Exemplo n.º 1
void SpinPointSpace::updateAddPeak( Spin* s )
	// Dasselbe wie refill, aber nur für einen einzelnen Spin
	if( !d_st.isNull() )
		const bool showLink = d_showLinks && d_noesy != DimUndefined && 
			d_st->getDimCount() > 1;

		ElementSet inf;
		if( d_showInferred || showLink )
			inferPeaks( inf, s->getSystem(), s->getLabel() );

		ElementSet links;
		ElementSet::const_iterator j;
		if( d_showInferred && !showLink )
			for( j = inf.begin(); j != inf.end(); ++j )
				_merge( this, d_res, (*j) );
		}else if( showLink && !d_showInferred )
			fillLinks( inf, links );
			for( j = links.begin(); j != links.end(); ++j )
				_merge( this, d_res, (*j) );
		}else if( showLink && d_showInferred )
			fillLinks( inf, links );
			for( j = inf.begin(); j != inf.end(); ++j )
				links.insert( (*j) );
			for( j = links.begin(); j != links.end(); ++j )
				_merge( this, d_res, (*j) );
Exemplo n.º 2
void SpinPointSpace::refill()
	if( !d_st.isNull() )
		const bool showLink = d_showLinks && d_noesy != DimUndefined && 
			d_st->getDimCount() > 1;

		ElementSet resTuples;
		if( d_showInferred || showLink )
			const SpinBase::SpinSystemMap& sm = d_spins->getSystems();

			SpinBase::SpinSystemMap::const_iterator sysIter;
			for( sysIter = sm.begin(); sysIter != sm.end(); ++sysIter )
				Element elem;
				SpinSystem* sys = 0;
				if( d_doPathsim )
					sys = (*sysIter).second;
					elem.setInfer(); // nur hier handelt es sich um echte Pfadsimulation; sonst cross-product
				NmrExperiment* e = d_types->inferExperiment2( d_st, sys, d_spec );
//				std::strstream out;
//				e->printTable(out);
//				qDebug() << out.str();
				const PathTable& tbl = e->getTable();
				PathTable::Table::const_iterator rowIter;
				for( rowIter = tbl.begin(); rowIter != tbl.end(); ++rowIter )
					fillTuples( elem, (*sysIter).second, (*rowIter), resTuples, DimX );
					// fillTuples wird in jedem Fall mit dem System aufgerufen
		ElementSet resLinks;
		ElementSet::const_iterator j;
		if( d_showInferred && !showLink )
			for( j = resTuples.begin(); j != resTuples.end(); ++j )
				d_res.insert( (*j) );
		}else if( showLink && !d_showInferred )
			fillLinks( resTuples, resLinks );
			for( j = resLinks.begin(); j != resLinks.end(); ++j )
				d_res.insert( (*j) );
		}else if( showLink && d_showInferred )
			fillLinks( resTuples, resLinks );
			for( j = resTuples.begin(); j != resTuples.end(); ++j )
				resLinks.insert( (*j) );
			for( j = resLinks.begin(); j != resLinks.end(); ++j )
				d_res.insert( (*j) );
	SpinSpace::Update m( this, SpinSpace::Update::All );
	notifyObservers( m );
Exemplo n.º 3
void SpinPointSpace::updateNeighbour(SpinSystem* sys, SpinLabel l, bool removeFirst )
	if( d_showOffs && sys && !l.isNull() && l.getOffset() == 0 )
		ElementSet inf;
		l.setOffset( -1 );
		if( removeFirst && sys->getSucc() )
			const SpinSystem::Spins& s = sys->getSucc()->getSpins();
			SpinSystem::Spins::const_iterator i;
			for( i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i )
				if( (*i)->getLabel() == l )
					updateForceRemove( (*i) );
		inferPeaks( inf, sys->getSucc(), l );
		l.setOffset( +1 );
		if( removeFirst && sys->getPred() )
			const SpinSystem::Spins& s = sys->getPred()->getSpins();
			SpinSystem::Spins::const_iterator i;
			for( i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i )
				if( (*i)->getLabel() == l )
					updateForceRemove( (*i) );
		inferPeaks( inf, sys->getPred(), l );
		ElementSet::const_iterator j;
		for( j = inf.begin(); j != inf.end(); ++j )
			_merge( this, d_res, (*j) );
Exemplo n.º 4
ConstantPropLatticeElement* ConstantPropLattice::join(vector <LatticeElement*>& list_) { 
  ConstantPropLatticeElement* first = static_cast<ConstantPropLatticeElement*>(list_[0]);
  ConstantPropLatticeElement* second = static_cast<ConstantPropLatticeElement*>(list_[1]);

  ElementSet firstElementSet = first->getLatticeElement();
  ElementSet secondElementSet = second->getLatticeElement();
  secondElementSet.insert(firstElementSet.begin(), firstElementSet.end());

  return new ConstantPropLatticeElement(secondElementSet);
Exemplo n.º 5
ConstantPropLatticeElement* ConstantPropLattice::merge(vector <LatticeElement*>& list_) {
  ConstantPropLatticeElement* first = static_cast<ConstantPropLatticeElement*>(list_[0]);
  ConstantPropLatticeElement* second = static_cast<ConstantPropLatticeElement*>(list_[1]);

  ElementSet firstElementSet = first->getLatticeElement();
  ElementSet secondElementSet = second->getLatticeElement();
  ElementSet::const_iterator itr1, itr2;

  for ( itr1 = firstElementSet.begin(); itr1 != firstElementSet.end(); ++itr1 ) {
      itr2 = secondElementSet.find(*itr1);
      if ( itr2 != firstElementSet.end() ) {

  for ( itr1 = secondElementSet.begin(); itr1 != secondElementSet.end(); ++itr1 ) {
      itr2 = firstElementSet.find(*itr1);
      if ( itr2 != secondElementSet.end() ) {

  return new ConstantPropLatticeElement(secondElementSet);
Exemplo n.º 6
void SpinPointSpace::fillLinks(const ElementSet& inf, ElementSet& res)
#ifdef _DEBUG
	assert( d_st && d_st->getDimCount() > 1 && d_noesy != DimUndefined );
	// Finde zuerst raus, zwischen welchen Dim es Noesy gibt.
	// Wir gehen hier davon aus, dass immer nur ein Noesy-Step vorhanden ist.
	// 8.3.04 Fred meint, showAll sei nicht nötig und es genüge, die Links
	// auf NOESY zu beschränken.
	// Eigentlich könnte man den NOESY-Step sogar auf den letzten Step beschränken.

	const Dimension dim = d_st->getDimCount();
    const AtomType noesyColor = d_st->getColor( d_noesy );
    for( ElementSet::const_iterator i = inf.begin(); i != inf.end(); ++i )
		// Gehe durch alle Points, die durch Pathsim gefunden wurden
        Element p = (*i);
        for( Dimension d = 0; d < dim; d++ )
			if( d != d_noesy )
				p.setLink( d, d_noesy );
                Spin* me = p.d_point[ d ];

				// Suche für jeden Pathsim-Point alle Links zur Noesy-Dim
                for( Spin::Links::const_iterator l = me->getLinks().begin();
					l != me->getLinks().end(); ++l )
                    Spin* other;
					if( (*l)->getRhs() != me->getId() )
						other = d_spins->getSpin( (*l)->getRhs() );
						other = d_spins->getSpin( (*l)->getLhs() );
                    if( other && other->getAtom() == noesyColor )
						if( d_showInferred )
							// Trick, damit die intraresiduellen infered bleiben.
							p.setInfer( me->getSystem() == other->getSystem() );
						p.d_point[ d_noesy ] = other;
						res.insert( p );
Exemplo n.º 7
void SpinPointSpace::updateAddLink( Spin* lhs, Spin* rhs )
	if( !d_st.isNull() )
		const bool showLink = d_showLinks && d_noesy != DimUndefined && 
			d_st->getDimCount() > 1;
		if( !showLink )
		ElementSet inf;
		inferPeaks( inf, lhs->getSystem(), lhs->getLabel() );
		inferPeaks( inf, rhs->getSystem(), rhs->getLabel() );

		ElementSet links;
		ElementSet::const_iterator j;
		fillLinks( inf, links );
		for( j = links.begin(); j != links.end(); ++j )
			_merge( this, d_res, (*j) );
Exemplo n.º 8
void SysFilterSpace::refill()

