Exemplo n.º 1
/// isLastUseOfLocalReg - Return true if MO is the only remaining reference to
/// its virtual register, and it is guaranteed to be a block-local register.
bool RAFast::isLastUseOfLocalReg(MachineOperand &MO) {
  // Check for non-debug uses or defs following MO.
  // This is the most likely way to fail - fast path it.
  MachineOperand *Next = &MO;
  while ((Next = Next->getNextOperandForReg()))
    if (!Next->isDebug())
      return false;

  // If the register has ever been spilled or reloaded, we conservatively assume
  // it is a global register used in multiple blocks.
  if (StackSlotForVirtReg[MO.getReg()] != -1)
    return false;

  // Check that the use/def chain has exactly one operand - MO.
  return &MRI->reg_nodbg_begin(MO.getReg()).getOperand() == &MO;