Exemplo n.º 1
MObject MG_poseReader::makePlane(const MVector& p1,const MVector& p2,const MVector& p3){

	MFnMesh meshFn;

	MPoint p1p (p1);
	MPoint p2p (p2);
	MPoint p3p (p3);
	MPointArray pArray;

	MIntArray polyCount;
	MIntArray polyConnect;

	MFnMeshData data;
	MObject polyData = data.create();

	MStatus stat;

	return polyData;

Exemplo n.º 2
MObject animCube::createMesh(const MTime& time,
							  MObject& outData,
							  MStatus& stat)

	int				numVertices, frame;
	float			cubeSize;
	MFloatPointArray		points;
	MFnMesh			meshFS;

	// Scale the cube on the frame number, wrap every 10 frames.
	frame = (int)time.as( MTime::kFilm );
	if (frame == 0)
	  frame = 1;
	cubeSize		    		= 0.5f * (float)( frame % 10);

	const int numFaces			= 6;
	numVertices					= 8;
	const int numFaceConnects	= 24;

	MFloatPoint vtx_1( -cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_2(  cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_3(  cubeSize, -cubeSize,  cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_4( -cubeSize, -cubeSize,  cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_5( -cubeSize,  cubeSize, -cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_6( -cubeSize,  cubeSize,  cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_7(  cubeSize,  cubeSize,  cubeSize );
	MFloatPoint vtx_8(  cubeSize,  cubeSize, -cubeSize );
	points.append( vtx_1 );
	points.append( vtx_2 );
	points.append( vtx_3 );
	points.append( vtx_4 );
	points.append( vtx_5 );
	points.append( vtx_6 );
	points.append( vtx_7 );
	points.append( vtx_8 );

	// Set up an array containing the number of vertices
	// for each of the 6 cube faces (4 verticies per face)
	int face_counts[numFaces] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
	MIntArray faceCounts( face_counts, numFaces );

	// Set up and array to assign vertices from points to each face 
	int face_connects[ numFaceConnects ] = {	0, 1, 2, 3,
												4, 5, 6, 7,
												3, 2, 6, 5,
												0, 3, 5, 4,
												0, 4, 7, 1,
												1, 7, 6, 2	};
	MIntArray faceConnects( face_connects, numFaceConnects );

	MObject newMesh = meshFS.create(numVertices, numFaces,
									points, faceCounts, faceConnects,
									outData, &stat);

	return newMesh;
MStatus metro_model_translator::create_shape( const m2033::mesh_ptr m )
	MFloatPointArray v;
	MVectorArray norm;
	MIntArray p;
	MIntArray idx;

	MFnTransform transform_fn;
	MObject transform_obj = transform_fn.create( MObject::kNullObj );
	transform_fn.setName( m->get_name().c_str() );

	m2033::mesh::vertices mv = m->get_vertices();
	m2033::mesh::indices mi = m->get_indices();
	m2033::mesh::texcoords mt = m->get_tex_coords();
	m2033::mesh::normals mn = m->get_normals();

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < mv.size(); i++ ) {
		v.append( -mv[i].x, mv[i].y, mv[i].z );
		norm.append( MVector( -mn[i].x, mn[i].y, mn[i].z ) );

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < mi.size() / 3; i++ ) {
		idx.append( mi[i*3+2] );
		idx.append( mi[i*3+1] );
		idx.append( mi[i*3] );
		p.append( 3 );

	MFloatArray u_values, v_values;
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < mt.size(); i++ ) {
		u_values.append( mt[i].x );
		v_values.append( -mt[i].y );

	MFnMesh meshFn;
	MObject mesh = meshFn.create( v.length(), p.length(), v, p, idx, u_values, v_values, transform_obj );
	MString name = m->get_name().c_str();
	meshFn.setName( name + MString("_shape") );

	MStatus s = meshFn.assignUVs( p, idx, 0 );
	if( !s ) {
		return s;

	s = meshFn.unlockVertexNormals( idx );
	if( !s ) {
		return s;
	meshFn.setVertexNormals( norm, idx );

	MObject mat = create_material( m->get_texture_name(), &s );
	if( !s ) {
		return s;
	MFnSet mat_fn(mat);

	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void makeCubes(std::vector<cube> &cubes, MString &name, MStatus *stat)
    MFnMesh fnMesh;
    MObject result;

    MFloatPointArray points;
    MIntArray faceCounts;
    MIntArray faceConnects;

    int index_offset = 0;
    for (std::vector<cube>::iterator cit = cubes.begin(); cit != cubes.end(); ++cit)
        point3 diag = cit->diagonal();
        float scale = diag.x;
        point3 pos = cit->start + (diag * .5f);

        MFloatVector mpos(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

        addCube(scale, mpos, index_offset * (8), points, faceCounts, faceConnects);
        index_offset += 1;

    unsigned int vtx_cnt = points.length();
    unsigned int face_cnt = faceCounts.length();

    MObject newMesh =
            /* numVertices */ vtx_cnt,
            /* numFaces */ face_cnt,

    /* Harden all edges. */
    int n_edges = fnMesh.numEdges(stat);
    for (int i = 0; i < n_edges; ++i)
        fnMesh.setEdgeSmoothing(i, false);
    fnMesh.cleanupEdgeSmoothing(); /* Must be called after editing edges. */


    /* Assign Shader. */
    MSelectionList sel_list;
    if (!MFAIL(sel_list.add("initialShadingGroup")))
        MObject set_obj;
        sel_list.getDependNode(0, set_obj);
        MFnSet set(set_obj);

    /* Give it a swanky name. */
    MFnDagNode parent(fnMesh.parent(0));
    name = parent.setName("polyMengerSponge", false, stat);
Exemplo n.º 5
MStatus LSSolverNode::buildOutputMesh(MFnMesh& inputMesh, float* vertices, MObject &outputMesh)
	MStatus stat;
	MPointArray points;

	unsigned vIndex = 0;
	int numVertices = inputMesh.numVertices();
	for(int i=0; i<numVertices;i++)
		double x = vertices[vIndex++];
		double y = vertices[vIndex++];
		double z = vertices[vIndex++];
		MPoint point(x,y,z);
	const int numFaces = inputMesh.numPolygons();
	int *face_counts = new int[numFaces];
	for(int i = 0 ; i < numFaces ; i++)
		face_counts[i] = 3;

	MIntArray faceCounts( face_counts, numFaces );

	// Set up and array to assign vertices from points to each face 
	int numFaceConnects = numFaces * 3;
	int *face_connects = new int[numFaceConnects];

	int faceConnectsIdx = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i<numFaces; i++ )
		MIntArray polyVerts;
		inputMesh.getPolygonVertices( i, polyVerts );
		int pvc = polyVerts.length();

		face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++] = polyVerts[0];
		face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++]= polyVerts[1];
		face_connects[faceConnectsIdx++] = polyVerts[2];

	MIntArray faceConnects( face_connects, numFaceConnects );
	MFnMesh meshFS;
	MObject newMesh = meshFS.create(numVertices, numFaces,
									points, faceCounts, faceConnects,
									outputMesh, &stat);

	return stat;

Exemplo n.º 6
MObject AniMesh::readFrame(const MTime& time,MObject& outData,MStatus& stat)

	MFloatPointArray points;
	MFnMesh         meshFS;
	int frame = (int)time.as( MTime::kFilm );
	if (frame == 0)
		frame = 1; 
	vector<size_t> face_v;
	vector<double> points_v;
	char cfilename[256];
	sprintf(cfilename, "%s%d.vrml",import_prefix.c_str(),frame);
	//sprintf(cfilename, "%s%d.vrml",import_prefix.c_str(),0);
	string filename = string(cfilename);
	fstream fp;
	if (fp)
		ImportVrml2 (filename, face_v, points_v);
		sprintf(cfilename, "%s%d.vrml",import_prefix.c_str(),0);
		string filename = string(cfilename); 
	size_t numVertices = points_v.size()/3;
	size_t numFaces = face_v.size()/3;
	for(vector<double>::const_iterator it = points_v.begin();it != points_v.end();it+=3) {
		MFloatPoint vtx(*it,*(it+1),*(it+2));

	vector<int> face_count;
	for(int i=0;i<numFaces;i++) {
	MIntArray faceCounts(&face_count[0],numFaces);

	vector<int> face_connects;
	for(int i=0;i<face_v.size();++i)
		face_connects[i] = face_v[i];

	MIntArray faceConnects( &face_connects[0], face_connects.size() );
	MObject newMesh=meshFS.create(numVertices, numFaces,points, faceCounts, faceConnects,outData,&stat);
	return newMesh;

Exemplo n.º 7
void MayaGeoAttribute::transferValueToMaya(MPlug &plug, MDataBlock &data){
	coral::Geo *coralGeo = value();
	const std::vector<Imath::V3f> &coralPoints = coralGeo->points();
	// transfer points
	MFloatPointArray mayaPoints;
	for(int i = 0; i < coralPoints.size(); ++i){
		const Imath::V3f *coralPoint = &coralPoints[i];
		mayaPoints.append(MFloatPoint(coralPoint->x, coralPoint->y, coralPoint->z));
	// transfer faces
	MIntArray mayaFaceCount;
	MIntArray mayaFaceVertices;
	const std::vector<std::vector<int> > coralFaces = coralGeo->rawFaces();
	for(int polyId = 0; polyId < coralFaces.size(); ++polyId){
		const std::vector<int> *coralFace = &coralFaces[polyId];
		int faceVertexCount = coralFace->size();
		for(int i = 0; i < faceVertexCount; ++i){
	// create maya mesh
	MDataHandle dataHandle = data.outputValue(plug);
	MFnMeshData dataCreator;
	MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create();
	MFnMesh newMesh;
	newMesh.create(mayaPoints.length(), coralFaces.size(), mayaPoints, mayaFaceCount, mayaFaceVertices, newOutputData);
Exemplo n.º 8
MStatus convertOsdFarToMayaMeshData(
     FMesh const * farMesh,
     OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer * vertexBuffer,
     int subdivisionLevel,
     MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
     MObject newMeshDataObj ) {

    MStatus returnStatus;

    // Get sizing data from OSD
    const OpenSubdiv::FarPatchTables *farPatchTables = farMesh->GetPatchTables();
    int numPolygons = farPatchTables->GetNumFaces(); // use the highest level stored in the patch tables
    const unsigned int *polygonConnects_orig = farPatchTables->GetFaceVertices(); // use the highest level stored in the patch tables

    const OpenSubdiv::FarSubdivisionTables<OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex> *farSubdivTables = farMesh->GetSubdivisionTables();
    unsigned int numVertices  = farSubdivTables->GetNumVertices(subdivisionLevel);
    unsigned int vertexOffset = farSubdivTables->GetFirstVertexOffset(subdivisionLevel);

    // Init Maya Data
    MFloatPointArray points(numVertices);
    MIntArray faceCounts(numPolygons); // number of edges for each polygon.  Assume quads (4-edges per face)
    MIntArray faceConnects(numPolygons*4); // array of vertex ids for all edges. assuming quads

    // -- Face Counts
    for (int i=0; i < numPolygons; ++i) {
        faceCounts[i] = 4;

    // -- Face Connects
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < faceConnects.length(); i++) {
        faceConnects[i] = polygonConnects_orig[i] - vertexOffset; // adjust vertex indices so that v0 is at index 0

    // -- Points
    // Number of floats in each vertex.  (positions, normals, etc)
    int numFloatsPerVertex = vertexBuffer->GetNumElements();
    assert(numFloatsPerVertex == 3); // assuming only xyz stored for each vertex
    const float *vertexData = vertexBuffer->BindCpuBuffer();
    float *ptrVertexData;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < numVertices; i++) {

        // make sure to offset to the first osd vertex for that subd level
        unsigned int osdRawVertexIndex = i + vertexOffset;

        // Lookup the data in the vertexData
        ptrVertexData = (float *) vertexData + ((osdRawVertexIndex) * numFloatsPerVertex);
        points.set(i, ptrVertexData[0], ptrVertexData[1], ptrVertexData[2]);

    // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh
    MFnMesh newMeshFn;
    MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
        points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &returnStatus);
    MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create new mesh");

    // Attach UVs (if present)
    // ASSUMPTION: Only tracking UVs as FVar data.  Will need to change this
    // ASSUMPTION: OSD has a unique UV for each face-vertex
    int fvarTotalWidth = farMesh->GetTotalFVarWidth();

    if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) {

        // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
        MStringArray uvSetNames;
        MStringArray colorSetNames;
        std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
        std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
        int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
        returnStatus = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames, colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);

        int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length();
        int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels;
        assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth);

        const OpenSubdiv::FarPatchTables::FVarDataTable &fvarDataTable =  farPatchTables->GetFVarDataTable();
        assert(fvarDataTable.size() == expectedFvarTotalWidth*faceConnects.length());

        // Create an array of indices to map each face-vert to the UV and ColorSet Data
        MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length());
        for (unsigned int i=0; i < faceConnects.length(); i++) {
            fvarConnects[i] = i;

        MFloatArray uCoord(faceConnects.length());
        MFloatArray vCoord(faceConnects.length());

        for (int uvSetIndex=0; uvSetIndex < numUVSets; uvSetIndex++) {

            for(unsigned int vertid=0; vertid < faceConnects.length(); vertid++) {
                int fvarItem = vertid*fvarTotalWidth + uvSetIndex*2; // stride per vertex is the fvarTotalWidth
                uCoord[vertid] = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                vCoord[vertid] = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1];
            // Assign UV buffer and map the uvids for each face-vertex
            if (uvSetIndex != 0) { // assume uvset index 0 is the default UVset, so do not create
                returnStatus = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] );
            MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create UVSet");
            newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord,vCoord, &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex]);
            newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex]);

        MColorArray colorArray(faceConnects.length());
        int colorSetRelativeStartIndex = numUVSets*2;

        for (unsigned int colorSetIndex=0; colorSetIndex < colorSetNames.length(); colorSetIndex++) {

            for(unsigned int vertid=0; vertid < faceConnects.length(); vertid++) {

                int fvarItem = vertid*fvarTotalWidth + colorSetRelativeStartIndex;
                if (colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex] == 1) {
                    colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                    colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                    colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                    colorArray[vertid].a = 1.0f;
                } else if (colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex] == 3) {
                    colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                    colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1];
                    colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+2];
                    colorArray[vertid].a = 1.0f;
                } else {
                    colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem];
                    colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1];
                    colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+2];
                    colorArray[vertid].a = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+3];

            // Assign UV buffer and map the uvids for each face-vertex
            // API Limitation: Cannot set MColorRepresentation here
            returnStatus = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]);
            MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create ColorSet");

            bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &returnStatus);
            newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped);
            newMeshFn.setColors(colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], colorSetReps[colorSetIndex]);
            newMeshFn.assignColors(fvarConnects, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]);

            // Increment colorSet start location in fvar buffer
            colorSetRelativeStartIndex += colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex];
    return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 9
static MStatus
convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & refinedVerts,
    bool hasUVs, std::vector<FVarVertexUV> const & refinedUVs,
    bool hasColors, std::vector<FVarVertexColor> const & refinedColors,
    MFnMesh & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj) {

    MStatus status;

    typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray;

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel 
                                                = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

    int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces();

    // Init Maya Data

    // Face Counts
    MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces);
    for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        faceCounts[face] = 4;

    // Face Connects
    MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4);
    for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
        for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) {
            faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert];

    // Points
    int nverts = refLastLevel.GetNumVertices();
    int firstOfLastVert = refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal() 
                        - nverts 
                        - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();

    MFloatPointArray points(nverts);
    for (int vIt = 0; vIt < nverts; ++vIt) {
        Vertex const & v = refinedVerts[firstOfLastVert + vIt];
        points.set(vIt, v.position[0], v.position[1], v.position[2]);

    // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh
    MFnMesh newMeshFn;
    MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
        points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status);
    MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh");

    // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
    MStringArray uvSetNames;
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
    std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
    int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
    status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
        colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);

    // Add new UVs back to the mesh if needed
    if (hasUVs) {

        MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length());
        int count = 0;
        for (int f = 0; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
            IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELUV);
            for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
                fvarConnects[count++] = faceIndices[index];

        int nuvs = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
        int firstOfLastUvs = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELUV) 
                             - nuvs
                             - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);

        MFloatArray uCoord(nuvs), vCoord(nuvs);
        for (int uvIt = 0; uvIt < nuvs; ++uvIt) {
            FVarVertexUV const & uv = refinedUVs[firstOfLastUvs + uvIt];
            uCoord[uvIt] = uv.u;
            vCoord[uvIt] = uv.v;

        // Currently, the plugin only supports one UV set
        int uvSetIndex = 0;
        if (uvSetIndex > 0) {
            status = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] );
            MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create UVSet");
        static MString defaultUVName("map1");
        MString const * uvname = uvSetIndex==0 ? 
            &defaultUVName : &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex];
        status = newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord, vCoord, uvname);                  
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot set UVs for set : "+*uvname);

        status = newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, uvname);     
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot assign UVs");

    // Add new colors back to the mesh if needed
    if (hasColors) {

        int count = 0;
        MIntArray fvarConnects2(faceConnects.length());
        for (int f = 0 ; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
            IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELCOLOR);
            for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
                fvarConnects2[count++] = faceIndices[index];
        int ncols = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);
        int firstOfLastCols = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELCOLOR) 
                              - ncols
                              - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);

        MColorArray colorArray(ncols);
        for (int colIt = 0; colIt < ncols; ++colIt) {
            FVarVertexColor const & c = refinedColors[firstOfLastCols + colIt];
            colorArray.set(colIt, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);

        // Currently, the plugin only supports one color sets
        int colorSetIndex = 0;

        // Assign color buffer and map the ids for each face-vertex
        // API Limitation: Cannot set MColorRepresentation here
        status = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh(
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create ColorSet");

        bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped(
            colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &status);                   
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not get Color Clamped ");

        status = newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped(
            colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped);                     
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Color Clamped : " + isColorClamped);

        status = newMeshFn.setColors(
            colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], 
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Colors");

        status = newMeshFn.assignColors(
            fvarConnects2, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]);                          
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not assign Colors");

    return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 10
MStatus fishVizNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
	MObject arbitaryMesh = data.inputValue(aInMesh).asMesh();

	MDoubleArray ptc_time_offset;
	MDoubleArray ptc_amplitude;
	MDoubleArray ptc_bend;
	MDoubleArray ptc_scale;
	MDoubleArray masses;
	MString cacheName = data.inputValue(acachename, &status).asString();
	MTime currentTime = data.inputValue(atime, &status).asTime();
	cacheName = cacheName+"."+250*int(currentTime.value())+".pdc";
	pdcFile* fpdc = new pdcFile();
		//MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("FishViz loaded cache file: ")+cacheName);
		fpdc->readPositions(ptc_positions, ptc_velocities, ptc_ups, ptc_views, ptc_time_offset, ptc_amplitude, ptc_bend, ptc_scale, masses);
	else MGlobal::displayWarning(MString("FishViz cannot open cache file: ")+cacheName);
		float delta_t = currentTime.value()-int(currentTime.value());
		for(int i=0; i<fpdc->getParticleCount(); i++)
			ptc_positions[i] += ptc_velocities[i]*delta_t/24.0f;
	delete fpdc;
	double flapping = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aFlapping);
	double bending= zGetDoubleAttr(data, aBending);
	double oscillate= zGetDoubleAttr(data, aOscillate);
	double length = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aLength);
	m_fish_length = length;
	double frequency = zGetDoubleAttr(data, aFrequency);
	unsigned num_bones = zGetIntAttr(data, aNBone);
	unsigned int nptc = ptc_positions.length();
	MPointArray vertices;
	MATRIX44F mat44, mat_bone;
	XYZ vert, front, up, side;
	MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outMesh, &status);
	zCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");
	if(m_num_fish != nptc || m_num_bone != num_bones)
		m_num_bone = num_bones;
		m_num_fish = nptc;
		unsigned int vertex_count;
		unsigned int face_count;
		MIntArray pcounts;
		MIntArray pconnect;
		unsigned  inmeshnv, inmeshnp;
		MPointArray pinmesh;
		MIntArray count_inmesh;
		MIntArray connect_inmesh;
		zWorks::extractMeshParams(arbitaryMesh, inmeshnv, inmeshnp, pinmesh, count_inmesh, connect_inmesh);
		vertex_count = inmeshnv * nptc;
		face_count = inmeshnp * nptc;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			// calculate the bone transformations
			poseBones(length, num_bones, ptc_time_offset[i], frequency, ptc_amplitude[i], ptc_bend[i], flapping, bending, oscillate);
			front.x = ptc_views[i].x;
			front.y = ptc_views[i].y;
			front.z = ptc_views[i].z;
			up.x = ptc_ups[i].x;
			up.y = ptc_ups[i].y;
			up.z = ptc_ups[i].z;
			side = front.cross(up);
			up = side.cross(front);
			mat44.setOrientations(side, up, front);
			mat44.setTranslation(ptc_positions[i].x, ptc_positions[i].y, ptc_positions[i].z);
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnv; j++)
				vert.x = pinmesh[j].x;
				vert.y = pinmesh[j].y;
				vert.z = pinmesh[j].z;
				int bone_id;
				if(vert.z>0) bone_id = 0;
				else if(-vert.z>length)  bone_id = num_bones-1;
				else bone_id = int(-vert.z/length*(num_bones-1));
				mat_bone = m_pBone->getBoneById(bone_id);
				vert.z -= -length/(num_bones-1)*bone_id;
				vertices.append(MPoint(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z));
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnp; j++)
		int acc=0;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<connect_inmesh.length(); j++)
			acc += inmeshnv;
		MObject m_mesh = outputHandle.asMesh();
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);
		zCheckStatusNR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");
		MFnMesh meshFn;
		m_mesh= meshFn.create(
		  vertex_count,				// number of vertices
		  face_count,		// number of polygons
		  vertices,			// The points
		  pcounts,			// # of vertex for each poly
		  pconnect,			// Vertices index for each poly
		  newOutputData,      // Dependency graph data object
		zCheckStatusNR(status, "ERROE creating mesh");
		// Update surface 
		MObject m_mesh = outputHandle.asMesh();
		MFnMesh meshFn(m_mesh);

		unsigned  inmeshnv, inmeshnp;
		MPointArray pinmesh;
		MIntArray count_inmesh;
		MIntArray connect_inmesh;
		zWorks::extractMeshParams(arbitaryMesh, inmeshnv, inmeshnp, pinmesh, count_inmesh, connect_inmesh);
		int acc=0;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptc; i++)
			// calculate the bone transformations
			poseBones(length, num_bones, ptc_time_offset[i], frequency, ptc_amplitude[i], ptc_bend[i], flapping, bending, oscillate);
			front.x = ptc_views[i].x;
			front.y = ptc_views[i].y;
			front.z = ptc_views[i].z;
			up.x = ptc_ups[i].x;
			up.y = ptc_ups[i].y;
			up.z = ptc_ups[i].z;
			side = front.cross(up);
			up = side.cross(front);
			mat44.setOrientations(side, up, front);
			mat44.setTranslation(ptc_positions[i].x, ptc_positions[i].y, ptc_positions[i].z);
			for(unsigned int j=0; j<inmeshnv; j++)
				vert.x = pinmesh[j].x;
				vert.y = pinmesh[j].y;
				vert.z = pinmesh[j].z;
				int bone_id;
				if(vert.z>0) bone_id = 0;
				else if(-vert.z>length)  bone_id = num_bones-1;
				else bone_id = int(-vert.z/length*(num_bones-1));
				mat_bone = m_pBone->getBoneById(bone_id);
				vert.z -= -length/(num_bones-1)*bone_id;
				vertices[j+acc] = MPoint(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z);
			acc += inmeshnv;
	//delete fmat;
	data.setClean( plug );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 11
MObject ClothSimMayaPlugin::createMesh(const MTime& time,
	MObject& outData,
	MStatus& stat)

	double t = time.as(MTime::kSeconds);
	if (t <= 1.0 / 24 && m_prevTime > 1.0/24)

	int nx = 60;
	int ny = 60;

	if (!m_simMesh.get())

		Eigen::VectorXf v((nx+1) * (ny+1) * 3);
		Eigen::VectorXf x((nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * 3);
		Eigen::VectorXf uv((nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * 2);

		for (int i = 0; i <= nx; ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j <= ny; ++j)
				int base = i + (nx+1) * j;
				uv[2 * base + 0] = (float)i / nx - 0.5f;
				uv[2 * base + 1] = (float)j / ny - 0.5f;

				x[3 * base + 0] = uv[2 * base + 0];
				x[3 * base + 1] = 0;
				x[3 * base + 2] = uv[2 * base + 1];

				v[3 * base + 0] = v[3 * base + 1] = v[3 * base + 2] = 0;

		std::vector<int> triangleInds;
		for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j)
				int base = i + (nx + 1) * j;

				triangleInds.push_back(base + 0);
				triangleInds.push_back(base + 1);
				triangleInds.push_back(base + (nx + 1));

				triangleInds.push_back(base + 1);
				triangleInds.push_back(base + (nx + 2));
				triangleInds.push_back(base + (nx + 1));


			new ClothMesh<float>(
				x, v, uv, triangleInds,
				0.01f, 1000000.0f, 1000000.0f,
				0.01f, 1000.0f, 1000.0f,

	std::vector<int> constraintIndices;
	std::vector< Eigen::Matrix3f > constraintMatrices;

	Eigen::VectorXf constraintVelocityDeltas(m_simMesh->x().size());

	for (int i = 0; i <= nx; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j <= ny; ++j)
			int idx = i + (nx + 1) * j;
			float x = (float)i / nx - 0.5f;
			float y = (float)j / ny - 0.5f;

			if (x * x + y * y < 0.3 * 0.3)

	if (t > m_prevTime)
		ConstrainedCGSolver<float> solver(

		GravityField<float> g( m_simMesh->m(), Eigen::Vector3f( 0,-9.8f, 0 ) );
		std::vector< ForceField<float>* > forceFields;
		forceFields.push_back( &g );

			std::cerr << "advance" << std::endl;
			m_simMesh->advance(forceFields, float(t - m_prevTime)*0.5f, solver);
			m_simMesh->advance(forceFields, float(t - m_prevTime)*0.5f, solver);
			std::cerr << "done" << std::endl;
		catch (const std::exception &e)
			std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
			stat = MStatus::kFailure;
			return MObject();
		catch (...)
			std::cerr << "unknown exception" << std::endl;
			stat = MStatus::kFailure;
			return MObject();

	m_prevTime = t;

	MFloatPointArray points;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_simMesh->x().size(); i += 3)
		MFloatPoint p(m_simMesh->x()[i], m_simMesh->x()[i + 1], m_simMesh->x()[i + 2]);

	MFnMesh meshFS;
	MIntArray faceCounts((int)m_simMesh->triangleIndices().size()/3, 3);
	MIntArray faceConnects;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_simMesh->triangleIndices().size(); ++i)

	MObject newMesh = meshFS.create((int)m_simMesh->x().size() / 3, (int)m_simMesh->triangleIndices().size() / 3, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, outData, &stat);

	return newMesh;
MStatus	Molecule3Cmd::redoIt()
	MStatus stat;
	MDagPath dagPath;
	MFnMesh meshFn;
	// Create a ball
	int nBallPolys;
	MPointArray ballVerts;
	MIntArray ballPolyCounts;
	MIntArray ballPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray ballUCoords;
	MFloatArray ballVCoords;
	MIntArray ballFvUVIDs;
	genBall( MPoint::origin, ballRodRatio * radius.value(), segs, nBallPolys, 
			 ballVerts, ballPolyCounts, ballPolyConnects,
			 true, ballUCoords, ballVCoords, ballFvUVIDs );
	unsigned int i, j, vertOffset;
	MPointArray meshVerts;
	MPoint p0, p1;
	MObject objTransform;
	// Setup for rods
	int nRodPolys;
	MPointArray rodVerts;
	MIntArray rodPolyCounts;
	MIntArray rodPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray rodUCoords;
	MFloatArray rodVCoords;
	MIntArray rodFvUVIDs;
	// Setup for newMesh
	int nNewPolys;
	MPointArray newVerts;
	MIntArray newPolyCounts;
	MIntArray newPolyConnects;
	MFloatArray newUCoords;
	MFloatArray newVCoords;
	MIntArray newFvUVIDs;
	int uvOffset; 
	MDagModifier dagMod;
	MFnDagNode dagFn;
	// Iterate over the meshes
	unsigned int mi;
	for( mi=0; mi < selMeshes.length(); mi++ )
		dagPath = selMeshes[mi];
		meshFn.setObject( dagPath );
		uvOffset = 0;
		nNewPolys = 0;
		// Generate balls
		meshFn.getPoints( meshVerts, MSpace::kWorld );
		for( i=0; i < meshVerts.length(); i++ )
			vertOffset = newVerts.length();
			// Add the ball to the new mesh
			nNewPolys += nBallPolys;
			// Move the ball vertices to the mesh vertex. Add it to the newMesh
			for( j=0; j < ballVerts.length(); j++ )
				newVerts.append( meshVerts[i] + ballVerts[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballPolyCounts.length(); j++ )
				newPolyCounts.append( ballPolyCounts[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballPolyConnects.length(); j++ )
				newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + ballPolyConnects[j] );
			// Only add the uv coordinates once, since they are shared
			// by all balls
			if( i == 0 )
				for( j=0; j < ballUCoords.length(); j++ )
					newUCoords.append( ballUCoords[j] );
					newVCoords.append( ballVCoords[j] );
			for( j=0; j < ballFvUVIDs.length(); j++ )
				newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + ballFvUVIDs[j] );
		uvOffset = newUCoords.length();
		// Generate rods
		int nRods = 0;
		MItMeshEdge edgeIter( dagPath );
		for( ; !edgeIter.isDone(); edgeIter.next(), nRods++  )
			p0 = edgeIter.point( 0, MSpace::kWorld );		
			p1 = edgeIter.point( 1, MSpace::kWorld );
			// N.B. Generate the uv coordinates only once since they
			// are referenced by all rods
			genRod( p0, p1, 
					radius.value(), segs, nRodPolys, 
					rodVerts, rodPolyCounts, rodPolyConnects,
					nRods == 0,	rodUCoords, rodVCoords,
					rodFvUVIDs ); 

			vertOffset = newVerts.length();
			// Add the rod to the mesh
			nNewPolys += nRodPolys;
			for( i=0; i < rodVerts.length(); i++ )
				newVerts.append( rodVerts[i] );
			for( i=0; i < rodPolyCounts.length(); i++ )
				newPolyCounts.append( rodPolyCounts[i] );
			for( i=0; i < rodPolyConnects.length(); i++ )
				newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + rodPolyConnects[i] );

			// First rod
			if( nRods == 0 )
				// Add rod's uv coordinates to the list
				for( i=0; i < rodUCoords.length(); i++ )
					newUCoords.append( rodUCoords[i] );
					newVCoords.append( rodVCoords[i] );
			// Set the face-vertex-uvIDs
			for( i=0; i < rodFvUVIDs.length(); i++ )
				newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + rodFvUVIDs[i] );
		objTransform = meshFn.create( newVerts.length(), nNewPolys, newVerts, 
									  newPolyCounts, newPolyConnects,
									  newUCoords, newVCoords, 
									  MObject::kNullObj, &stat ); 
		if( !stat )
			MGlobal::displayError( MString( "Unable to create mesh: " ) + stat.errorString() );
			return stat;
		objTransforms.append( objTransform );
		meshFn.assignUVs( newPolyCounts, newFvUVIDs );
		// Rename transform node
		dagFn.setObject( objTransform );
		dagFn.setName( "molecule" );
		// Put mesh into the initial shading group
		dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "sets -e -fe initialShadingGroup " ) + meshFn.name() );

	// Select all the newly created molecule meshes
	MString cmd( "select -r" );
	for( i=0; i < objTransforms.length(); i++ )
		dagFn.setObject( objTransforms[i] );
		cmd += " " + dagFn.name();	

	dagMod.commandToExecute( cmd );
	return dagMod.doIt();
Exemplo n.º 13
MObject VMesh::createFeather()
	MStatus stat;
	MFnMeshData dataCreator;
	MObject outMeshData = dataCreator.create(&stat);
	int numVertex = 0;
	int numPolygon = 0;
	MPointArray vertexArray;
	MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
	MIntArray polygonCounts, polygonConnects, polygonUVs;

	MFnMesh meshFn(pgrow, &stat);
	MItMeshVertex vertIter(pgrow, &stat);
	MItMeshPolygon faceIter(pgrow,  &stat);
	MPoint S;
	MVector N, tang, ttang, binormal, dir, hair_up;
	MColor Cscale, Cerect, Crotate, Ccurl, Cwidth;
	float rot, lengreal;
	MATRIX44F hair_space;
	MString setScale("fb_scale");
	MString setErect("fb_erect");
	MString setRotate("fb_rotate");
	MString setCurl("fb_curl");
	MString setWidth("fb_width");
	MIntArray conn_face;
	for( int i=0; !vertIter.isDone(); vertIter.next(), i++ )
		if(vertIter.onBoundary()) continue;
		vertIter.getNormal(N, MSpace::kWorld);
		vertIter.getColor(Cscale, &setScale);
		vertIter.getColor(Cerect, &setErect);
		vertIter.getColor(Crotate, &setRotate);
		vertIter.getColor(Ccurl, &setCurl);
		vertIter.getColor(Cwidth, &setWidth);
		tang = MVector(0,0,0);
		for(int j=0; j<conn_face.length(); j++)
			meshFn.getFaceVertexTangent (conn_face[j], i, ttang,  MSpace::kWorld);
			tang += ttang;
		tang /= conn_face.length();
		tang = N^tang;
		binormal = N^tang;
			rot = (0.5 - Crotate.r)*2;
			tang = tang + (binormal-tang)*rot;
			binormal = N^tang;
			rot = (Crotate.r-0.5)*2;
			tang = tang + (binormal*-1-tang)*rot;
			binormal = N^tang;
		dir = tang + (N - tang)*Cerect.r;
		//S = S+dir*Cscale.r*m_scale;
		//glVertex3f(S.x, S.y, S.z);
		hair_up = dir^binormal;
		hair_space.setOrientations(XYZ(binormal.x, binormal.y, binormal.z), XYZ(hair_up.x, hair_up.y, hair_up.z), XYZ(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z));
		S = vertIter.position(MSpace::kWorld);
		hair_space.setTranslation(XYZ(S.x, S.y, S.z));
		lengreal = Cscale.r*m_scale;
		fb->create(lengreal, 0, lengreal*(Ccurl.r-0.5)*2);
		XYZ pw;
		MPoint pvx;
		MPoint pright = S + binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		MPoint pleft = S - binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		MPoint phit;
		int polyhit;
		meshFn.getClosestPoint (pright,  phit,  MSpace::kObject, &polyhit);
		MVector topright = phit - S;
		topright *= Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		meshFn.getClosestPoint (pleft,  phit,  MSpace::kObject, &polyhit);
		MVector topleft = phit - S;
		topleft *= Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		//tws_binormal  = binormal*cos(0.2) + hair_up*sin(0.2);
		for(int j=0; j<NUMBENDSEG+1; j++)
			fb->getPoint(j, pw);
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z) + topleft;//- tws_binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z);
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z) + topright;//tws_binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;

