Exemplo n.º 1
// Main program
void IsisMain() {
  ProcessImportPds p;
  Pvl pdsLabel;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  FileName inFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

  p.SetPdsFile(inFile.expanded(), "", pdsLabel);

  QString filename = FileName(ui.GetFileName("FROM")).baseName();
  FileName toFile = ui.GetFileName("TO");
  apollo = new Apollo(filename);

  utcTime = (QString)pdsLabel["START_TIME"];  
  // Setup the output cube attributes for a 16-bit unsigned tiff
  Isis::CubeAttributeOutput cao;
  p.SetOutputCube(toFile.expanded(), cao);

  // Import image

  cube.open(toFile.expanded(), "rw");
  // Once the image is imported, we need to find and decrypt the code
  if (apollo->IsMetric() && FindCode())
  // Once we have decrypted the code, we need to populate the image labels
  TranslateApolloLabels(filename, &cube);
Exemplo n.º 2
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  try {
    // Open the cube
    Cube cube;
    cube.open(ui.GetFileName("FROM"), "rw");

    //check for existing polygon, if exists delete it
    if(cube.label()->hasObject("Polygon")) {

    // Get the camera, interpolate to a parabola
    Camera *cam = cube.camera();
    if(cam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() == 0.0) {
      QString msg = "[" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "] is not a line scan camera";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // Get the instrument pointing keyword from the kernels group and update
    // its value to table.
    Isis::PvlGroup kernels =
      cube.label()->findGroup("Kernels", Isis::Pvl::Traverse);

    // Save original kernels in keyword before changing to "Table" in the kernels group
    PvlKeyword origCk = kernels["InstrumentPointing"];

    // Write out the "Table" label to the tabled kernels in the kernels group
    kernels["InstrumentPointing"] = "Table";

    // And finally write out the original kernels after Table
    for (int i = 0;  i < origCk.size();  i++) {


    // Pull out the pointing cache as a table and write it
    Table cmatrix = cam->instrumentRotation()->Cache("InstrumentPointing");
    cmatrix.Label().addComment("Smoothed using spicefit");
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Unable to fit pointing for [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "]";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
Exemplo n.º 3
void IsisMain() {
  // Create a serial number list
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  QString filename = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  SerialNumberList serialNumberList;

  // Get the coordinate for updating the camera pointing
  // We will want to make the camera pointing match the lat/lon at this
  // line sample
  double samp1 = ui.GetDouble("SAMP1");
  double line1 = ui.GetDouble("LINE1");
  Latitude lat1(ui.GetDouble("LAT1"), Angle::Degrees);
  Longitude lon1(ui.GetDouble("LON1"), Angle::Degrees);
  Distance rad1;
  if(ui.WasEntered("RAD1")) {
    rad1 = Distance(ui.GetDouble("RAD1"), Distance::Meters);
  else {
    rad1 = GetRadius(ui.GetFileName("FROM"), lat1, lon1);

  // In order to use the bundle adjustment class we will need a control
  // network
  ControlMeasure * m = new ControlMeasure;
  m->SetCoordinate(samp1, line1);
//   m->SetType(ControlMeasure::Manual);

  ControlPoint * p = new ControlPoint;
  p->SetAprioriSurfacePoint(SurfacePoint(lat1, lon1, rad1));

  ControlNet cnet;
//  cnet.SetType(ControlNet::ImageToGround);

    // We need the target body
    Cube c;
    c.open(filename, "rw");
    //check for target name
    if(c.label()->hasKeyword("TargetName", PvlObject::Traverse)) {
//       c.Label()->findKeyword("TargetName");
      PvlGroup inst = c.label()->findGroup("Instrument", PvlObject::Traverse);
      QString targetName = inst["TargetName"];

  // See if they wanted to solve for twist
  if(ui.GetBoolean("TWIST")) {
    double samp2 = ui.GetDouble("SAMP2");
    double line2 = ui.GetDouble("LINE2");
    Latitude lat2(ui.GetDouble("LAT2"), Angle::Degrees);
    Longitude lon2(ui.GetDouble("LON2"), Angle::Degrees);
    Distance rad2;
    if(ui.WasEntered("RAD2")) {
      rad2 = Distance(ui.GetDouble("RAD2"), Distance::Meters);
    else {
      rad2 = GetRadius(ui.GetFileName("FROM"), lat2, lon2);

    ControlMeasure * m = new ControlMeasure;
    m->SetCoordinate(samp2, line2);

    ControlPoint * p = new ControlPoint;
    p->SetAprioriSurfacePoint(SurfacePoint(lat2, lon2, rad2));


  // Bundle adjust to solve for new pointing
  try {
    BundleAdjust b(cnet, serialNumberList);
    //    double tol = ui.GetDouble("TOL");
    //int maxIterations = ui.GetInteger("MAXITS");
    //b.Solve(tol, maxIterations);


    Cube c;
    c.open(filename, "rw");

    //check for existing polygon, if exists delete it
    if(c.label()->hasObject("Polygon")) {

    Table cmatrix = b.Cmatrix(0);

    // Write out a description in the spice table
    QString deltackComment = "deltackAdjusted = " + Isis::iTime::CurrentLocalTime();
    //PvlKeyword description("Description");
    //description = "Camera pointing updated via deltack application";

    // Update the cube history
    History h("IsisCube");
    PvlGroup gp("DeltackResults");
    gp += PvlKeyword("Status", "Camera pointing updated");
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Unable to update camera pointing for [" + filename + "]";
    throw IException(e, IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

Exemplo n.º 4
void IsisMain() {

  // Get the list of cubes to mosaic

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  FileList flist(ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST"));

  vector<Cube *> clist;
  try {
    if(flist.size() < 1) {
      QString msg = "the list file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST") +
                    "does not contain any data";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // open all the cube and place in vector clist

    for(int i = 0; i < flist.size(); i++) {
      Cube *c = new Cube();

    // run the compair function here.  This will conpair the
    // labels of the first cube to the labels of each following cube.
    PvlKeyword sourceProductId("SourceProductId");
    QString ProdId;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *pmatch = clist[0]->label();
      Pvl *pcomp = clist[i]->label();
      CompareLabels(*pmatch, *pcomp);
      PvlGroup g = pcomp->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
      if(g.hasKeyword("StitchedProductIds")) {
        PvlKeyword k = g["StitchedProductIds"];
        for(int j = 0; j < (int)k.size(); j++) {
          sourceProductId += g["stitchedProductIds"][j];
      ProdId = (QString)pmatch->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse)["ObservationId"];
      QString bandname = (QString)pmatch->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse)["Name"];
      bandname = bandname.toUpper();
      ProdId = ProdId + "_" + bandname;
    bool runXY = true;

    //calculate the min and max lon
    double minLat = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLat = -DBL_MAX;
    double minLon = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLon = -DBL_MAX;
    double avgLat;
    double avgLon;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[i]->projection();
      if(proj->MinimumLatitude() < minLat) minLat = proj->MinimumLatitude();
      if(proj->MaximumLatitude() > maxLat) maxLat = proj->MaximumLatitude();
      if(proj->MinimumLongitude() < minLon) minLon = proj->MinimumLongitude();
      if(proj->MaximumLongitude() > maxLon) maxLon = proj->MaximumLongitude();
    avgLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
    avgLon = (minLon + maxLon) / 2;
    TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[0]->projection();
    proj->SetGround(avgLat, avgLon);
    avgLat = proj->UniversalLatitude();
    avgLon = proj->UniversalLongitude();

    // Use camera class to get Inc., emi., phase, and other values
    double Cemiss;
    double Cphase;
    double Cincid;
    double ClocalSolTime;
    double CsolarLong;
    double CsunAzimuth;
    double CnorthAzimuth;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Camera *cam = clist[i]->camera();
      if(cam->SetUniversalGround(avgLat, avgLon)) {
        Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
        Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
        Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
        ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
        CsolarLong = cam->solarLongitude().degrees();
        CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
        CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
        runXY = false;

    //The code within the if runXY was added in 10/07 to find an intersect with
    //pole images that would fail when using projection set universal ground.
    // This is run if no intersect is found when using lat and lon in
    // projection space.
    if(runXY) {
      double startX = DBL_MAX;
      double endX = DBL_MIN;
      double startY = DBL_MAX;
      double endY =  DBL_MIN;
      for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
        TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[i]->projection();
        proj->SetWorld(0.5, 0.5);
        if(i == 0) {
          startX = proj->XCoord();
          endY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if(proj->XCoord() < startX) startX =  proj->XCoord();
          if(proj->YCoord() > endY) endY = proj->YCoord();
        Pvl *p = clist[i]->label();
        double nlines = p->findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse)["Lines"];
        double nsamps = p->findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse)["Samples"];

        proj->SetWorld((nsamps + 0.5), (nlines + 0.5));
        if(i == 0) {
          endX = proj->XCoord();
          startY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if(proj->XCoord() > endX) endX =  proj->XCoord();
          if(proj->YCoord() < startY) startY = proj->YCoord();

      double avgX = (startX + endX) / 2;
      double avgY = (startY + endY) / 2;
      double sample = proj->ToWorldX(avgX);
      double line = proj->ToWorldY(avgY);

      for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
        Camera *cam = clist[i]->camera();
        if(cam->SetImage(sample, line)) {
          Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
          Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
          Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
          ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
          CsolarLong = cam->solarLongitude().degrees();
          CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
          CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
          runXY = false;
    if(runXY) {
      QString msg = "Camera did not intersect images to gather stats";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // get the min and max SCLK values ( do this with QString comp.)
    // get the value from the original label blob
    QString startClock;
    QString stopClock;
    QString startTime;
    QString stopTime;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      OriginalLabel origLab;
      PvlGroup timegrp = origLab.ReturnLabels().findGroup("TIME_PARAMETERS", Pvl::Traverse);
      if(i == 0) {
        startClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        stopClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStopCount"];
        startTime = (QString)timegrp["StartTime"];
        stopTime = (QString)timegrp["StopTime"];
      else {
        QString testStartTime = (QString)timegrp["StartTime"];
        QString testStopTime = (QString)timegrp["StopTime"];
        if(testStartTime < startTime) {
          startTime = testStartTime;
          startClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        if(testStopTime > stopTime) {
          stopTime = testStopTime;
          stopClock = (QString)timegrp["spacecraftClockStopCount"];

    //  Concatenate all TDI's and summing and specialProcessingFlat into one keyword
    PvlKeyword cpmmTdiFlag("cpmmTdiFlag");
    PvlKeyword cpmmSummingFlag("cpmmSummingFlag");
    PvlKeyword specialProcessingFlag("SpecialProcessingFlag");
    for(int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
      cpmmTdiFlag += (QString)"";
      cpmmSummingFlag += (QString)"";
      specialProcessingFlag += (QString)"";

    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *clab = clist[i]->label();
      PvlGroup cInst = clab->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
      OriginalLabel cOrgLab;
      PvlGroup cGrp = cOrgLab.ReturnLabels().findGroup("INSTRUMENT_SETTING_PARAMETERS", Pvl::Traverse);
      cpmmTdiFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cGrp["MRO:TDI"];
      cpmmSummingFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cGrp["MRO:BINNING"];

      if(cInst.hasKeyword("Special_Processing_Flag")) {
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cInst["Special_Processing_Flag"];
      else {
        // there may not be the keyword Special_Processing_Flag if no
        //keyword then set the output to NOMINAL
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = "NOMINAL";

    // Get the blob of original labels from first image in list
    OriginalLabel org;

    //close all cubes
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];

    // automos step
    QString list = ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST");
    QString toMosaic = ui.GetFileName("TO");
    QString MosaicPriority = ui.GetString("PRIORITY");

    QString parameters = "FROMLIST=" + list + " MOSAIC=" + toMosaic + " PRIORITY=" + MosaicPriority;
    ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("automos", parameters);

    // write out new information to new group mosaic

    PvlGroup mos("Mosaic");
    mos += PvlKeyword("ProductId ", ProdId);
    mos += PvlKeyword(sourceProductId);
    mos += PvlKeyword("StartTime ", startTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStartCount ", startClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("StopTime ", stopTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStopCount ", stopClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("IncidenceAngle ", toString(Cincid), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("EmissionAngle ", toString(Cemiss), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("PhaseAngle ", toString(Cphase), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("LocalTime ", toString(ClocalSolTime), "LOCALDAY/24");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SolarLongitude ", toString(CsolarLong), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SubSolarAzimuth ", toString(CsunAzimuth), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("NorthAzimuth ", toString(CnorthAzimuth), "DEG");
    mos += cpmmTdiFlag;
    mos += cpmmSummingFlag;
    mos += specialProcessingFlag;

    Cube mosCube;
    mosCube.open(ui.GetFileName("TO"), "rw");
    PvlObject &lab = mosCube.label()->findObject("IsisCube");
    //add orginal label blob to the output cube

  catch(IException &e) {
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];
    QString msg = "The mosaic [" + ui.GetFileName("TO") + "] was NOT created";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
} // end of isis main
Exemplo n.º 5
void IsisMain() {
  // Get the list of cubes to stack
  Process p;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  FileList cubeList(ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST"));

  // Loop through the list
  int nsamps(0), nlines(0), nbands(0);
  PvlGroup outBandBin("BandBin");
  try {
    for(int i = 0; i < cubeList.size(); i++) {
      Cube cube;
      CubeAttributeInput inatt(cubeList[i].original());
      vector<QString> bands = inatt.bands();
      if(i == 0) {
        nsamps = cube.sampleCount();
        nlines = cube.lineCount();
        nbands = cube.bandCount();
      else {
        // Make sure they are all the same size
        if((nsamps != cube.sampleCount()) || (nlines != cube.lineCount())) {
          QString msg = "Spatial dimensions of cube [" +
                        cubeList[i].toString() + "] does not match other cubes in list";
          throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
        // Get the total number of bands
        nbands += cube.bandCount();

      // Build up the band bin group
      PvlObject &isiscube = cube.label()->findObject("IsisCube");
      if(isiscube.hasGroup("BandBin")) {
        PvlGroup &inBandBin = isiscube.findGroup("BandBin");
        for(int key = 0; key < inBandBin.keywords(); key++) {
          PvlKeyword &inKey = inBandBin[key];
          if(!outBandBin.hasKeyword(inKey.name())) {
            outBandBin += inKey;
          else {
            PvlKeyword &outKey = outBandBin[inKey.name()];
            for(int index = 0; index < (int)inKey.size(); index++) {
              outKey.addValue(inKey[index], inKey.unit(index));
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Invalid cube in list file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST") + "]";
    throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Setup to propagate from the first input cube
  ProcessByLine p2;
  CubeAttributeInput inatt;

  int index = 0;
  if(ui.WasEntered("PROPLAB")) {
    bool match = false;
    QString fname = ui.GetFileName("PROPLAB");
    for(int i = 0; i < cubeList.size(); i++) {
      if(fname == cubeList[i].toString()) {
        index = i;
        match = true;
    if(!match) {
      QString msg = "FileName [" + ui.GetFileName("PROPLAB") +
                    "] to propagate labels from is not in the list file [" +
                    ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST") + "]";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
  p2.SetInputCube(cubeList[index].toString(), inatt);

  // Create the output cube
  Cube *ocube = p2.SetOutputCube("TO", nsamps, nlines, nbands);

  p2.Progress()->SetText("Allocating cube");

  // Add the band bin group if necessary
  if(outBandBin.keywords() > 0) {

  // Now loop and mosaic in each cube
  int sband = 1;
  for(int i = 0; i < cubeList.size(); i++) {
    ProcessMosaic m;

