Exemplo n.º 1
  void SVGImage::defineMarker (const Marker& marker, int dfltname)
    if( lastMarker == marker ) return;

    using namespace std;

    string name = marker.uniqueName();
    //cout << name << endl;;

    string savedtab=tab;
    string marktab=string("         ");
    string intab=string("            ");

    ostr << tab << "<defs>\n";

    double r = marker.getRange();
    double r2 = 2*r;

    ostr << marktab << "<marker id=\"" << name << "\" markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\" "
      << "markerWidth=\"" <<  r2 << "\" markerHeight=\"" <<  r2 << "\" "
      << "viewBox=\"0 0 " << r2 << " " << r2 << "\" \n"
      << marktab << "        "  << "refX=\"" << r << "\" refY=\"" << r << "\" ";

    string col;
      stringstream ss;
      ss << '#' << hex << setw(6) << marker.getColor().getRGB();
      col = ss.str();

    // These are here just in case.  
    ostr << "stroke-width=\".2pt\" " << "fill=\"none\">\n"; 

    // Initial marker tab is set up...now to put the shape in...
    if (marker.hasDefaultMark())
      Marker::Mark mark = marker.getMark();
        case Marker::DOT:
          ostr << intab << "<circle cx=\"" << r << "\" cy=\"" << r << "\" "
            <<"r=\"" << r << "\" style=\"fill:" << col << ";stroke:" << col << "\"/>\n";
        case Marker::PLUS:
          ostr << intab << "<line x1=\"0\" y1=\"" << r << "\" "
            << "x2=\"" << r2 << "\" y2=\"" << r << "\"/>\n";
          ostr << intab << "<line x1=\"" << r << "\" y1=\"0\" "
            << "x2=\"" << r << "\" y2=\"" << r2 << "\"/>\n";
        case Marker::X:
          ostr << intab << "<line x1=\"0\" y1=\"0\" "
            << "x2=\"" << r2 << "\" y2=\"" << r2 << "\"/>\n";
          ostr << intab << "<line x1=\"" << r2 << "\" y1=\"0\" "
            << "x2=\"0\" y2=\"" << r2 << "\"/>\n";
      //This should not be called as BasicShapes were removed...but left 
      // here as a placeholder if it ever comes back.
      // * Make sure marker color works as necessary (useMarkerColor)
      // * Add some to the tab variable?
      // * Need to fix shape coordinates?
      //ostr << intab << markerShape << endl;

    ostr << marktab << "</marker>\n";

    ostr << tab << "</defs>\n";

    markerDefined = true;
    lastMarker = marker;
Exemplo n.º 2
  void SVGImage::line (const Line& line) 
    using namespace std;

    if ( line.size() == 0 )
      comment("Empty Line ignored...");

    Marker cmarker;
    StyleType tmarker = getCorrectMarker(&cmarker,line);
    if( tmarker == SHAPE )
      if ( !markerDefined || (lastMarker != line.getMarker()) )
        defineMarker( line.getMarker() );

    StrokeStyle ss;
    StyleType tss = getCorrectStrokeStyle(&ss,line);

    if ( line.size() <= 2 )
      ostr << tab << "<line";
      auto_ptr<Path> abspath = line.asAbsolute();
      Path::const_iterator i=abspath->begin();
      // Since there is no method for drawing a single point and there already
      // is a marker defined...
      if( line.size() == 1 )
        ostr << " x1=\"" << i->first << "\"";
        ostr << " y1=\"" << i->second << "\"";
        ostr << " x2=\"" << i->first << "\"";
        ostr << " y2=\"" << i->second << "\"";
        ostr << " x1=\"" << i->first << "\"";
        ostr << " y1=\"" << i->second << "\"";
        ostr << " x2=\"" << i->first << "\"";
        ostr << " y2=\"" << i->second << "\"";

      string tmp = strokeDesc(ss,tss,((tmarker!=NONE)&&(tmarker!=CLEAR)));
        ostr << " style=\"" << tmp << "\"";

      if( tmarker != NONE && tmarker != CLEAR )
        string mname = cmarker.uniqueName();
        ostr << endl << tab << "   marker-end=\"url(#" 
          << mname << ")\" marker-mid=\"url(#" 
          << mname << ")\" marker-start=\"url(#"
          << mname << ")\"";
      //else if( hasDefaultMarker )
      //  ostr << endl << tab << "   marker-end=\"url(#default)\" marker-mid=\"url(#default)\" marker-start=\"url(#default)\"";

      ostr << "/>" << endl;
      // open line tag and specify x,y coords of two end points
      ostr << tab << "<polyline";

      string tmp = strokeDesc(ss,tss,((tmarker!=NONE)&&(tmarker!=CLEAR)));
        ostr << " style=\"" << tmp << "\"";

      if( tmarker != NONE && tmarker != CLEAR )
        string mname = cmarker.uniqueName();
        ostr << endl << tab << "   marker-end=\"url(#" 
          << mname << ")\" marker-mid=\"url(#" 
          << mname << ")\" marker-start=\"url(#"
          << mname << ")\"";

      ostr << endl;

      outputPoints(line, ostr);

      // Close xml tag  
      ostr << "/>" << endl;