		for(int j=0; j<NUMBENDSEG; j++)
			polygonConnects.append(j*3 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+3 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+5 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+2 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+3 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+5 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+2 + numVertex);
		numVertex += (NUMBENDSEG+1)*3;
		numPolygon += NUMBENDSEG*2;
	MIntArray connvert; 
	int idxpre;
	float averg_scale, averg_erect, averg_rotate, averg_curl, averg_width;
	for( int i=0; !faceIter.isDone(); faceIter.next(), i++ )
		if(faceIter.onBoundary()) continue;
		faceIter.getNormal(N, MSpace::kWorld);
		for(int j=0; j<connvert.length(); j++)
			vertIter.setIndex(connvert[j], idxpre);
			vertIter.getColor(Cscale, &setScale);
			vertIter.getColor(Cerect, &setErect);
			vertIter.getColor(Crotate, &setRotate);
			vertIter.getColor(Ccurl, &setCurl);
			vertIter.getColor(Cwidth, &setWidth);
			averg_scale += Cscale.r;
			averg_erect += Cerect.r;
			averg_rotate += Crotate.r;
			averg_curl += Ccurl.r;
			averg_width += Cwidth.r;
		averg_scale /= connvert.length();
		averg_erect /= connvert.length();
		averg_rotate /= connvert.length();
		averg_curl /= connvert.length();
		averg_width /= connvert.length();
		tang = MVector(0,0,0);
		for(int j=0; j<connvert.length(); j++)
			meshFn.getFaceVertexTangent (i, connvert[j], ttang,  MSpace::kWorld);
			tang += ttang;
		//tang /= conn_face.length();
		tang = N^tang;
		binormal = N^tang;
			rot = (0.5 - averg_rotate)*2;
			tang = tang + (binormal-tang)*rot;
			binormal = N^tang;
			rot = (averg_rotate-0.5)*2;
			tang = tang + (binormal*-1-tang)*rot;
			binormal = N^tang;
		dir = tang + (N - tang)*averg_erect;
		//S = S+dir*Cscale.r*m_scale;
		//glVertex3f(S.x, S.y, S.z);
		hair_up = dir^binormal;
		hair_space.setOrientations(XYZ(binormal.x, binormal.y, binormal.z), XYZ(hair_up.x, hair_up.y, hair_up.z), XYZ(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z));
		S = faceIter.center(MSpace::kWorld);
		hair_space.setTranslation(XYZ(S.x, S.y, S.z));
		lengreal = Cscale.r*m_scale;
		fb->create(lengreal, 0, lengreal*(averg_curl-0.5)*2);
		MPoint pright = S + binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		MPoint pleft = S - binormal*Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		XYZ pw;
		MPoint pvx;
		MPoint phit;
		int polyhit;
		meshFn.getClosestPoint (pright,  phit,  MSpace::kObject, &polyhit);
		MVector topright = phit - S;
		topright *= Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		meshFn.getClosestPoint (pleft,  phit,  MSpace::kObject, &polyhit);
		MVector topleft = phit - S;
		topleft *= Cwidth.r*m_width*lengreal;
		//tws_binormal  = binormal*cos(0.2) + hair_up*sin(0.2);
		for(int j=0; j<NUMBENDSEG+1; j++)
			fb->getPoint(j, pw);
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z) + topleft;//- tws_binormal*averg_width*m_width*lengreal;
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z);
			pvx = MPoint(pw.x, pw.y, pw.z) + topright;//tws_binormal*averg_width*m_width*lengreal;

		for(int j=0; j<NUMBENDSEG; j++)
			polygonConnects.append(j*3 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+3 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+5 + numVertex);
			polygonConnects.append(j*3+2 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+3 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+1 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+4 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+5 + numVertex);
			polygonUVs.append(j*3+2 + numVertex);
		numVertex += (NUMBENDSEG+1)*3;
		numPolygon += NUMBENDSEG*2;

	MFnMesh meshCreateFn;
	meshCreateFn.create( numVertex, numPolygon, vertexArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, outMeshData, &stat );
	meshCreateFn.setUVs ( uArray, vArray );
	meshCreateFn.assignUVs ( polygonCounts, polygonUVs );
	return outMeshData;
Exemplo n.º 14
MObject blindDataMesh::createMesh(long seed, MObject& outData, MStatus& stat)
	MFloatPointArray vertices;
	MIntArray faceDegrees;
	MIntArray faceVertices;
	int i, j;


	float planeSize = 20.0f;
	float planeOffset = planeSize / 2.0f;
	float planeDim = 0.5f;

	int numDivisions = (int) (planeSize / planeDim);
	// int numVertices = (numDivisions + 1) * (numDivisions + 1);
	// int numEdge = (2 * numDivisions) * (numDivisions + 1);
	int numFaces = numDivisions * numDivisions;

	// Set up an array containing the vertex positions for the plane. The
	// vertices are placed equi-distant on the X-Z plane to form a square
	// grid that has a side length of "planeSize".
	// The Y-coordinate of each vertex is the average of the neighbors already
	// calculated, if there are any, with a small random offset added. Because
	// of the way the vertices are calculated, the whole plane will look like
	// it is streaked in a diagonal direction with mountains and depressions.
	for (i = 0; i < (numDivisions + 1); ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < (numDivisions + 1); ++j)
			float height;

			if (i == 0 && j == 0)
				height = ((rand() % 101) / 100.0f - 0.5f);
			else if (i == 0)
				float previousHeight = vertices[j - 1][1];
				height = previousHeight + ((rand() % 101) / 100.0f - 0.5f);
			else if (j == 0)
				float previousHeight = vertices[(i-1)*(numDivisions + 1)][1];
				height = previousHeight + ((rand() % 101) / 100.0f - 0.5f);
				float previousHeight
					= vertices[(i-1)*(numDivisions + 1) + j][1];
				float previousHeight2
					= vertices[i*(numDivisions + 1) + j - 1][1];
				height = (previousHeight + previousHeight2)
					/ 2.0f + ((rand() % 101) / 100.0f - 0.5f);

			MFloatPoint vtx( i * planeDim - planeOffset, height,
				j * planeDim - planeOffset );

	// Set up an array containing the number of vertices
	// for each of the plane's faces
	for (i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i)

	// Set up an array to assign the vertices for each face
	for (i = 0; i < numDivisions; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < numDivisions; ++j)
			faceVertices.append(i*(numDivisions+1) + j);
			faceVertices.append(i*(numDivisions+1) + j + 1);
			faceVertices.append((i+1)*(numDivisions+1) + j + 1);
			faceVertices.append((i+1)*(numDivisions+1) + j);

	MFnMesh	meshFn;
	MObject newMesh = meshFn.create(vertices.length(), numFaces, vertices,
		faceDegrees, faceVertices, outData, &stat);

	return newMesh;
Exemplo n.º 15
MStatus meshCacheNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;
	MString path =  data.inputValue( input ).asString();
	double time = data.inputValue( frame ).asTime().value();
	int minfrm = data.inputValue( aminframe ).asInt();
	//int maxfrm = data.inputValue( amaxframe ).asInt();
	int frmstep = data.inputValue( aframestep ).asInt();
	if( time < minfrm ) time = minfrm;
	int frame_lo = minfrm + int(time-minfrm)/frmstep*frmstep;
	int frame_hi = frame_lo+frmstep;

	char filename[256];
	sprintf( filename, "%s.%d.mcf", path.asChar(), frame_lo );
	FMCFMesh mesh;
	if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
		sprintf( filename, "%s.mcf", path.asChar());
		if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
			MGlobal::displayError( MString("Failed to open file: ") + filename );
			return MS::kFailure;
	int lo_n_vertex = mesh.getNumVertex();


	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFace(); i++ ) 
		polygonCounts.append( mesh.getFaceCount(i) );

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaceVertex(); i++) 
		polygonConnects.append( mesh.getVertexId(i) );
		polygonUVs.append( mesh.getUVId(i) );

	XYZ tp;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
		mesh.getVertex(tp, i);
		vertexArray.append( MPoint( tp.x, tp.y, tp.z ) );

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumUV(); i++) 
		uArray.append( mesh.getS(i) );
		vArray.append( mesh.getT(i) );

	if( time > frame_lo ) 
		sprintf( filename, "%s.%d.mcf", path.asChar(), frame_hi );

		if(mesh.load(filename) != 1)
			MGlobal::displayError( MString("Failed to open file: ") + filename );
		else if(mesh.getNumVertex() == lo_n_vertex)
			XYZ tp;
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
				mesh.getVertex(tp, i);
				vertexFArray.append( MPoint( tp.x, tp.y, tp.z ) );
			double alpha = double(time-frame_lo) / (double)frmstep;

			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVertex(); i++) 
				vertexArray[i] = vertexArray[i] + alpha * ( vertexFArray[i] - vertexArray[i] );

	if( plug == outMesh ) 
		MDataHandle meshh = data.outputValue(outMesh, &stat);
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData = dataCreator.create(&stat);

		int numVertex = vertexArray.length();
		int numPolygon = polygonCounts.length();
		MFnMesh meshFn;
		meshFn.create( numVertex, numPolygon, vertexArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, outMeshData, &stat );
		if( !stat ) 
			char log[256];
			sprintf( log, "Failed to create mesh %s", filename );
			MGlobal::displayError( log );
			return MS::kFailure;

		if( polygonUVs.length() != 0 ) 
			meshFn.setUVs ( uArray, vArray );
			meshFn.assignUVs ( polygonCounts, polygonUVs );


		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

		return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool ToMayaMeshConverter::doConversion( IECore::ConstObjectPtr from, MObject &to, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const
	MStatus s;

	IECore::ConstMeshPrimitivePtr mesh = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::MeshPrimitive>( from );
	assert( mesh );

	if ( !mesh->arePrimitiveVariablesValid() )
		return false;

	MFloatPointArray vertexArray;
	MIntArray polygonCounts;
	MIntArray polygonConnects;

	MFnMesh fnMesh;

	int numVertices = 0;
	IECore::PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator it = mesh->variables.find("P");
	if ( it != mesh->variables.end() )
		/// \todo Employ some M*Array converters to simplify this
		IECore::ConstV3fVectorDataPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::V3fVectorData>(it->second.data);
		if (p)
			numVertices = p->readable().size();

			vertexArray.setLength( numVertices );
			for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
				vertexArray[i] = IECore::convert<MFloatPoint, Imath::V3f>( p->readable()[i] );
			IECore::ConstV3dVectorDataPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::V3dVectorData>(it->second.data);
			if (p)
				numVertices = p->readable().size();

				vertexArray.setLength( numVertices );
				for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
					vertexArray[i] = IECore::convert<MFloatPoint, Imath::V3d>( p->readable()[i] );
				// "P" is not convertible to an array of "points"
				return false;

	IECore::ConstIntVectorDataPtr verticesPerFace = mesh->verticesPerFace();
	assert( verticesPerFace );
	int numPolygons = verticesPerFace->readable().size();

	polygonCounts.setLength( numPolygons );
	for (int i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++)
		polygonCounts[i] = verticesPerFace->readable()[i];

	IECore::ConstIntVectorDataPtr vertexIds = mesh->vertexIds();
	assert( vertexIds );
	int numPolygonConnects = vertexIds->readable().size();
	polygonConnects.setLength( numPolygonConnects );
	for (int i = 0; i < numPolygonConnects; i++)
		polygonConnects[i] = vertexIds->readable()[i];