    Progress *prog = m.Progress();
    prog->SetText("Adding band " + toString((int)i + 1) +
                  " of " + toString(nbands));
    CubeAttributeInput attrib(cubeList[i].toString());
    Cube *icube = m.SetInputCube(cubeList[i].toString(), attrib);
    m.StartProcess(1, 1, sband);
    sband += icube->bandCount();
Exemplo n.º 6
int main() {
  Chip chip(51, 50);
  cout << "Test basics" << endl;
  cout << chip.Samples() << endl;
  cout << chip.Lines() << endl;

  chip.TackCube(453.5, 568.5);
  cout << chip.TackSample() << endl;
  cout << chip.TackLine() << endl;

  cout << "Test chip-to-cube and cube-to-chip mapping" << endl;
  chip.SetChipPosition(chip.TackSample(), chip.TackLine());
  cout << chip.CubeSample() << endl;
  cout << chip.CubeLine() << endl;

  chip.SetChipPosition(1.0, 1.0);
  cout << chip.CubeSample() << endl;
  cout << chip.CubeLine() << endl;

  chip.SetCubePosition(chip.CubeSample(), chip.CubeLine());
  cout << chip.ChipSample() << endl;
  cout << chip.ChipLine() << endl;

  cout << "Test assignment of chip data to constant" << endl;
  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      double value = chip.GetValue(j, i);
      if(value != 10.0) {
        cout << "bad constant (!= 10) at " << j << ", " << i << endl;

  cout << "Test loading chip data" << endl;
  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      chip.SetValue(j, i, (double)(i * 100 + j));

  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      double value = chip.GetValue(j, i);
      if(value != (double)(i * 100 + j)) {
        cout << "bad at " << j << ", " << i << endl;

  chip.SetValidRange(0.0, 5050.0);
  cout << "Valid tests" << endl;
  // is chip valid at 51, 50?
  cout << chip.IsValid(chip.Samples(), chip.Lines()) << endl;
  // is chip valid at 50, 50?
  cout << chip.IsValid(chip.Samples() - 1, chip.Lines()) << endl;
  // is at least 95% of chip values valid?
  cout << chip.IsValid(95.0) << endl;
  // is at least 99.99% of chip values valid?
  cout << chip.IsValid(99.99) << endl;

  cout << "Extract test" << endl;
  // Extract 4 by 3 subchip at 26, 25
  Chip sub = chip.Extract(4, 3, chip.TackSample(), chip.TackLine());
  for(int i = 1; i <= sub.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= sub.Samples(); j++) {
      cout << sub.GetValue(j, i) << " ";
    cout << endl;

  cout << "Test writing chip" << endl;

  Cube junk;
  LineManager line(junk);

  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      double value = chip.GetValue(j, i);
      if(value != line[j-1]) {
        cout << "bad at " << j << ", " << i << endl;

  cout << "Test load chip from cube with rotation" << endl;
  chip.TackCube(26.0, 25.0);
  chip.Load(junk, 45.0);
  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      cout << std::setw(14) << chip.GetValue(j, i) << " ";
    cout << endl;

  cout << "Test load chip from cube with rotation and clipping polygon " << endl;
  chip.TackCube(26.0, 25.0);

  geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *pts = new geos::geom::CoordinateArraySequence();
  pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(23.0, 22.0));
  pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(28.0, 22.0));
  pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(28.0, 27.0));
  pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(25.0, 28.0));
  pts->add(geos::geom::Coordinate(23.0, 22.0));
  vector<geos::geom::Geometry *> polys;
  geos::geom::GeometryFactory gf;
  polys.push_back(gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(pts), NULL));
  geos::geom::MultiPolygon *mPolygon = gf.createMultiPolygon(polys);

  chip.Load(junk, 45.0);
  for(int i = 1; i <= chip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= chip.Samples(); j++) {
      cout << std::setw(14) << chip.GetValue(j, i) << " ";
    cout << endl;

  // Test affine transformation
  cout << "\nTesting Affine transformation extraction (-1, -1)...\n";
  Affine affine;
  affine.Translate(-1.0, -1.0);

  Chip mychip(51, 50);          //  Needed because chip has poly clipping
  mychip.TackCube(26.0, 25.0);
  mychip.SetChipPosition(mychip.TackSample(), mychip.TackLine());
  cout << "Cube Sample, Line = " << mychip.CubeSample() << ", "
       << mychip.CubeLine() << endl;
  Chip shift(25, 25);
  mychip.Extract(shift, affine);
  // shift.SetChipPosition(shift.TackSample(), shift.TackLine());
  cout << "Shift Cube Sample, Line = " << shift.CubeSample() << ", "
       << shift.CubeLine() << endl;

  Chip io = shift;
  io.TackCube(25.0, 24.0);
  io.SetChipPosition(io.TackSample(), io.TackLine());
  cout << "New Cube Sample, Line = " << io.CubeSample() << ", "
       << io.CubeLine() << endl;

  int ioNull(0), shiftNull(0);
  double sumDiff(0.0);
  for(int il = 1 ; il <= io.Lines() ; il++) {
    for(int is = 1 ; is <= io.Samples() ; is++) {
      if(IsSpecial(io.GetValue(is, il))) {
      else if(IsSpecial(shift.GetValue(is, il))) {
      else {
        sumDiff += io.GetValue(is, il) - shift.GetValue(is, il);

  cout << "I/O Nulls:   " << ioNull << endl;
  cout << "Shift Nulls: " << shiftNull << endl;
  cout << "Sum Diff:    " << sumDiff << endl;

  cout << "\nTesting direct Affine Application...\n";
  Chip affchip(25, 25);
  affchip.TackCube(25.0, 24.0);
  affchip.SetChipPosition(affchip.TackSample(), affchip.TackLine());
  cout << "Affine Cube Sample, Line = " << affchip.CubeSample() << ", "
       << affchip.CubeLine() << endl;

  cout << "\nTest reading with new Affine transform...\n";
  affchip.Load(junk, io.GetTransform());
  ioNull = shiftNull = 0;
  sumDiff = 0.0;
  for(int il = 1 ; il <= io.Lines() ; il++) {
    for(int is = 1 ; is <= io.Samples() ; is++) {
      if(IsSpecial(io.GetValue(is, il))) {
      else if(IsSpecial(affchip.GetValue(is, il))) {
      else {
        sumDiff += io.GetValue(is, il) - affchip.GetValue(is, il);

  cout << "I/O Nulls:   " << ioNull << endl;
  cout << "Shift Nulls: " << shiftNull << endl;
  cout << "Sum Diff:    " << sumDiff << endl;

  affchip.SetChipPosition(affchip.TackSample(), affchip.TackLine());
  cout << "Affine Cube loaded at Sample, Line = " << affchip.CubeSample() << ", "
       << affchip.CubeLine() << endl;

  // Test Load using match chip method
  cout << "\nTest reading with match chip and cube...\n";
  Cube junkCube;
  // 4 by 4 chip at samle 1000 line 500
  Chip matchChip(4, 4);
  matchChip.TackCube(1000, 500);
  cout << "\nMatch chip values..." << endl;
  for(int i = 1; i <= matchChip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= matchChip.Samples(); j++) {
      cout << std::setw(14) << matchChip.GetValue(j, i) << " ";
    cout << endl;
  // make sure that if we create a new chip from the same cube that is matched
  // to the match chip, the chips should be almost identical
  Chip newChip(4, 4);
  newChip.TackCube(1000, 500);
  newChip.Load(junkCube, matchChip, junkCube);
  cout << "\nLoading new chip values from match chip..." << endl;
  cout << "Passes if difference is less than EPSILON = " << 2E-6 << endl;
  for(int i = 1; i <= newChip.Lines(); i++) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= newChip.Samples(); j++) {
      double difference = newChip.GetValue(j, i) - matchChip.GetValue(j, i);
      if(fabs(difference) > 2E-6) {
        cout << "bad at " << j << ", " << i << endl;
        cout << "difference at " << j << ", " << i << " is " << difference << endl;
        cout << "\tPASS\t\t";
        // the following comment prints actual difference.
        // cout << std::setw(14) << difference << "\t";
    cout  << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Test interpolator set/get methods" << endl;
  cout << "default: " << chip.GetReadInterpolator() << endl;
  cout << "nearest neighbor: " << chip.GetReadInterpolator() << endl;
  cout << "bilinear: " << chip.GetReadInterpolator() << endl;
  cout << "cubic convolution: " << chip.GetReadInterpolator() << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "Generate Errors:" << endl;
  Cube junkCube2;
  // 4 by 4 chip at samle 1000 line 500
  matchChip.TackCube(1, 1);

  cout << "Try to set interpolator to type 0 (Interpolator::None):" << endl;
  try {
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to set interpolator to type 3 (enum value not assigned):" << endl;
  try {
    chip.SetReadInterpolator((Isis::Interpolator::interpType) 3);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to set chip size with input parameter equal to 0:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.SetSize(0, 1);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to load a cube that is not camera or map projection:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.Load(junk, matchChip, junkCube);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to load a cube with a match cube that is not camera or map projection:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.Load(junkCube, matchChip, junk);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to load a cube with match chip and cube that can not find at least 3 points for Affine Transformation:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.Load(junkCube, matchChip, junkCube2);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to set valid range with larger number passed in as first parameter:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.SetValidRange(4, 3);
  catch(IException &e) {
  cout << "Try to extract a sub-chip with samples or lines greater than original chip:" << endl;
  try {
    newChip.Extract(2, 5, 1, 1);
  catch(IException &e) {

  junk.close(true);// the "true" flag removes junk.cub from the /tmp/ directory
  junkCube.close(); // these cubes are kept in test data area, do not delete

#if 0
  try {
    chip.TackCube(453.0, 567.0);

    Cube junk2;
    Chip chip2(75, 70);
    chip2.TackCube(166.0, 567.0);
    chip2.Load(junk2, chip);

  catch(IException &e) {

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 *   We created a method to manually skip the suffix and corner
 *   data for this image to avoid implementing it in
 *   ProcessImport and ProcessImportPds. To fully support this
 *   file format, we would have to re-implement the ISIS2 Cube
 *   IO plus add prefix data features to it. This is a shortcut;
 *   because we know these files have one sideplane and four
 *   backplanes, we know how much data to skip when. This should
 *   be fixed if we ever decide to fully support suffix and
 *   corner data, which would require extensive changes to
 *   ProcessImport/ProcessImportPds. Method written by Steven
 *   Lambright.
 * @param inFileName FileName of the input file
 * @param outFile FileName of the output file
void ReadVimsBIL(QString inFileName, const PvlKeyword &suffixItems, QString outFile) {
  Isis::PvlGroup &dataDir = Isis::Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory");
  QString transDir = (QString) dataDir["Base"];

  Pvl pdsLabel(inFileName);
  Isis::FileName transFile(transDir + "/" + "translations/pdsQube.trn");
  Isis::PvlTranslationManager pdsXlater(pdsLabel, transFile.expanded());

  TableField sideplaneLine("Line", Isis::TableField::Integer);
  TableField sideplaneBand("Band", Isis::TableField::Integer);
  TableField sideplaneValue("Value", Isis::TableField::Integer);

  TableRecord record;
  record += sideplaneLine;
  record += sideplaneBand;
  record += sideplaneValue;
  Table sideplaneVisTable("SideplaneVis", record);
  Table sideplaneIrTable("SideplaneIr", record);


  QString str;
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBitsPerPixel");
  int bitsPerPixel = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CorePixelType");
  PixelType pixelType = Isis::Real;

  if((str == "Real") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::Real;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 8)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedByte;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedWord;
  else if((str == "Integer") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedInteger;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 8)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedByte;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedWord;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 16)) {
    pixelType = Isis::SignedWord;
  else if((str == "Natural") && (bitsPerPixel == 32)) {
    pixelType = Isis::UnsignedInteger;
  else {
    QString msg = "Invalid PixelType and BitsPerPixel combination [" + str +
                 ", " + toString(bitsPerPixel) + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreByteOrder");
  Isis::ByteOrder byteOrder = Isis::ByteOrderEnumeration(str);

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreSamples", 0);
  int ns = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreLines", 2);
  int nl = toInt(str);
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBands", 1);
  int nb = toInt(str);

  std::vector<double> baseList;
  std::vector<double> multList;

  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreBase");
  str = pdsXlater.Translate("CoreMultiplier");

  Cube outCube;
  outCube.setDimensions(ns, nl, nb);

  // Figure out the number of bytes to read for a single line
  int readBytes = Isis::SizeOf(pixelType);
  readBytes = readBytes * ns;
  char *in = new char [readBytes];

  // Set up an Isis::EndianSwapper object
  QString tok(Isis::ByteOrderName(byteOrder));
  tok = tok.toUpper();
  Isis::EndianSwapper swapper(tok);

  ifstream fin;
  // Open input file
  Isis::FileName inFile(inFileName);
  fin.open(inFileName.toAscii().data(), ios::in | ios::binary);
  if(!fin.is_open()) {
    QString msg = "Cannot open input file [" + inFileName + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Handle the file header
  streampos pos = fin.tellg();
  int fileHeaderBytes = (int)(IString)pdsXlater.Translate("DataFileRecordBytes") *
                        ((int)(IString)pdsXlater.Translate("DataStart", 0) - 1);

  fin.seekg(fileHeaderBytes, ios_base::beg);

  // Check the last io
  if(!fin.good()) {
    QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                 toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                 toString(fileHeaderBytes) + "]" ;
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Construct a line buffer manager
  Isis::Brick out(ns, 1, 1, Isis::Real);

  // Loop for each line
  for(int line = 0; line < nl; line++) {
    // Loop for each band
    for(int band = 0; band < nb; band++) {
      // Set the base multiplier
      double base, mult;
      if(baseList.size() > 1) {
        base = baseList[band];
        mult = multList[band];
      else {
        base = baseList[0];
        mult = multList[0];

      // Get a line of data from the input file
      pos = fin.tellg();
      fin.read(in, readBytes);

      if(!fin.good()) {
        QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                     toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                     toString(readBytes) + "]" ;
        throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      // Swap the bytes if necessary and convert any out of bounds pixels
      // to special pixels
      for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
        switch(pixelType) {
          case Isis::UnsignedByte:
            out[samp] = (double)((unsigned char *)in)[samp];
          case Isis::UnsignedWord:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.UnsignedShortInt((unsigned short int *)in + samp);
          case Isis::SignedWord:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.ShortInt((short int *)in + samp);
          case Isis::Real:
            out[samp] = (double)swapper.Float((float *)in + samp);

        // Sets out to isis special pixel or leaves it if valid
        out[samp] = TestPixel(out[samp]);

        if(Isis::IsValidPixel(out[samp])) {
          out[samp] = mult * out[samp] + base;
      } // End sample loop

      //Set the buffer position and write the line to the output file
      out.SetBasePosition(1, line + 1, band + 1);

      if(toInt(suffixItems[0]) != 0) {
        pos = fin.tellg();
        char *sideplaneData = new char[4*toInt(suffixItems[0])];
        fin.read(sideplaneData, 4 * toInt(suffixItems[0]));
        int suffixData = (int)swapper.Int((int *)sideplaneData);
        record[0] = line + 1;
        record[1] = band + 1;
        record[2] = suffixData;

        if(band < 96) {
          sideplaneVisTable += record;

          // set HIS pixels appropriately
          for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
            if(out[samp] >= 4095) {
              out[samp] = Isis::His;
        else {
          record[1] = (band + 1) - 96;
          sideplaneIrTable += record;

          // set HIS pixels appropriately
          for(int samp = 0; samp < ns; samp++) {
            if(out[samp] + suffixData >= 4095) {
              out[samp] = Isis::His;

        delete [] sideplaneData;

