Exemplo n.º 1
	int MarkerDetectorImpl::DetectAdditional(IplImage *image, Camera *cam, bool visualize, double max_track_error)
		assert(image->origin == 0); // Currently only top-left origin supported
		if(!labeling) return -1;
		double error=-1;
		int orientation;
		int count=0;
		vector<vector<PointDouble> >& blob_corners = labeling->blob_corners;

		for (size_t ii=0; ii<_track_markers_size(); ii++) {
			Marker *mn = _track_markers_at(ii);
			if (mn->GetError(Marker::DECODE_ERROR|Marker::MARGIN_ERROR) > 0) continue; // We track only perfectly decoded markers
			int track_i=-1;
			int track_orientation=0;
			double track_error=1e200;
			for(unsigned i = 0; i < blob_corners.size(); ++i) {
				if (blob_corners[i].empty()) continue;
				mn->CompareCorners(blob_corners[i], &orientation, &error);
				if (error < track_error) {
					track_i = i;
					track_orientation = orientation;
					track_error = error;
			if (track_error <= max_track_error) {
				mn->SetError(Marker::DECODE_ERROR, 0);
				mn->SetError(Marker::MARGIN_ERROR, 0);
				mn->SetError(Marker::TRACK_ERROR, track_error);
				mn->UpdatePose(blob_corners[track_i], cam, track_orientation);
				blob_corners[track_i].clear(); // We don't want to handle this again...

				if (visualize) {
					mn->Visualize(image, cam, CV_RGB(0,255,255));
		return count;
Exemplo n.º 2
	int MarkerDetectorImpl::Detect(IplImage *image,
			   Camera *cam,
			   bool track,
			   bool visualize,
			   double max_new_marker_error,
			   double max_track_error,
			   LabelingMethod labeling_method,
			   bool update_pose)
		assert(image->origin == 0); // Currently only top-left origin supported
		double error=-1;

		// Swap marker tables

			case CVSEQ :
					labeling = new LabelingCvSeq();

		labeling->LabelSquares(image, visualize);
		vector<vector<PointDouble> >& blob_corners = labeling->blob_corners;
		IplImage* gray = labeling->gray;

		int orientation;

		// When tracking we find the best matching blob and test if it is near enough?
		if (track) {
			for (size_t ii=0; ii<_track_markers_size(); ii++) {
				Marker *mn = _track_markers_at(ii);
				if (mn->GetError(Marker::DECODE_ERROR|Marker::MARGIN_ERROR) > 0) continue; // We track only perfectly decoded markers
				int track_i=-1;
				int track_orientation=0;
				double track_error=1e200;
				for(unsigned i = 0; i < blob_corners.size()/*blobs_ret.size()*/; ++i) {
					if (blob_corners[i].empty()) continue;
					mn->CompareCorners(blob_corners[i], &orientation, &error);
					if (error < track_error) {
						track_i = i;
						track_orientation = orientation;
						track_error = error;
				if (track_error <= max_track_error) {
					mn->SetError(Marker::DECODE_ERROR, 0);
					mn->SetError(Marker::MARGIN_ERROR, 0);
					mn->SetError(Marker::TRACK_ERROR, track_error);
					mn->UpdatePose(blob_corners[track_i], cam, track_orientation, update_pose);
					blob_corners[track_i].clear(); // We don't want to handle this again...
					if (visualize) mn->Visualize(image, cam, CV_RGB(255,255,0));

		// Now we go through the rest of the blobs -- in case there are new markers...
		for(size_t i = 0; i < blob_corners.size(); ++i)
			if (blob_corners[i].empty()) continue;

			Marker *mn = new_M(edge_length, res, margin);
			if (mn->UpdateContent(blob_corners[i], gray, cam) &&
			    mn->DecodeContent(&orientation) &&
				(mn->GetError(Marker::MARGIN_ERROR | Marker::DECODE_ERROR) <= max_new_marker_error))
				if (map_edge_length.find(mn->GetId()) != map_edge_length.end()) {
					mn->SetMarkerSize(map_edge_length[mn->GetId()], res, margin);
				mn->UpdatePose(blob_corners[i], cam, orientation, update_pose);
				if (visualize) mn->Visualize(image, cam, CV_RGB(255,0,0));
			delete mn;

		return (int) _markers_size();