	MObject mObj = fnMesh.create( numVertices, numPolygons, vertexArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, to, &s );

	if (!s)
		return false;

	it = mesh->variables.find("N");
	if ( it != mesh->variables.end() )
		if (it->second.interpolation == IECore::PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
			/// \todo Employ some M*Array converters to simplify this
			MVectorArray vertexNormalsArray;
			IECore::ConstV3fVectorDataPtr n = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::V3fVectorData>(it->second.data);
			if (n)
				int numVertexNormals = n->readable().size();

				vertexNormalsArray.setLength( numVertexNormals );
				for (int i = 0; i < numVertexNormals; i++)
					vertexNormalsArray[i] = IECore::convert<MVector, Imath::V3f>( n->readable()[i] );
				IECore::ConstV3dVectorDataPtr n = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::V3dVectorData>(it->second.data);
				if (n)
					int numVertexNormals = n->readable().size();

					vertexNormalsArray.setLength( numVertexNormals );
					for (int i = 0; i < numVertexNormals; i++)
						vertexNormalsArray[i] = IECore::convert<MVector, Imath::V3d>( n->readable()[i] );
					IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaMeshConverter::doConversion", boost::format( "PrimitiveVariable \"N\" has unsupported type \"%s\"." ) % it->second.data->typeName() );
			if ( vertexNormalsArray.length() )
				MStatus status;
				MItMeshPolygon itPolygon( mObj, &status );
				if( status != MS::kSuccess )
					IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaMeshConverter::doConversion", "Failed to create mesh iterator" );

				unsigned v = 0;
				MIntArray vertexIds;
				MIntArray faceIds;
				for ( ; !itPolygon.isDone(); itPolygon.next() )
					for ( v=0; v < itPolygon.polygonVertexCount(); ++v )
						faceIds.append( itPolygon.index() );
						vertexIds.append( itPolygon.vertexIndex( v ) );

				if( !fnMesh.setFaceVertexNormals( vertexNormalsArray, faceIds, vertexIds ) )
					IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaMeshConverter::doConversion", "Setting normals failed" );
			IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaMeshConverter::doConversion", "PrimitiveVariable \"N\" has unsupported interpolation (expected FaceVarying)." );

	bool haveDefaultUVs = false;
	IECore::PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator sIt = mesh->variables.find( "s" );
	IECore::RefCountedPtr sDataRef = ( sIt == mesh->variables.end() ) ? 0 : static_cast<IECore::RefCountedPtr>( sIt->second.data );

	/// Add named UV sets
	std::set< std::string > uvSets;
	for ( it = mesh->variables.begin(); it != mesh->variables.end(); ++it )
		const std::string &sName = it->first;

		size_t suffixOffset = sName.rfind( "_s" );

		if ( ( suffixOffset != std::string::npos) && ( suffixOffset == sName.length() - 2 ) )
			std::string uvSetNameStr = sName.substr( 0, suffixOffset );

			if ( uvSetNameStr.size() )
				MString uvSetName = uvSetNameStr.c_str();
				std::string tName = uvSetNameStr + "_t";
				std::string stIdName = uvSetNameStr + "Indices";

				addUVSet( fnMesh, polygonCounts, mesh, sName, tName, stIdName, &uvSetName );

				uvSets.insert( uvSetNameStr );
				if ( sDataRef == static_cast<IECore::RefCountedPtr>( it->second.data ) )
					haveDefaultUVs = true;

	/// Add default UV set if it isn't just a reference to a named set
	if ( !haveDefaultUVs )
		addUVSet( fnMesh, polygonCounts, mesh, "s", "t", "stIndices" );

	// We do the search again, but looking for primvars ending "_t", so we can catch cases where either "UVSETNAME_s" or "UVSETNAME_t" is present, but not both, taking care
	// not to attempt adding any duplicate sets
	for ( it = mesh->variables.begin(); it != mesh->variables.end(); ++it )
		const std::string &tName = it->first;

		size_t suffixOffset = tName.rfind( "_t" );

		if ( ( suffixOffset != std::string::npos) && ( suffixOffset == tName.length() - 2 ) )
			std::string uvSetNameStr = tName.substr( 0, suffixOffset );

			if ( uvSetNameStr.size() && uvSets.find( uvSetNameStr ) == uvSets.end() )
				MString uvSetName = uvSetNameStr.c_str();
				std::string sName = uvSetNameStr + "_s";
				std::string stIdName = uvSetNameStr + "Indices";
				addUVSet( fnMesh, polygonCounts, mesh, sName, tName, stIdName, &uvSetName );
				uvSets.insert( uvSetNameStr );

	/// If we're making a mesh node (rather than a mesh data) then make sure it belongs
	/// to the default shading group and add the ieMeshInterpolation attribute.
	MObject oMesh = fnMesh.object();
	if( oMesh.apiType()==MFn::kMesh )
		assignDefaultShadingGroup( oMesh );
		setMeshInterpolationAttribute( oMesh, mesh->interpolation() );

	/// \todo Other primvars, e.g. vertex color ("Cs")

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
MObject createPoly(double iFrame, PolyMeshAndColors & iNode,
    MObject & iParent)
    Alembic::AbcGeom::IPolyMeshSchema schema = iNode.mMesh.getSchema();
    MString name(iNode.mMesh.getName().c_str());

    MObject obj;

    // add other properties
    if (!schema.isConstant())
        MFloatPointArray emptyPt;
        MIntArray emptyInt;
        MFnMesh fnMesh;
        obj = fnMesh.create(0, 0, emptyPt, emptyInt, emptyInt, iParent);
        Alembic::AbcCoreAbstract::index_t index, ceilIndex;
        double alpha = getWeightAndIndex(iFrame, schema.getTimeSampling(),
            schema.getNumSamples(), index, ceilIndex);

        Alembic::AbcGeom::IPolyMeshSchema::Sample samp;
        schema.get(samp, Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector(index));

        MFloatPointArray ptArray;
        Alembic::Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr ceilPoints;
        if (index != ceilIndex)
            Alembic::AbcGeom::IPolyMeshSchema::Sample ceilSamp;
            schema.get(ceilSamp, Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector(ceilIndex));
            ceilPoints = ceilSamp.getPositions();

        fillPoints(ptArray, samp.getPositions(), ceilPoints, alpha);

        MFnMesh fnMesh;
        fillTopology(fnMesh, iParent, ptArray, samp.getFaceIndices(),
        setPolyNormals(iFrame, fnMesh, schema.getNormalsParam());
        setUVs(iFrame, fnMesh, schema.getUVsParam());
        obj = fnMesh.object();

    MFnMesh fnMesh(obj);

    MString pathName = fnMesh.partialPathName();

    setColors(iFrame, fnMesh, iNode.mC3s, iNode.mC4s, true);

    if ( !schema.getNormalsParam().valid() )
        MFnNumericAttribute attr;
        MString attrName("noNormals");
        MObject attrObj = attr.create(attrName, attrName,
        MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
        fnMesh.addAttribute(attrObj, MFnDependencyNode::kLocalDynamicAttr);

    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 18
static MStatus
convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer, MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
        MObject newMeshDataObj) {

    MStatus status;

    typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray;

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel 
                                                = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

    int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces();
    // Init Maya Data

    // -- Face Counts
    MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces);
    for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        faceCounts[face] = 4;

    // -- Face Connects
    MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4);
    for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
        for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) {
            faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert];

    // -- Points
    MFloatPointArray points(refLastLevel.GetNumVertices());
    Vertex const * v = &vertexBuffer.at(0);

    for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
        int nverts = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();
        if (level==maxlevel) {
            for (int vert=0; vert < nverts; ++vert, ++v) {
                points.set(vert, v->position[0], v->position[1], v->position[2]);
        } else {
            v += nverts;

    // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh
    MFnMesh newMeshFn;
    MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
        points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status);
    MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh");

    int fvarTotalWidth = 0;

    if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) {

        // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
        MStringArray uvSetNames;
        MStringArray colorSetNames;
        std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
        std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
        int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
        status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
            colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);

#if defined(DEBUG) or defined(_DEBUG)
        int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length();
        int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels;
        assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth);

// XXXX fvar stuff here


    return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 19
MStatus TCC::createSubdividedMesh(int sdRes, int sdRefRes, MFnMesh &srcMesh, TCCData &tccData, MDataHandle outMeshHandle, float lineThickness, MStatus& stat)
    HDS hds;
    bool shouldCreateUVs = true;
    size_t nV = srcMesh.numVertices();
    size_t nF = srcMesh.numPolygons();
    size_t nIHE = tccData.F.length();
    bool consistentSizes= (tccData.pole.length()==nV) && (tccData.T.length()==nIHE) && (tccData.itv.length()==nIHE) & (tccData.corner.length()==nV);
    if ((nV==0)||(nF==0)||(!consistentSizes)) return MS::kFailure;

    MFloatArray uArray, vArray, sc_uArray, sc_vArray;
    MIntArray uvIdx;
    if (shouldCreateUVs)
        createUVset(tccData, sdRes, uArray, vArray, sc_uArray, sc_vArray, uvIdx, lineThickness);
    MFloatPointArray points;
    store_in_hds(hds, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F);     // convert to HDS

    size_t nHE = hds.nHE();

    hds.T.setDims(1, nHE);
    hds.itv.setDims(1, nHE);
    hds.corner.setDims(1, nV);
    // interior halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=0; k<nV; k++) 
        hds.corner[k] = tccData.corner[k];

    // interior halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=0; k<nIHE; k++) 
        hds.T[k] = tccData.T[k];
        hds.itv[k] = tccData.itv[k];
    // border halfedge tags
    for (size_t k=nIHE; k<nHE; k++) 
        hds.T[k] = false;
        hds.itv[k] = hds.itv[hds.twin[k]];
    TCC_MAX::subdivide(hds, sdRes);
    if (sdRefRes>0)
        HDS hds2;
        copy_HDS(hds, hds2);
        TCC_MAX::subdivide(hds2, sdRefRes);
        memcpy(&hds.V[0], &hds2.V[0], hds.V.size() * sizeof(double));

    MObject outMeshObj = outMeshHandle.asMesh();
    MFnMesh outMeshFn(outMeshObj);
    // if no topology change necessary, just update points!
    if ( (outMeshFn.numFaceVertices() == hds.nIHE()) && (outMeshFn.numPolygons() == hds.nF()) )
        size_t nV   = hds.nV();
        for (size_t k=0; k<nV; k++) 
            points[k](0) = hds.V[3*k+0];
            points[k](1) = hds.V[3*k+1];
            points[k](2) = hds.V[3*k+2];
        stat = outMeshFn.setPoints(points); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating outputData");
        if (shouldCreateUVs)
            MString uvSet = "UnitPatchUVs";
            MString sc_uvSet = "ScaledPatchUVs";
            stat = outMeshFn.setUVs(uArray, vArray, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
            stat = outMeshFn.setUVs(sc_uArray, sc_vArray, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        return MS::kSuccess;

    // Have to update connectivity and geometry

    load_from_hds(hds, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F);

    nV = points.length();
    nF = tccData.nFV.length();
    MFnMeshData dataCreator;
    MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating outputData");
    MFnMesh newOutMeshFn;
    MObject newMesh;
    newMesh = newOutMeshFn.create(nV, nF, points, tccData.nFV, tccData.F, newOutputData, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR in MFnMesh.create\n");

    if (shouldCreateUVs)
        MString uvSet = "UnitPatchUVs";
        MString sc_uvSet = "ScaledPatchUVs";
        uvSet = newOutMeshFn.createUVSetDataMeshWithName(uvSet, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating UVset");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.clearUVs(&uvSet);
        stat = newOutMeshFn.setUVs(uArray, vArray, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.assignUVs(tccData.nFV, uvIdx, &uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR assigning UVs");
        sc_uvSet = newOutMeshFn.createUVSetDataMeshWithName(sc_uvSet, &stat); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR creating UVset");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.clearUVs(&sc_uvSet);
        stat = newOutMeshFn.setUVs(sc_uArray, sc_vArray, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR setting UVs");
        stat = newOutMeshFn.assignUVs(tccData.nFV, uvIdx, &sc_uvSet); McheckErr(stat, "ERROR assigning UVs");
    if (stat == MS::kSuccess)
    return MS::kSuccess;
// Maps vertex points in uv coordinates (uPoints and vPoints) onto plane and creates a new mesh
// Only works with planes with the local normal along the y-axis for now (default Maya polyplane)
MStatus SplitFromImage::addPlaneSubMesh(MObject &object, MFloatArray uPoints, MFloatArray vPoints, const MFnMesh &planeMesh) {
  if(uPoints.length() != vPoints.length())
    return MS::kFailure;