        // Check the last io
        if(!fin.good()) {
          QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                       toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                       toString(4) + "]" ;
          throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);
    } // End band loop

    int backplaneSize = toInt(suffixItems[1]) * (4 * (ns + toInt(suffixItems[0])));
    fin.seekg(backplaneSize, ios_base::cur);

    // Check the last io
    if(!fin.good()) {
      QString msg = "Cannot read file [" + inFileName + "]. Position [" +
                   toString((int)pos) + "]. Byte count [" +
                   toString(4 * (4 * ns + 4)) + "]" ;
      throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  } // End line loop


  // Close the file and clean up
  delete [] in;
Exemplo n.º 8
void IsisMain() {
    // We will be processing by line
    ProcessByLine p;

    // Setup the input and output cubes
    Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
    PvlKeyword &status = icube->group("RESEAUS")["STATUS"];
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
    QString in = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

    // Check reseau status and make sure it is not nominal or removed
    if((QString)status == "Nominal") {
        QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
                      "] appears to have nominal reseau status. You must run findrx first.";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
    if((QString)status == "Removed") {
        QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
                      "] appears to already have reseaus removed.";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    status = "Removed";


    // Start the processing

    // Get the user entered dimensions
    sdim = ui.GetInteger("SDIM");
    ldim = ui.GetInteger("LDIM");

    // Get other user entered options
    QString out = ui.GetFileName("TO");
    resvalid = ui.GetBoolean("RESVALID");
    action = ui.GetString("ACTION");

    // Open the output cube
    Cube cube;
    cube.open(out, "rw");

    PvlGroup &res = cube.label()->findGroup("RESEAUS", Pvl::Traverse);

    // Get reseau line, sample, type, and valid Keywords
    PvlKeyword lines = res.findKeyword("LINE");
    PvlKeyword samps = res.findKeyword("SAMPLE");
    PvlKeyword type = res.findKeyword("TYPE");
    PvlKeyword valid = res.findKeyword("VALID");
    int numres = lines.size();

    Brick brick(sdim, ldim, 1, cube.pixelType());
    for(int res = 0; res < numres; res++) {
        if((resvalid == 0 || toInt(valid[res]) == 1) && toInt(type[res]) != 0) {
            int baseSamp = (int)(toDouble(samps[res]) + 0.5) - (sdim / 2);
            int baseLine = (int)(toDouble(lines[res]) + 0.5) - (ldim / 2);
            brick.SetBasePosition(baseSamp, baseLine, 1);
            if(action == "NULL") {
                for(int i = 0; i < brick.size(); i++) brick[i] = Isis::Null;
            else if(action == "BILINEAR") {
                Statistics stats;
                double array[sdim][ldim];
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        int index = l * sdim + s;
                        array[s][l] = brick[index];
                        // Add perimeter data to stats object for calculations
                        if(s == 0 || l == 0 || s == (sdim - 1) || l == (ldim - 1)) {
                            stats.AddData(&array[s][l], 1);
                // Get the average and standard deviation of the perimeter of the brick
                double avg = stats.Average();
                double sdev = stats.StandardDeviation();

                // Top Edge Reseau
                if(toInt(type[res]) == 2) {
                    int l1 = 0;
                    int l2 = ldim - 1;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                        array[s][l1] = array[s][l2];
                // Left Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 4) {
                    int s1 = 0;
                    int s2 = sdim - 1;
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        array[s1][l] = array[s2][l];
                // Right Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 6) {
                    int s1 = 0;
                    int s2 = sdim - 1;
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        array[s2][l] = array[s1][l];
                // Bottom Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 8) {
                    int l1 = 0;
                    int l2 = ldim - 1;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                        array[s][l2] = array[s][l1];
                // Walk top edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    int l = 0;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk bottom edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    int l = ldim - 1;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk left edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int s = 0;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk right edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int s = sdim - 1;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                double dn, gdn1, gdn2;
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int c = l * sdim;  //count
                    // Top Edge Reseau
                    if(toInt(type[res]) == 2 && l < (ldim / 2)) continue;
                    // Bottom Edge Reseau
                    if(toInt(type[res]) == 8 && l > (ldim / 2 + 1)) continue;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++, c++) {
                        // Left Edge Reseau
                        if(toInt(type[res]) == 4 && s < (sdim / 2)) continue;
                        // Right Edge Reseau
                        if(toInt(type[res]) == 6 && s > (sdim / 2 + 1)) continue;
                        double sum = 0.0;
                        int gline1 = 0;
                        int gline2 = ldim - 1;
                        gdn1 = array[s][gline1];
                        gdn2 = array[s][gline2];

                        // Linear Interpolation to get pixel value
                        dn = gdn2 + (l - gline2) * (gdn1 - gdn2) / (gline1 - gline2);
                        sum += dn;

                        int gsamp1 = 0;
                        int gsamp2 = sdim - 1;
                        gdn1 = array[gsamp1][l];
                        gdn2 = array[gsamp2][l];

                        // Linear Interpolation to get pixel value
                        dn = gdn2 + (s - gsamp2) * (gdn1 - gdn2) / (gsamp1 - gsamp2);
                        sum += dn;
                        dn = sum / 2;
                        int rdm = rand();
                        double drandom = rdm / (double)RAND_MAX;
                        double offset = 0.0;
                        if(drandom < .333) offset = -1.0;
                        if(drandom > .666) offset = 1.0;
                        brick[c] = dn + offset;

Exemplo n.º 9
int main() {
  QString inputFile = "$mgs/testData/ab102401.lev2.cub";
  Cube cube;
  Camera *c = NULL;
  c = cube.camera();
  Pvl pvl = *cube.label();
  MyCamera cam(cube);
  double line = 453.0;
  double sample = 534.0;
  Latitude lat(18.221, Angle::Degrees);
  Longitude lon(226.671, Angle::Degrees);
  double ra = 347.016;
  double dec = -51.2677;

  cout << endl << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  QList<QPointF> ifovOffsets = c->PixelIfovOffsets();
  cout << "Pixel Ifov: " << endl;
  foreach (QPointF offset, ifovOffsets) {
    cout << offset.x() << " , " << offset.y() << endl;
  cout << "Line: " << line << ", Sample: " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Lat: " << lat.degrees() << ", Lon: " << lon.degrees() << endl;
  cout << "RightAscension: " << ra << ", Declination: " << dec << endl << endl;

  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << c->SetImage(sample, line)
       << endl << endl;

  cout << "NorthAzimuth: " << c->NorthAzimuth() << endl;
  cout << "SunAzimuth: " << c->SunAzimuth() << endl;
  cout << "SpacecraftAzimuth: " << c->SpacecraftAzimuth() << endl;
  cout << "OffNadirAngle: " << c->OffNadirAngle() << endl << endl;

  cout << "GroundAzimuth in North: " << c->GroundAzimuth(18.221, 226.671, 20.0, 230.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in North: " << c->GroundAzimuth(20.0, 226.671, 20.0, 230.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in North: " << c->GroundAzimuth(18.221, 355.0, 20.0, 6.671) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in North: " << c->GroundAzimuth(18.221, 6.671, 20.0, 355.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in North: " << c->GroundAzimuth(18.221, 6.671, 20.0, 6.671) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in South: " << c->GroundAzimuth(-18.221, 226.671, -20.0, 230.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in South: " << c->GroundAzimuth(-20.0, 226.671, -20.0, 230.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in South: " << c->GroundAzimuth(-18.221, 355.0, -20.0, 6.671) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in South: " << c->GroundAzimuth(-18.221, 6.671, -20.0, 355.0) << endl;
  cout << "GroundAzimuth in South: " << c->GroundAzimuth(-18.221, 6.671, -20.0, 6.671) << endl << endl;

  cout << "SetUniversalGround(lat, lon): "
       << c->SetGround(lat, lon) << endl;

  cout << "SetRightAscensionDeclination(ra, dec): "
       << c->SetRightAscensionDeclination(ra, dec) << endl;
  cout << "HasProjection: " << c->HasProjection() << endl;
  cout << "ReferenceBand: " << c->ReferenceBand() << endl;
  cout << "HasReferenceBand: " << c->HasReferenceBand() << endl;
  cout << "Sample: " << setprecision(3) << c->Sample() << endl;
  cout << "Line: " << setprecision(3) << c->Line() << endl;

  try {
    double lat = 0, lon = 0;
    cout << "GroundRange: "
         << c->GroundRange(lat, lat, lon, lon, pvl) << endl;
    cout << "IntersectsLongitudeDomain: "
         << c->IntersectsLongitudeDomain(pvl) << endl;
  catch(IException &e) {
    cout << "No mapping group found, so GroundRange and " << endl
         << "IntersectsLongitudeDomain cannot run." << endl;

  cout << "PixelResolution: " << c->PixelResolution() << endl;
  cout << "LineResolution: " << c->LineResolution() << endl;
  cout << "SampleResolution: " << c->SampleResolution() << endl;
  cout << "DetectorResolution: " << c->DetectorResolution() << endl;
  cout << "LowestImageResolution: " << setprecision(4)
       << c->LowestImageResolution() << endl;
  cout << "HighestImageResolution: " << setprecision(3)
       << c->HighestImageResolution() << endl;
  cout << "Calling BasicMapping (pvl)..." << endl;

  double pixRes2 = pvl.findGroup("Mapping")["PixelResolution"];
  pixRes2 *= 10000000;
  pixRes2 = round(pixRes2);
  pixRes2 /= 10000000;
  pvl.findGroup("Mapping")["PixelResolution"] = toString(pixRes2);

  cout << "BasicMapping PVL: " << endl << pvl << endl << endl;
  cout << "FocalLength: " << c->FocalLength() << endl;
  cout << "PixelPitch: " << c->PixelPitch() << endl;
  cout << "Samples: " << c->Samples() << endl;
  cout << "Lines: " << c->Lines() << endl;
  cout << "Bands: " << c->Bands() << endl;
  cout << "ParentLines: " << c->ParentLines() << endl;
  cout << "ParentSamples: " << c->ParentSamples() << endl;

  try {
    cout << c->RaDecRange(ra, ra, dec, dec) << endl;
  catch(IException &e) {

  try {
    cout << c->RaDecResolution() << endl;
  catch(IException &e) {

  cout << "Calling Distortion, FocalPlane, ";
  cout << "Detector, Ground, and Sky Map functions... ";
  cout << "Done." << endl;

  cout << "Calling IgnoreProjection (false)..." << endl;

  cout << endl << "Testing SetUniversalGround(lat,lon,radius)..." << endl;
  double radius = 3414033.72108798;
  c->SetUniversalGround(lat.degrees(), lon.degrees(), radius);
  c->SetGround(SurfacePoint(lat, lon, Distance(radius, Distance::Meters)));
  cout << "Has intersection " << c->HasSurfaceIntersection() << endl;
  cout << "Latitude = " << c->UniversalLatitude() << endl;
  cout << "Longitude = " << c->UniversalLongitude() << endl;
  cout << "Radius = " << c->LocalRadius().meters() << endl;
  double p[3];
  cout << "Point = " << setprecision(4)
       << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl << endl;

  cout << "Test Forward/Reverse Camera Calculations At Center Of Image..."
       << endl;
  sample = c->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = c->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Sample = " << setprecision(3) << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << c->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Latitude = " << c->UniversalLatitude() << endl;
  cout << "Longitude = " << c->UniversalLongitude() << endl;
  cout << "Radius = " << c->LocalRadius().meters() << endl;
  cout << "Point = " << setprecision(4)
       << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
  cout << "SetUniversalGround (lat, lon, radius): "
       << c->SetUniversalGround(c->UniversalLatitude(), c->UniversalLongitude(),
       << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << c->Sample() << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << c->Line() << endl << endl;

  cout << endl << "/---------- Test Polar Boundary Conditions" << endl;
  inputFile = "$clementine1/testData/lub5992r.292.lev1.phot.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam2 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  cout << endl;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  ifovOffsets = cam2->PixelIfovOffsets();
  cout << "Pixel Ifov: " << endl;
  foreach (QPointF offset, ifovOffsets) {
    cout << offset.x() << " , " << offset.y() << endl;
  cout << "Basic Mapping: " << endl;
  Pvl camMap;

  double minLat = camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["MinimumLatitude"];
  minLat *= 100;
  minLat = round(minLat);
  minLat /= 100;
  camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["MinimumLatitude"] = toString(minLat);

  double pixRes = camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["PixelResolution"];
  pixRes *= 100;
  pixRes = round(pixRes);
  pixRes /= 100;
  camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["PixelResolution"] = toString(pixRes);

  double minLon = camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["MinimumLongitude"];
  minLon *= 100000000000.0;
  minLon = round(minLon);
  minLon /= 100000000000.0;
  camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["MinimumLongitude"] = toString(minLon);

  cout << camMap << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << "180 Domain Range: " << endl;
  double minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon;
  camMap.findGroup("Mapping")["LongitudeDomain"][0] = "180";
  cam2->GroundRange(minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon, camMap);
  cout << "Latitude Range: " << minlat << " to " << maxlat << endl;
  cout << "Longitude Range: " << minlon << " to " << maxlon
            << endl << endl;

  cout << "Test Forward/Reverse Camera Calculations At Center Of Image..."
       << endl;
  sample = cam2->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam2->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam2->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Latitude = " << cam2->UniversalLatitude() << endl;
  cout << "Longitude = " << cam2->UniversalLongitude() << endl;
  cout << "Radius = " << cam2->LocalRadius().meters() << endl;
  cout << "Point = " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
  cout << "SetUniversalGround (cam2->UniversalLatitude(), "
          "cam2->UniversalLongitude()): "
       << cam2->SetUniversalGround(cam2->UniversalLatitude(),
       << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << cam2->Sample() << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << cam2->Line() << endl << endl;

  delete cam2;

  cout << endl << "/---------- Test Local Photometric Angles..." << endl << endl;
  cout << "Flat DEM Surface..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_flat.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam3 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam3->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam3->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam3->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  double normal[3];
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  Angle phase;
  Angle incidence;
  Angle emission;
  bool success;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam3;

  cout << endl << "45 Degree DEM Surface Facing Left..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_45left.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam4 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam4->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam4->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam4->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam4;

  cout << endl << "45 Degree DEM Surface Facing Top..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_45top.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam5 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam5->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam5->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam5->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam5;

  cout << endl << "45 Degree DEM Surface Facing Right..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_45right.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam6 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam6->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam6->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam6->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam6;

  cout << endl << "45 Degree DEM Surface Facing Bottom..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_45bottom.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam7 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam7->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam7->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam7->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam7;

  cout << endl << "80 Degree DEM Surface Facing Left..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_80left.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam8 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam8->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam8->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam8->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam8;

  cout << endl << "80 Degree DEM Surface Facing Top..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_80top.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam9 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam9->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam9->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam9->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam9;

  cout << endl << "80 Degree DEM Surface Facing Right..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_80right.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam10 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam10->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam10->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam10->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam10;

  cout << endl << "80 Degree DEM Surface Facing Bottom..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_80bottom.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam11 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = cam11->Samples() / 2.0;
  line = cam11->Lines() / 2.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam11->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam11;

  cout << endl << "Point Does Not Intersect DEM..." << endl;
  inputFile = "$base/testData/f319b18_ideal_flat.cub";
  pvl = *cube.label();
  Camera *cam12 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  sample = 1.0;
  line = 1.0;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  cout << "Sample = " << sample << endl;
  cout << "Line = " << line << endl;
  cout << "SetImage (sample, line): " << cam12->SetImage(sample, line) << endl;
  cout << "Normal = " << normal[0] << ", " << normal[1] << ", " << normal[2] << endl;
  if (success) {
    cout << "Phase = " << phase.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Emission = " << emission.degrees() << endl;
    cout << "Incidence = " << incidence.degrees() << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Angles could not be calculated." << endl;
  delete cam12;

