Exemplo n.º 1
void Page::userStyleSheetLocationChanged()
    // FIXME: Eventually we will move to a model of just being handed the sheet
    // text instead of loading the URL ourselves.
    KURL url = m_settings->userStyleSheetLocation();

    m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = false;
    m_userStyleSheet = String();
    m_userStyleSheetModificationTime = 0;

    // Data URLs with base64-encoded UTF-8 style sheets are common. We can process them
    // synchronously and avoid using a loader.
    if (url.protocolIsData() && url.string().startsWith("data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,")) {
        m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = true;

        Vector<char> styleSheetAsUTF8;
        if (base64Decode(decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.string().substring(35)), styleSheetAsUTF8, Base64IgnoreWhitespace))
            m_userStyleSheet = String::fromUTF8(styleSheetAsUTF8.data(), styleSheetAsUTF8.size());

    for (Frame* frame = mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) {
        if (frame->document())
Exemplo n.º 2
void HTMLAnchorElement::handleClick(Event* event)

    LocalFrame* frame = document().frame();
    if (!frame)

    StringBuilder url;
    appendServerMapMousePosition(url, event);
    KURL completedURL = document().completeURL(url.toString());

    // Schedule the ping before the frame load. Prerender in Chrome may kill the renderer as soon as the navigation is
    // sent out.

    ResourceRequest request(completedURL);
    if (hasAttribute(downloadAttr)) {
        bool isSameOrigin = completedURL.protocolIsData() || document().securityOrigin()->canRequest(completedURL);
        const AtomicString& suggestedName = (isSameOrigin ? fastGetAttribute(downloadAttr) : nullAtom);

        frame->loader().client()->loadURLExternally(request, NavigationPolicyDownload, suggestedName);
    } else {
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(&document(), request, getAttribute(targetAttr));
        if (hasRel(RelationNoReferrer))
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ImageLoader::shouldLoadImmediately(const KURL& url) const {
    // We force any image loads which might require alt content through the
    // asynchronous path so that we can add the shadow DOM for the alt-text
    // content when style recalc is over and DOM mutation is allowed again.
    if (!url.isNull()) {
        Resource* resource = memoryCache()->resourceForURL(
                                 url, m_element->document().fetcher()->getCacheIdentifier());
        if (resource && !resource->errorOccurred())
            return true;
    return (isHTMLObjectElement(m_element) || isHTMLEmbedElement(m_element) ||
bool CanvasRenderingContext::wouldTaintOrigin(const KURL& url)
    if (!canvas()->originClean() || m_cleanURLs.contains(url.string()))
        return false;

    if (canvas()->securityOrigin()->taintsCanvas(url))
        return true;

    if (url.protocolIsData())
        return false;

    return false;
// static
bool MixedContentChecker::isMixedContent(SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin, const KURL& url)
    if (!SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsRestrictingMixedContent(securityOrigin->protocol()))
        return false;

    // |url| is mixed content if its origin is not potentially trustworthy, and
    // its protocol is not 'data'. We do a quick check against `SecurityOrigin::isSecure`
    // to catch things like `about:blank`, which cannot be sanely passed into
    // `SecurityOrigin::create` (as their origin depends on their context).
    bool isAllowed = url.protocolIsData() || SecurityOrigin::isSecure(url) || SecurityOrigin::create(url)->isPotentiallyTrustworthy();
    // TODO(mkwst): Remove this once 'localhost' is no longer considered potentially trustworthy:
    if (isAllowed && url.protocolIs("http") && url.host() == "localhost")
        isAllowed = false;
    return !isAllowed;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool SecurityOrigin::taintsCanvas(const KURL& url) const
    if (canRequest(url))
        return false;

    // This function exists because we treat data URLs as having a unique origin,
    // contrary to the current (9/19/2009) draft of the HTML5 specification.
    // We still want to let folks paint data URLs onto untainted canvases, so
    // we special case data URLs below. If we change to match HTML5 w.r.t.
    // data URL security, then we can remove this function in favor of
    // !canRequest.
    if (url.protocolIsData())
        return false;

    return true;
void HTMLAnchorElement::handleClick(Event* event)

    LocalFrame* frame = document().frame();
    if (!frame)

    StringBuilder url;
    appendServerMapMousePosition(url, event);
    KURL completedURL = document().completeURL(url.toString());

    // Schedule the ping before the frame load. Prerender in Chrome may kill the renderer as soon as the navigation is
    // sent out.

