Exemplo n.º 1
// Name: dx_Restaure()
// Desc: Restaure les objets perdus (s'ils sont perdus)
void dx_Restaure ()
    if (SurfacePrimaire->IsLost () != DD_OK)
        DirectDraw7->RestoreAllSurfaces ();
Exemplo n.º 2
LRESULT CALLBACK InternalWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    PAINTSTRUCT                 ps;         // Structure for the paint message
    POINT                       p = {0, 0}; // Translation point for the window's client region
    HRESULT                     hRet;

    switch (iMsg)
        case WM_MOVE:
            // Make sure we're not moving to be minimized - because otherwise
            // our ratio varialbes (g_dwXRatio and g_dwYRatio) will end up
            // being 0, and once we hit CheckBoundries it divides by 0.
            if (!IsIconic(hwnd))
                g_rcSrc.left = 0;
                g_rcSrc.right = g_sizex;
                g_rcSrc.top = 0;
                g_rcSrc.bottom = g_sizey;
                GetClientRect(hwnd, &g_rcDst);
                g_dwXRatio = (g_rcDst.right - g_rcDst.left) * 1000 /
                             (g_rcSrc.right - g_rcSrc.left);
                g_dwYRatio = (g_rcDst.bottom - g_rcDst.top) * 1000 /
                             (g_rcSrc.bottom - g_rcSrc.top);
                ClientToScreen(hwnd, &p);
                g_rcDst.left = p.x;
                g_rcDst.top = p.y;
                g_rcDst.bottom += p.y;
                g_rcDst.right += p.x;
                // Else, hide the overlay... just in case we can't do
                // destination color keying, this will pull the overlay
                // off of the screen for the user.
                if (g_pDDSOverlay && g_pDDSPrimary)
                    g_pDDSOverlay->UpdateOverlay(NULL, g_pDDSPrimary, NULL, DDOVER_HIDE, NULL);
            // Check to make sure our window exists before we tell it to
            // repaint. This will fail the first time (while the window is being created).
            if (hwnd)
                InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
            return 0L;

        case WM_SIZE:
            // Another check for the minimization action.  This check is
            // quicker though...
            if (wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED)
                GetClientRect(hwnd, &g_rcDst);
                ClientToScreen(hwnd, &p);
                g_rcDst.left = p.x;
                g_rcDst.top = p.y;
                g_rcDst.bottom += p.y;
                g_rcDst.right += p.x;
                g_rcSrc.left = 0;
                g_rcSrc.right = g_sizex;
                g_rcSrc.top = 0;
                g_rcSrc.bottom = g_sizey;
                // Here we multiply by 1000 to preserve 3 decimal places in the
                // division opperation (we picked 1000 to be on the same order
                // of magnitude as the stretch factor for easier comparisons)
                g_dwXRatio = (g_rcDst.right - g_rcDst.left) * 1000 /
                             (g_rcSrc.right - g_rcSrc.left);
                g_dwYRatio = (g_rcDst.bottom - g_rcDst.top) * 1000 /
                             (g_rcSrc.bottom - g_rcSrc.top);
            return 0L;

        case WM_PAINT:
            BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
            // Check the primary surface to see if it's lost - if so you can
            // pretty much bet that the other surfaces are also lost - thus
            // restore EVERYTHING!  If we got our surfaces stolen by a full
            // screen app - then we'll destroy our primary - and won't be able
            // to initialize it again. When we get our next paint message (the
            // full screen app closed for example) we'll want to try to reinit
            // the surfaces again - that's why there is a check for
            // g_pDDSPrimary == NULL.  The other option, is that our program
            // went through this process, could init the primary again, but it
            // couldn't init the overlay, that's why there's a third check for
            // g_pDDSOverlay == NULL.  Make sure that the check for
            // !g_pDDSPrimary is BEFORE the IsLost call - that way if the
            // pointer is NULL (ie. !g_pDDSPrimary is TRUE) - the compiler
            // won't try to evaluate the IsLost function (which, since the
            // g_pDDSPrimary surface is NULL, would be bad...).
            if (!g_pDDSPrimary || (g_pDDSPrimary->IsLost() != DD_OK) ||
                (g_pDDSOverlay == NULL))
                if (DDPrimaryInit())
                    if (DDOverlayInit())
                        if (!DrawOverlay())
            // UpdateOverlay is how we put the overlay on the screen.
            if (g_pDDSOverlay && g_pDDSPrimary && g_video->updating)
                hRet = g_pDDSOverlay->UpdateOverlay(&g_rcSrc, g_pDDSPrimary,
                                                    &g_rcDst, g_OverlayFlags,
#ifdef _DEBUG
                if(hRet != DD_OK) DisplayError("Can't update overlay", hRet);
            EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
            return 0L;

        // process mouse and keyboard events
        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:    mouse(1, lParam); break;
        case WM_LBUTTONUP:      mouse(-1, lParam); break;
        case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:    mouse(2, lParam); break;
        case WM_RBUTTONUP:      mouse(-2, lParam); break;
        case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:    mouse(3, lParam); break;
        case WM_MBUTTONUP:      mouse(-3, lParam); break;
        case WM_CHAR:           g_video->on_key(wParam); break;

        case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE:  return 0L;

        case WM_DESTROY:
            // Now, shut down the window...
            return 0L;
    return g_pUserProc? g_pUserProc(hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam) : DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam);