Exemplo n.º 1
void NeighbourJoining::calcNewD(MatrixXf& currentD, MatrixXi& rowsID, const Pair& p) {
	//calculates distances to new node
	int j = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numCurrentNodes - 1; ++i) {
		if (i == p.i)
		currentD(numCurrentNodes, i) = (currentD(p.i, i + j) + currentD(p.j, i + j) - currentD(p.i, p.j)) / 2;
		currentD(i, numCurrentNodes) = currentD(numCurrentNodes, i);
	//cout << "distances to new node: " << currentD.row(numCurrentNodes).head(numCurrentNodes-1) <<endl;

	//swaps rows and columns so that the closest pair nodes go right and at the bottom of the matrix
	currentD.row(p.i).head(numCurrentNodes - 1).swap(
			currentD.row(numCurrentNodes - 1).head(numCurrentNodes - 1));

	currentD.col(p.i).head(numCurrentNodes - 1).swap(
			currentD.col(numCurrentNodes - 1).head(numCurrentNodes - 1));

	currentD.row(p.j).head(numCurrentNodes - 1).swap(
			currentD.row(numCurrentNodes).head(numCurrentNodes - 1));

	currentD.col(p.j).head(numCurrentNodes - 1).swap(
			currentD.col(numCurrentNodes).head(numCurrentNodes - 1));

	//cout << "new Matrix:" << endl;  	printMatrix(currentD);

	//adjusts node IDs to new matrix indices
	int newNode = 2 * numObservableNodes - numCurrentNodes;
	rowsID.row(p.i).swap(rowsID.row(numCurrentNodes - 1));

	//cout << "rowsID:   " << rowsID.transpose(); cout << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ref.cpp Projeto: ACPK/openbr
void call_ref()
  VectorXcf ca  = VectorXcf::Random(10);
  VectorXf a    = VectorXf::Random(10);
  RowVectorXf b = RowVectorXf::Random(10);
  MatrixXf A    = MatrixXf::Random(10,10);
  RowVector3f c = RowVector3f::Random();
  const VectorXf& ac(a);
  VectorBlock<VectorXf> ab(a,0,3);
  const VectorBlock<VectorXf> abc(a,0,3);

  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(a,a), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(b,b.transpose()), 0);
//   call_ref_1(ac,a<c);           // does not compile because ac is const
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(ab,ab), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(a.head(4),a.head(4)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(abc,abc), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(A.col(3),A.col(3)), 0);
//   call_ref_1(A.row(3),A.row(3));    // does not compile because innerstride!=1
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_3(A.row(3),A.row(3).transpose()), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(A.row(3),A.row(3).transpose()), 0);
//   call_ref_1(a+a, a+a);          // does not compile for obvious reason

  MatrixXf tmp = A*A.col(1);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(A*A.col(1), tmp), 1);     // evaluated into a temp
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ac.head(5),ac.head(5)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ac,ac), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a,a), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ab,ab), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a.head(4),a.head(4)), 0);
  tmp = a+a;
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a+a,tmp), 1);            // evaluated into a temp
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ca.imag(),ca.imag()), 1);      // evaluated into a temp

  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(ac.head(5),ac.head(5)), 0);
  tmp = a+a;
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(a+a,tmp), 1);           // evaluated into a temp
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(ca.imag(),ca.imag()), 0);

  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a,a), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a.head(3),a.head(3)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(A,A), 0);
//   call_ref_5(A.transpose(),A.transpose());   // does not compile because storage order does not match
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(A.block(1,1,2,2),A.block(1,1,2,2)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(b,b), 0);             // storage order do not match, but this is a degenerate case that should work
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a.row(3),a.row(3)), 0);

  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(a,a), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(a.head(3),a.head(3)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.row(3),A.row(3)), 1);           // evaluated into a temp thouth it could be avoided by viewing it as a 1xn matrix
  tmp = A+A;
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A+A,tmp), 1);                // evaluated into a temp
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A,A), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.transpose(),A.transpose()), 1);      // evaluated into a temp because the storage orders do not match
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.block(1,1,2,2),A.block(1,1,2,2)), 0);
  VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_7(c,c), 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
void sumAndNormalize( MatrixXf & out, const MatrixXf & in, const MatrixXf & Q ) {
	out.resize( in.rows(), in.cols() );
	for( int i=0; i<in.cols(); i++ ){
		VectorXf b = in.col(i);
		VectorXf q = Q.col(i);
		out.col(i) = b.array().sum()*q - b;
Exemplo n.º 4
/////  Inference  /////
void expAndNormalize ( MatrixXf & out, const MatrixXf & in ) {
	out.resize( in.rows(), in.cols() );
	for( int i=0; i<out.cols(); i++ ){
		VectorXf b = in.col(i);
		b.array() -= b.maxCoeff();
		b = b.array().exp();
		out.col(i) = b / b.array().sum();
Exemplo n.º 5
void noHomogeneous(MatrixXf &mat) {
  MatrixXf temp;
  if (mat.cols() == 3) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 2);
    temp.col(0).array() = mat.col(0).array()/mat.col(2).array();
    temp.col(1).array() = mat.col(1).array()/mat.col(2).array();
    mat = temp;
  } else 
    cout << "toHomogeneous with wrong dimension" << endl;
//update values. Order matters
void SoftConstraint::updateDefGrad() {
    this->D_s.col(0) << p0->position - p3->position;
    this->D_s.col(1) << p1->position - p3->position;
    this->D_s.col(2) << p2->position - p3->position;

    this->defGrad = D_s * D_m.inverse();
    float det = defGrad.determinant();
    //check if cell is degenerated, i.e. det(defgrad) <= 0)
    if(det<= 0) {
        this->degenrated = true;
        //compute singular value decomposition of defGrad
        JacobiSVD<_Matrix3> svd(this->defGrad, ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);
        MatrixXf F_sing = svd.singularValues();
        MatrixXf U  = svd.matrixU();
        MatrixXf V  = svd.matrixV();
        this->U = U;
        this->V = V;
        //find smalles Element and negate corresponding colums
         int smallestEntry = 0;
         if(F_sing(1) < F_sing(0)) {
             smallestEntry = 1;
         if(F_sing(2) < F_sing(smallestEntry)) {
             smallestEntry = 2;
         F_sing(smallestEntry) = - F_sing(smallestEntry);
        U.col(smallestEntry) = -U.col(smallestEntry);
         //compose new defGrad
        _Matrix3 F;
         F << F_sing(0), 0.0f, 0.0f,
              0.0f, F_sing(1), 0.0f,                
              0.0f, 0.0f, F_sing(2);
        this->defGrad = F;
        //cout << "det <0"; 
    else {
        this->degenrated = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
MatrixXf Arm::compute_Jacobian() {
	/*X, Y, Z are three different orthogonal axises on which a ball joint can rotate. */
	MatrixXf Jacobian = MatrixXf(3, 3 * arm_sequence.size() ); 
	for (int i = 0; i < arm_sequence.size(); i++) {
		Vector3f dPdT_joint_i_X = dPdT(i, X);
		Vector3f dPdT_joint_i_Y = dPdT(i, Y);
		Vector3f dPdT_joint_i_Z = dPdT(i, Z);
		Jacobian.col(3 * i) << dPdT_joint_i_X;
		Jacobian.col(3 * i + 1) << dPdT_joint_i_Y;
		Jacobian.col(3 * i + 2) << dPdT_joint_i_Z;
	//cout << "Jacobian \n" << Jacobian << endl;
	return Jacobian;
Exemplo n.º 8
    void operator()() {
        //! Performing feature transformation on a block results
        //! is about a factor of two speedup. This suggests moving
        //! feature storage from nodes to images. However, the
        //! change will make introduction of different node
        //! types (with different sized feature vectors) difficult.
        //! It also means that the metric functors would need to
        //! be passed a copy of the graph in addition to the nodes.
        for (set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = _imgIndxes.begin(); it != _imgIndxes.end(); ++it) {
            map<unsigned, MatrixXf>::const_iterator ft = _imgFeatureData.find(*it);
            if (ft == _imgFeatureData.end()) {
                MatrixXf X(_Lt.cols(), _srcGraph[*it].numNodes());
                for (unsigned segId = 0; segId < _srcGraph[*it].numNodes(); segId++) {
                    X.col(segId) = _srcGraph[*it][segId].features;
                ft = _imgFeatureData.insert(_imgFeatureData.end(), make_pair(*it, X));