  MPointArray planePoints;
  MIntArray planeVertexCount;
  MIntArray planeVertexList;
  planeMesh.getVertices(planeVertexCount, planeVertexList);

  cout << "planeVertexCount: " << planeVertexCount.length() << endl;
  cout << "planeVertexList: " << planeVertexList.length() << endl;

  double minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ;
  minX = minZ = 100000;
  maxX = maxZ = -100000;

  // Find min and max points of the plane
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < planePoints.length(); i++) {
    double x = planePoints[i].x;
    double z = planePoints[i].z;
    if(planePoints[i].x < minX)
      minX = x;
    if(planePoints[i].x > maxX)
      maxX = x;
    if(planePoints[i].z < minZ)
      minZ = x;
    if(planePoints[i].z > maxZ)
      maxZ = z;

  // Set plane's corner pos and width and height
  double planeX = minX;
  double planeY = minZ;
  double planeWidth = maxX - minX;
  double planeHeight = maxZ - minZ;

  // Prepare stuff for MFnMesh
  int numVertices = uPoints.length();
  int numPolygons = 1;
  MPointArray pointArray;
  int polygon_counts[1] = {numVertices};
  MIntArray polygonCounts(polygon_counts, 1);
  int *polygon_connects = new int[numVertices];

  for(int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
    polygon_connects[i] = i;
    MPoint point(planeX + planeWidth * uPoints[i], 0, planeY + planeHeight * vPoints[i]);

  MIntArray polygonConnects(polygon_connects, numVertices);
  delete[] polygon_connects;

  // cout << "numVertices: " << numVertices << endl
  //      << "numPolygons: " << numPolygons << endl
  //      << "pointArray: " << pointArray << endl
  //      << "polygonCounts: " << polygonCounts << endl
  //      << "polygonConnects: " << polygonConnects << endl
  //      << "planeX: " << planeX << endl
  //      << "planeY: " << planeY << endl
  //      << "planeWidth: " << planeWidth << endl
  //      << "planeHeight: " << planeHeight << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < vPoints.length(); i++){
	  vPoints[i] = 1.0 - vPoints[i];

  MFnMesh mesh;
  object = mesh.create(numVertices, numPolygons, pointArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, uPoints, vPoints);
  mesh.assignUVs(polygonCounts, polygonConnects);

  return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 21
MStatus ropeGenerator::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	if ( plug == outMesh )
		//Get Curve
		MDataHandle inCurve_Hdl = data.inputValue( inCurve, &status );
		if (status != MS::kSuccess ){
			MGlobal::displayError( "Node ropeGenerator needs an Input Curve" );
			return MS::kSuccess;
		MObject inCurveObj = inCurve_Hdl.asNurbsCurve();
		MFnNurbsCurve curveFn( inCurveObj );
		//Get Attributes
		int inDiv = data.inputValue( divisions ).asInt();
		bool inCreateRope = data.inputValue( createRope ).asBool();
		int inRopesCount = data.inputValue( ropesCount ).asInt();
		int inPointsPerRope = data.inputValue( pointsPerRope ).asInt();
		int inPointsCount = data.inputValue( pointsCount ).asInt();
		float inRopesStrength = data.inputValue( ropesStrength ).asFloat();
		float inRadius = data.inputValue( radius ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inRadRamp( thisMObject(), taperRamp );
		float inTwist = data.inputValue( twist ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inTwistRamp( thisMObject(), twistRamp );
		float inUvWidth = data.inputValue( uvWidth ).asFloat();
		float inUvHeight = data.inputValue( uvHeight ).asFloat();
		float inUvCapSize = data.inputValue( uvCapSize ).asFloat();

		MFnMesh fnMesh;
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData;
		outMeshData = dataCreator.create();
		MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outMesh);
		MIntArray faceCounts, faceConnects, uvIds;
		MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
		MFloatPointArray points;
		if (inCreateRope)
			inPointsCount = ( inPointsPerRope + 2 ) * inRopesCount;
		int numVertices = ( inDiv + 1 ) * inPointsCount;
		int numFaces = ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + 2;
		float param;
		float lengPerDiv = curveFn.length() / inDiv;
		PrevNormal = MVector( curveFn.normal( 0.0, MSpace::kWorld ).normal() );
		float baseLeng = lengPerDiv;
		float baseParamForRamp = 0;
		float paramForRamp = 1.0 / float( inDiv );
		float uDivNumber = inUvWidth / float( inPointsCount );
		float vDivNumber = inUvHeight / float( inDiv );
		for (int d = 0; d < inDiv + 1; d++)
			if (d == 0)
				param = 0;
				faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
				for ( int i = inPointsCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					faceConnects.append( i );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount; i++ )
					uvIds.append( i );
				MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
				if (inCreateRope)
					createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
					createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
				for ( int u = uTmpArray.length() - 1; u >= 0 ; u-- )
					uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 1.0 );
					vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				param = curveFn.findParamFromLength( baseLeng );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				for ( int f = 0; f < inPointsCount; f++ )
					faceCounts.append( 4 );
					if( f == ( inPointsCount - 1 ))
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount )  - 1 );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount - 1 );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount )) );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
				if ( d == inDiv )
					faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
					for ( int i = 0; i <  inPointsCount; i++ )
						faceConnects.append( ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + i );
						uvIds.append( ( inPointsCount * ( inDiv + 2)) + i + inDiv + 1 );
					MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
					if (inCreateRope)
						createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
						createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
					for ( int u = 0; u < uTmpArray.length(); u++ )
						uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 2.0 );
						vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				baseLeng += lengPerDiv;
			float divTwist;
			inTwistRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTwist );
			float divTaper;
			inRadRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTaper );
			baseParamForRamp += paramForRamp;
			if (inCreateRope)
				createRopesRings( inRopesCount, 
								getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees )  ),
								points, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inRadius * divTaper);
				createCriclePoints( inPointsCount, 
									getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees ) ),
									points, inRadius * divTaper );
		fnMesh.create( numVertices, numFaces, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, uArray, vArray, outMeshData );
		fnMesh.assignUVs( faceCounts, uvIds );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 22
void OceanNode::createGrid(int _resolution, double _time, double _choppiness, MObject& _outputData, MStatus &_status){
    int numTris = (_resolution-1)*(_resolution-1)*2;

    MFloatPointArray vertices;
    MIntArray numFaceVertices;
    MIntArray faceVertices;
    int tris[numTris*3];

    int width = 500;
    int depth = 500;

    // calculate the deltas for the x,z values of our point
    float wStep=(float)width/(float)_resolution;
    float dStep=(float)depth/(float)_resolution;
    // now we assume that the grid is centered at 0,0,0 so we make
    // it flow from -w/2 -d/2
    float xPos=-((float)width/2.0);
    float zPos=-((float)depth/2.0);

    // now loop from top left to bottom right and generate points


    float2* heights = m_ocean->getHeights();
    float2* chopXArray = m_ocean->getChopX();
    float2* chopZArray = m_ocean->getChopZ();

    // Sourced form Jon Macey's NGL library
    for(int z=0; z<_resolution; z++){
        for(int x=0; x<_resolution; x++){
            // Divide the values we get out of the FFT by 50000 to get them in a suitable range
            float height = heights[z * _resolution + x].x/50000.0;
            float chopX = _choppiness * chopXArray[z * _resolution + x].x/50000.0;
            float chopZ= _choppiness * chopZArray[z * _resolution + x].x/50000.0;
            int sign = 1.0;
            if ((x+z) % 2 != 0){
                sign = -1.0;
            vertices.append((xPos + (chopX * sign)), height * sign, (zPos + (chopZ * sign)));
            // calculate the new position
        // now increment to next z row
        // we need to re-set the xpos for new row

    // Array for num vertices in each face
    for (int i=0; i<numTris; i++){

    // Assign vertices to each face
    int fidx = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<(_resolution-1); i++){
        for (int j=0; j<(_resolution-1); j++){
            tris[fidx*3+0] = (i+1)*_resolution+j;
            tris[fidx*3+1] = i*_resolution+j+1;
            tris[fidx*3+2] = i*_resolution+j;
            tris[fidx*3+0] = (i+1)*_resolution+j;
            tris[fidx*3+1] = (i+1)*_resolution+j+1;
            tris[fidx*3+2] = i*_resolution+j+1;

    for (uint i=0; i<sizeof(tris)/sizeof(int); i++){

   MFnMesh grid;
   grid.create(vertices.length(), numTris, vertices, numFaceVertices, faceVertices, _outputData, &_status);
Exemplo n.º 23
MStatus LSystemNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)

	MStatus returnStatus;

	if (plug == outputMesh) {
		/* Get time */
		MDataHandle timeData = data.inputValue( time, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n");
		MTime time = timeData.asTime();

		MDataHandle angleData = data.inputValue( angle, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n");
		double angle_value = angleData.asDouble();

		MDataHandle stepsData = data.inputValue( steps, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n");
		double steps_value = stepsData.asDouble();

		MDataHandle grammarData = data.inputValue( grammar, &returnStatus ); 
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n");
		MString grammar_value = grammarData.asString();

		/* Get output object */

		MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outputMesh, &returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&returnStatus);
		McheckErr(returnStatus, "ERROR creating outputData");

		MFnMesh	myMesh;
		MPointArray points;
		MIntArray faceCounts;
		MIntArray faceConnects;

		//MString grammar = ("F\\nF->F[+F]F[-F]F");

		CylinderMesh *cm;

		LSystem system;

			std::vector<LSystem::Branch> branches;
			system.process(time.value(), branches);

			int k = branches.size();
			for(int j = 0; j < branches.size(); j++)
				//1. find the position for start and end point of current branch
				//2. generate a cylinder
				MPoint start(branches[j].first[0],branches[j].first[1],branches[j].first[2]);
				MPoint end(branches[j].second[0],branches[j].second[1],branches[j].second[2]);
				cm = new CylinderMesh(start, end);
				cm->appendToMesh(points, faceCounts, faceConnects); 

		MObject newMesh = myMesh.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
			points, faceCounts, faceConnects,
			newOutputData, &returnStatus);

		McheckErr(returnStatus, "ERROR creating new mesh");

		data.setClean( plug );
	} else
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 24
MStatus AlembicNode::compute(const MPlug & plug, MDataBlock & dataBlock)
    MStatus status;

    // update the frame number to be imported
    MDataHandle speedHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mSpeedAttr, &status);
    double speed = speedHandle.asDouble();

    MDataHandle offsetHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mOffsetAttr, &status);
    double offset = offsetHandle.asDouble();

    MDataHandle timeHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mTimeAttr, &status);
    MTime t = timeHandle.asTime();
    double inputTime = t.as(MTime::kSeconds);

    double fps = getFPS();

    // scale and offset inputTime.
    inputTime = computeAdjustedTime(inputTime, speed, offset/fps);

    // this should be done only once per file
    if (mFileInitialized == false)
        mFileInitialized = true;

        MDataHandle dataHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mAbcFileNameAttr);
        MFileObject fileObject;
        MString fileName = fileObject.resolvedFullName();

        // TODO, make sure the file name, or list of files create a valid
        // Alembic IArchive

        // initialize some flags for plug update
        mSubDInitialized = false;
        mPolyInitialized = false;

