Exemplo n.º 1
// computes ctxt^{2^d-1} using a method that takes
// O(log d) automorphisms and multiplications
void fastPower(Ctxt& ctxt, long d) 
  if (d <= 1) return;

  Ctxt orig = ctxt;

  long k = NumBits(d);
  long e = 1;

  for (long i = k-2; i >= 0; i--) {
    Ctxt tmp1 = ctxt;
    tmp1.smartAutomorph(1L << e);
    e = 2*e;

    if (bit(d, i)) {
      e += 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
// The recursive procedure in the Paterson-Stockmeyer
// polynomial-evaluation algorithm from SIAM J. on Computing, 1973.
// This procedure assumes that poly is monic, deg(poly)=k*(2t-1)+delta
// with t=2^e, and that babyStep contains >= k+delta powers
static void
PatersonStockmeyer(Ctxt& ret, const ZZX& poly, long k, long t, long delta,
		   DynamicCtxtPowers& babyStep, DynamicCtxtPowers& giantStep)
  if (deg(poly)<=babyStep.size()) { // Edge condition, use simple eval
    simplePolyEval(ret, poly, babyStep);
  ZZX r = trunc(poly, k*t);      // degree <= k*2^e-1
  ZZX q = RightShift(poly, k*t); // degree == k(2^e-1) +delta

  const ZZ p = to_ZZ(babyStep[0].getPtxtSpace());
  const ZZ& coef = coeff(r,deg(q));
  SetCoeff(r, deg(q), coef-1);  // r' = r - X^{deg(q)}

  ZZX c,s;
  DivRem(c,s,r,q); // r' = c*q + s
  // deg(s)<deg(q), and if c!= 0 then deg(c)<k-delta

  assert(IsZero(c) || deg(c)<k-delta);
  SetCoeff(s,deg(q)); // s' = s + X^{deg(q)}, deg(s)==deg(q)

  // reduce the coefficients modulo p
  for (long i=0; i<=deg(c); i++) rem(c[i],c[i], p);
  for (long i=0; i<=deg(s); i++) rem(s[i],s[i], p);

  // Evaluate recursively poly = (c+X^{kt})*q + s'
  PatersonStockmeyer(ret, q, k, t/2, delta, babyStep, giantStep);

  Ctxt tmp(ret.getPubKey(), ret.getPtxtSpace());
  simplePolyEval(tmp, c, babyStep);
  tmp += giantStep.getPower(t);

  PatersonStockmeyer(tmp, s, k, t/2, delta, babyStep, giantStep);
  ret += tmp;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Main entry point: Evaluate an encrypted polynomial on an encrypted input
// return in ret = sum_i poly[i] * x^i
void polyEval(Ctxt& ret, const Vec<Ctxt>& poly, const Ctxt& x)
  if (poly.length()<=1) { // Some special cases
    if (poly.length()==0) ret.clear();   // empty polynomial
    else                  ret = poly[0]; // constant polynomial
  long deg = poly.length()-1;

  long logD = NextPowerOfTwo(divc(poly.length(),3));
  long d = 1L << logD;

  // We have d <= deg(poly) < 3d
  assert(d <= deg && deg < 3*d);

  Vec<Ctxt> powers(INIT_SIZE, logD+1, x);
  if (logD>0) {
    for (long i=2; i<=logD; i++) { // powers[i] = x^{2^i}
      powers[i] = powers[i-1];

  // Compute in three parts p0(X) + ( p1(X) + p2(X)*X^d )*X^d
  Ctxt tmp(ZeroCtxtLike, ret);
  recursivePolyEval(ret, &poly[d], min(d,poly.length()-d), powers); // p1(X)

  if (poly.length() > 2*d) {    // p2 is not empty
    recursivePolyEval(tmp, &poly[2*d], poly.length()-2*d, powers);  // p2(X)
    ret += tmp;
  ret.multiplyBy(powers[logD]); // ( p1(X) + p2(X)*X^d )*X^d

  recursivePolyEval(tmp, &poly[0], d, powers);                      // p0(X)
  ret += tmp;