            const MatrixXf X = _Lt.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() * ft->second;
            for (unsigned segId = 0; segId < _srcGraph[*it].numNodes(); segId++) {
                _negGraph[*it][segId].features = _posGraph[*it][segId].features = X.col(segId);
        const TriangularView<MatrixXf, Eigen::Upper> Lt(_Lt);
        for (set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = _imgIndxes.begin(); it != _imgIndxes.end(); ++it) {
            for (unsigned segId = 0; segId < _srcGraph[*it].numNodes(); segId++) {
                _negGraph[*it][segId].features = _posGraph[*it][segId].features = Lt * _srcGraph[*it][segId].features;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Normalizes each eigenface in a matrix.
 * @param eigenfaces  A matrix of eigen faces to normalize
void normalizeEigenFaces(MatrixXf &eigenfaces)
    for(int i = 0; i < eigenfaces.cols(); i++)
Exemplo n.º 10
void RealtimeMF_openni::projectDirections(cv::Mat& I, const MatrixXf& dirs,
    double f_d, const Matrix<uint8_t,Dynamic,Dynamic>& colors)
  double scale = 0.1;
  VectorXf p0(3); p0 << 0.35,0.25,1;
  double u0 = p0(0)/p0(2)*f_d + 320.;
  double v0 = p0(1)/p0(2)*f_d + 240.;
  for(uint32_t k=0; k < dirs.cols(); ++k)
    VectorXf p1 = p0 + dirs.col(k)*scale;
    double u1 = p1(0)/p1(2)*f_d + 320.;
    double v1 = p1(1)/p1(2)*f_d + 240.;
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u0,v0), cv::Point(u1,v1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);

    double arrowLen = 10.;
    double angle = atan2(v1-v0,u1-u0);

    double ru1 = u1 - arrowLen*cos(angle + M_PI*0.25);
    double rv1 = v1 - arrowLen*sin(angle + M_PI*0.25);
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u1,v1), cv::Point(ru1,rv1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);
    ru1 = u1 - arrowLen*cos(angle - M_PI*0.25);
    rv1 = v1 - arrowLen*sin(angle - M_PI*0.25);
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u1,v1), cv::Point(ru1,rv1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);
  cv::circle(I, cv::Point(u0,v0), 2, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 2, CV_AA);
Exemplo n.º 11
static inline MatrixXf toMatrix(const std::vector<Vector3f> &data) {
    MatrixXf result;
    result.resize(3, data.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
        result.col(i) = data[i];
    return std::move(result);
Exemplo n.º 12
void toHomogeneous(MatrixXf &mat) {
  MatrixXf temp;
  if (mat.cols() == 2) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 3);
    temp.leftCols<2>() = mat.leftCols<2>();
    mat = temp;
  } else if (mat.cols() == 4) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 6);
    temp.leftCols<2>() = mat.leftCols<2>();
    temp.block(0, 3, mat.rows(), 2) = temp.block(0, 2, mat.rows(), 2);
    mat = temp;
  } else 
    cout << "toHomogeneous with wrong dimension" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 13
MatrixXf RealtimeMF::mfAxes()
  MatrixXf mfAx = MatrixXf::Zero(3,6*cRmfs_.size());
  for(uint32_t k=0; k<6*cRmfs_.size(); ++k){
    int j = (k%6)/2; // which of the rotation columns does this belong to
    float sign = (- float((k%6)%2) +0.5f)*2.0f; // sign of the axis
    mfAx.col(k) = sign*cRmfs_[k/6].col(j);
  return mfAx;
Exemplo n.º 14
Vector3f Lu::estimate_t( MatrixXf R,MatrixXf G,std::vector<Matrix3f > F,MatrixXf P,int n ){

Vector3f sum_ =Vector3f::Zero();

for (int i=0;i< n; i++){
   return G*sum_;
Exemplo n.º 15
VectorXs DenseCRF::currentMap( const MatrixXf & Q ) const{
	VectorXs r(Q.cols());
	// Find the map
	for( int i=0; i<N_; i++ ){
		int m;
		Q.col(i).maxCoeff( &m );
		r[i] = m;
	return r;
Exemplo n.º 16
void RealtimeMF_openni::normals_cb(float* d_normals, uint8_t* haveData,
    uint32_t w, uint32_t h)
  tLog_.tic(-1); // reset all timers
  int32_t nComp = 0;
  float* d_nComp = this->normalExtract->d_normalsComp(nComp);
  Matrix3f kRwBefore = kRw_;

  double residual = optSO3_->conjugateGradientCUDA(kRw_,nCGIter_);
  double D_KL = optSO3_->D_KL_axisUnif();

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(this->updateModelMutex);
    this->normalsImg_ = this->normalExtract->normalsImg();
    if(z_.rows() != w*h) z_.resize(w*h);
    this->normalExtract->uncompressCpu(optSO3_->z().data(), optSO3_->z().rows(),
        z_.data(), z_.rows());

    mfAxes_ = MatrixXf::Zero(3,6);
    for(uint32_t k=0; k<6; ++k){
      int j = k/2; // which of the rotation columns does this belong to
      float sign = (- float(k%2) +0.5f)*2.0f; // sign of the axis
      mfAxes_.col(k) = sign*kRw_.col(j);
    D_KL_= D_KL;
    residual_ = residual;
    this->update_ = true;

  tLog_.toc(2); // total time
  cout<<"delta rotation kRw_ = \n"<<kRwBefore*kRw_.transpose()<<endl;
  cout<<" residual="<<residual_<<"\t D_KL="<<D_KL_<<endl;
  fout_<<D_KL_<<" "<<residual_<<endl; fout_.flush();

