(temp == bmf.end()) {
                  gstack.insert(growpt, gpnt);

    // Remove the current point from the grow stack (hole)

// All done with creating points.  Perform output options.

  // If a TO parameter was specified, create DEM with errors
  if (ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    //  Create the output DEM
    cout << "\nCreating output DEM from " << bmf.size() << " points.\n";
    Process  p;
    Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
    Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO", icube->sampleCount(),
                                  icube->lineCount(), 3);

    int boxsize = ui.GetInteger("BOXSIZE");
    double plotdist = ui.GetDouble("PLOTDIST");

    TileManager dem(*ocube), eigen(*ocube), stErr(*ocube);
    dem.SetTile(1, 1);      //  DEM Data/elevation
    stErr.SetTile(1, 2);    //  Error in stereo computation
    eigen.SetTile(1, 3);    //  Eigenvalue of the solution

    int nBTiles(eigen.Tiles()/3);  // Total tiles / 3 bands

    prog.SetText("Creating DEM");

    Statistics stAng;
    while ( !eigen.end() ) {   // Must use the last band for this!!
      PointPlot tm = for_each(bmf.begin(), bmf.end(), PointPlot(dem, plotdist));
      tm.FillPoints(*lhCamera, *rhCamera, boxsize, dem, stErr, eigen, &stAng);




    //  Report Stereo separation angles
    PvlGroup stresultsPvl("StereoSeparationAngle");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Minimum", toString(stAng.Minimum()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Average", toString(stAng.Average()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Maximum", toString(stAng.Maximum()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation", toString(stAng.StandardDeviation()), "deg");

    // Update the label with BandBin keywords
    PvlKeyword filter("FilterName", "Elevation", "meters");
    filter.addValue("ElevationError", "meters");
    filter.addValue("GoodnessOfFit", "unitless");
    PvlKeyword center("Center", "1.0");

    PvlGroup &bandbin = ocube->label()->findGroup("BandBin", PvlObject::Traverse);
    bandbin.addKeyword(filter, PvlContainer::Replace);
    bandbin.addKeyword(center, PvlContainer::Replace);
    bandbin.addKeyword(center, PvlContainer::Replace);


  // If a cnet file was entered, write the ControlNet pvl to the file
  if (ui.WasEntered("ONET")) {
    WriteCnet(ui.GetFileName("ONET"), bmf, lhCamera->target()->name(), serialLeft,

  // Create output data
  PvlGroup totalPointsPvl("Totals");
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("AttemptedPoints", toString(numAttemptedInitialPoints));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("InitialSuccesses", toString(numOrigPoints));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("GrowSuccesses", toString(passpix2));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("ResultingPoints", toString(bmf.size()));


  Pvl arPvl = matcher.RegistrationStatistics();
  PvlGroup smtkresultsPvl("SmtkResults");
  smtkresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("SpiceOffImage", toString(matcher.OffImageErrorCount()));
  smtkresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("SpiceDistanceError", toString(matcher.SpiceErrorCount()));

  for(int i = 0; i < arPvl.groups(); i++) {

  // add the auto registration information to print.prt
  PvlGroup autoRegTemplate = matcher.RegTemplate();

  // Don't need the cubes opened anymore
Exemplo n.º 3
   * FindCnetRef traverses all the control points and measures in the network and checks for
   * valid Measure which passes the Emission Incidence Angle, DN value tests and chooses the
   * measure with the best Resolution criteria as the reference. Creates a new control network
   * with these adjustments.
   * @author Sharmila Prasad (5/25/2010)
   * @history 2010-10-04 Sharmila Prasad - Modified for Binary CNet (Edit Lock)
   * @param pNewNet   - Modified output Control Net
  void CnetRefByResolution::FindCnetRef(ControlNet &pNewNet) {
    // Process each existing control point in the network
    int iPointsModified = 0;
    int iMeasuresModified = 0;
    int iRefChanged = 0;

    //Status Report
    mStatus.SetText("Choosing Reference by Resolution...");

    //mPvlLog += GetStdOptions();
    for (int point = 0; point < pNewNet.GetNumPoints(); ++point) {
      ControlPoint *newPnt = pNewNet.GetPoint(point);
      bool bError = false;
      // Create a copy of original control point
      const ControlPoint origPnt(*newPnt);


      // Logging
      PvlObject pvlPointObj("PointDetails");
      pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("PointId", newPnt->GetId());

      // Edit Lock Option
      bool bPntEditLock = newPnt->IsEditLocked();
      if (!bPntEditLock) {
      else {
        pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("Reference", "No Change, PointEditLock"); 

      int iNumMeasuresLocked = newPnt->GetNumLockedMeasures();
      bool bRefLocked = newPnt->GetRefMeasure()->IsEditLocked();
      int numMeasures = newPnt->GetNumMeasures();
      int iRefIndex = -1;
      if (newPnt->IsReferenceExplicit())
        iRefIndex = newPnt->IndexOfRefMeasure();
      QString istrTemp;

      std::vector <PvlGroup> pvlGrpVector;
      int iBestIndex = 0;

