Exemplo n.º 1
void SpinAdapted::operatorfunctions::TensorProduct (const SpinBlock *ablock, const Baseoperator<Matrix>& a, const Baseoperator<Matrix>& b, const SpinBlock* cblock, const StateInfo* cstateinfo, DiagonalMatrix& cDiagonal, double scale)
  if (fabs(scale) < TINY) return;
  const int aSz = a.nrows();
  const int bSz = b.nrows();
  const char conjC = (cblock->get_leftBlock() == ablock) ? 'n' : 't';
  const SpinBlock* bblock = (cblock->get_leftBlock() == ablock) ? cblock->get_rightBlock() : cblock->get_leftBlock();
  const StateInfo& s = cblock->get_stateInfo();
  const StateInfo* lS = s.leftStateInfo, *rS = s.rightStateInfo;

  for (int aQ = 0; aQ < aSz; ++aQ)
    if (a.allowed(aQ, aQ))
      for (int bQ = 0; bQ < bSz; ++bQ)
	if (b.allowed(bQ, bQ))
	  if (s.allowedQuanta (aQ, bQ, conjC))
	    int cQ = s.quantaMap (aQ, bQ, conjC)[0];
	    Real scaleA = scale;
	    Real scaleB = 1;
	    if (conjC == 'n')
		scaleB *= dmrginp.get_ninej()(lS->quanta[aQ].get_s().getirrep() , rS->quanta[bQ].get_s().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_s().getirrep(), 
					      a.get_spin().getirrep(), b.get_spin().getirrep(), 0,
					      lS->quanta[aQ].get_s().getirrep() , rS->quanta[bQ].get_s().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_s().getirrep());
		scaleB *= Symmetry::spatial_ninej(lS->quanta[aQ].get_symm().getirrep() , rS->quanta[bQ].get_symm().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_symm().getirrep(), 
				     a.get_symm().getirrep(), b.get_symm().getirrep(), 0,
				     lS->quanta[aQ].get_symm().getirrep() , rS->quanta[bQ].get_symm().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_symm().getirrep());
		if (b.get_fermion() && IsFermion (lS->quanta [aQ])) scaleB *= -1.0;
		for (int aQState = 0; aQState < lS->quantaStates[aQ] ; aQState++)
		  MatrixDiagonalScale(a.operator_element(aQ, aQ)(aQState+1, aQState+1)*scaleA*scaleB, b.operator_element(bQ, bQ), 

		scaleB *= dmrginp.get_ninej()(lS->quanta[bQ].get_s().getirrep() , rS->quanta[aQ].get_s().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_s().getirrep(), 
					      b.get_spin().getirrep(), a.get_spin().getirrep(), 0,
					      lS->quanta[bQ].get_s().getirrep() , rS->quanta[aQ].get_s().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_s().getirrep());
		scaleB *= Symmetry::spatial_ninej(lS->quanta[bQ].get_symm().getirrep() , rS->quanta[aQ].get_symm().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_symm().getirrep(), 
				     b.get_symm().getirrep(), a.get_symm().getirrep(), 0,
				     lS->quanta[bQ].get_symm().getirrep() , rS->quanta[aQ].get_symm().getirrep(), cstateinfo->quanta[cQ].get_symm().getirrep());
		if (a.get_fermion()&& IsFermion(lS->quanta[bQ])) scaleB *= -1.0;
		for (int bQState = 0; bQState < lS->quantaStates[bQ] ; bQState++)
		  MatrixDiagonalScale(b.operator_element(bQ, bQ)(bQState+1, bQState+1)*scaleA*scaleB, a.operator_element(aQ, aQ), 
Exemplo n.º 2
void SpinAdapted::diagonalise(Matrix& sym, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& vec)
  int nrows = sym.Nrows();
  int ncols = sym.Ncols();
  assert(nrows == ncols);
  vec.ReSize(nrows, nrows);

  Matrix workmat;
  workmat = sym;
  vector<double> workquery(1);
  int info = 0;
  double* dptr = d.Store();

  int query = -1;
  DSYEV('V', 'L', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workquery[0]), query, info); // do query to find best size
  int optlength = static_cast<int>(workquery[0]);
  vector<double> workspace(optlength);

  DSYEV('V', 'U', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workspace[0]), optlength, info); // do query to find best size

  if (info > 0) 
      pout << "failed to converge " << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      vec(j+1,i+1) = workmat(i+1,j+1);
Exemplo n.º 3
void SpinAdapted::svd(Matrix& M, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& U, Matrix& V)
  int nrows = M.Nrows();
  int ncols = M.Ncols();

  assert(nrows >= ncols);

  int minmn = min(nrows, ncols);
  int maxmn = max(nrows, ncols);
  int eigenrows = min(minmn, minmn);
  Matrix Ut;
  Ut.ReSize(nrows, nrows);
  V.ReSize(ncols, ncols);

  int lwork = maxmn * maxmn + 100;
  double* workspace = new double[lwork];