////  return kRw_;
//  {
//    boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(this->updateModelMutex);
////    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr nDispPtr =
////      normalExtract->normalsPc();
////    nDisp_ = pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr( new
////        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(*nDispPtr));
////    this->normalsImg_ = this->normalExtract->normalsImg();
//    this->update_ = true;
//  }
Exemplo n.º 17
VectorXf project1D( const RMatrixXf & Y, int * rep_label=NULL ) {
// 	const int MAX_SAMPLE = 20000;
	const bool fast = true, very_fast = true;
	// Remove the DC (Y : N x M)
	RMatrixXf dY = Y.rowwise() - Y.colwise().mean();
// 	RMatrixXf sY = dY;
// 	if( 0 < MAX_SAMPLE && MAX_SAMPLE < dY.rows() ) {
// 		VectorXi samples = randomChoose( dY.rows(), MAX_SAMPLE );
// 		std::sort( samples.data(), samples.data()+samples.size() );
// 		sY = RMatrixXf( samples.size(), dY.cols() );
// 		for( int i=0; i<samples.size(); i++ )
// 			sY.row(i) = dY.row( samples[i] );
// 	}
	// ... and use (pc > 0)
	VectorXf lbl = VectorXf::Zero( Y.rows() );
	// Find the largest PC of (dY.T * dY) and project onto it
	if( very_fast ) {
		// Find the largest PC using poweriterations
		VectorXf U = VectorXf::Random( dY.cols() );
		U = U.array() / U.norm()+std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
		for( int it=0; it<20; it++ ){
			// Normalize
			VectorXf s = dY.transpose()*(dY*U);
			s.array() /= s.norm()+std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
			if ( (U-s).norm() < 1e-6 )
			U = s;
		// Project onto the PC
		lbl = dY*U;
	else if(fast) {
		// Compute the eigen values of the covariance (and project onto the largest eigenvector)
		MatrixXf cov = dY.transpose()*dY;
		SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXf> eigensolver(0.5*(cov+cov.transpose()));
		MatrixXf ev = eigensolver.eigenvectors();
		lbl = dY * ev.col( ev.cols()-1 );
	else {
		// Use the SVD
		JacobiSVD<RMatrixXf> svd = dY.jacobiSvd(ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV );
		// Project onto the largest PC
		lbl = svd.matrixU().col(0) * svd.singularValues()[0];
	// Find the representative label
	if( rep_label )
		dY.array().square().rowwise().sum().minCoeff( rep_label );
	return (lbl.array() < 0).cast<float>();
Exemplo n.º 18
MatrixXf Lu::xform(MatrixXf P, Matrix3f  R, Vector3f t){

   int n = P.cols();
   MatrixXf Q=MatrixXf::Zero(3,n);
   for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
      Q.col(i) = R*P.col(i)+t;
       return Q;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Create a new matrix which is matrix A rearranged.
 * This matrix has the same size as B
inline MatrixXf rearrangeMatrixToClosestPoints(const MatrixXf A, const MatrixXf B) {
    MatrixXf result = MatrixXf::Constant(B.rows(), B.cols(), 0);

    // For each point in B, find the closest point in A
    for(uint b = 0; b < B.cols(); b++) {
        Vector3f pointInB = B.col(b);
        float minDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
        uint closestPoint = 0;
        for(uint a = 0; a < A.cols(); a++) {
            Vector3f pointInA = A.col(a);
            float distance = (pointInA-pointInB).norm();
            if(distance < minDistance) {
                minDistance = distance;
                closestPoint = a;
        result.col(b) = A.col(closestPoint);

    return result;

Exemplo n.º 20
// XFORMPROJ - Transform and project
//  XFORMPROJ(P, R, t) transform the 3D point set P by 
//  rotation R and translation t, and then project them   to the normalized image plane
MatrixXf Lu::xformproj(MatrixXf P, Matrix3f R, Vector3f t)
   int n = P.cols();
   MatrixXf Q=MatrixXf::Zero(3,n);
   MatrixXf Qp=MatrixXf::Zero(2,n);;
   for (int i=0;i<=n;i++){
    Q.col(i) = R*P.col(i)+t;