    ResourceRequest request(completedURL);

    ReferrerPolicy policy;
    if (hasAttribute(referrerpolicyAttr) && SecurityPolicy::referrerPolicyFromString(fastGetAttribute(referrerpolicyAttr), &policy) && !hasRel(RelationNoReferrer)) {
        request.setHTTPReferrer(SecurityPolicy::generateReferrer(policy, completedURL, document().outgoingReferrer()));

    if (hasAttribute(downloadAttr)) {
        bool isSameOrigin = completedURL.protocolIsData() || document().getSecurityOrigin()->canRequest(completedURL);
        const AtomicString& suggestedName = (isSameOrigin ? fastGetAttribute(downloadAttr) : nullAtom);

        frame->loader().client()->loadURLExternally(request, NavigationPolicyDownload, suggestedName, false);
    } else {
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(&document(), request, getAttribute(targetAttr));
        if (hasRel(RelationNoReferrer)) {
        if (hasRel(RelationNoOpener))
        // TODO(japhet): Link clicks can be emulated via JS without a user gesture.
        // Why doesn't this go through NavigationScheduler?
ResourceRequestBlockedReason FrameFetchContext::canRequestInternal(Resource::Type type, const ResourceRequest& resourceRequest, const KURL& url, const ResourceLoaderOptions& options, bool forPreload, FetchRequest::OriginRestriction originRestriction, ResourceRequest::RedirectStatus redirectStatus) const
    if (InspectorInstrumentation::shouldBlockRequest(frame(), resourceRequest))
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonInspector;

    SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin = options.securityOrigin.get();
    if (!securityOrigin && m_document)
        securityOrigin = m_document->getSecurityOrigin();

    if (originRestriction != FetchRequest::NoOriginRestriction && securityOrigin && !securityOrigin->canDisplay(url)) {
        if (!forPreload)
            FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(frame(), url.elidedString());
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::requestResource URL was not allowed by SecurityOrigin::canDisplay");
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOther;

    // Some types of resources can be loaded only from the same origin. Other
    // types of resources, like Images, Scripts, and CSS, can be loaded from
    // any URL.
    switch (type) {
    case Resource::MainResource:
    case Resource::Image:
    case Resource::CSSStyleSheet:
    case Resource::Script:
    case Resource::Font:
    case Resource::Raw:
    case Resource::LinkPrefetch:
    case Resource::LinkPreload:
    case Resource::TextTrack:
    case Resource::ImportResource:
    case Resource::Media:
    case Resource::Manifest:
        // By default these types of resources can be loaded from any origin.
        // FIXME: Are we sure about Resource::Font?
        if (originRestriction == FetchRequest::RestrictToSameOrigin && !securityOrigin->canRequest(url)) {
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;
    case Resource::XSLStyleSheet:
    case Resource::SVGDocument:
        if (!securityOrigin->canRequest(url)) {
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;

    // FIXME: Convert this to check the isolated world's Content Security Policy once webkit.org/b/104520 is solved.
    bool shouldBypassMainWorldCSP = frame()->script().shouldBypassMainWorldCSP() || options.contentSecurityPolicyOption == DoNotCheckContentSecurityPolicy;

    // Don't send CSP messages for preloads, we might never actually display those items.
    ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus cspReporting = forPreload ?
        ContentSecurityPolicy::SuppressReport : ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport;

    if (m_document) {
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !m_document->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowRequest(resourceRequest.requestContext(), url, options.contentSecurityPolicyNonce, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;

    if (type == Resource::Script || type == Resource::ImportResource) {
        if (!frame()->loader().client()->allowScriptFromSource(!frame()->settings() || frame()->settings()->scriptEnabled(), url)) {
            // TODO(estark): Use a different ResourceRequestBlockedReason
            // here, since this check has nothing to do with
            // CSP. https://crbug.com/600795
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    } else if (type == Resource::Media || type == Resource::TextTrack) {
        if (!frame()->loader().client()->allowMedia(url))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOther;

    // SVG Images have unique security rules that prevent all subresource requests
    // except for data urls.
    if (type != Resource::MainResource && frame()->chromeClient().isSVGImageChromeClient() && !url.protocolIsData())
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;