    if( d_sys )
        ElementSet res;
        SpinSpace::Iterator i, _end = d_host->end();
        SpinSpace::Element e;
        for( i = d_host->begin(); i != _end; ++i )
            d_host->fetch( i, e );
            bool ok = false;
            const Dimension dim = d_host->getDimCount();
            for( Dimension d = 0; d < dim; d++ )
                if( e.d_point[ d ]->getSystem() == d_sys )
                    e.setHigher( false );
                    e.setLower( false );
                    ok = true;
            if( d_showGhosts )
                ok = true;
            if( ok )
                res.insert( e );
        ElementSet::const_iterator j;
        for( j = res.begin(); j != res.end(); ++j )
            d_res.insert( (*j) );
    SpinSpace::Update m( this, SpinSpace::Update::All );
    notifyObservers( m );
Exemplo n.º 9
ElementSet Evaluator::eval( const ElementSet& elements, Env* env) {
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Elem> > retVec;
    if(elements.size() >= 1) {
    	auto element = elements[0];
        if (element->type == DATA_TYPE::NILL) {
            std::shared_ptr<Elem> retVal(new Elem());
            retVal->type = DATA_TYPE::NILL;
            return retVec;
        } else if (element->type == SYMBOL) {
            std::shared_ptr<Elem> retVal(new Elem());
            assert(element->valExp.size() == 0);
            Env* foundEnv = env->findInHier(element->valStr);
            if (!foundEnv)
            	throw std::runtime_error("No such variable found:" + element->valStr);
            auto map = foundEnv->getMap();
            for_each(map.begin(),map.end(),[](std::pair<const std::basic_string<char>, std::shared_ptr<Elem> > i) { std::cout << "key:" << i.first << " val:" << i.second << std::endl; });
            std::shared_ptr<Elem> foundElem = foundEnv->find(element->valStr);
            if (bool(foundEnv) != false) {
                switch (foundElem->type) {
                    case DATA_TYPE::INT:
                        retVal->valInt = foundElem->valInt;
                        retVal->type = DATA_TYPE::INT;
                    case DATA_TYPE::DOUBLE:
                        retVal->valDbl = foundElem->valDbl;
                        retVal->type = DATA_TYPE::DOUBLE;
                    case DATA_TYPE::STRING:
                        retVal->valStr = foundElem->valStr;
                        retVal->type = DATA_TYPE::STRING;
                        throw std::runtime_error("Incorect type for data");
                return retVec;
            } else {
                throw std::runtime_error("No Env with Given Var");
        } else if (element->type == DATA_TYPE::INT ||
                   element->type == DATA_TYPE::STRING ||
                   element->type == DATA_TYPE::DOUBLE) {
            return retVec;
        } else if (element->type == QUOTE) {
        	retVec.assign(elements.begin()+1, elements.end());
            return retVec;
        } else if (element->type == SET) {
            assert(element->valExp.size() == 2);
            auto elementVar = element->valExp[0];
            auto elementVal = element->valExp[1];
            Env* foundEnv = env->findInHier(elementVar->valStr);
            if (foundEnv == nullptr) {
                return retVec;
            } else {
                throw std::runtime_error("No Env with Given Var");
        } else if (element->type == DATA_TYPE::PROC) {
        	auto retVal = eval(element->valExp, env);
        	retVec.insert(retVec.end(), retVal.begin(), retVal.end());
        	return retVec;
        } else {
            throw std::runtime_error("I dont know what to do!!");
    return retVec;
Exemplo n.º 10
void RangeFilterSpace::refill()

	ElementSet res;
	const Dimension dim = d_host->getDimCount();
	if( d_dim >= DimX && d_dim < dim )
		SpinSpace::Iterator i, _end = d_host->end();
		SpinSpace::Element e;
		PpmRange inner( d_orig + d_width * 0.5, d_orig - d_width * 0.5 );
		PpmRange outer = inner;
		if( d_showGhosts && d_planes > 0.0 )
			outer.expand( d_planes - d_width );
		bool ok;
		bool ghost;
		PPM shift;
		Dimension d;
		for( i = d_host->begin(); i != _end; ++i )
			d_host->fetch( i, e );
			shift = e.d_point[ d_dim ]->getShift( d_host->getSpec() );
			ghost = true;
			if( inner.contains( shift ) )
				ok = true;
				ghost = false;
			}else if( d_showGhosts && outer.contains( shift ) )
				if( shift > inner.first )
					e.setLower( false );
				if( shift < inner.second )
					e.setHigher( false );
				ok = true;
				ok = false;
			if( d_sys && ok )
				ok = false;
				for( d = 0; d < dim; d++ )
					if( e.d_point[ d ]->getSystem() == d_sys )
						e.setHigher( false );
						e.setLower( false );
						ok = true;
				if( d_showGhosts )
					ok = true;
			}else if( ok && !ghost )
				e.setHigher( false );
				e.setLower( false );
			if( ok )
				res.insert( e );
	ElementSet::const_iterator j;
	for( j = res.begin(); j != res.end(); ++j )
		d_res.insert( (*j) );
	SpinSpace::Update m( this, SpinSpace::Update::All );
	notifyObservers( m );