Exemplo n.º 21
void normalizePts(MatrixXf &mat, Matrix3f &T) {

  float cx = mat.col(0).mean();
  float cy = mat.col(1).mean();
  mat.array().col(0) -= cx;
  mat.array().col(1) -= cy;
  float sqrt_2 = sqrt(2);
  float meandist = (mat.array().col(0)*mat.array().col(0) + mat.array().col(1)*mat.array().col(1)).sqrt().mean();
  float scale = sqrt_2/meandist;
  mat.leftCols<2>().array() *= scale; 

  T << scale, 0, -scale*cx, 0, scale, -scale*cy, 0, 0, 1;
Exemplo n.º 22
void fitHomography(MatrixXf pts1, MatrixXf pts2, Matrix3f &H, MatrixXf &A) {
  int psize = pts1.rows();
  A.resize(psize*2, 9);
  for (auto i = 0; i < psize; i++) {
    Vector3f p1 = pts1.row(i);
    Vector3f p2 = pts2.row(i);
    A.row(i*2) << 0, 0, 0, -p1[0], -p1[1], -p1[2], p2[1]*p1[0], p2[1]*p1[1], p2[1]*p1[2];
    A.row(i*2+1) << p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], 0, 0, 0, -p2[0]*p1[0], -p2[0]*p1[1], -p2[0]*p1[2];
  JacobiSVD<MatrixXf, HouseholderQRPreconditioner> svd(A, ComputeFullV);
  MatrixXf V = svd.matrixV();
  VectorXf h = V.col(V.cols()-1);
  H = rollVector9f(h);
Exemplo n.º 23
void MneRtClient::run()

    MatrixXf matValue;
        //pop matrix
        matValue = m_pRawMatrixBuffer_In->pop();
//        std::cout << "matValue " << matValue.block(0,0,1,10) << std::endl;

        //emit values
        for(qint32 i = 0; i < matValue.cols(); ++i)
//        for(qint32 i = 0; i < matValue.cols(); i += 100)
//            m_pRTMSA_MneRtClient->setValue(matValue.col(i).cast<double>());
Exemplo n.º 24
void NeighbourJoining::updateD(MatrixXf& D, const MatrixXf& currentD, const Pair& p,
		int newNode) {
	//calculates distance form all nodes to the new node
	D.row(newNode).head(newNode) = (((D.row(p.iID) + D.row(p.jID))
			- MatrixXf::Constant(1, D.rows(), 1) * D(p.iID, p.jID)) / 2).head(
	D.col(newNode).head(newNode) = D.row(newNode).head(newNode);

	//calculates distances from child nodes to new node
	D(newNode, p.iID) = abs(currentD.row(p.i).head(numCurrentNodes).sum()
			- currentD.row(p.j).head(numCurrentNodes).sum());
	D(newNode, p.iID) /= (2 * (numCurrentNodes - 2));
	D(newNode, p.iID) = D(p.iID, p.jID)/2;
	D(p.iID, newNode) = D(newNode, p.iID);
	D(newNode, p.jID) = D(p.jID, newNode) = D(p.iID, p.jID) - D(p.iID, newNode);
	//cout << "updated D: " << endl << D << endl;
Exemplo n.º 25
void Util::processGramSchmidt(MatrixXf& mat){
  for (int i = 0; i < mat.cols(); ++i){
    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j){
      float r = mat.col(i).dot(mat.col(j));
      mat.col(i) -= r * mat.col(j);
    float norm = mat.col(i).norm();
    if (norm < SVD_EPS){
      for (int k = i; k < mat.cols(); ++k){
    mat.col(i) *= (1.f / norm);
Exemplo n.º 26
void FiffSimulator::run()
    MatrixXf matValue;
            QMutexLocker locker(&m_qMutex);
        //pop matrix
        matValue = m_pRawMatrixBuffer_In->pop();

//        std::cout << "Mat Value\n" << matValue.row(306) << std::endl;

        //emit values
        for(qint32 i = 0; i < matValue.cols(); ++i)
Exemplo n.º 27
void r_and_t(MatrixXf &rot_cw, VectorXf &pos_cw,MatrixXf start_points, MatrixXf end_points,
             MatrixXf P1w,MatrixXf P2w,MatrixXf initRot_cw,VectorXf initPos_cw,
             int maxIterNum,float TerminateTh,int nargin)

        maxIterNum = 8;
        TerminateTh = 1e-5;

    int n = start_points.cols();

    if(n != end_points.cols() || n!= P1w.cols() || n!= P2w.cols())


    //first compute the weight of each line and the normal of
    //the interpretation plane passing through to camera center and the line