    // Measure the number of legacy URL schemes ('ftp://') and the number of embedded-credential
    // ('http://*****:*****@...') resources embedded as subresources. in the hopes that we can
    // block them at some point in the future.
    if (resourceRequest.frameType() != WebURLRequest::FrameTypeTopLevel) {
        if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLegacy(url.protocol()) && !SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLegacy(frame()->document()->getSecurityOrigin()->protocol()))
            UseCounter::count(frame()->document(), UseCounter::LegacyProtocolEmbeddedAsSubresource);
        if (!url.user().isEmpty() || !url.pass().isEmpty())
            UseCounter::count(frame()->document(), UseCounter::RequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials);

    // Check for mixed content. We do this second-to-last so that when folks block
    // mixed content with a CSP policy, they don't get a warning. They'll still
    // get a warning in the console about CSP blocking the load.
    MixedContentChecker::ReportingStatus mixedContentReporting = forPreload ?
        MixedContentChecker::SuppressReport : MixedContentChecker::SendReport;
    if (MixedContentChecker::shouldBlockFetch(frame(), resourceRequest, url, mixedContentReporting))
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonMixedContent;

    // Let the client have the final say into whether or not the load should proceed.
    DocumentLoader* documentLoader = masterDocumentLoader();
    if (documentLoader && documentLoader->subresourceFilter() && type != Resource::MainResource && type != Resource::ImportResource && !documentLoader->subresourceFilter()->allowLoad(url, resourceRequest.requestContext()))
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonSubresourceFilter;

    return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonNone;
bool CSSFontFaceSrcValue::shouldSetCrossOriginAccessControl(const KURL& resource, SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin)
    if (resource.isLocalFile() || resource.protocolIsData())
        return false;
    return !securityOrigin->canRequest(resource);
Exemplo n.º 10
bool PageSerializer::shouldAddURL(const KURL& url)
    return url.isValid() && !m_resourceURLs.contains(url) && !url.protocolIsData();
Exemplo n.º 11
bool ImageLoader::shouldLoadImmediately(const KURL& url, LoadType loadType) const
    return url.protocolIsData()
        || memoryCache()->resourceForURL(url)
        || loadType == ForceLoadImmediately;
ResourceRequestBlockedReason FrameFetchContext::canRequestInternal(Resource::Type type, const ResourceRequest& resourceRequest, const KURL& url, const ResourceLoaderOptions& options, bool forPreload, FetchRequest::OriginRestriction originRestriction) const
    InstrumentingAgents* agents = InspectorInstrumentation::instrumentingAgentsFor(frame());
    if (agents && agents->inspectorResourceAgent()) {
        if (agents->inspectorResourceAgent()->shouldBlockRequest(resourceRequest))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonInspector;

    SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin = options.securityOrigin.get();
    if (!securityOrigin && m_document)
        securityOrigin = m_document->securityOrigin();

    if (originRestriction != FetchRequest::NoOriginRestriction && securityOrigin && !securityOrigin->canDisplay(url)) {
        if (!forPreload)
            FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(frame(), url.elidedString());
        WTF_LOG(ResourceLoading, "ResourceFetcher::requestResource URL was not allowed by SecurityOrigin::canDisplay");
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOther;

    // Some types of resources can be loaded only from the same origin. Other
    // types of resources, like Images, Scripts, and CSS, can be loaded from
    // any URL.
    switch (type) {
    case Resource::MainResource:
    case Resource::Image:
    case Resource::CSSStyleSheet:
    case Resource::Script:
    case Resource::Font:
    case Resource::Raw:
    case Resource::LinkPrefetch:
    case Resource::LinkSubresource:
    case Resource::LinkPreload:
    case Resource::TextTrack:
    case Resource::ImportResource:
    case Resource::Media:
        // By default these types of resources can be loaded from any origin.
        // FIXME: Are we sure about Resource::Font?
        if (originRestriction == FetchRequest::RestrictToSameOrigin && !securityOrigin->canRequest(url)) {
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;
    case Resource::XSLStyleSheet:
    case Resource::SVGDocument:
        if (!securityOrigin->canRequest(url)) {
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;

    // FIXME: Convert this to check the isolated world's Content Security Policy once webkit.org/b/104520 is solved.
    bool shouldBypassMainWorldCSP = frame()->script().shouldBypassMainWorldCSP() || options.contentSecurityPolicyOption == DoNotCheckContentSecurityPolicy;

