void MapWindow::DrawGlideThroughTerrain(LKSurface& Surface, const RECT& rc) {
  LKPen hpOld;

  //double h,dh;
  TCHAR hbuf[10];
  static bool doinit=true;
  static TextInBoxMode_t tmode = {0};
  bool wrotevalue=false;

  if (doinit) {
    memset((void*)&tmode, 0, sizeof(TextInBoxMode_t));

  #ifdef GTL2
  bool ValidTP = ValidTaskPoint(ActiveWayPoint);

  // draw glide terrain line around next WP
  bool DrawGTL2 = ValidTP && (FinalGlideTerrain > 2);
  static bool LastDrewGTL2 = false;

  if (DrawGTL2) {
    int wp_index = (DoOptimizeRoute() || ACTIVE_WP_IS_AAT_AREA) ? 
                   RESWP_OPTIMIZED : TASKINDEX;

    double alt_arriv = WayPointCalc[wp_index].AltArriv[AltArrivMode];
    // Calculate arrival altitude at the next waypoint relative to
    // the "terrain height" safety setting.

    if (CheckSafetyAltitudeApplies(wp_index))
      alt_arriv += SAFETYALTITUDEARRIVAL/10; // AGL
    alt_arriv -= SAFETYALTITUDETERRAIN/10;   // rel. to "terrain height"

    if (alt_arriv <= 0) DrawGTL2 = false;
  if (LastDrewGTL2 != DrawGTL2) {
    LastDrewGTL2 = DrawGTL2;
    if (!DrawGTL2) ClearGTL2(); // clear next-WP glide terrain line

  hpOld = Surface.SelectObject(hpTerrainLineBg); 

  #ifdef GTL2
  // Draw the wide, solid part of the glide terrain line.
  // draw a dashed perimetral line first
  Surface.Polyline(Groundline,NUMTERRAINSWEEPS+1, rc);

  // draw perimeter if selected and during a flight
  #ifdef GTL2
  if (((FinalGlideTerrain == 1) || (FinalGlideTerrain == 3)) || 
     ((!IsMultimapTerrain() || !DerivedDrawInfo.Flying) && FinalGlideTerrain)) { 
  if ((FinalGlideTerrain==1) || ((!IsMultimapTerrain() || !DerivedDrawInfo.Flying) && (FinalGlideTerrain==2))) { 
	Surface.Polyline(Groundline,NUMTERRAINSWEEPS+1, rc);
  #ifdef GTL2  
  // draw glide terrain line around next waypoint
  if (DrawGTL2) {
    // Draw a solid white line.
    Surface.Polyline(Groundline2, NUMTERRAINSWEEPS+1, rc);

    // Draw a dashed red line.
    Surface.DrawDashPoly(NIBLSCALE(2), RGB_RED, Groundline2, NUMTERRAINSWEEPS+1, rc);

  // draw red cross obstacles only if destination looks reachable!
  // only if using OVT_TASK of course!

  #ifdef GTL2
  if ((OvertargetMode == OVT_TASK) && DerivedDrawInfo.Flying && ValidTP)
  if ( (OvertargetMode==OVT_TASK) && DerivedDrawInfo.Flying && ValidTaskPoint(ActiveWayPoint))
  if (WayPointCalc[TASKINDEX].AltArriv[AltArrivMode] >0) { 

	POINT sc;
	// If calculations detected an obstacle...
	if ((DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLatitude != 0.0) &&(DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLongitude != 0.0)) {

		// only if valid position, and visible
		if (DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lon >0) 
		if (PointVisible(DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lon, DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lat)) {
			LatLon2Screen(DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lon, DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lat, sc);
			DrawBitmapIn(Surface, sc, hTerrainWarning,true);

			if (DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_AltArriv <=-50 ||  DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Dist<5000 ) {
				_stprintf(hbuf,_T(" %.0f"),ALTITUDEMODIFY*DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_AltArriv);
				TextInBox(Surface,&rc,hbuf,sc.x+NIBLSCALE(15), sc.y, 0, &tmode,false); 
		} // visible far obstacle

		if (PointVisible(DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLongitude, DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLatitude)) {
			LatLon2Screen(DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLongitude, DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLatitude, sc);
			DrawBitmapIn(Surface, sc, hTerrainWarning,true);
#if 0
			// 091203 add obstacle altitude on moving map
			h =  max(0,RasterTerrain::GetTerrainHeight(DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLatitude, 
			if (h==TERRAIN_INVALID) h=0; //@ 101027 FIX but unused
			_stprintf(hbuf,_T(" %.0f"),ALTITUDEMODIFY*dh);
			TextInBox(hDC,&rc,hbuf,sc.x+NIBLSCALE(10), sc.y, 0, tmode,false); 
			// if far obstacle was painted with value...
			if (wrotevalue) {
				// if it is not too near the nearest..
				if ( (fabs(DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lon - DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLongitude) >0.02) &&
					(fabs(DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_Lat - DerivedDrawInfo.TerrainWarningLatitude) >0.02)) {
					// and it the arrival altitude is actually negative (rounding terrain errors?)
					if ( DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv <=-50)
					// and there is a significant difference in the numbers, then paint value also for nearest
					if (  fabs(DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv - DerivedDrawInfo.FarObstacle_AltArriv) >100 ) {
						_stprintf(hbuf,_T(" %.0f"),ALTITUDEMODIFY*DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv);
						TextInBox(Surface,&rc,hbuf,sc.x+NIBLSCALE(15), sc.y, 0, &tmode,false); 
			} else {
				// else paint value only if meaningful or very close to us
				// -1 to 10m become -1 for rounding errors
				if ( (DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv >-1) && (DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv <10))
				if (DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv <=-50 ||  
				 ((DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv<0) && (DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleDistance<5000)) ) {

					_stprintf(hbuf,_T(" %.0f"),ALTITUDEMODIFY*DerivedDrawInfo.ObstacleAltArriv);
					TextInBox(Surface,&rc,hbuf,sc.x+NIBLSCALE(15), sc.y, 0, &tmode,false); 
		} // visible nearest obstacle
	} // obstacles detected
  } // within glide range