    VectorXf w = VectorXf::Zero(n);
    MatrixXf nc = MatrixXf::Zero(3,n);

    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        //the weight of a line is the inverse of its image length
        w[i] = 1/(start_points.col(i)-end_points.col(i)).norm();
        vfloat3 v1 = start_points.col(i);
        vfloat3 v2 = end_points.col(i);
        vfloat3 temp = v1.cross(v2);
        nc.col(i) = temp/temp.norm();

    MatrixXf rot_wc = initPos_cw.transpose();
    MatrixXf pos_wc = - initRot_cw.transpose() * initPos_cw;

    for(int iter = 1 ; iter < maxIterNum ; iter++)
        //construct the equation (31)
        MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Zero(6,7);
        MatrixXf C = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        MatrixXf D = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        MatrixXf F = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
        vfloat3 c_bar = vfloat3(0,0,0);
        vfloat3 d_bar = vfloat3(0,0,0);
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
            //for first point on line
            vfloat3 Pi = rot_wc * P1w.col(i);
            vfloat3 Ni = nc.col(i);
            float wi = w[i];
            vfloat3 bi = Pi.cross(Ni);
            C = C + wi*Ni*Ni.transpose();
            D = D + wi*bi*bi.transpose();
            F = F + wi*Ni*bi.transpose();
            vfloat3 tempi = Pi + pos_wc;
            float scale = Ni.transpose() * tempi;
            scale *= wi;
            c_bar = c_bar + scale * Ni;
            d_bar = d_bar + scale*bi;
            //for second point on line
            Pi = rot_wc * P2w.col(i);
            Ni = nc.col(i);
            wi = w[i];
            bi = Pi.cross(Ni);
            C  = C + wi*Ni*Ni.transpose();
            D  = D + wi*bi*bi.transpose();
            F  = F + wi*Ni*bi.transpose();
            scale = (Ni.transpose() * (Pi + pos_wc));
            scale *= wi;
            c_bar = c_bar + scale * Ni;
            d_bar = d_bar + scale * bi;
        A.block<3,3>(0,0) = C;
        A.block<3,3>(0,3) = F;
        (A.col(6)).segment(0,2) = c_bar;
        A.block<3,3>(3,0) = F.transpose();
        A.block<3,3>(2,2) = D;
        (A.col(6)).segment(3,5) = d_bar;
        //sovle the system by using SVD;
        JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(A, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
        VectorXf vec(7);
        //the last column of Vmat;
        vec = (svd.matrixV()).col(6);
        //the condition that the last element of vec should be 1.
        vec = vec/vec[6];

        //update the rotation and translation parameters;
        vfloat3 dT = vec.segment(0,2);
        vfloat3 dOmiga = vec.segment(3,5);
        MatrixXf rtemp(3,3);
        rtemp << 1, -dOmiga[2], dOmiga[1], dOmiga[2], 1, -dOmiga[1], -dOmiga[1], dOmiga[0], 1;
        rot_wc = rtemp * rot_wc;
        //newRot_wc = ( I + [dOmiga]x ) oldRot_wc
        //may be we can compute new R using rodrigues(r+dr)
        pos_wc = pos_wc + dT;

        if(dT.norm() < TerminateTh && dOmiga.norm() < 0.1*TerminateTh)
    rot_cw = rot_wc.transpose();
    pos_cw = -rot_cw * pos_wc;
Exemplo n.º 28
void IterativeClosestPoint::execute() {
    float error = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), previousError;
    uint iterations = 0;

    // Get access to the two point sets
    PointSetAccess::pointer accessFixedSet = ((PointSet::pointer)getStaticInputData<PointSet>(0))->getAccess(ACCESS_READ);
    PointSetAccess::pointer accessMovingSet = ((PointSet::pointer)getStaticInputData<PointSet>(1))->getAccess(ACCESS_READ);

    // Get transformations of point sets
    AffineTransformation::pointer fixedPointTransform2 = SceneGraph::getAffineTransformationFromData(getStaticInputData<PointSet>(0));
    Eigen::Affine3f fixedPointTransform;
    fixedPointTransform.matrix() = fixedPointTransform2->matrix();
    AffineTransformation::pointer initialMovingTransform2 = SceneGraph::getAffineTransformationFromData(getStaticInputData<PointSet>(1));
    Eigen::Affine3f initialMovingTransform;
    initialMovingTransform.matrix() = initialMovingTransform2->matrix();

    // These matrices are Nx3
    MatrixXf fixedPoints = accessFixedSet->getPointSetAsMatrix();
    MatrixXf movingPoints = accessMovingSet->getPointSetAsMatrix();

