Exemplo n.º 1
DllExport int FAR PASCAL VBWalkerDraw(HDC hDC)

int j;

	//Cube CubeObject;
	RECT r;
	VectorType SliceVectorMin, SliceVectorMax;

	GetClipBox(hDC, &r);
	//	Height should be set by drawing program!
	CubeObject.Transform.Height = r.bottom - r.top;
	CubeObject.SetOrigin( 100, 100, 0);
	CubeObject.SetScale( 2, 2 );
	//	Set the visibe slice through object
	SliceVectorMin.x = 0;
	SliceVectorMin.y = 0;
	SliceVectorMin.z = 0;
	SliceVectorMax.x = 11;
	SliceVectorMax.y = 5;
	SliceVectorMax.z = 4;

	//	Colour should be set by the drawing program!
	//	But we don't need to do it here because drawing program has such
	//	functionality built in.
	CubeObject.SetSliceVector(&SliceVectorMin, &SliceVectorMax);

return j;
Exemplo n.º 2
//	Set the slice vector where objects are cut off when drawn using VBDrawObjecthDC
DllExport int FAR PASCAL VBSliceVectorSet( VBSliceVectorType *SliceVector )
	VectorType SliceVectorMin, SliceVectorMax;

	SliceVectorMin.x = SliceVector->MinX;
	SliceVectorMin.y = SliceVector->MinY;
	SliceVectorMin.z = SliceVector->MinZ;

	SliceVectorMax.x = SliceVector->MaxX;
	SliceVectorMax.y = SliceVector->MaxY;
	SliceVectorMax.z = SliceVector->MaxZ;

	CubeObject.SetSliceVector(&SliceVectorMin, &SliceVectorMax);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
//	Draw cubes from cube point list for a given object id
DllExport int FAR PASCAL VBDrawObjecthDC(HDC hDC, int ObjectTypeID)

	//RECT r;
	//GetClipBox(hDC, &r);
	//	Height should be set by drawing program!
	//CubeObject.Transform.Height = r.bottom - r.top;

	RECT r;
	VectorType SliceVectorMin, SliceVectorMax;

	GetClipBox(hDC, &r);
	//	Height should be set by drawing program!
	CubeObject.Transform.Height = r.bottom - r.top;
	//CubeObject.SetOrigin( 100, 100, 0);	// modified 09/04/96 to take account of presetting of origin
	//CubeObject.SetScale( 2, 2 );
	//	Set the visibe slice through object
	SliceVectorMin.x = -100;
	SliceVectorMin.y = -100;
	SliceVectorMin.z = -100;
	SliceVectorMax.x = 100;
	SliceVectorMax.y = 100;
	SliceVectorMax.z = 100;

	//	Colour should be set by the drawing program!
	//	But we don't need to do it here because drawing program has such
	//	functionality built in.
	CubeObject.SetSliceVector(&SliceVectorMin, &SliceVectorMax);

 	CubeObject.DrawObjecthDC(hDC, ObjectTypeID);
	return 0;