        // When an alembic cache will be imported at the first time using
        // AbcImport, we need to set mIncludeFilterAttr (filterHandle) to be
        // mIncludeFilterString for later use. When we save a maya scene(.ma)
        // mIncludeFilterAttr will be saved. Then when we load the saved
        // .ma file, mIncludeFilterString will be set to be mIncludeFilterAttr.
        MDataHandle includeFilterHandle =
                        dataBlock.inputValue(mIncludeFilterAttr, &status);
        MString& includeFilterString = includeFilterHandle.asString();

       if (mIncludeFilterString.length() > 0)
        else if (includeFilterString.length() > 0)
            mIncludeFilterString = includeFilterString;

        MDataHandle excludeFilterHandle =
                        dataBlock.inputValue(mExcludeFilterAttr, &status);
        MString& excludeFilterString = excludeFilterHandle.asString();

       if (mExcludeFilterString.length() > 0)
        else if (excludeFilterString.length() > 0)
            mExcludeFilterString = excludeFilterString;

        MFnDependencyNode dep(thisMObject());
        MPlug allSetsPlug = dep.findPlug("allColorSets");
        CreateSceneVisitor visitor(inputTime, !allSetsPlug.isNull(),
            MObject::kNullObj, CreateSceneVisitor::NONE, "",
            mIncludeFilterString, mExcludeFilterString);

           mData.getFrameRange(mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime);
            MDataHandle startFrameHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mStartFrameAttr,
            MDataHandle endFrameHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mEndFrameAttr,

    // Retime
    MDataHandle cycleHandle = dataBlock.inputValue(mCycleTypeAttr, &status);
    short playType = cycleHandle.asShort();
    inputTime = computeRetime(inputTime, mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime,

    clamp<double>(mSequenceStartTime, mSequenceEndTime, inputTime);

    // update only when the time lapse is big enough
    if (fabs(inputTime - mCurTime) > 0.00001)
        mOutRead = std::vector<bool>(mOutRead.size(), false);
        mCurTime = inputTime;

    if (plug == mOutPropArrayAttr)

        if (mOutRead[0])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[0] = true;

        unsigned int propSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mPropList.size());

        if (propSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutPropArrayAttr, &status);

            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;
            MDataHandle outHandle;

            // for all of the nodes with sampled attributes
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propSize; i++)
                // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                // can just skip that element.
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                    outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue();

                if (mData.mPropList[i].mArray.valid())
                    readProp(mCurTime, mData.mPropList[i].mArray, outHandle);
                else if (mData.mPropList[i].mScalar.valid())
                    // for visibility only
                    if (mData.mPropList[i].mScalar.getName() ==
                        Alembic::Util::int8_t visVal = 1;
                                Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector::kNearIndex ));
                        outHandle.setGenericBool(visVal != 0, false);
                        // for all scalar props
                        readProp(mCurTime, mData.mPropList[i].mScalar, outHandle);

    else if (plug == mOutTransOpArrayAttr )
        if (mOutRead[1])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[1] = true;

        unsigned int xformSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mXformList.size());

        if (xformSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutTransOpArrayAttr, &status);

            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutTransOpArrayAttr);

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;

            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xformSize; i++)
                std::vector<double> sampleList;

                if (mData.mIsComplexXform[i])
                    readComplex(mCurTime, mData.mXformList[i], sampleList);
                    Alembic::AbcGeom::XformSample samp;
                    read(mCurTime, mData.mXformList[i], sampleList, samp);

                unsigned int sampleSize = (unsigned int)sampleList.size();

                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                    // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                    // can just skip that element.
                    if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                        outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

    else if (plug == mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr )
        if (mOutRead[8])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[8] = true;

        unsigned int locSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mLocList.size());

        if (locSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr, &status);

            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutLocatorPosScaleArrayAttr);

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int outHandleIndex = 0;

            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < locSize; i++)
                std::vector< double > sampleList;
                read(mCurTime, mData.mLocList[i], sampleList);

                unsigned int sampleSize = (unsigned int)sampleList.size();
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++)
                    // only use the handle if it matches the index.
                    // The index wont line up in the sparse case so we
                    // can just skip that element.
                    if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() == outHandleIndex++)
                        outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

    else if (plug == mOutSubDArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[2])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[2] = true;

        unsigned int subDSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mSubDList.size());

        if (subDSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subDSize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                    MFnMesh fnMesh(obj);
                    readSubD(mCurTime, fnMesh, obj, mData.mSubDList[j],
            mSubDInitialized = true;
        // for the case where we don't have any nodes, we want to make sure
        // to push out empty meshes on our connections, this can happen if
        // the input file was offlined, currently we only need to do this for
        // meshes as Nurbs, curves, and the other channels don't crash Maya
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutSubDArrayAttr, &status);

            if (outArrayHandle.elementCount() > 0)
                    MDataHandle outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue();
                    MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                    if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                        MFloatPointArray emptyVerts;
                        MIntArray emptyCounts;
                        MIntArray emptyConnects;
                        MFnMesh emptyMesh;
                        emptyMesh.create(0, 0, emptyVerts, emptyCounts,
                            emptyConnects, obj);
                while (outArrayHandle.next() == MS::kSuccess);
            mSubDInitialized = true;
    else if (plug == mOutPolyArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[3])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[3] = true;

        unsigned int polySize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mPolyMeshList.size());

        if (polySize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < polySize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                    MFnMesh fnMesh(obj);
                    readPoly(mCurTime, fnMesh, obj, mData.mPolyMeshList[j],
            mPolyInitialized = true;
        // for the case where we don't have any nodes, we want to make sure
        // to push out empty meshes on our connections, this can happen if
        // the input file was offlined, currently we only need to do this for
        // meshes as Nurbs, curves, and the other channels don't crash Maya
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(
                mOutPolyArrayAttr, &status);

            if (outArrayHandle.elementCount() > 0)
                    MDataHandle outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);
                    MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                    if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kMesh))
                        MFloatPointArray emptyVerts;
                        MIntArray emptyCounts;
                        MIntArray emptyConnects;
                        MFnMesh emptyMesh;
                        emptyMesh.create(0, 0, emptyVerts, emptyCounts,
                            emptyConnects, obj);
                while (outArrayHandle.next() == MS::kSuccess);
            mPolyInitialized = true;
    else if (plug == mOutCameraArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[4])
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[4] = true;

        unsigned int cameraSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mCameraList.size());

        if (cameraSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutCameraArrayAttr, &status);
            MPlug arrayPlug(thisMObject(), mOutCameraArrayAttr);
            double angleConversion = 1.0;

            switch (MAngle::uiUnit())
                case MAngle::kRadians:
                    angleConversion = 0.017453292519943295;
                case MAngle::kAngMinutes:
                    angleConversion = 60.0;
                case MAngle::kAngSeconds:
                    angleConversion = 3600.0;

            MDataHandle outHandle;
            unsigned int index = 0;

            for (unsigned int cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameraSize;
                Alembic::AbcGeom::ICamera & cam =
                std::vector<double> array;

                read(mCurTime, cam, array);

                for (unsigned int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < array.size();
                    dataIndex++, index++)
                    // skip over sparse elements
                    if (index != outArrayHandle.elementIndex())

                    outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                    // not shutter angle index, so not an angle
                    if (dataIndex != 11)
                        outHandle.set(array[dataIndex] * angleConversion);
                }  // for the per camera data handles
            }  // for each camera
    else if (plug == mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[5])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[5] = true;

        unsigned int nSurfaceSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mNurbsList.size());

        if (nSurfaceSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsSurfaceArrayAttr, &status);

            MDataHandle outHandle;

            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nSurfaceSize; j++)
                // these elements can be sparse if they have been deleted
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != j)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);

                MObject obj = outHandle.data();
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface))
                    readNurbs(mCurTime, mData.mNurbsList[j], obj);
    else if (plug == mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr)
        if (mOutRead[6])
            // Reference the output to let EM know we are the writer
            // of the data. EM sets the output to holder and causes
            // race condition when evaluating fan-out destinations.
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr, &status);
            const unsigned int elementCount = outArrayHandle.elementCount();
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < elementCount; j++)
            return MS::kSuccess;

        mOutRead[6] = true;

        unsigned int nCurveGrpSize =
            static_cast<unsigned int>(mData.mCurvesList.size());

        if (nCurveGrpSize > 0)
            MArrayDataHandle outArrayHandle =
                dataBlock.outputValue(mOutNurbsCurveGrpArrayAttr, &status);
            MDataHandle outHandle;

            std::vector<MObject> curvesObj;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCurveGrpSize; ++i)
                readCurves(mCurTime, mData.mCurvesList[i],
                    mData.mNumCurves[i], curvesObj);

            std::size_t numChild = curvesObj.size();

            // not the best way to do this
            // only reading bunches of curves based on the connections would be
            // more efficient when there is a bunch of broken connections
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChild; i++)
                if (outArrayHandle.elementIndex() != i)

                outHandle = outArrayHandle.outputValue(&status);
                status = outHandle.set(curvesObj[i]);

        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 25
MObject LSystemNode::createMesh(const double & angle, const double & step, const MString & grammar,
			const MTime& time, MObject& outData, MStatus& stat)

        //int	numVertices, frame;
        //float	cubeSize;
        //MFloatPointArray points;
		MPointArray points;
		MIntArray faceCounts;
		MIntArray faceConnects;

        MFnMesh	meshFS;

		LSystem lsys;
		lsys.setDefaultAngle(angle);		//angle
		lsys.setDefaultStep(step);		//step size
		string gram = grammar.asChar();			//grammar

		std::vector<LSystem::Branch> branches;
		for(int j = 0;j<branches.size();j++)
			vec3 Bstart = branches[j].first;
			vec3 Bend = branches[j].second;
			MPoint b_start(Bstart[0],Bstart[1],Bstart[2]);
			MPoint b_end(Bend[0],Bend[1],Bend[2]);
			cm = new CylinderMesh(b_start,b_end);

        // Scale the cube on the frame number, wrap every 10 frames.
        frame = (int)time.as( MTime::kFilm );
        if (frame == 0)
          frame = 1;
        cubeSize                                = 0.5f * (float)( frame % 10);

        const int numFaces                      = 6;
        numVertices                                     = 8;
        const int numFaceConnects       = 24;*/
        MFloatPoint vtx_1( -cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_2(  cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_3(  cubeSize, -cubeSize,  cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_4( -cubeSize, -cubeSize,  cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_5( -cubeSize,  cubeSize, -cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_6( -cubeSize,  cubeSize,  cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_7(  cubeSize,  cubeSize,  cubeSize );
        MFloatPoint vtx_8(  cubeSize,  cubeSize, -cubeSize );
        points.append( vtx_1 );
        points.append( vtx_2 );
        points.append( vtx_3 );
        points.append( vtx_4 );
        points.append( vtx_5 );
        points.append( vtx_6 );
        points.append( vtx_7 );
        points.append( vtx_8 );

        // Set up an array containing the number of vertices
        // for each of the 6 cube faces (4 verticies per face)
        int face_counts[numFaces] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
        MIntArray faceCounts( face_counts, numFaces );

        // Set up and array to assign vertices from points to each face 
        int face_connects[ numFaceConnects ] = 
		{	0, 1, 2, 3,
			4, 5, 6, 7,
			3, 2, 6, 5,
			0, 3, 5, 4,
			0, 4, 7, 1,
			1, 7, 6, 2  
        MIntArray faceConnects( face_connects, numFaceConnects );
        MObject newMesh = meshFS.create(numVertices, numFaces, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, outData, &stat);

        return newMesh;*/
		MObject newMesh = meshFS.create(points.length()
		return newMesh;
Exemplo n.º 26

/* static */
        const UsdGeomMesh& mesh,
        MObject parentNode,
        const PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderArgs& args,
        PxrUsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (!mesh) {
        return false;

    const UsdPrim& prim = mesh.GetPrim();

    MStatus status;

    // Create node (transform)
    MObject mayaNodeTransformObj;
    if (!PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::CreateTransformNode(prim,
                                                          &mayaNodeTransformObj)) {
        return false;