  //  Test PixelIfov for Vims which sets the field of view if it in hires mode.  The Ifov is
  //  rectangular instead of square.
  inputFile = "$base/testData/CM_1515945709_1.ir.cub";
  Camera *cam13 = CameraFactory::Create(cube);

  cout << endl << endl << "Testing non-square pixel Ifov using Hires vims cube" << endl;
  cout << "Camera* from: " << inputFile << endl;
  ifovOffsets = cam13->PixelIfovOffsets();
  cout << "Pixel Ifov: " << endl;
  foreach (QPointF offset, ifovOffsets) {
    cout << offset.x() << " , " << offset.y() << endl;
  delete cam13;
Exemplo n.º 10
void IsisMain() {


  cout << "Testing Isis::ProcessMapMosaic Class ... " << endl;

  // Create the temp parent cube
  FileList cubes;

  cout << "Testing Mosaic 1" << endl;
  ProcessMapMosaic m1;
  CubeAttributeOutput oAtt;
  ProcessMosaic::ImageOverlay priority = ProcessMapMosaic::PlaceImagesOnTop;
  m1.SetOutputCube(cubes, oAtt, "./unitTest.cub");

  //set priority

  for(int i = 0; i < cubes.size(); i++) {
    if(m1.StartProcess(cubes[i].toString())) {
      cout << cubes[i].toString() << " is inside the mosaic" << endl;
    else {
      cout << cubes[i].toString() << " is outside the mosaic" << endl;

  cout << "Mosaic label: " << endl;

  Pvl labels("./unitTest.cub");
  cout << labels << endl;


  cout << "Testing Mosaic 2" << endl;
  ProcessMapMosaic m2;
  m2.SetOutputCube(cubes, -6, -4, 29, 31, oAtt, "./unitTest.cub");

  //set priority

  for(int i = 0; i < cubes.size(); i++) {
    if(m2.StartProcess(cubes[i].toString())) {
      cout << cubes[i].toString() << " is inside the mosaic" << endl;
    else {
      cout << cubes[i].toString() << " is outside the mosaic" << endl;

  cout << "Mosaic label: " << endl;

  cout << labels << endl;

  Cube tmp;
  LineManager lm(tmp);
  lm.SetLine(1, 1);

  while(!lm.end()) {
    cout << "Mosaic Data: " << lm[lm.SampleDimension()/4] << '\t' <<
              lm[lm.SampleDimension()/2] << '\t' <<
              lm[(3*lm.SampleDimension())/4] << endl;

  remove("./unitTest.cub");  // Create the temp parent cube

  cout << endl << "Testing Mosaic where the input (x, y) is negative,"
          " according to the output cube." << endl;
  QString inputFile = "./unitTest1.cub";
  Cube inCube;
  PvlGroup mapGroup = inCube.label()->findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse);

  mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude",  toString(-4.9)), Pvl::Replace);
  mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude",  toString(-4.7)), Pvl::Replace);
  mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", toString(30.7)), Pvl::Replace);
  mapGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", toString(31)), Pvl::Replace);
  CubeAttributeOutput oAtt2( FileName("./unitTest3.cub") );
  ProcessMapMosaic m3;
  m3.SetOutputCube(inputFile, mapGroup, oAtt2, "./unitTest3.cub");

  //set priority

  if(m3.StartProcess(inputFile)) {
    cout << "The mosaic was successfull." << endl;
  else {
    cout << "The mosaic was not successfull." << endl;

  cout << "Mosaic label: " << endl;

  Pvl labels2("./unitTest3.cub");
  cout << labels2 << endl;


Exemplo n.º 11
void IsisMain() {
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
    ProcessByLine p1;
    Pvl inlabel;
    Cube cube;

    int sl, ss;
    int el, es;
    double linc, sinc;
    int inl, ins;
    int onl, ons;

    QString from1 = ui.GetFileName("FROM1");
    Cube inomapcube;
    inl = inomapcube.lineCount();
    ins = inomapcube.sampleCount();
    sl = 1;
    ss = 1;
    el = inl;
    es = ins;
    linc = 1.0;
    sinc = 1.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    Cube *onomapcube = p1.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    PvlGroup results("Results");
    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    SubArea s;
    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&inomapcube, onomapcube, results);

    cout << "Input unprojected cube label: " << endl << endl;
    inlabel = *inomapcube.label();
    cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing no change in image area for unprojected cube..." << endl << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    QString file = ui.GetFileName("TO");
    Pvl label(file);
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;



    ProcessByLine p2;
    linc = 2.0;
    sinc = 2.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    onomapcube = p2.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&inomapcube, onomapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing full image area with linc=2, sinc=2 ";
    cout << "for unprojected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p3;
    linc = 2.0;
    sinc = 3.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    onomapcube = p3.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&inomapcube, onomapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing full image area with linc=2, sinc=3 ";
    cout << "for unprojected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p4;
    sl = 25;
    ss = 10;
    el = inl - 33;
    es = ins - 18;
    linc = .5;
    sinc = .5;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    onomapcube = p4.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&inomapcube, onomapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing sub image area with linc=.5, sinc=.5 ";
    cout << "for unprojected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p5;
    linc = 1.0;
    sinc = 2.5;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    onomapcube = p5.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&inomapcube, onomapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing sub image area with linc=1.0, sinc=2.5 ";
    cout << "for unprojected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;



    ProcessByLine p6;
    QString from2 = ui.GetFileName("FROM2");
    Cube imapcube;
    inl = imapcube.lineCount();
    ins = imapcube.sampleCount();
    sl = 1;
    ss = 1;
    el = inl;
    es = ins;
    linc = 1.0;
    sinc = 1.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    Cube *omapcube = p6.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&imapcube, omapcube, results);

    cout << "Input projected cube label: " << endl << endl;
    inlabel = *imapcube.label();
    cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << inlabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing no change in image area for projected cube..." << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p7;
    linc = 2.0;
    sinc = 2.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    omapcube = p7.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&imapcube, omapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing full image area with linc=2, sinc=2 ";
    cout << "for projected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p8;
    linc = 2.0;
    sinc = 3.0;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    omapcube = p8.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&imapcube, omapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing full image area with linc=2, sinc=3 ";
    cout << "for projected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p9;
    sl = 25;
    ss = 10;
    el = inl - 33;
    es = ins - 18;
    linc = .5;
    sinc = .5;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    omapcube = p9.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&imapcube, omapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing sub image area with linc=.5, sinc=.5 ";
    cout << "for projected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


    ProcessByLine p10;
    linc = 1.0;
    sinc = 2.5;
    onl = (int)ceil((double)(el - sl + 1) / linc);
    ons = (int)ceil((double)(es - ss + 1) / sinc);
    omapcube = p10.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, 1);

    results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(inl));
    results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(ins));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(sl));
    results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(ss));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(el));
    results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(es));
    results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(linc));
    results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(sinc));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(onl));
    results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(ons));

    s.SetSubArea(inl, ins, sl, ss, el, es, linc, sinc);
    s.UpdateLabel(&imapcube, omapcube, results);

    cout << "Testing sub image area with linc=1.0, sinc=2.5 ";
    cout << "for projected cube..." << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Output cube label: " << endl << endl;
    label = *cube.label();
    cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findObject("Core").findGroup("Dimensions") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Instrument")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Mapping")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Mapping") << endl << endl;
    if(label.findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
        cout << label.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("AlphaCube") << endl << endl;


Exemplo n.º 12
int main() {
  QString inputFile = "$mgs/testData/ab102401.cub";
  Cube cube;
  Camera *c = cube.camera();
  std::vector<Distance> radii = c->target()->radii();
  Pvl &pvl = *cube.label();
  Spice spi(cube);
  Target targ(&spi, pvl);

  cout << "Begin testing Ellipsoid Shape Model class...." << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing constructors..."  << endl;
  EllipsoidShape shape(&targ, pvl);
  EllipsoidShape shape2(&targ);
  EllipsoidShape shape3;

  cout << "    Shape1  name is " << shape.name() << endl;
  cout << "    Shape2  name is " << shape2.name() << endl;
  cout << "    Shape3  name is " << shape3.name() << endl;

  std::vector<double> sB(3);
  sB[0] = -2399.54;
  sB[1] = -2374.03;
  sB[2] = 1277.68;
  std::vector<double> lookB(3, 1.);
  lookB[0] = -1.;
  cout << endl << "  Testing method intersectSurface with failure..." << endl; 
  cout << "    Do we have an intersection? " << shape.hasIntersection() << endl;
  shape.intersectSurface(sB, lookB);
  if (!shape.hasIntersection()) cout << "    Intersection failed " << endl;

  cout << endl << "Testing method intersectSurface..." << endl; 
  cout << "    Do we have an intersection? " << shape.hasIntersection() << endl;
  cout << "   Set a pixel in the image and check again." << endl;
  double line = 453.0;
  double sample = 534.0;
  c->SetImage(sample, line);
  c->instrumentPosition((double *) &sB[0]);
  std::vector<double> uB(3);
  c->sunPosition((double *) &uB[0]);
  c->SpacecraftSurfaceVector((double *) &lookB[0]);
Sample/Line = 534/453
surface normal = -0.623384, -0.698838, 0.350738
Local normal = -0.581842, -0.703663, 0.407823
  Phase                      = 40.787328112158
  Incidence                  = 85.341094499768
  Emission                   = 46.966269013795
  if (!shape.intersectSurface(sB, lookB)) { 
      cout << "    ...  intersectSurface method failed" << endl;
      return -1;
  cout << "    Do we have an intersection? " << shape.hasIntersection() << endl;
  SurfacePoint *sp = shape.surfaceIntersection();
  cout << "     surface point = (" << sp->GetX().kilometers() << ", " << 
    sp->GetY().kilometers() << ", " << sp->GetZ().kilometers() << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing class method calculateLocalNormal..." << endl;
  QVector<double *>  notUsed(4);

  for (int i = 0; i < notUsed.size(); i ++)
      notUsed[i] = new double[3];

  vector<double> myNormal(3);
  myNormal = shape.normal();
  cout << "    local normal = (" << myNormal[0] << ", " << myNormal[1] << ", " << myNormal[2] << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing class method calculateSurfaceNormal..." << endl;
  myNormal = shape.normal();
  cout << "    surface normal = (" << myNormal[0] << ", " << myNormal[1] << ", " << myNormal[2] << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing class method calculateDefaultNormal..." << endl;
  myNormal = shape.normal();
  cout << "    default normal = (" << myNormal[0] << ", " << myNormal[1] << ", " << myNormal[2] << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing localRadius method ..." << endl;
  cout  << "    Local radius = " << shape.localRadius(Latitude(20.532461495381, Angle::Degrees),
                                                  Longitude(228.26609149754, Angle::Degrees)).kilometers() << endl;
  // Mars radii = 3397.      3397.         3375.

  cout << endl << "  Testing setHasIntersection method" << endl;
  cout << "    Do we have an intersection? " << shape.hasIntersection() << endl;

  cout << endl << "  Testing setSurfacePoint method ..." << endl;
  cout << "     Do we have an intersection? " << shape.hasIntersection() << endl;
  cout << "     surface point = (" << sp->GetX().kilometers() << ", " << 
    sp->GetY().kilometers() << ", " << sp->GetZ().kilometers() << endl;

Exemplo n.º 13
/** The ISIS smtk main application */
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Open the first cube.  It is the left hand image.
  Cube lhImage;
  CubeAttributeInput &attLeft = ui.GetInputAttribute("FROM");
  vector<QString> bandLeft = attLeft.bands();

  // Open the second cube, it is geomertricallty altered.  We will be matching the
  // first to this one by attempting to compute a sample/line offsets
  Cube rhImage;
  CubeAttributeInput &attRight = ui.GetInputAttribute("MATCH");
  vector<QString> bandRight = attRight.bands();

  // Ensure only single bands
  if (lhImage.bandCount() != 1 || rhImage.bandCount() != 1) {
    QString msg = "Input Cubes must have only one band!";
    throw IException(IException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  //  Both images must have a Camera and can also have a Projection.  We will
  //  only deal with a Camera, however as a projected, non-mosaicked image
  //  uses a Projection internal to the Camera object.
  Camera *lhCamera = NULL;
  Camera *rhCamera = NULL;
  try {
    lhCamera = lhImage.camera();
    rhCamera = rhImage.camera();
  catch (IException &ie) {
    QString msg = "Both input images must have a camera";
    throw IException(ie, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //  Since we are generating a DEM, we must turn off any existing
  //  DEM that may have been initialized with spiceinit.

  // Get serial number
  QString serialLeft = SerialNumber::Compose(lhImage, true);
  QString serialRight = SerialNumber::Compose(rhImage, true);

//  This still precludes band to band registrations.
  if (serialLeft == serialRight) {
    QString sLeft = FileName(lhImage.fileName()).name();
    QString sRight = FileName(rhImage.fileName()).name();
    if (sLeft == sRight) {
      QString msg = "Cube Serial Numbers must be unique - FROM=" + serialLeft +
                   ", MATCH=" + serialRight;
      throw IException(IException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);
    serialLeft = sLeft;
    serialRight = sRight;

  Progress prog;
  prog.SetText("Finding Initial Seeds");

  int nl = lhImage.lineCount();
  int ns = lhImage.sampleCount();
  BigInt numAttemptedInitialPoints = 0;

  //  Declare Gruen matcher
  SmtkMatcher matcher(ui.GetFileName("REGDEF"), &lhImage, &rhImage);

  // Get line/sample linc/sinc parameters
  int space   = ui.GetInteger("SPACE");
  int linc (space), sinc(space);

  // Do we have a seed points from a control net file?
  bool useseed = ui.WasEntered("CNET");

  // Base points on an input cnet
  SmtkQStack gstack;
  double lastEigen(0.0);
  if (useseed) {
    ControlNet cnet(ui.GetFileName("CNET"));


    for (int cpIndex = 0; cpIndex < cnet.GetNumPoints(); cpIndex ++) {
      ControlPoint *cp = cnet.GetPoint(cpIndex);

      if (!cp->IsIgnored()) {
        ControlMeasure *cmLeft(0), *cmRight(0);
        for(int cmIndex = 0; cmIndex < cp->GetNumMeasures(); cmIndex ++) {
          ControlMeasure *cm = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);
          if (!cm->IsIgnored()) {
            if (cm->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialLeft)
              cmLeft = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);
            if (cm->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialRight)
              cmRight = cp->GetMeasure(cmIndex);

        //  If we have both left and right images in the control point, save it
        if ( (cmLeft != 0) && (cmRight != 0) ) {
          Coordinate left = Coordinate(cmLeft->GetLine(), cmLeft->GetSample());
          Coordinate right = Coordinate(cmRight->GetLine(), cmRight->GetSample());
          SmtkPoint spnt = matcher.Create(left, right);

          // Insert the point (unregistered)
          if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
            int line = (int) cmLeft->GetLine();
            int samp = (int) cmLeft->GetSample();
            gstack.insert(qMakePair(line, samp), spnt);
            lastEigen = spnt.GoodnessOfFit();

  else {
  // We want to create a grid of control points that is N rows by M columns.

    int rows = (lhImage.lineCount() + linc - 1)/linc;
    int cols = (lhImage.sampleCount() + sinc - 1)/sinc;

    prog.SetMaximumSteps(rows * cols);

    // First pass stack and eigen value statistics
    SmtkQStack fpass;
    fpass.reserve(rows * cols);
    Statistics temp_mev;

    // Loop through grid of points and get statistics to compute
    // initial set of points
    for (int line = linc / 2 + 1; line < nl; line += linc) {
      for (int samp = sinc / 2 + 1 ; samp < ns; samp += sinc) {
        numAttemptedInitialPoints ++;
        SmtkPoint spnt = matcher.Register(Coordinate(line,samp));
        if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
          fpass.insert(qMakePair(line, samp), spnt);

    //  Now select a subset of fpass points as the seed points
    cout << "Number of Potential Seed Points: " << fpass.size() << "\n";
    cout << "Min / Max Eigenvalues Matched: " << temp_mev.Minimum() << ", "
         << temp_mev.Maximum() << "\n";

    // How many seed points are requested
    double nseed = ui.GetDouble("NSEED");
    int inseed;
    if (nseed >= 1.0) inseed = (int) nseed;
    else if (nseed > 0.0) inseed = (int) (nseed * (double) (fpass.size()));
    else inseed = (int) ((double) (fpass.size()) * 0.05);

    double seedsample = ui.GetDouble("SEEDSAMPLE");

    // Generate a new stack
    while ((gstack.size() < inseed) && (!fpass.isEmpty() )) {
      SmtkQStack::iterator bestm;
      if (seedsample <= 0.0) {
        bestm = matcher.FindSmallestEV(fpass);
      else {
        bestm = matcher.FindExpDistEV(fpass, seedsample, temp_mev.Minimum(),

      //  Add point to stack
      if (bestm != fpass.end()) {
        Coordinate right = bestm.value().getRight();
        gstack.insert(bestm.key(), bestm.value());
        lastEigen = bestm.value().GoodnessOfFit();

    // If a user wants to see the seed network, write it out here
    if (ui.WasEntered("OSEEDNET")) {
      WriteCnet(ui.GetFileName("OSEEDNET"), gstack,
                lhCamera->target()->name(), serialLeft, serialRight);


  // All done with seed points.  Sanity check ensures we actually found
  // some.
  if (gstack.size() <= 0) {
    QString msg = "No seed points found - may need to check Gruen parameters.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //  Report seed point status
  if (!useseed) {
    cout << "Number of Seed Points used: " << gstack.size() << "\n";
    cout << "EV of last Seed Point:      " << lastEigen << "\n";
  else {
    cout << "Number of Manual Seed Points:   " << gstack.size() << "\n";

  // Use seed points (in stack) to grow
  SmtkQStack bmf;
  bmf.reserve(gstack.size());  // Probably need much more but for starters...

  BigInt numOrigPoints = gstack.size();
  BigInt passpix2 = 0;

  int subcbox = ui.GetInteger("SUBCBOX");
  int halfBox((subcbox-1)/2);
  while (!gstack.isEmpty()) {

    SmtkQStackIter cstack = matcher.FindSmallestEV(gstack);

    // Print number on stack
    if ((gstack.size() % 1000) == 0) {
      cout << "Number on Stack: " << gstack.size()
           << ". " << cstack.value().GoodnessOfFit() << "\n";

    // Test to see if already determined
    SmtkQStackIter bmfPt = bmf.find(cstack.key());
    if (bmfPt == bmf.end()) {
      // Its not in the final stack, process it

      //  Retrieve the point
      SmtkPoint spnt = cstack.value();
      //  Register if its not already registered
      if (!spnt.isRegistered()) {
        spnt = matcher.Register(spnt, spnt.getAffine());

      // Still must check for validity if the point was just registered,
      // otherwise should be good
      if ( spnt.isValid() ) {
        bmf.insert(cstack.key(), spnt);  // inserts (0,0) offset excluded below
        int line   = cstack.key().first;
        int sample = cstack.key().second;

        //  Determine match points
        double eigen(spnt.GoodnessOfFit());
        for (int sampBox = -halfBox ; sampBox <= halfBox ; sampBox++ ) {
          int csamp = sample + sampBox;
          for (int lineBox = -halfBox ; lineBox <= halfBox ; lineBox++) {
            int cline = line + lineBox;
            if ( !( (sampBox == 0) && (lineBox == 0)) ) {// Already added above
              SmtkQPair dupPair(cline, csamp);
              SmtkQStackIter temp = bmf.find(dupPair);
              SmtkPoint bmfpnt;
              if (temp != bmf.end()) {
                if (temp.value().GoodnessOfFit() > eigen) {
                  // Create cloned point with better fit
                  bmfpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, Coordinate(cline,csamp));
              else {  // ISIS2 is BMF(SAMP,LINE,7) .EQ VALID_MAX4)
                // Clone new point for insert
                bmfpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, Coordinate(cline,csamp));

              //  Add if good point
              if (bmfpnt.isValid()) {
                bmf.insert(dupPair, bmfpnt);

        // Grow stack with spacing adding info to stack
        for (int i = -1 ; i <= 1 ; i ++) {  // Sample
          for (int j = -1 ; j <= 1 ; j ++) {  // Line
            // Don't re-add the original sample, line
            if ( !((i == 0) && (j == 0)) ) {
              //  Grow based upon spacing
              double ssamp = sample + (i * space);
              double sline = line   + (j * space);
              Coordinate pnt = Coordinate(sline, ssamp);
              SmtkPoint gpnt = matcher.Clone(spnt, pnt);

              if ( gpnt.isValid() ) {
                SmtkQPair growpt((int) sline, (int) ssamp);

                // double check we don't have a finalized result at this position
                SmtkQStackIter temp = bmf.find(growpt);
                if(temp == bmf.end()) {
                  gstack.insert(growpt, gpnt);

    // Remove the current point from the grow stack (hole)

// All done with creating points.  Perform output options.

  // If a TO parameter was specified, create DEM with errors
  if (ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    //  Create the output DEM
    cout << "\nCreating output DEM from " << bmf.size() << " points.\n";
    Process  p;
    Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
    Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO", icube->sampleCount(),
                                  icube->lineCount(), 3);

    int boxsize = ui.GetInteger("BOXSIZE");
    double plotdist = ui.GetDouble("PLOTDIST");

    TileManager dem(*ocube), eigen(*ocube), stErr(*ocube);
    dem.SetTile(1, 1);      //  DEM Data/elevation
    stErr.SetTile(1, 2);    //  Error in stereo computation
    eigen.SetTile(1, 3);    //  Eigenvalue of the solution

    int nBTiles(eigen.Tiles()/3);  // Total tiles / 3 bands

    prog.SetText("Creating DEM");

    Statistics stAng;
    while ( !eigen.end() ) {   // Must use the last band for this!!
      PointPlot tm = for_each(bmf.begin(), bmf.end(), PointPlot(dem, plotdist));
      tm.FillPoints(*lhCamera, *rhCamera, boxsize, dem, stErr, eigen, &stAng);




    //  Report Stereo separation angles
    PvlGroup stresultsPvl("StereoSeparationAngle");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Minimum", toString(stAng.Minimum()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Average", toString(stAng.Average()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("Maximum", toString(stAng.Maximum()), "deg");
    stresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation", toString(stAng.StandardDeviation()), "deg");

    // Update the label with BandBin keywords
    PvlKeyword filter("FilterName", "Elevation", "meters");
    filter.addValue("ElevationError", "meters");
    filter.addValue("GoodnessOfFit", "unitless");
    PvlKeyword center("Center", "1.0");

    PvlGroup &bandbin = ocube->label()->findGroup("BandBin", PvlObject::Traverse);
    bandbin.addKeyword(filter, PvlContainer::Replace);
    bandbin.addKeyword(center, PvlContainer::Replace);
    bandbin.addKeyword(center, PvlContainer::Replace);


  // If a cnet file was entered, write the ControlNet pvl to the file
  if (ui.WasEntered("ONET")) {
    WriteCnet(ui.GetFileName("ONET"), bmf, lhCamera->target()->name(), serialLeft,

  // Create output data
  PvlGroup totalPointsPvl("Totals");
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("AttemptedPoints", toString(numAttemptedInitialPoints));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("InitialSuccesses", toString(numOrigPoints));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("GrowSuccesses", toString(passpix2));
  totalPointsPvl += PvlKeyword("ResultingPoints", toString(bmf.size()));


  Pvl arPvl = matcher.RegistrationStatistics();
  PvlGroup smtkresultsPvl("SmtkResults");
  smtkresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("SpiceOffImage", toString(matcher.OffImageErrorCount()));
  smtkresultsPvl += PvlKeyword("SpiceDistanceError", toString(matcher.SpiceErrorCount()));

  for(int i = 0; i < arPvl.groups(); i++) {

  // add the auto registration information to print.prt
  PvlGroup autoRegTemplate = matcher.RegTemplate();

  // Don't need the cubes opened anymore
Exemplo n.º 14
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  double  time0,//start time
          time1,//end time
          alti,  //altitude of the spacecraftmore
          fmc,  //forward motion compensation rad/sec
          horV,  //horizontal velocity km/sec
          radV,  //radial velocity km/sec
          rollV,//roll speed in rad/sec
          led;  //line exposure duration in seconds

  Cube  panCube;
  iTime  isisTime;
  QString iStrTEMP;

  int i,j,k,scFrameCode,insCode;

  QString mission;

  SpicePosition *spPos;
  SpiceRotation *spRot;

  //int nlines,nsamples,nbands;

  double deg2rad = acos(-1.0)/180.0;

  ProcessImport jp;
  FileName transFile("$apollo15/translations/apollopantranstable.trn");
  PvlTranslationTable transTable(transFile);
  PvlGroup kernels_pvlG;

  //scFrameCode and insCode from user input
  mission = ui.GetString("MISSION");
  if (mission == "APOLLO12") scFrameCode = -912000;
  if (mission == "APOLLO14") scFrameCode = -914000;
  if (mission == "APOLLO15") scFrameCode = -915000;
  if (mission == "APOLLO16") scFrameCode = -916000;
  if (mission == "APOLLO17") scFrameCode = -917000;

  insCode = scFrameCode - 230;

  try {
  catch (IException &e) {
    throw IException(IException::User,
                     "Unable to open the file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "] as a cube.",

  ////////////////////////////////////////////build the cube header instrament group
  PvlGroup inst_pvlG("Instrument");

  PvlKeyword keyword;

  //four that are the same for every panaramic mission




  //three that need to be calculated from input values
  horV = ui.GetDouble("VEL_HORIZ");
  radV = ui.GetDouble("VEL_RADIAL");
  alti = ui.GetDouble("CRAFT_ALTITUDE");

  //caculate the LineExposureDuration (led)
  if( ui.WasEntered("V/H_OVERRIDE") )
    fmc = ui.GetDouble("V/H_OVERRIDE")/1000.0;
    //forward motion compensation is directly equivalent to V/H
    fmc = sqrt(horV*horV + radV*radV)/alti;  
  rollV = fmc*ROLLC;  //roll angular velcoity is equal to  V/H * constant    (units rad/sec)
  //led = rad/mm * sec/rad = radians(2.5)/FIDL / rollV    (final units: sec/mm)
  led = (2.5*acos(-1.0)/180.0)/rollV/FIDL;  

  //use led and the number of mm to determine the start and stop times
  isisTime = ui.GetString("GMT");

  //calculate starting and stoping times
  time0 = isisTime.Et() - led*FIDL*21.5;
  time1 = time0 + led*FIDL*43;

  isisTime = time0;

  isisTime = time1;

  //converted led to msec/mm--negative sign to account for the anti-parallel time and line axes


  ///////////////////////////////////The kernals group


  keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("LeapSecond","File1") );

  keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File1") );
  keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File2") );
  keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetAttitudeShape", "File3") );

  keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetPosition", "File1") );
  keyword.addValue( transTable.Translate("TargetPosition", "File2") );

  keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("ShapeModel", "File1") );



  keyword.setValue( transTable.Translate("InstrumentAddendum",mission));


  //Load all the kernals

  //////////////////////////////////////////attach a target rotation table
  char frameName[32];
  SpiceInt frameCode;
  SpiceBoolean found;
  //get the framecode from the body code (301=MOON)
  cidfrm_c(301, sizeof(frameName), &frameCode, frameName, &found);  
  if(!found) {
    QString naifTarget = QString("IAU_MOOM");
    namfrm_c(naifTarget.toAscii().data(), &frameCode);
    if(frameCode == 0) {
      QString msg = "Can not find NAIF code for [" + naifTarget + "]";
      throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);
  spRot = new SpiceRotation(frameCode);
  //create a table from starttime to endtime (streched by 3%) with NODES entries
  spRot->LoadCache(time0-0.015*(time1-time0), time1+0.015*(time1-time0), NODES);  
  Table tableTargetRot = spRot->Cache("BodyRotation");
  tableTargetRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by apollopaninit");

  //////////////////////////////////////////////////attach a sun position table
  spPos = new SpicePosition(10,301);  //Position of the sun (10) WRT to the MOON (301)
  //create a table from starttime to endtime (stretched by 3%) with NODES entries
  spPos->LoadCache(time0-0.015*(time1-time0), time1+0.015*(time1-time0), NODES);  
  Table tableSunPos = spPos->Cache("SunPosition");
  tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableStartTime", toString(time0-0.015*(time1-time0)));
  tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTablleEndTime", toString(time1+0.015*(time1-time0)));
  tableSunPos.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by apollopaninit");
  panCube.write(tableSunPos);  //attach the table to the cube

  /////////////Finding the principal scan line position and orientation
  //get the radii of the MOON
  SpiceInt tempRadii = 0;
  bodvcd_c(301,"RADII",3,&tempRadii,R_MOON);  //units are km
  double  omega,phi,kappa;

  std::vector<double>  posSel;  //Seleno centric position
  std::vector<double> sunPos;  //sunPosition used to transform to J2000
  std::vector<double> posJ20;  //camera position in J2000

  double  temp,
          vel[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },  //the total velocity vector (combined Horizonatal and normal components) 
                   //  in km/sec
          M[3][3] = { { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
                      { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
                      { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } },    //rotation matrix
          zDir[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },  //selenographic Z axis
          northPN[3]  = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, //normal to the plane containing all the north/south directions, 
                      //  that is plane containing 
                      //  the origin, the z axis, and the primary point of intersection
          northL[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },    //north direction vector in local horizontal plane
          azm[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },   //azm direction of the veclocity vector in selenographic coordinates
          azmP[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },  //azm rotated (partially) and projected into the image plane
          norm[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },  //normal to the local horizontal plane
          look[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };  //unit direction vector in the pincipal cameral look direction, 
                    //  parallel to the vector from the center of the moon through the spacecraft

  double  pos0[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },  //coordinate of the camera position
          pInt[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };  //coordinate of the principle intersection point

  /////////////////calculating the camera position for the center (principal scan line)
  pos0[1] = ui.GetDouble("LON_NADIR")*deg2rad;
  pos0[0] = ui.GetDouble("LAT_NADIR")*deg2rad;
  pos0[2] = ui.GetDouble("CRAFT_ALTITUDE");  //units are km
  Geographic2GeocentricLunar(pos0,pos0);    //function is written so the input can also be the 
                                            //  output

  /////////////////////calculating the camera orientation for the center (principal) scan line
  pInt[1] = ui.GetDouble("LON_INT")*deg2rad;
  pInt[0] = ui.GetDouble("LAT_INT")*deg2rad;
  pInt[2] = 0.0;
  Geographic2GeocentricLunar(pInt,pInt); //function is written so the input can also be the output
  //calculate the unit look direction vector in object space
  look[0] = -pos0[0] + pInt[0];
  look[1] = -pos0[1] + pInt[1];
  look[2] = -pos0[2] + pInt[2];
  temp = sqrt(look[0]*look[0] + look[1]*look[1] + look[2]*look[2]);
  look[0] /= temp;
  look[1] /= temp;
  look[2] /= temp;
  //the local normal vector is equal to pInt0/|pInt0|
  temp = sqrt(pInt[0]*pInt[0] + pInt[1]*pInt[1] + pInt[2]*pInt[2]);
  norm[0] = pInt[0]/temp;
  norm[1] = pInt[1]/temp;
  norm[2] = pInt[2]/temp;
  //omega and phi are defined so that M(phi)M(omega)look = [0 0 -1]  leaving only the roation 
  //  around z axis to be found
  omega = -atan2(look[1], look[2]);  //omega rotation to zero look[1]
  phi   = atan2(-look[0], sin(omega)*look[1] - cos(omega)*look[2]);  //phi rotation to zero look[0]
  //use the horizontal velocity vector direction to solve for the last rotation; we will make the 
  //  image x axis parallel to the in-image-plane projection of the horizontal direction of flight.
  //  The local normal cross the selenogrpahic z gives northPN (normal to the plane containing all 
  //  the north/south directions), that is, the plane containing the origin, the z axis, and the 
  //  primary point of intersection.
  //The normal to the plane containing all the north/south directions cross the local normal 
  //  direction gives the local north/south direction in the local normal plane
  crossp(norm, zDir, northPN); 
  if (northL[2] < 0) {  //if by chance we got the south direction change the signs
    northL[0] = -northL[0];
    northL[1] = -northL[1];
    northL[2] = -northL[2];
  //define the rotation matrix to convert northL to the azimuth of flight.
  //  A left handed rotation of "VEL_AZM" around the positive normal direction will convert northL 
  //  to azm
  azm[0] = M[0][0]*northL[0] + M[0][1]*northL[1] + M[0][2]*northL[2];
  azm[1] = M[1][0]*northL[0] + M[1][1]*northL[1] + M[1][2]*northL[2];
  azm[2] = M[2][0]*northL[0] + M[2][1]*northL[1] + M[2][2]*northL[2];
  //apply the two rotations we already know
  azmP[0] = M[0][0]*azm[0] + M[0][1]*azm[1] + M[0][2]*azm[2];
  azmP[1] = M[1][0]*azm[1] + M[1][1]*azm[1] + M[1][2]*azm[2];
  azmP[2] = M[2][0]*azm[2] + M[2][1]*azm[1] + M[2][2]*azm[2];
  //subtract that portion of the azm that is perpindicular to the image plane (also the portion 
  //  which is parallel to look) making azm a vector parrallel to the image plane
  //  Further, since we're now rotated into some coordinate system that differs from 
  //  the image coordinate system by only a kappa rotation making the vector parrallel to the 
  //  image plan is as simple as zeroing the z component (and as pointless to further calculations 
  //  as a nat's fart in hurricane) nevertheless it completes the logical transition
  azmP[2] = 0.0;  

  //finally the kappa rotation that will make azmP parallel (including sign) to the camera x axis                  
  kappa = -atan2(-azmP[1], azmP[0]);  

  ////////////////////Add an instrument position table
  //Define the table records
  TableRecord recordPos;  // reacord to be added to table
  // add x,y,z position labels and ephemeris time et to record
  TableField x("J2000X", TableField::Double);  
  TableField y("J2000Y", TableField::Double);
  TableField z("J2000Z", TableField::Double);
  TableField t("ET", TableField::Double);
  recordPos += x;
  recordPos += y;
  recordPos += z;
  recordPos += t;
  Table tablePos("InstrumentPosition", recordPos);
  //now that the azm and norm vectors are defined 
  //  the total velocity vector can be calcualted (km/sec)
  vel[0] = horV*azm[0] + radV * norm[0];
  vel[1] = horV*azm[1] + radV * norm[1];
  vel[2] = horV*azm[2] + radV * norm[2];
  //we'll provide a two ellement table (more is redundant because the motion is modeled as linear 
  //  at this point)  we'll extend the nodes 3% beyond the edges of the images to be sure 
  //  rounding errors don't cause problems
  temp = 0.515*(time1-time0);  //3% extension
  posSel[0] = pos0[0] - temp*vel[0];    //selenocentric coordinate calculation
  posSel[1] = pos0[1] - temp*vel[1];
  posSel[2] = pos0[2] - temp*vel[2];
  //converting to J2000
  temp = time0 - 0.005*(time1-time0);  //et just before the first scan line
  //Despite being labeled as J2000, the coordinates for the instrument position are in fact in 
  //  target centric coordinated rotated to a system centered at the target with aces parallel 
  //  to J2000, whatever that means
  posJ20 = spRot->J2000Vector(posSel); //J2000Vector calls rotates the position vector into J2000,
                                       //  completing the transformation
  recordPos[0] = posJ20[0];
  recordPos[1] = posJ20[1];
  recordPos[2] = posJ20[2];
  recordPos[3] = temp;  //temp = et (right now anyway)
  tablePos += recordPos;
  tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableStartTime",toString(temp));
  //now the other node
  temp = 0.515*(time1-time0);      //3% extension
  posSel[0] = pos0[0] + temp*vel[0];    //selenocentric coordinate calculation
  posSel[1] = pos0[1] + temp*vel[1];
  posSel[2] = pos0[2] + temp*vel[2];
  //converting to J2000
  temp = time1 + 0.015*(time1-time0);  //et just after the last scan line
  //Despite being labeled as J2000, the coordinates for the instrument position are in fact 
  //  in target centric coordinated rotated to a system centered at the target with aces 
  //  parallel to J2000, whatever that means
  posJ20 = spRot->J2000Vector(posSel); //J2000Vector calls rotates the position vector into J2000,
                                       //  completing the transformation
  recordPos[0] = posJ20[0];
  recordPos[1] = posJ20[1];
  recordPos[2] = posJ20[2];
  recordPos[3] = temp;  //temp = et (right now anyway)
  tablePos += recordPos;
  tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("SpkTableEndTime",toString(temp));
  tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("CacheType","Linear");
  tablePos.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description","Created by apollopaninit");
  panCube.write(tablePos);  //now attach it to the table

  /////////////////////////////attach a camera pointing table
  double  cacheSlope,  //time between epoches in the table
          rollComb,  //magnitude of roll relative to the center in the middle of the epoch
          relT,  //relative time at the center of each epoch
          Q[NODES][5],  //NODES four ellement unit quarternions and et (to be calculated).
          gimVec[3],  //the direction of the gimbal rotation vector (to the cameras persepective 
                      //  this is always changing because the camera is mounted to the roll frame 
                      //  assembly which is mounted to the gimbal)
          M0[3][3],  //rotation matrix of the previous epoch
          Mtemp1[3][3],  //intermediate step in the multiplication of rotation matricies
          Mtemp2[3][3],  //intermediate step in the multiplication of rotation matricies
          Mdg[3][3],  //incremental rotation due the the gimbal motion in the camera frame
          Mdr[3][3];  //the contribution of the roll motion in the camera frame during time 
                      //  cacheSlope
  std::vector <double> M_J2toT;  //rotation matrix from J2000 to the target frame
  //Table Definition
  TableField q0("J2000Q0", TableField::Double);
  TableField q1("J2000Q1", TableField::Double);
  TableField q2("J2000Q2", TableField::Double);
  TableField q3("J2000Q3", TableField::Double);
  TableField et("ET", TableField::Double);
  TableRecord recordRot;
  recordRot += q0;
  recordRot += q1;
  recordRot += q2;
  recordRot += q3;
  recordRot += et;
  Table tableRot("InstrumentPointing",recordRot);
  //From the cameras perspective the gimbal motion is around a constantly changing axis, 
  //  this is handled by combining a series of incremental rotations
  MfromLeftEulers(M0, omega, phi, kappa);  //rotation matrix in the center Q[(NOPDES-1)/2]
  M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix();   //this actually gives the rotation from J2000 to target centric
  for(j=0; j<3; j++)    //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3
    for(k=0; k<3; k++)
      Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k];
  mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2);
  M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[(NODES-1)/2]);  //save the middle scan line quarternion

  Q[(NODES-1)/2][4] = (time1 + time0)/2.0;  //time in the center of the image
  //the total time is scaled up slightly so that nodes will extend just beyond the edge of the image
  cacheSlope = 1.03*(time1 - time0)/(NODES-1);    
  //Mdr is constant for all the forward time computations
  for (i=(NODES-1)/2+1; i<NODES; i++) {    //moving foward in time first
    Q[i][4] = Q[i-1][4] + cacheSlope;    //new time epoch
    //epoch center time relative to the center line
    relT = double(i - (NODES-1)/2 - 0.5)*cacheSlope;  
    rollComb = relT*rollV;
    gimVec[0] = 0.0;      //gimbal rotation vector direction in the middle of the epoch
    gimVec[1] =  cos(rollComb);
    gimVec[2] = -sin(rollComb);
    //incremental rotation due to the gimbal (forward motion compensation)
    MfromVecLeftAngle(Mdg, gimVec, fmc*cacheSlope);    
    //the new rotation matrix is Transpose(Mdr)*Transpose(Mdg)*M0--NOTE the order swap and 
    //  transposes are needed because both Mdr and Mdg were caculated in image space and need to be 
    //  transposed to apply to object space
    mtxm_c(Mdg, M0, Mtemp1);  
    //M0 is now what would typically be considered the rotation matrix of an image.  It rotates a 
    //  vector from the target centric space into camera space.  However, what is standard to 
    //  include in the cube labels is a rotation from camera space to J2000.  M0 is therefore the 
    //  transpose of the first part of this rotation.  Transpose(M0) is the rotation from camera 
    //  space to target centric space
    mtxm_c(Mdr, Mtemp1, M0);  
    //now adding the rotation from the target frame to J2000
    //this actually gives the rotation from J2000 to target centric--hence the mxmt_c function being 
    //  used later
    M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix();   
    for(j=0; j<3; j++)  //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3
      for(k=0; k<3; k++)
        Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k];
    mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2);
    M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[i]);    //convert to a quarterion

  MfromLeftEulers(M0, omega, phi, kappa);  //rotation matrix in the center Q[(NOPDES-1)/2]
  //Mdr is constant for all the backward time computations
  MfromLeftEulers(Mdr, -cacheSlope*rollV, 0.0, 0.0);    
  for (i=(NODES-1)/2-1; i>=0; i--) {  //moving backward in time
    Q[i][4] = Q[i+1][4] - cacheSlope;  //new time epoch
    //epoch center time relative to the center line
    relT = double(i  - (NODES-1)/2 + 0.5)*cacheSlope;  
    rollComb = relT*rollV;
    gimVec[0] = 0.0;      //gimbal rotation vector direction in the middle of the epoch
    gimVec[1] =  cos(rollComb);
    gimVec[2] = -sin(rollComb);
    //incremental rotation due to the gimbal (forward motion compensation)
    MfromVecLeftAngle(Mdg, gimVec, -fmc*cacheSlope);    
    //the new rotation matrix is Transpose(Mdr)*Transpose(Mdg)*M0    NOTE the order swap and 
    //  transposes are needed because both Mdr and Mdg were caculated in image space and need to be
    //  transposed to apply to object space
    mtxm_c(Mdg, M0, Mtemp1);  
    //M0 is now what would typically be considered the rotation matrix of an image.  It rotates a 
    //  vector from the target centric space into camera space.  However, what is standard to 
    //  include in the cube labels is a rotation from camera space to J2000.  M0 is therefore the 
    //  transpose of the first part of this rotation.  Transpose(M0) is the rotation from camera 
    //  space to target centric space
    mtxm_c(Mdr, Mtemp1, M0);  
    //now adding the rotation from the target frame to J2000
    M_J2toT = spRot->Matrix();
    for(j=0; j<3; j++)  //reformating M_J2toT to a 3x3
      for(k=0; k<3; k++)
        Mtemp1[j][k] = M_J2toT[3*j+k];
    mxm_c(M0, Mtemp1, Mtemp2);
    M2Q(Mtemp2, Q[i]);    //convert to a quarterion
  //fill in the table
  for (i=0; i<NODES; i++) {
    recordRot[0] = Q[i][0];
    recordRot[1] = Q[i][1];
    recordRot[2] = Q[i][2];
    recordRot[3] = Q[i][3];
    recordRot[4] = Q[i][4];
    tableRot += recordRot;
  tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("CkTableStartTime", toString(Q[0][4]));
  tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("CkTableEndTime", toString(Q[NODES-1][4]));
  tableRot.Label() += PvlKeyword("Description", "Created by appollopan2isis");

  tableRot.Label() += keyword;

  tableRot.Label() += keyword;

  for (i=1;i<9;i++)
    if (i%4 == 0) keyword.addValue("1");
    else keyword.addValue("0");
  tableRot.Label() += keyword;

  /////////////////////////Attach a table with all the measurements of the fiducial mark locations.
  Chip patternS,searchS;   //scaled pattern and search chips
  Cube  fidC;  //Fiducial image

  //line and sample coordinates for looping through the panCube
  double l=1,s=1,sample,line,sampleInitial=1,lineInitial=1,play;  

  int  regStatus,
       refL,  //number of lines in the patternS
       refS;  //number of samples in the patternS
  Pvl pvl;

  bool foundFirst=false;

  QString fileName;

  panS = panCube.sampleCount();

  //Table definition
  TableRecord recordFid;
  TableField indexFid("FID_INEX",TableField::Integer);
  TableField xFid("X_COORD",TableField::Double);
  TableField yFid("Y_COORD",TableField::Double);
  recordFid += indexFid;
  recordFid += xFid;
  recordFid += yFid;
  Table tableFid("Fiducial Measurement",recordFid);

  //read the image resolutions and scale the constants acordingly
  double  resolution = ui.GetDouble("MICRONS"),    //pixel size in microns
          scale            = SCALE  *5.0/resolution,  //reduction scale for fast autoregistrations
          searchHeight     = SEARCHh*5.0/resolution,  //number of lines (in 5-micron-pixels) in 
                                                      //  search space for the first fiducial
          searchCellSize   = SEARCHc*5.0/resolution,  //height/width of search chips block
          averageSamples   = AVERs  *5.0/resolution,  //scaled smaples between fiducials
          averageLines     = AVERl  *5.0/resolution;  //scaled average distance between the top and 
                                                      //bottom fiducials

  if( 15.0/resolution < 1.5) play=1.5;
  else play = 15.0/resolution; 

  //copy the patternS chip (the entire ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub)
  FileName fiducialFileName("$apollo15/calibration/ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub");
  if( !fidC.isOpen() ) {
    QString msg = "Unable to open the fiducial patternS cube: ApolloPanFiducialMark.cub\n";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
  refL = fidC.lineCount();
  refS = fidC.sampleCount();
  //scaled pattern chip for fast matching
  patternS.SetSize(int((refS-2)/SCALE), int((refL-2)/SCALE));  
  patternS.TackCube((refS-1)/2, (refL-1)/2);
  patternS.Load(fidC, 0, SCALE);

  //parameters for maximum correlation autoregestration  
  // see:  file:///usgs/pkgs/isis3nightly2011-09-21/isis/doc/documents/patternSMatch/patternSMatch.html#DistanceTolerance
  FileName fiducialPvl("$apollo15/templates/apolloPanFiducialFinder.pvl");
  pvl.read(fiducialPvl.expanded());  //read in the autoreg parameters
  AutoReg *arS = AutoRegFactory::Create(pvl);

  *arS->PatternChip()   = patternS;  //patternS chip is constant

  //set up a centroid measurer
  CentroidApolloPan centroid(resolution);
  Chip inputChip,selectionChip;
  inputChip.SetSize(int(ceil(200*5.0/resolution)), int(ceil(200*5.0/resolution)));
  fileName = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  if( panCube.pixelType() == 1)  //UnsignedByte
    centroid.setDNRange(12, 1e99);  //8 bit bright target
    centroid.setDNRange(3500, 1e99);  //16 bit bright target