    // Don't send CSP messages for preloads, we might never actually display those items.
    ContentSecurityPolicy::ReportingStatus cspReporting = forPreload ?
        ContentSecurityPolicy::SuppressReport : ContentSecurityPolicy::SendReport;

    // As of CSP2, for requests that are the results of redirects, the match
    // algorithm should ignore the path component of the URL.
    ContentSecurityPolicy::RedirectStatus redirectStatus = resourceRequest.followedRedirect() ? ContentSecurityPolicy::DidRedirect : ContentSecurityPolicy::DidNotRedirect;

    // m_document can be null, but not in any of the cases where csp is actually used below.
    // ImageResourceTest.MultipartImage crashes w/o the m_document null check.
    // I believe it's the Resource::Raw case.
    const ContentSecurityPolicy* csp = m_document ? m_document->contentSecurityPolicy() : nullptr;

    // FIXME: This would be cleaner if moved this switch into an allowFromSource()
    // helper on this object which took a Resource::Type, then this block would
    // collapse to about 10 lines for handling Raw and Script special cases.
    switch (type) {
    case Resource::XSLStyleSheet:
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowScriptFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    case Resource::Script:
    case Resource::ImportResource:
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowScriptFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;

        if (!frame()->loader().client()->allowScriptFromSource(!frame()->settings() || frame()->settings()->scriptEnabled(), url)) {
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    case Resource::CSSStyleSheet:
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowStyleFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    case Resource::SVGDocument:
    case Resource::Image:
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowImageFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    case Resource::Font: {
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowFontFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;
    case Resource::MainResource:
    case Resource::Raw:
    case Resource::LinkPrefetch:
    case Resource::LinkSubresource:
    case Resource::LinkPreload:
    case Resource::Media:
    case Resource::TextTrack:
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowMediaFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;

        if (!frame()->loader().client()->allowMedia(url))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOther;

    // SVG Images have unique security rules that prevent all subresource requests
    // except for data urls.
    if (type != Resource::MainResource && frame()->chromeClient().isSVGImageChromeClient() && !url.protocolIsData())
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonOrigin;

    // FIXME: Once we use RequestContext for CSP (http://crbug.com/390497), remove this extra check.
    if (resourceRequest.requestContext() == WebURLRequest::RequestContextManifest) {
        if (!shouldBypassMainWorldCSP && !csp->allowManifestFromSource(url, redirectStatus, cspReporting))
            return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonCSP;

    // Measure the number of legacy URL schemes ('ftp://') and the number of embedded-credential
    // ('http://*****:*****@...') resources embedded as subresources. in the hopes that we can
    // block them at some point in the future.
    if (resourceRequest.frameType() != WebURLRequest::FrameTypeTopLevel) {
        if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLegacy(url.protocol()) && !SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLegacy(frame()->document()->securityOrigin()->protocol()))
            UseCounter::count(frame()->document(), UseCounter::LegacyProtocolEmbeddedAsSubresource);
        if (!url.user().isEmpty() || !url.pass().isEmpty())
            UseCounter::count(frame()->document(), UseCounter::RequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials);

    // Measure the number of pages that load resources after a redirect
    // when a CSP is active, to see if implementing CSP
    // 'unsafe-redirect' is feasible.
    if (csp && csp->isActive() && resourceRequest.frameType() != WebURLRequest::FrameTypeTopLevel && resourceRequest.frameType() != WebURLRequest::FrameTypeAuxiliary && redirectStatus == ContentSecurityPolicy::DidRedirect) {
        UseCounter::count(frame()->document(), UseCounter::ResourceLoadedAfterRedirectWithCSP);

    // Last of all, check for mixed content. We do this last so that when
    // folks block mixed content with a CSP policy, they don't get a warning.
    // They'll still get a warning in the console about CSP blocking the load.
    MixedContentChecker::ReportingStatus mixedContentReporting = forPreload ?
        MixedContentChecker::SuppressReport : MixedContentChecker::SendReport;
    if (MixedContentChecker::shouldBlockFetch(MixedContentChecker::effectiveFrameForFrameType(frame(), resourceRequest.frameType()), resourceRequest, url, mixedContentReporting))
        return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonMixedContent;

    return ResourceRequestBlockedReasonNone;