  // first transpose matrix
  Matrix Mt;
  Mt = M.t();
  int info = 0;
  DGESVD('A', 'A', nrows, ncols, Mt.Store(), nrows, d.Store(), 
	 Ut.Store(), nrows, V.Store(), ncols, workspace, lwork, info);

  U.ReSize(nrows, ncols);
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      U(i+1,j+1) = Ut(j+1,i+1);
  delete[] workspace;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void tred3(const SymmetricMatrix& X, DiagonalMatrix& D,
   DiagonalMatrix& E, SymmetricMatrix& A)
   Tracer et("Evalue(tred3)");
   Real tol =
   int n = X.Nrows(); A = X; D.ReSize(n); E.ReSize(n);
   Real* ei = E.Store() + n;
   for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)
      Real h = 0.0; Real f;
      Real* d = D.Store(); Real* a = A.Store() + (i*(i+1))/2; int k = i;
      while (k--) { f = *a++; *d++ = f; h += square(f); }
      if (h <= tol) { *(--ei) = 0.0; h = 0.0; }
	 Real g = sign(-sqrt(h), f); *(--ei) = g; h -= f*g;
         f -= g; *(d-1) = f; *(a-1) = f; f = 0.0;
         Real* dj = D.Store(); Real* ej = E.Store(); int j;
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            Real* dk = D.Store(); Real* ak = A.Store()+(j*(j+1))/2;
            Real g = 0.0; k = j;
            while (k--)  g += *ak++ * *dk++;
            k = i-j; int l = j; 
            while (k--) { g += *ak * *dk++; ak += ++l; }
	    g /= h; *ej++ = g; f += g * *dj++;
	 Real hh = f / (2 * h); Real* ak = A.Store();
         dj = D.Store(); ej = E.Store();
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
	    f = *dj++; g = *ej - hh * f; *ej++ = g;
            Real* dk = D.Store(); Real* ek = E.Store(); k = j+1;
	    while (k--) { *ak++ -= (f * *ek++ + g * *dk++); }
      *d = *a; *a = h;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void tred2(const SymmetricMatrix& A, DiagonalMatrix& D,
   DiagonalMatrix& E, Matrix& Z)
   Tracer et("Evalue(tred2)");
   Real tol =
   int n = A.Nrows(); Z.ReSize(n,n); Z.Inject(A);
   D.ReSize(n); E.ReSize(n);
   Real* z = Z.Store(); int i;

   for (i=n-1; i > 0; i--)                   // i=0 is excluded
      Real f = Z.element(i,i-1); Real g = 0.0;
      int k = i-1; Real* zik = z + i*n;
      while (k--) g += square(*zik++);
      Real h = g + square(f);
      if (g <= tol) { E.element(i) = f; h = 0.0; }
	 g = sign(-sqrt(h), f); E.element(i) = g; h -= f*g;
	 Z.element(i,i-1) = f-g; f = 0.0;
         Real* zji = z + i; Real* zij = z + i*n; Real* ej = E.Store();
         int j;
	 for (j=0; j<i; j++)
	    *zji = (*zij++)/h; g = 0.0;
            Real* zjk = z + j*n; zik = z + i*n;
            k = j; while (k--) g += *zjk++ * (*zik++);
            k = i-j; while (k--) { g += *zjk * (*zik++); zjk += n; }
	    *ej++ = g/h; f += g * (*zji); zji += n;
	 Real hh = f / (h + h); zij = z + i*n; ej = E.Store();
	 for (j=0; j<i; j++)
	    f = *zij++; g = *ej - hh * f; *ej++ = g;
            Real* zjk = z + j*n; Real* zik = z + i*n;
            Real* ek = E.Store(); k = j+1;
            while (k--)  *zjk++ -= ( f*(*ek++) + g*(*zik++) ); 
      D.element(i) = h;

   D.element(0) = 0.0; E.element(0) = 0.0;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      if (D.element(i) != 0.0)
	 for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
	    Real g = 0.0;
            Real* zik = z + i*n; Real* zkj = z + j;
            int k = i; while (k--) { g += *zik++ * (*zkj); zkj += n; }
            Real* zki = z + i; zkj = z + j;
            k = i; while (k--) { *zkj -= g * (*zki); zkj += n; zki += n; }
      Real* zij = z + i*n; Real* zji = z + i;
      int j = i; while (j--)  { *zij++ = 0.0; *zji = 0.0; zji += n; }
      D.element(i) = *zij; *zij = 1.0;