      // Only perform the interest operation on points of type "Free" and
      // Points having atleast 1 measure and Point is not Ignored
      // Check for EditLock in the Measures and also verfify that
      // only a Reference Measure can be Locked else error
      if (!newPnt->IsIgnored() && newPnt->GetType() == ControlPoint::Free && numMeasures > 0 &&
          (iNumMeasuresLocked == 0 || (iNumMeasuresLocked > 0 && bRefLocked))) {
        int iNumIgnore = 0;
        QString istrTemp;
        for (int measure = 0; measure < newPnt->GetNumMeasures(); ++measure) {
          ControlMeasure *newMsr = newPnt->GetMeasure(measure);
          bool bMeasureLocked = newMsr->IsEditLocked();
          double dSample      = newMsr->GetSample();
          double dLine        = newMsr->GetLine();
          QString sn      = newMsr->GetCubeSerialNumber();

          if (!bPntEditLock && !bMeasureLocked) {
            newMsr->SetChooserName("Application cnetref(Resolution)");
          // Log
          PvlGroup pvlMeasureGrp("MeasureDetails");
          pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("SerialNum", sn);
          pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("OriginalLocation", LocationString(dSample, dLine));

          if (bMeasureLocked)
            pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("EditLock", "True");

          if (!newMsr->IsIgnored()) {
            Cube *measureCube = mCubeMgr.OpenCube(mSerialNumbers.FileName(sn));
            MeasureValidationResults results =
              ValidStandardOptions(newMsr, measureCube, &pvlMeasureGrp);
            if (!results.isValid()) {
              if (bPntEditLock) {
                pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("UnIgnored", "Failed Validation Test but not Ignored as Point EditLock is True");
              else if (bMeasureLocked) {
                pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("UnIgnored", "Failed Validation Test but not Ignored as Measure EditLock is True");
              else {
                pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("Ignored", "Failed Validation Test");
            } // valid measure
            else {
              if (!bPntEditLock && !bRefLocked) {
          } // Ignore == false
          else {
            pvlMeasureGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("Ignored", "Originally Ignored");
          if (newMsr != origPnt.GetMeasure(measure)) {

          //newPnt.UpdateMeasure(newMsr); // Redesign fixed this
        }// end Measure

        if ((newPnt->GetNumMeasures() - iNumIgnore) < 2) {
          if (bPntEditLock) {
            pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("UnIgnored", "Good Measures less than 2 but not Ignored as Point EditLock is True");
          else {
            pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("Ignored", "Good Measures less than 2");
        // Set the Reference if the Point is unlocked and Reference measure is unlocked
        if (!newPnt->IsIgnored() && !bPntEditLock && !bRefLocked) {
          iBestIndex = GetReferenceByResolution(newPnt);
          if (iBestIndex >= 0 && !newPnt->GetMeasure(iBestIndex)->IsIgnored()) {
            //newPnt.UpdateMeasure(cm); // Redesign fixed this
            pvlGrpVector[iBestIndex] += Isis::PvlKeyword("Reference", "true");
          else {
            if (iBestIndex < 0 && meType == Range) {
              pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("NOTE", "No Valid Measures within the Resolution Range. Reference defaulted to the first Measure");
            iBestIndex = 0;
            //newPnt.UpdateMeasure(cm); // Redesign fixed this

            // Log info, if Point not locked, apriori source == Reference and a new reference
            if (iRefIndex != iBestIndex &&
                newPnt->GetAprioriSurfacePointSource() == ControlPoint::SurfacePointSource::Reference) {
              pvlGrpVector[iBestIndex] += Isis::PvlKeyword("AprioriSource", "Reference is the source and has changed");

        for (int i = 0; i < newPnt->GetNumMeasures(); i++) {
          pvlPointObj += pvlGrpVector[i];
      } // end Free
      else {
        int iComment = 0;
        if (numMeasures == 0) {
          QString sComment = "Comment";
          sComment += QString(++iComment);
          pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword(sComment, "No Measures in the Point");

        if (newPnt->IsIgnored()) {
          QString sComment = "Comment";
          sComment += QString(++iComment);
          pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword(sComment, "Point was originally Ignored");

        if (newPnt->GetType() == ControlPoint::Fixed) {
          QString sComment = "Comment";
          sComment += QString(++iComment);
          pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword(sComment, "Fixed Point");
        else if (newPnt->GetType() == ControlPoint::Constrained) {
          QString sComment = "Comment";
          sComment += QString(++iComment);
          pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword(sComment, "Constrained Point");

        if (iNumMeasuresLocked > 0 && !bRefLocked) {
          pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("Error", "Point has a Measure with EditLock set to true "
                                          "but the Reference is not Locked");
          bError = true;
        else {
          for (int measure = 0; measure < newPnt->GetNumMeasures(); measure++) {
            ControlMeasure *cm = newPnt->GetMeasure(iBestIndex);
            cm->SetChooserName("Application cnetref(Resolution)");
            //newPnt.UpdateMeasure(cm); // Redesign fixed this

      if (*newPnt != origPnt) {
      if (!bError && !newPnt->IsIgnored() && newPnt->IsReferenceExplicit() && iBestIndex != iRefIndex 
          && !bPntEditLock && !bRefLocked) {
        PvlGroup pvlRefChangeGrp("ReferenceChangeDetails");
        if (iRefIndex >= 0) {
          pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("PrevSerialNumber",
          pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("PrevResolution",   toString(mdResVector[iRefIndex]));
          istrTemp = QString((int)origPnt.GetMeasure(iRefIndex)->GetSample());
          istrTemp += ",";
          istrTemp += QString((int)origPnt.GetMeasure(iRefIndex)->GetLine());
          pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("PrevLocation",     istrTemp);
        else {
          pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("PrevReference", "Not Set");
        pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("NewSerialNumber",
        QString sKeyName = "NewHighestResolution";
        if (meType == Low) {
          sKeyName = "NewLeastResolution";
        else if (meType == Mean) {
          pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("MeanResolution",  toString(GetMeanResolution()));
          sKeyName = "NewResolutionNeartoMean";
        else if (meType == Nearest) {
          sKeyName = "NewResolutionNeartoValue";
        else if (meType == Range) {
          sKeyName = "NewResolutionInRange";
        pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword(sKeyName,  toString(mdResVector[iBestIndex]));

        istrTemp = QString((int)newPnt->GetMeasure(iBestIndex)->GetSample());
        istrTemp += ",";
        istrTemp += QString((int)newPnt->GetMeasure(iBestIndex)->GetLine());
        pvlRefChangeGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("NewLocation",      istrTemp);

        pvlPointObj += pvlRefChangeGrp;
      else {
        pvlPointObj += Isis::PvlKeyword("Reference", "No Change");

      //pNewNet.UpdatePoint(newPnt); // Redesign fixed this
      mPvlLog += pvlPointObj;
    }// end Point

    // CnetRef Change Statistics
    mStatisticsGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("PointsModified",   toString(iPointsModified));
    mStatisticsGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("ReferenceChanged", toString(iRefChanged));
    mStatisticsGrp += Isis::PvlKeyword("MeasuresModified", toString(iMeasuresModified));

    mPvlLog += mStatisticsGrp;
Exemplo n.º 4
  ControlNet * CnetEditorWidget::filteredNetwork() const {
    ControlNet * filteredCnet = new ControlNet(*m_controlNet);

    QList<AbstractTreeItem *> networkItems = m_pointModel->getItems(0, -1,
        AbstractTreeModel::MeasureItems | AbstractTreeModel::PointItems, true);

    // Iterate through our copy of the cnet, deleting anything that doesn't
    //   exactly match our networkItems.
    for (int pointIndex = filteredCnet->GetNumPoints() - 1;
         pointIndex >= 0;
         pointIndex--) {
      if (networkItems.isEmpty()) {
        ControlPoint *cp = filteredCnet->GetPoint(pointIndex);

        for (int measureIndex = 0;
             measureIndex < cp->GetNumMeasures();
             measureIndex++) {

      else if (networkItems.last()->getPointerType() ==
               AbstractTreeItem::Point) {
        ControlPoint *networkItemsCp =
            (ControlPoint *)networkItems.last()->getPointer();
        ControlPoint *cp = filteredCnet->GetPoint(pointIndex);
        if (cp->GetId() != networkItemsCp->GetId()) {

          for (int measureIndex = 0;
               measureIndex < cp->GetNumMeasures();
               measureIndex++) {

        else {
      else if (networkItems.last()->getPointerType() ==
               AbstractTreeItem::Measure) {
        ControlPoint *cp = filteredCnet->GetPoint(pointIndex);
        ControlMeasure *networkItemsCm =
            (ControlMeasure *)networkItems.last()->getPointer();

        if (cp->GetId() != networkItemsCm->Parent()->GetId()) {

          for (int measureIndex = 0;
               measureIndex < cp->GetNumMeasures();
               measureIndex++) {

        else {
          // Our CP stays, figure out which CMs stay.
          for (int measureIndex = cp->GetNumMeasures() - 1;
               networkItemsCm && measureIndex >= 0;
               measureIndex--) {
            ControlMeasure *cm = cp->GetMeasure(measureIndex);
            if (cm->GetCubeSerialNumber() !=
                networkItemsCm->GetCubeSerialNumber()) {
            else {
              networkItemsCm = NULL;

              if (networkItems.last()->getPointerType() ==
                       AbstractTreeItem::Measure) {
                networkItemsCm =
                    (ControlMeasure *)networkItems.last()->getPointer();

          // We still need to verify the copied CP at this index... although
          //   nothing should go wrong, we know things do go wrong so do
          //   the verify instead of just tossing the last networkItems item.

    return filteredCnet;