  Progress progress;
  progress.SetText("Locating Fiducials");

  //Search for the first fiducial, search sizes are constanst
  //now start searching along a horizontal line for the first fiducial mark
  for(l = searchCellSize/2;
      l<searchHeight+searchCellSize/2.0 && !foundFirst;
      l+=searchCellSize-125*5.0/resolution) {
    for (s = searchCellSize/2;
         s < averageSamples + searchCellSize/2.0 && !foundFirst;
         s += searchCellSize-125*5.0/resolution) {
      searchS.TackCube(s, l);
      searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale);
      *arS->SearchChip() = searchS;
      regStatus = arS->Register();
      if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) {
        inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
        inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1);
        inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
        //continuous dynamic range selection
        centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip);    
        //elliptical trimming/smoothing
        if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000)) {  
          //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure
          centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line);    
          inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line);
          sampleInitial = inputChip.CubeSample();
          lineInitial   = inputChip.CubeLine();
          foundFirst = true;  //once the first fiducial is found stop
  if(s>=averageLines+searchCellSize/2.0) {
     QString msg = "Unable to locate a fiducial mark in the input cube [" + fileName + 
                  "].  Check FROM and MICRONS parameters.";
     throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  //record first fiducial measurement in the table
  recordFid[0] = 0;
  recordFid[1] = sampleInitial;
  recordFid[2] = lineInitial;
  tableFid += recordFid;
  for (s= sampleInitial, l=lineInitial, fidn=0;  s<panS;  s+=averageSamples, fidn++) {
     //corrections for half spacing of center fiducials
     if (fidn == 22) s -= averageSamples/2.0;
     if (fidn == 23) s -= averageSamples/2.0;

     //look for the bottom fiducial
     searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale);
     *arS->SearchChip()   = searchS;
     regStatus = arS->Register();
     if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) {
       inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
       inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
     else {  //if autoreg is unsuccessful, a larger window will be used
       inputChip.TackCube(s, l+averageLines);
       inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1);
       inputChip.SetCubePosition(s, l+averageLines);
     centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip);  //continuous dynamic range selection
     //elliptical trimming/smoothing... if this fails move on
     if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000) != 0 ) {      
       //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure
       centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line);      
       inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line);
       sample = inputChip.CubeSample();
       line   = inputChip.CubeLine();
       recordFid[0] = fidn*2+1;
       recordFid[1] = sample;
       recordFid[2] = line;
       tableFid += recordFid;

     //look for the top fiducial
     if (s == sampleInitial) //first time through the loop?
       continue;  //then the top fiducial was already found
     searchS.TackCube(s, l);
     searchS.Load(panCube, 0, scale);
     *arS->SearchChip()   = searchS;
     regStatus = arS->Register();
     if (regStatus == AutoReg::SuccessPixel) {
       inputChip.TackCube(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
       inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1);
       inputChip.SetCubePosition(arS->CubeSample(), arS->CubeLine());
     else {  //if autoreg is unsuccessful, a larger window will be used
       inputChip.TackCube(s, l);
       inputChip.Load(panCube, 0, 1);
       inputChip.SetCubePosition(s, l);
     centroid.selectAdaptive(&inputChip, &selectionChip);//continuous dynamic range selection
     //elliptical trimming/smoothing... if this fails move on
     if (centroid.elipticalReduction(&selectionChip, 95, play, 2000) !=0) {    
       //center of mass to reduce selection to a single measure
       centroid.centerOfMass(&selectionChip, &sample, &line);  
       inputChip.SetChipPosition(sample, line);
       //when finding the top fiducial both s and l are refined for a successful measurement, 
       //  this will help follow trends in the scaned image
       s = inputChip.CubeSample(); 
       l = inputChip.CubeLine();
       recordFid[0] = fidn*2;
       recordFid[1] = s;
       recordFid[2] = l;
       tableFid += recordFid;

  //close the new cube
  delete spPos;
  delete spRot;

  //now instantiate a camera to make sure all of this is working
  ApolloPanoramicCamera* cam = (ApolloPanoramicCamera*)(panCube.camera());
  //log the residual report from interior orientation 
  PvlGroup residualStats("InteriorOrientationStats");
  residualStats += PvlKeyword("FiducialsFound",  toString(tableFid.Records()));
  residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualMax",  toString(cam->intOriResidualMax()),"pixels");
  residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualMean", toString(cam->intOriResidualMean()),"pixels");
  residualStats += PvlKeyword("ResidualStdev", toString(cam->intOriResidualStdev()),"pixels");

  Application::Log( residualStats ); 

Exemplo n.º 15
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Cube cube;
  cube.open(ui.GetFileName("FROM"), "rw");

  // Make sure cube has been run through spiceinit
  try {
  catch(IException &e) {
    string msg = "Spiceinit must be run before initializing the polygon";
    throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  Progress prog;

  QString sn = SerialNumber::Compose(cube);

  ImagePolygon poly;
  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXEMISSION")) {
  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXINCIDENCE")) {
  if(ui.GetString("LIMBTEST") == "ELLIPSOID") {

  int sinc = 1;
  int linc = 1;
  IString incType = ui.GetString("INCTYPE");
  if(incType.UpCase() == "VERTICES") {
    sinc = linc = (int)(0.5 + (((poly.validSampleDim() * 2) +
                       (poly.validLineDim() * 2) - 3.0) /
    if (sinc < 1.0 || linc < 1.0)
      sinc = linc = 1.0;
  else if (incType.UpCase() == "LINCSINC"){
    sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC");
    linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC");
  else {
    string msg = "Invalid INCTYPE option[" + incType + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  bool precision = ui.GetBoolean("INCREASEPRECISION");
  try {
    poly.Create(cube, sinc, linc, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, precision);
  catch (IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Cannot generate polygon for [" + ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "]";
    throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if(ui.GetBoolean("TESTXY")) {
    Pvl cubeLab(ui.GetFileName("FROM"));
    PvlGroup inst = cubeLab.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
    QString target = inst["TargetName"];
    PvlGroup radii = Projection::TargetRadii(target);

    Pvl map(ui.GetFileName("MAP"));
    PvlGroup &mapping = map.findGroup("MAPPING");

      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("TargetName", target);
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", (QString)radii["EquatorialRadius"]);
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", (QString)radii["PolarRadius"]);
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetocentric");
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", "360");
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude", "0");
      mapping += Isis::PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude", "0");

    sinc = poly.getSinc();
    linc = poly.getLinc();
    bool polygonGenerated = false;
    while (!polygonGenerated) {
      Projection *proj = NULL;
      geos::geom::MultiPolygon *xyPoly = NULL;

      try {
        proj = ProjectionFactory::Create(map, true);
        xyPoly = PolygonTools::LatLonToXY(*poly.Polys(), proj);

        polygonGenerated = true;
      catch (IException &e) {
        if (precision && sinc > 1 && linc > 1) {
          sinc = sinc * 2 / 3;
          linc = linc * 2 / 3;
          poly.Create(cube, sinc, linc);
        else {
          delete proj;
          delete xyPoly;
          e.print(); // This should be a NAIF error
          QString msg = "Cannot calculate XY for [";
          msg += ui.GetFileName("FROM") + "]";
          throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      delete proj;
      delete xyPoly;

  cube.deleteBlob("Polygon", sn);

  if(precision) {
    PvlGroup results("Results");
    results.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("SINC", toString(sinc)));
    results.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("LINC", toString(linc)));

  Process p;

Exemplo n.º 16
   * Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images
   * and output attributes
  Isis::Cube *ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(FileList &propagationCubes, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt,
      const QString &mosaicFile) {
    int bands = 0;
    double xmin = DBL_MAX;
    double xmax = -DBL_MAX;
    double ymin = DBL_MAX;
    double ymax = -DBL_MAX;
    double slat = DBL_MAX;
    double elat = -DBL_MAX;
    double slon = DBL_MAX;
    double elon = -DBL_MAX;

    Projection *proj = NULL;

    if (propagationCubes.size() < 1) {
      QString msg = "The list does not contain any data";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    for (int i = 0; i < propagationCubes.size(); i++) {
      // Open the cube and get the maximum number of band in all cubes
      Cube cube;
      bands = max(bands, cube.bandCount());

      // See if the cube has a projection and make sure it matches
      // previous input cubes
      Projection *projNew =
      if ((proj != NULL) && (*proj != *projNew)) {
        QString msg = "Mapping groups do not match between cubes [" +
                     propagationCubes[0].toString() + "] and [" + propagationCubes[i].toString() + "]";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      // Figure out the x/y range as it may be needed later
      double x = projNew->ToProjectionX(0.5);
      double y = projNew->ToProjectionY(0.5);
      if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
      if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
      if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
      if (y > ymax) ymax = y;

      x = projNew->ToProjectionX(cube.sampleCount() + 0.5);
      y = projNew->ToProjectionY(cube.lineCount() + 0.5);
      if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
      if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
      if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
      if (y > ymax) ymax = y;

      slat = min(slat, projNew->MinimumLatitude());
      elat = max(elat, projNew->MaximumLatitude());
      slon = min(slon, projNew->MinimumLongitude());
      elon = max(elon, projNew->MaximumLongitude());

      // Cleanup
      if (proj) delete proj;
      proj = projNew;

    if (proj) delete proj;

    return SetOutputCube(propagationCubes[0].toString(), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                         slat, elat, slon, elon, bands, oAtt, mosaicFile);
Exemplo n.º 17
void gbl::FixWagoLines(QString file) {
  // Nothing to do for narrow angle
  if(gbl::moc->NarrowAngle()) return;

  // Open the cube to repair
  Cube fix;
  fix.open(file, "rw");
  const int nl = fix.lineCount();

  // Create a line manager on the cube for I/O
  LineManager lbuf(fix);

  // Determine which lines need to be examined
  double lastGain = moc->Gain();
  double lastOffset = moc->Offset();
  vector<int> fixList;
  for(int line = 2; line <= nl; line++) {
    double gain = moc->Gain(line);
    double offset = moc->Offset(line);
    if((lastGain != gain) || (lastOffset != offset)) fixList.push_back(line);
    lastGain = gain;
    lastOffset = offset;

  const int nlBefore = 2;
  const int nlAfter = 2;
  const int nlavg = 4;
  const double fixFactor = 1.5;

  // Loop for each line to fix
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fixList.size(); i++) {
    // We will examine a window of lines around the wago change
    int centerLine = fixList[i];
    int sl = centerLine - nlBefore - nlavg;
    int el = centerLine + nlAfter + nlavg;

    // Don't do anything if the window is outside the image
    if(sl < 1) continue;
    if(el < 1) continue;
    if(sl > nl) continue;
    if(el > nl) continue;

    // Find the closest non-zero output line average before the wago line
    int slBefore = sl;
    int elBefore = sl + nlavg;
    int indexBefore = -1;
    for(int line = elBefore; line >= slBefore; line--) {
      if(gbl::outLineAvg[line-1] != 0.0) {
        indexBefore = line - 1;
    if(indexBefore < 0) continue;
    double oavgBefore = gbl::outLineAvg[indexBefore];

    // Find the closest non-zero output line average before the wago line
    int slAfter = el - nlavg;
    int elAfter = el;
    int indexAfter = -1;
    for(int line = slAfter; line <= elAfter; line++) {
      if(gbl::outLineAvg[line-1] != 0.0) {
        indexAfter = line - 1;
    if(indexAfter < 0) continue;
    double oavgAfter = gbl::outLineAvg[indexAfter];

    // Get the corresponding input averages and compute net WAGO change
    // Don't do anything if the net change is invalid
    double iavgBefore = gbl::inLineAvg[indexBefore];
    double iavgAfter  = gbl::inLineAvg[indexAfter];

    double sum = (iavgBefore / iavgAfter) / (oavgBefore / oavgAfter);
    if(abs(1.0 - sum) < 0.05) continue;

    // Prep to fix the lines
    sl = centerLine - nlBefore;
    el = centerLine + nlAfter;
    int nlFix = el - sl + 1;
    double fixinc = (oavgAfter - oavgBefore) / (nlFix + 1);
    double base = oavgBefore;
    double avgTol = abs(fixinc * fixFactor);

    // Loop and fix each one
    for(int line = sl; line <= el; line++) {
      base += fixinc;
      double avg = base - gbl::outLineAvg[line-1];

      // Do we need to fix this line?
      if(abs(avg) <= avgTol) continue;

      // Read the line

      // Null it
      if(gbl::nullWago) {
        for(int samp = 0 ; samp < lbuf.size(); samp++) {
          lbuf[samp] = Null;
        outLineAvg[line-1] = 0.0;

      // or repair it
      else {
        avg = outLineAvg[line-1];
        outLineAvg[line-1] = base;

        for(int samp = 0; samp < lbuf.size(); samp++) {
          if(IsValidPixel(lbuf[samp])) {
            lbuf[samp] = lbuf[samp] / avg * base;

      // Write the line

  // Cleanup
Exemplo n.º 18
void IsisMain() {
  try {
    // We will be processing by line
    ProcessByLine p;
    double sscale, lscale;
    int ins, inl, inb;
    int ons, onl;
    vector<QString> bands;
    Cube inCube;

    // To propogate labels, set input cube,
    // this cube will be cleared after output cube is set.