    VtArray<GfVec3f> points;
    VtArray<GfVec3f> normals;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexCounts;
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexIndices;
    UsdAttribute fvc = mesh.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr();
    if (fvc.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexCounts). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvc.Get(&faceVertexCounts, 0);

    UsdAttribute fvi = mesh.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr();
    if (fvi.ValueMightBeTimeVarying()){
        // at some point, it would be great, instead of failing, to create a usd/hydra proxy node
        // for the mesh, perhaps?  For now, better to give a more specific error
            TfStringPrintf("<%s> is a topologically varying Mesh (animated faceVertexIndices). Skipping...", 
        return false;
    } else {
        // for any non-topo-varying mesh, sampling at zero will get us the right answer
        fvi.Get(&faceVertexIndices, 0);
    // Sanity Checks. If the vertex arrays are empty, skip this mesh
    if (faceVertexCounts.size() == 0 || faceVertexIndices.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("FaceVertex arrays are empty [Count:%zu Indices:%zu] on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
                faceVertexCounts.size(), faceVertexIndices.size(), 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // Gather points and normals
    // If args.GetReadAnimData() is TRUE,
    // pick the first avaiable sample or default
    UsdTimeCode pointsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    UsdTimeCode normalsTimeSample=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime();
    std::vector<double> pointsTimeSamples;
    size_t pointsNumTimeSamples = 0;
    if (args.GetReadAnimData()) {
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetPointsAttr(), args,
        pointsNumTimeSamples = pointsTimeSamples.size();
        if (pointsNumTimeSamples>0) {
            pointsTimeSample = pointsTimeSamples[0];
    	std::vector<double> normalsTimeSamples;
        PxrUsdMayaTranslatorUtil::GetTimeSamples(mesh.GetNormalsAttr(), args,
        if (normalsTimeSamples.size()) {
            normalsTimeSample = normalsTimeSamples[0];
    mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSample);
    mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, normalsTimeSample);
    if (points.size() == 0) {
            TfStringPrintf("Points arrays is empty on Mesh <%s>. Skipping...", 
        return false; // invalid mesh, so exit

    // == Convert data
    size_t mayaNumVertices = points.size();
    MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
    for (size_t i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
        mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

    MIntArray polygonCounts( faceVertexCounts.cdata(),  faceVertexCounts.size() );
    MIntArray polygonConnects( faceVertexIndices.cdata(), faceVertexIndices.size() );

    // == Create Mesh Shape Node
    MFnMesh meshFn;
    MObject meshObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        return false;

    // Since we are "decollapsing", we will create a xform and a shape node for each USD prim
    std::string usdPrimName(prim.GetName().GetText());
    std::string shapeName(usdPrimName); shapeName += "Shape";
    // Set mesh name and register
    meshFn.setName(MString(shapeName.c_str()), false, &status);
    if (context) {
        std::string usdPrimPath(prim.GetPath().GetText());
        std::string shapePath(usdPrimPath);
        shapePath += "/";
        shapePath += shapeName;
        context->RegisterNewMayaNode( shapePath, meshObj ); // used for undo/redo

    // If a material is bound, create (or reuse if already present) and assign it
    // If no binding is present, assign the mesh to the default shader    
    const TfToken& shadingMode = args.GetShadingMode();
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorMaterial::AssignMaterial(shadingMode, mesh, meshObj,
    // Mesh is a shape, so read Gprim properties
    PxrUsdMayaTranslatorGprim::Read(mesh, meshObj, context);

    // Set normals if supplied
    MIntArray normalsFaceIds;
    if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

        for (size_t i=0; i < polygonCounts.length(); i++) {
            for (int j=0; j < polygonCounts[i]; j++) {
        if (normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
            for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
            if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

    // Determine if PolyMesh or SubdivMesh
    TfToken subdScheme = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivScheme(mesh, meshFn, args.GetDefaultMeshScheme());

    // If we are dealing with polys, check if there are normals
    // If we are dealing with SubdivMesh, read additional attributes and SubdivMesh properties
    if (subdScheme == UsdGeomTokens->none) {
        if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {
            PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setEmitNormals(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->none);
    } else {
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivInterpBoundary(mesh, meshFn, UsdGeomTokens->edgeAndCorner);
        PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::setSubdivFVLinearInterpolation(mesh, meshFn);
        _AssignSubDivTagsToMesh(mesh, meshObj, meshFn);
    // Set Holes
    VtArray<int> holeIndices;
    mesh.GetHoleIndicesAttr().Get(&holeIndices);   // not animatable
    if ( holeIndices.size() != 0 ) {
        MUintArray mayaHoleIndices;
        mayaHoleIndices.setLength( holeIndices.size() );
        for (size_t i=0; i < holeIndices.size(); i++) {
            mayaHoleIndices[i] = holeIndices[i];
        if (meshFn.setInvisibleFaces(mayaHoleIndices) == MS::kFailure) {
            MGlobal::displayError(TfStringPrintf("Unable to set Invisible Faces on <%s>", 

    std::vector<UsdGeomPrimvar> primvars = mesh.GetPrimvars();
    TF_FOR_ALL(iter, primvars) {
        const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar = *iter;
        const TfToken& name = primvar.GetBaseName();
        const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = primvar.GetTypeName();

        // If the primvar is called either displayColor or displayOpacity check
        // if it was really authored from the user.  It may not have been
        // authored by the user, for example if it was generated by shader
        // values and not an authored colorset/entity.
        // If it was not really authored, we skip the primvar.
        if (name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName || 
                name == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayOpacityColorSetName) {
            if (!PxrUsdMayaRoundTripUtil::IsAttributeUserAuthored(primvar)) {

        // XXX: Maya stores UVs in MFloatArrays and color set data in MColors
        // which store floats, so we currently only import primvars holding
        // float-typed arrays. Should we still consider other precisions
        // (double, half, ...) and/or numeric types (int)?
        if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float2Array) {
            // We assume that Float2Array primvars are UV sets.
            if (!_AssignUVSetPrimvarToMesh(primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for UV set <%s> on mesh <%s>", 
        } else if (typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->FloatArray   || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float3Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color3fArray ||
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Float4Array  || 
                   typeName == SdfValueTypeNames->Color4fArray) {
            if (!_AssignColorSetPrimvarToMesh(mesh, primvar, meshFn)) {
                    TfStringPrintf("Unable to retrieve and assign data for color set <%s> on mesh <%s>",

    // We only vizualize the colorset by default if it is "displayColor".  
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    if (meshFn.getColorSetNames(colorSetNames)==MS::kSuccess) {
        for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); i++) {
            const MString colorSetName = colorSetNames[i];
            if (std::string(colorSetName.asChar()) 
                    == PxrUsdMayaMeshColorSetTokens->DisplayColorColorSetName.GetString()) {
                MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation csRep=
                if (csRep==MFnMesh::kRGB || csRep==MFnMesh::kRGBA) {

                    // both of these are needed to show the colorset.
                    MPlug plg=meshFn.findPlug("displayColors");
                    if ( !plg.isNull() ) {
    // == Animate points ==
    //   Use blendShapeDeformer so that all the points for a frame are contained in a single node
    if (pointsNumTimeSamples > 0) {
        MPointArray mayaPoints(mayaNumVertices);
        MObject meshAnimObj;

        MFnBlendShapeDeformer blendFn;
        MObject blendObj = blendFn.create(meshObj);
        if (context) {
            context->RegisterNewMayaNode( blendFn.name().asChar(), blendObj ); // used for undo/redo

        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
             mesh.GetPointsAttr().Get(&points, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaNumVertices; i++) {
                mayaPoints.set( i, points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2] );

            // == Create Mesh Shape Node
            MFnMesh meshFn;
            if ( meshAnimObj.isNull() ) {
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.create(mayaPoints.length(), 
                if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
            else {
                // Reuse the already created mesh by copying it and then setting the points
                meshAnimObj = meshFn.copy(meshAnimObj, mayaNodeTransformObj, &status);

            // Set normals if supplied
            // NOTE: This normal information is not propagated through the blendShapes, only the controlPoints.
             mesh.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&normals, pointsTimeSamples[ti]);
             if (normals.size() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices()) &&
                normalsFaceIds.length() == static_cast<size_t>(meshFn.numFaceVertices())) {

                MVectorArray mayaNormals(normals.size());
                for (size_t i=0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
                    mayaNormals.set( MVector(normals[i][0], normals[i][1], normals[i][2]), i);
                if (meshFn.setFaceVertexNormals(mayaNormals, normalsFaceIds, polygonConnects) != MS::kSuccess) {

            // Add as target and set as an intermediate object
            blendFn.addTarget(meshObj, ti, meshAnimObj, 1.0);
            if (context) {
                context->RegisterNewMayaNode( meshFn.fullPathName().asChar(), meshAnimObj ); // used for undo/redo

        // Animate the weights so that mesh0 has a weight of 1 at frame 0, etc.
        MFnAnimCurve animFn;

        // Construct the time array to be used for all the keys
        MTimeArray timeArray;
        for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
            timeArray.set( MTime(pointsTimeSamples[ti]), ti);

        // Key/Animate the weights
        MPlug plgAry = blendFn.findPlug( "weight" );
        if ( !plgAry.isNull() && plgAry.isArray() ) {
            for (unsigned int ti=0; ti < pointsNumTimeSamples; ++ti) {
                MPlug plg = plgAry.elementByLogicalIndex(ti, &status);
                MDoubleArray valueArray(pointsNumTimeSamples, 0.0);
                valueArray[ti] = 1.0; // Set the time value where this mesh's weight should be 1.0
                MObject animObj = animFn.create(plg, NULL, &status);
                animFn.addKeys(&timeArray, &valueArray);
                if (context) {
                    context->RegisterNewMayaNode(animFn.name().asChar(), animObj ); // used for undo/redo

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
bool CSGSlicer::slice( const Cell& cell, const MeshSlicerInfo& info, MFnMesh& outMesh ) {
	// copy maya mesh to csg.js model
	csgjs_model jsModel;
	MItMeshVertex it(_sourceMesh);
	while( !it.isDone() ) {
		csgjs_vertex vtx;
		// get position
		MPoint pos = it.position(MSpace::kWorld);
		vtx.pos = csgjs_vector(static_cast<float>(pos.x), static_cast<float>(pos.y), static_cast<float>(pos.z));
		// add position
	MIntArray triangleCounts;
	MIntArray triangleVertices;
	MFnMesh(_sourceMesh).getTriangles(triangleCounts, triangleVertices);
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < triangleVertices.length(); ++i ) {

	// convert cell into csgjs_model
	csgjs_model cellModel;

	int indexOffset = 0;
	const auto& planePoints = cell.getPlanePoints();
	for( const auto& points : planePoints ) {
		for( const auto& pnt : points ) {
			csgjs_vertex vtx;
			vtx.pos = csgjs_vector(pnt.x, pnt.y, pnt.z);
		const auto& indices = HadanConvexTriangulate(points);
		for( const auto& idx : indices ) {
			cellModel.indices.push_back(indexOffset + idx[0]);
			cellModel.indices.push_back(indexOffset + idx[1]);
			cellModel.indices.push_back(indexOffset + idx[2]);

		indexOffset += static_cast<int>(points.size());

	// perform intersection
	const csgjs_model result = csgjs_intersection(jsModel, cellModel);

	// copy back to maya mesh
	MPointArray pointArray;
	for( const auto& vtx : result.vertices ) {
		pointArray.append(MPoint(vtx.pos.x, vtx.pos.y, vtx.pos.z));
	MIntArray faceConnects;
	for( const auto& idx : result.indices ) {
	MIntArray faceCounts;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < result.indices.size() / 3; ++i ) {
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(CSGJS_CREATEMESH_MUTEX);
		outMesh.create(pointArray.length(), faceCounts.length(), pointArray, faceCounts, faceConnects);

	return true;