    Eigen::Affine3f currentTransformation = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();

    // Want to choose the smallest one as moving
    bool invertTransform = false;
    if(false && fixedPoints.cols() < movingPoints.cols()) {
        reportInfo() << "switching fixed and moving" << Reporter::end;
        // Switch fixed and moving
        MatrixXf temp = fixedPoints;
        fixedPoints = movingPoints;
        movingPoints = temp;
        invertTransform = true;

        // Apply initial transformations
        //currentTransformation = fixedPointTransform.getTransform();
        movingPoints = fixedPointTransform*movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
        fixedPoints = initialMovingTransform*fixedPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
    } else {
        // Apply initial transformations
        //currentTransformation = initialMovingTransform.getTransform();
        movingPoints = initialMovingTransform*movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
        fixedPoints = fixedPointTransform*fixedPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
    do {
        previousError = error;
        MatrixXf movedPoints = currentTransformation*(movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous());

        // Match closest points using current transformation
        MatrixXf rearrangedFixedPoints = rearrangeMatrixToClosestPoints(
                fixedPoints, movedPoints);

        // Get centroids
        Vector3f centroidFixed = getCentroid(rearrangedFixedPoints);
        //reportInfo() << "Centroid fixed: " << Reporter::end;
        //reportInfo() << centroidFixed << Reporter::end;
        Vector3f centroidMoving = getCentroid(movedPoints);
        //reportInfo() << "Centroid moving: " << Reporter::end;
        //reportInfo() << centroidMoving << Reporter::end;

        Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> updateTransform = Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine>::Identity();

        if(mTransformationType == IterativeClosestPoint::RIGID) {
            // Create correlation matrix H of the deviations from centroid
            MatrixXf H = (movedPoints.colwise() - centroidMoving)*
                    (rearrangedFixedPoints.colwise() - centroidFixed).transpose();

            // Do SVD on H
            Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(H, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);

            // Estimate rotation as R=V*U.transpose()
            MatrixXf temp = svd.matrixV()*svd.matrixU().transpose();
            Matrix3f d = Matrix3f::Identity();
            d(2,2) = sign(temp.determinant());
            Matrix3f R = svd.matrixV()*d*svd.matrixU().transpose();

            // Estimate translation
            Vector3f T = centroidFixed - R*centroidMoving;

            updateTransform.linear() = R;
            updateTransform.translation() = T;
        } else {
            // Only translation
            Vector3f T = centroidFixed - centroidMoving;
            updateTransform.translation() = T;

        // Update current transformation
        currentTransformation = updateTransform*currentTransformation;

        // Calculate RMS error
        MatrixXf distance = rearrangedFixedPoints - currentTransformation*(movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous());
        error = 0;
        for(uint i = 0; i < distance.cols(); i++) {
            error += pow(distance.col(i).norm(),2);
        error = sqrt(error / distance.cols());

        reportInfo() << "Error: " << error << Reporter::end;
        // To continue, change in error has to be above min error change and nr of iterations less than max iterations
    } while(previousError-error > mMinErrorChange && iterations < mMaxIterations);

        currentTransformation = currentTransformation.inverse();

    mError = error;
    mTransformation->matrix() = currentTransformation.matrix();
Exemplo n.º 29
int main(void)
  cout << "Eigen v" << EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION << endl;
  static const int R = 288;
  static const int N = R*(R+1)/2;
  static const int M = 63;
  static const int HALF_M = M/2;
  static const float nsigma = 2.5f;

  MatrixXf data = MatrixXf::Random(M, N);
  MatrixXf mask = MatrixXf::Zero(M, N);
  MatrixXf result = MatrixXf::Zero(1, N);
  VectorXf std = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf centroid = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf mean = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf minval = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf maxval = VectorXf::Zero(N);

  cout << "computing..." << flush;
  double t = GetRealTime();

  // computes the exact median
  if (M&1)
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      vector<float> row(data.data()+i*M, data.data()+(i+1)*M);
      nth_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M, row.end());
      centroid(i) = row[HALF_M];
  // nth_element guarantees x_0,...,x_{n-1} < x_n
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      vector<float> row(data.data()+i*M, data.data()+(i+1)*M);
      nth_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M, row.end());
      centroid(i) = row[HALF_M];
      centroid(i) += *max_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M);
      centroid(i) *= 0.5f;

  // compute the mean
  mean = data.colwise().mean();

  // compute std (x) = sqrt ( 1/N SUM_i (x(i) - mean(x))^2 )
  std = (((data.rowwise() - mean.transpose()).array().square()).colwise().sum() *
         (1.0f / M))