    // Setup the input and output cubes
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
    QString replaceMode = ui.GetAsString("VPER_REPLACE");
    CubeAttributeInput cai(ui.GetAsString("FROM"));
    bands = cai.bands();


    QString from = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

    ins = inCube.sampleCount();
    inl = inCube.lineCount();
    inb = inCube.bandCount();

    QString alg  = ui.GetString("ALGORITHM");
    double vper = ui.GetDouble("VALIDPER") / 100.;

    if(ui.GetString("MODE") == "TOTAL") {
      ons = ui.GetInteger("ONS");
      onl = ui.GetInteger("ONL");
      sscale = (double)ins / (double)ons;
      lscale = (double)inl / (double)onl;
    else {
      sscale = ui.GetDouble("SSCALE");
      lscale = ui.GetDouble("LSCALE");
      ons = (int)((double)ins / sscale + 0.5);
      onl = (int)((double)inl / lscale + 0.5);

    if(ons > ins || onl > inl) {
      QString msg = "Number of output samples/lines must be less than or equal";
      msg = msg + " to the input samples/lines.";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    //  Allocate output file
    Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO", ons, onl, inb);
    // Our processing routine only needs 1
    // the original set was for info about the cube only

    // Start the processing
    PvlGroup results;
    if(alg == "AVERAGE"){
      Average average(&inCube, sscale, lscale, vper, replaceMode);
      p.ProcessCubeInPlace(average, false);
      results = average.UpdateOutputLabel(ocube);
    else if(alg == "NEAREST") {
      Nearest near(&inCube, sscale, lscale);
      p.ProcessCubeInPlace(near, false);
      results = near.UpdateOutputLabel(ocube);

    // Cleanup

    // Write the results to the log
  catch (IException &) {
  catch (std::exception const &se) {
    QString message = "std::exception: " + (QString)se.what();
    throw IException(IException::User, message, _FILEINFO_);
  catch (...) {
    QString message = "Other Error";
    throw IException(IException::User, message, _FILEINFO_);
Exemplo n.º 19
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be processing by line
  ProcessByTile p;
  p.SetTileSize(128, 128);

  // Setup the input and output cubes
  Cube* info = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  PvlKeyword &status = info ->group("RESEAUS")["STATUS"];
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  QString in = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

  QString spacecraft = (info->group("Instrument")["SpacecraftName"]);
  QString instrument = (info->group("Instrument")["InstrumentId"]);
  Apollo apollo(spacecraft, instrument);
  if (spacecraft.mid(0,6) != "APOLLO") {
    QString msg = "This application is for use with Apollo spacecrafts only. ";
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Check reseau status and make sure it is not nominal or removed
  if ((QString)status == "Nominal") {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
          "] appears to have nominal reseau status. You must run findrx first.";
    throw IException(IException::User,msg, _FILEINFO_);
  if ((QString)status == "Removed") {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
          "] appears to already have reseaus removed.";
    throw IException(IException::User,msg, _FILEINFO_);

  status = "Removed";

  p.SetOutputCube ("TO");

  // Start the processing

  dim = apollo.ReseauDimension();

  // Get other user entered options
  QString out= ui.GetFileName("TO");
  resvalid = ui.GetBoolean("RESVALID");
  action = ui.GetString("ACTION");

  // Open the output cube
  Cube cube;
  cube.open(out, "rw");

  PvlGroup &res = cube.label()->findGroup("RESEAUS",Pvl::Traverse);

  // Get reseau line, sample, type, and valid Keywords
  PvlKeyword lines = res.findKeyword("LINE");
  PvlKeyword samps = res.findKeyword("SAMPLE");
  PvlKeyword type = res.findKeyword("TYPE");
  PvlKeyword valid = res.findKeyword("VALID");
  int numres = lines.size();

  Brick brick(dim,dim,1,cube.pixelType());
  int width = ui.GetInteger("WIDTH");
  for (int res=0; res<numres; res++) {
    if ((resvalid == 0 || toInt(valid[res]) == 1)) {
      int baseSamp = (int)(toDouble(samps[res])+0.5) - (dim/2);
      int baseLine = (int)(toDouble(lines[res])+0.5) - (dim/2);
      if (action == "NULL") {
        // set the three pixels surrounding the reseau to null
        for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
          for (int j=(width-1)/-2; j<=width/2; j++) {
            // vertical lines
            brick[dim*i+dim/2+j] = Isis::Null;
            // horizontal lines
            brick[dim*(dim/2+j)+i] = Isis::Null;
      else if (action == "PATCH") {
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
          for (int j=(width-1)/-2; j<=width/2; j++) {
            // vertical lines
            brick[dim*i+dim/2+j] = (brick[dim*i+dim/2-width+j] + brick[dim*i+dim/2+width+j])/2.0;
            // horizontal lines
            brick[dim*(dim/2+j)+i] = (brick[dim*(dim/2-width+j)+i]+brick[dim*(dim/2+width+j)+i])/2.0;
Exemplo n.º 20
void IsisMain() {

  // Create a process so we can output the noproj'd labels without overwriting
  Process p;

  // Open the user interface and get the input file and the ideal specs file
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Cube *mcube, *icube;

  // If a MATCH cube is entered, make sure to SetInputCube it first to get the SPICE blobs
  // from it propagated to the TO labels

  // Until polygon blobs are detached without "/" don't propagate them

  if((ui.WasEntered("MATCH"))) {
    mcube = p.SetInputCube("MATCH");
    icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  else {
    mcube = icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  Camera *incam = mcube->camera();

  // Extract Instrument groups from input labels for the output match and noproj'd cubes
  PvlGroup inst = mcube->group("Instrument");
  PvlGroup fromInst = icube->group("Instrument");
  QString groupName = (QString) inst["SpacecraftName"] + "/";
  groupName += (QString) inst.findKeyword("InstrumentId");

  // Get Ideal camera specifications
  FileName specs;
  if((ui.WasEntered("SPECS"))) {
    specs = ui.GetFileName("SPECS");
  else {
    specs = "$base/applications/noprojInstruments???.pvl";
    specs = specs.highestVersion();
  Pvl idealSpecs(specs.expanded());
  PvlObject obSpecs = idealSpecs.findObject("IdealInstrumentsSpecifications");

  PvlGroup idealGp = obSpecs.findGroup(groupName);
  double transx, transy, transl, transs;
  transx = transy = transl = transs = 0.;
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("TransX")) transx = idealGp["TransX"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("TransY")) transy = idealGp["TransY"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("ItransL")) transl = idealGp["ItransL"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("ItransS")) transs = idealGp["ItransS"];
  int detectorSamples = mcube->sampleCount();
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("DetectorSamples")) detectorSamples = idealGp["DetectorSamples"];
  int numberLines = mcube->lineCount();
  int numberBands = mcube->bandCount();

  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("DetectorLines")) numberLines = idealGp["DetectorLines"];

  int xDepend = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->FocalPlaneXDependency();

  // Get output summing mode
  if(ui.GetString("SOURCE") == "FROMMATCH") {
  else if(ui.GetString("SOURCE") == "FROMINPUT") {

  double pixPitch = incam->PixelPitch() * ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  detectorSamples /= (int)(ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE"));
  // Get the user options
  int sampleExpansion = int((ui.GetDouble("SAMPEXP") / 100.) * detectorSamples + .5);
  int lineExpansion = int((ui.GetDouble("LINEEXP") / 100.) * numberLines + .5);
  QString instType;

  // Adjust translations for summing mode
  transl /= ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  transs /= ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");

  detectorSamples += sampleExpansion;
  numberLines += lineExpansion;

  // Determine whether this ideal camera is a line scan or framing camera and
  // set the instrument id and exposure
  int detectorLines;
  int expandFlag;

  if(incam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() != 0.0) {
    instType = "LINESCAN";
    // Isis3 line rate is always in seconds so convert to milliseconds for the
    // Ideal instrument
    detectorLines = 1;
    expandFlag = 1;
  else {
    instType = "FRAMING";
    detectorLines = numberLines;
    expandFlag = 0;
    // Framing cameras don't need exposure time

  // Adjust focal plane translations with line expansion for scanners since
  // the CCD is only 1 line
  if(expandFlag) {
    transl += lineExpansion / 2;

    if(xDepend == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line) {
      transx -= lineExpansion / 2.*pixPitch * expandFlag;
    else {
      transy -= lineExpansion / 2.*pixPitch * expandFlag;

  // Get the start time for parent line 1
  AlphaCube alpha(*icube);
  double sample = alpha.BetaSample(.5);
  double line = alpha.BetaLine(.5);
  incam->SetImage(sample, line);
  double et = incam->time().Et();

  // Get the output file name and set its attributes
  CubeAttributeOutput cao;

  // Can we do a regular label? Didn't work on 12-15-2006

  // Determine the output image size from
  //   1) the idealInstrument pvl if there or
  //   2) the input size expanded by user specified percentage
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("match.cub", cao, 1, 1, 1);

  // Extract the times and the target from the instrument group
  QString startTime = inst["StartTime"];
  QString stopTime;
  if(inst.hasKeyword("StopTime")) stopTime = (QString) inst["StopTime"];

  QString target = inst["TargetName"];

  // rename the instrument groups

  // add it back to the IsisCube object under a new group name

  // and remove the version from the IsisCube Object

  // Now rename the group back to the Instrument group and clear out old keywords

  // Add keywords for the "Ideal" instrument
  Isis::PvlKeyword key("SpacecraftName", "IdealSpacecraft");






  Pvl &ocubeLabel = *ocube->label();
  PvlObject *naifKeywordsObject = NULL;

  if (ocubeLabel.hasObject("NaifKeywords")) {
    naifKeywordsObject = &ocubeLabel.findObject("NaifKeywords");

    // Clean up the naif keywords object... delete everything that isn't a radii
    for (int keyIndex = naifKeywordsObject->keywords() - 1; keyIndex >= 0; keyIndex--) {
      QString keyName = (*naifKeywordsObject)[keyIndex].name();
      if (!keyName.contains("RADII")) {

    // Clean up the kernels group... delete everything that isn't internalized or the orig frame
    //   code
    PvlGroup &kernelsGroup = ocube->group("Kernels");
    for (int keyIndex = kernelsGroup.keywords() - 1; keyIndex >= 0; keyIndex--) {
      PvlKeyword &kernelsKeyword = kernelsGroup[keyIndex];

      bool isTable = false;
      bool isFrameCode = kernelsKeyword.isNamed("NaifFrameCode") ||
      bool isShapeModel = kernelsKeyword.isNamed("ShapeModel");

      for (int keyValueIndex = 0; keyValueIndex < kernelsKeyword.size(); keyValueIndex++) {
        if (kernelsKeyword[keyValueIndex] == "Table") {
          isTable = true;

      if (!isTable && !isFrameCode && !isShapeModel) {

  if (naifKeywordsObject) {
    naifKeywordsObject->addKeyword(PvlKeyword("IDEAL_FOCAL_LENGTH", toString(incam->FocalLength())),
  else {
    inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("FocalLength", toString(incam->FocalLength()), "millimeters"));

  double newPixelPitch = incam->PixelPitch() * ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  if (naifKeywordsObject) {
    naifKeywordsObject->addKeyword(PvlKeyword("IDEAL_PIXEL_PITCH", toString(newPixelPitch)),
  else {
    inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("PixelPitch", toString(newPixelPitch), "millimeters"));

  key.setValue(Isis::toString(et), "seconds");


  if(stopTime != "") {


  int xDependency = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->FocalPlaneXDependency();

  double newInstrumentTransX = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->SignMostSigX();
  inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("TransX", toString(newInstrumentTransX)));

  double newInstrumentTransY = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->SignMostSigY();
  inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("TransY", toString(newInstrumentTransY)));

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransX0", "IDEAL_TRANSX", transx,
             newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransX, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Sample));

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransY0", "IDEAL_TRANSY", transy,
             newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransY, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line));

  double transSXCoefficient = 1.0 / newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransX;
  double transLXCoefficient = 1.0 / newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransY;

  if (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line) {
    swap(transSXCoefficient, transLXCoefficient);

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransS0", "IDEAL_TRANSS",
             transs, transSXCoefficient, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Sample));
  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransL0", "IDEAL_TRANSL",
             transl, transLXCoefficient, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line));

  if(instType == "LINESCAN") {
    key.setValue(Isis::toString(incam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() * 1000.), "milliseconds");




// Now adjust the label to fake the true size of the image to match without
// taking all the space it would require for the image data
  Pvl label;
  PvlGroup &dims = label.findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse);
  dims["Lines"] = toString(numberLines);
  dims["Samples"] = toString(detectorSamples);
  dims["Bands"] = toString(numberBands);

// And run cam2cam to apply the transformation
  QString parameters;
  parameters += " FROM= " + ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  parameters += " MATCH= " + QString("match.cub");
  parameters += " TO= " + ui.GetFileName("TO");
  parameters += " INTERP=" + ui.GetString("INTERP");
  ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("cam2cam", parameters);

//  Cleanup by deleting the match files
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Ancillary");
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Calibration Ancillary");
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Calibration Image");

// Finally finish by adding the OriginalInstrument group to the TO cube
  Cube toCube;
  toCube.open(ui.GetFileName("TO"), "rw");
// Extract label and create cube object
  Pvl *toLabel = toCube.label();
  PvlObject &o = toLabel->findObject("IsisCube");
Exemplo n.º 21
void IsisMain() {
  Process p;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  Camera *cam = icube->camera();

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  QString from = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  int sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC");
  int linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC");
  CameraStatistics camStats(cam, sinc, linc, from);

  // Send the Output to the log area
  Pvl statsPvl = camStats.toPvl();
  for (int i = 0; i < statsPvl.groups(); i++) {

  if(ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    QString outfile = FileName(ui.GetFileName("TO")).expanded();
    bool exists = FileName(outfile).fileExists();
    bool append = ui.GetBoolean("APPEND");

    // If the user chose a format of PVL, then write to the output file ("TO")
    if(ui.GetString("FORMAT") == "PVL") {
      (append) ? statsPvl.append(outfile) : statsPvl.write(outfile);
    else {
      // Create a flatfile of the data with columhn headings the flatfile is
      // comma-delimited and can be imported in to spreadsheets
      ofstream os;
      bool writeHeader = true;
      if(append) {
        os.open(outfile.toAscii().data(), ios::app);
        if(exists) {
          writeHeader = false;
      else {
        os.open(outfile.toAscii().data(), ios::out);

      // if new file or append and no file exists then write header
      if(writeHeader) {
        os << "Filename," <<
           "LatitudeMinimum," <<
           "LatitudeMaximum," <<
           "LatitudeAverage," <<
           "LatitudeStandardDeviation," <<
           "LongitudeMinimum," <<
           "LongitudeMaximum," <<
           "LongitudeAverage," <<
           "LongitudeStandardDeviation," <<
           "SampleResolutionMinimum," <<
           "SampleResolutionMaximum," <<
           "SampleResolutionAverage," <<
           "SampleResolutionStandardDeviation," <<
           "LineResolutionMinimum," <<
           "LineResolutionMaximum," <<
           "LineResolutionAverage," <<
           "LineResolutionStandardDeviation," <<
           "ResolutionMinimum," <<
           "ResolutionMaximum," <<
           "ResolutionAverage," <<
           "ResolutionStandardDeviation," <<
           "AspectRatioMinimum," <<
           "AspectRatioMaximum," <<
           "AspectRatioAverage," <<
           "AspectRatioStandardDeviation," <<
           "PhaseMinimum," <<
           "PhaseMaximum," <<
           "PhaseAverage," <<
           "PhaseStandardDeviation," <<
           "EmissionMinimum," <<
           "EmissionMaximum," <<
           "EmissionAverage," <<
           "EmissionStandardDeviation," <<
           "IncidenceMinimum," <<
           "IncidenceMaximum," <<
           "IncidenceAverage," <<
           "IncidenceStandardDeviation," <<
           "LocalSolarTimeMinimum," <<
           "LocalSolarTimeMaximum," <<
           "LocalSolarTimeAverage," <<
           "LocalSolarTimeStandardDeviation," <<
           "LocalRadiusMaximum," <<
           "LocalRadiusMaximum," <<
           "LocalRadiusAverage," <<
           "LocalRadiusStandardDeviation," <<
           "NorthAzimuthMinimum," <<
           "NorthAzimuthMaximum," <<
           "NorthAzimuthAverage," <<
           "NorthAzimuthStandardDeviation," << endl;
      os << FileName(from).expanded() << ",";
      //call the function to write out the values for each group
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getLatStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getLonStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getSampleResStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getLineResStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getResStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getAspectRatioStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getPhaseStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getEmissionStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getIncidenceStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getLocalSolarTimeStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getLocalRaduisStat());
      writeFlat(os, camStats.getNorthAzimuthStat());
      os << endl;

  if(ui.GetBoolean("ATTACH")) {

    QString cam_name = "CameraStatistics";

    //Creates new CameraStatistics Table
    TableField fname("Name", Isis::TableField::Text, 20);
    TableField fmin("Minimum", Isis::TableField::Double);
    TableField fmax("Maximum", Isis::TableField::Double);
    TableField favg("Average", Isis::TableField::Double);
    TableField fstd("StandardDeviation", Isis::TableField::Double);

    TableRecord record;
    record += fname;
    record += fmin;
    record += fmax;
    record += favg;
    record += fstd;

    Table table(cam_name, record);

    // Place all the gathered camera statistics in a table and attach it to the
    // cube. Skip "User Parameters" group.
    for (int i = 1; i < statsPvl.groups(); i++) {
      PvlGroup &group = statsPvl.group(i);

      int entry = 0;
      record[entry] = group.name();
      for (int j = 0; j < group.keywords(); j++) {
        record[entry] = toDouble(group[j][0]);
      table += record;