  // compute n sigmas from centroid
  minval = centroid - std * nsigma;
  maxval = centroid + std * nsigma;
  // compute clip mask
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    mask.col(i) = (data.col(i).array() > minval(i)).select(VectorXf::Ones(M), 0.0f);
    mask.col(i) = (data.col(i).array() < maxval(i)).select(VectorXf::Ones(M), 0.0f);

  // apply clip mask to data
  data.array() *= mask.array();

  // compute mean such that we ignore clipped data, this is our final result
  result = data.colwise().sum().array() / mask.colwise().sum().array();

  t = GetRealTime() - t;
  cout << "[done]" << endl << endl;

  size_t bytes = data.size()*sizeof(float);
  cout << "data: " << M << "x" << N << endl;
  cout << "size: " << bytes*1e-6f << " MB" << endl;
  cout << "rate: " << bytes/(1e6f*t) << " MB/s" << endl;
  cout << "time: " << t << " s" << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 30
void TMSI::run()

        //pop matrix only if the producer thread is running
            MatrixXf matValue = m_pRawMatrixBuffer_In->pop();

            // Set Beep trigger (if activated)
            if(m_bBeepTrigger && m_qTimerTrigger.elapsed() >= m_iTriggerInterval)
                QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(Beep, 450, 700);
                //Set trigger in received data samples - just for one sample, so that this event is easy to detect
                matValue(136, m_iSamplesPerBlock-1) = 252;


            // Set keyboard trigger (if activated and !=0)
            if(m_bUseKeyboardTrigger && m_iTriggerType!=0)
                matValue(136, m_iSamplesPerBlock-1) = m_iTriggerType;

            //Write raw data to fif file
                m_pOutfid->write_raw_buffer(matValue.cast<double>(), m_cals);

            // TODO: Use preprocessing if wanted by the user
                MatrixXf temp = matValue;

                matValue = matValue - m_matOldMatrix;
                m_matOldMatrix = temp;

                //    //Check filter class - will be removed in the future - testing purpose only!
                //    FilterTools* filterObject = new FilterTools();

                //    //kaiser window testing
                //    qint32 numberCoeff = 51;
                //    QVector<float> impulseResponse(numberCoeff);
                //    filterObject->createDynamicFilter(QString('LP'), numberCoeff, (float)0.3, impulseResponse);

                //    ofstream outputFileStream("mne_x_plugins/resources/tmsi/filterToolsTest.txt", ios::out);

                //    outputFileStream << "impulseResponse:\n";
                //    for(int i=0; i<impulseResponse.size(); i++)
                //        outputFileStream << impulseResponse[i] << " ";
                //    outputFileStream << endl;

                //    //convolution testing
                //    QVector<float> in (12, 2);
                //    QVector<float> kernel (4, 2);

                //    QVector<float> out = filterObject->convolve(in, kernel);

                //    outputFileStream << "convolution result:\n";
                //    for(int i=0; i<out.size(); i++)
                //        outputFileStream << out[i] << " ";
                //    outputFileStream << endl;

            // TODO: Perform a fft if wanted by the user
                QElapsedTimer timer;

                FFT<float> fft;
                Matrix<complex<float>, 138, 16> freq;

                for(qint32 i = 0; i < matValue.rows(); ++i)
                    fft.fwd(freq.row(i), matValue.row(i));

//                cout<<"FFT postprocessing done in "<<timer.nsecsElapsed()<<" nanosec"<<endl;
//                cout<<"matValue before FFT:"<<endl<<matValue<<endl;
//                cout<<"freq after FFT:"<<endl<<freq<<endl;
//                matValue = freq.cwiseAbs();
//                cout<<"matValue after FFT:"<<endl<<matValue<<endl;

            //Change values of the trigger channel for better plotting - this change is not saved in the produced fif file
                for(int i = 0; i<matValue.row(137).cols(); i++)
                    // Left keyboard or capacitive
                    if(matValue.row(136)[i] == 254)
                        matValue.row(136)[i] = 4000;

                    // Right keyboard
                    if(matValue.row(136)[i] == 253)
                        matValue.row(136)[i] = 8000;

                    // Beep
                    if(matValue.row(136)[i] == 252)
                        matValue.row(136)[i] = 2000;

            //emit values to real time multi sample array
            for(qint32 i = 0; i < matValue.cols(); ++i)

            // Reset keyboard trigger
            m_iTriggerType = 0;

    //Close the fif output stream

    //std::cout<<"EXITING - TMSI::run()"<<std::endl;