Exemplo n.º 1
VectorXf EMclustering::logsumexp(MatrixXf x, int dim)
	int r = x.rows();
	int c = x.cols();

	VectorXf y(r);
	MatrixXf tmp1(r,c);
	VectorXf tmp2(r);
	VectorXf s(r);

	y = x.rowwise().maxCoeff();//cerr<<"y"<<y<<endl<<endl;
	x = x.colwise() - y;	
	tmp1 = x.array().exp();	
	tmp2 = tmp1.rowwise().sum();	
	s = y.array() + tmp2.array().log();

	for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++)
			s(i) = y(i);

	return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void initTable(ColorCloudPtr cloud) {
        MatrixXf corners = getTableCornersRansac(cloud);

        Vector3f xax = corners.row(1) - corners.row(0);
        Vector3f yax = corners.row(3) - corners.row(0);
        Vector3f zax = xax.cross(yax);

        float zsgn = (zax(2) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
        xax *= - zsgn;
        zax *= - zsgn; // so z axis points up

        m_axes.col(0) = xax;
        m_axes.col(1) = yax;
        m_axes.col(2) = zax;

        MatrixXf rotCorners = corners * m_axes;

        m_mins = rotCorners.colwise().minCoeff();
        m_maxes = rotCorners.colwise().maxCoeff();
        m_mins(2) = rotCorners(0,2) + LocalConfig::zClipLow;
        m_maxes(2) = rotCorners(0,2) + LocalConfig::zClipHigh;

        m_transform.setOrigin(btVector3(corners(0,0), corners(0,1), corners(0,2)));

        m_poly.points = toROSPoints32(toBulletVectors(corners));

        m_inited = true;

Exemplo n.º 3
void SortPointsAngle(MatrixXf &x2d){
    // the array is formed by [x1 y1 1,
//                             x2 y2  ]
     // compute center point
     Vector3f point=x2d.colwise().sum();
     vector<float> angles;
     int i,j;
     // compute angles
     for (i=0; i<x2d.rows();i++){
       double x=(point(0)-x2d(i,0));
       double y=(point(1)-x2d(i,1));
       angles.push_back(atan2(y,x)*180 / (3.1416));//degree in radians
     // now order by angle chossing the minor to mayor
       for (i =0; i<x2d.rows();i++){
          for(j = i+1; j < x2d.rows(); j ++) {
                if(angles[j] < angles[i]) {
                     float temp_x = x2d(i,0);
	             float temp_y = x2d(i,1);
                      x2d(i,0) = x2d(j,0);
	              x2d(i,1) = x2d(j,1);
	              x2d(j,0) = temp_x;
	              x2d(j,1) = temp_y;
Exemplo n.º 4
VectorXf EMclustering::loggausspdf(MatrixXf x, VectorXf mu, MatrixXf sigma)

	int d = x.rows();
	int c = x.cols();
	int r_sigma = sigma.rows();
	int c_sigma = sigma.cols();

	MatrixXf tmpx(x.rows(),x.cols());
	tmpx = x.colwise() - mu;

	MatrixXf u1(r_sigma,c_sigma);
	u1 = sigma.llt().matrixL() ;
	MatrixXf u2(u1.cols(),u1.rows());
	u2 = u1.adjoint();//cerr<<u2<<endl;
	MatrixXf Q(u2.cols(),tmpx.cols());
	Q = u1.jacobiSvd(ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV).solve(tmpx);
	VectorXf q(Q.cols());
	q = Q.cwiseProduct(Q).colwise().sum();//cerr<<"q"<<q<<endl;
	VectorXf tmp1(u2.rows());
	tmp1 = u2.diagonal();
	tmp1 = tmp1.array().log();
	double c1 = tmp1.sum() * 2;
	double c2 = d * log(2*PI);//cerr<<c1+c2<<endl;
	VectorXf y(q.size());
	y = -(c1+c2)/2. - q.array()/2.;

	return y;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Sphere::calculate_cm_ave_dist (const MatrixXf &rr, VectorXf &cm, float &avep)
    cm = rr.colwise().mean();
    MatrixXf diff = rr.rowwise() - cm.transpose();
    avep = diff.rowwise().norm().mean();
Exemplo n.º 6
void MapOptimizer::constrain_direction (MatrixXf & dJ, float tol) const
  // Enforce the simultaneous constraints
  //   /\x. sum y. dJ(y,x) = 0
  //   /\y. sum x. dJ(y,x) = 0
  // We combine the two constraints by iteratively weakly enforcing both:
  // Let Px,Py project to the feasible subspaces for constraints 1,2, resp.
  // Each projection has eigenvalues in {0,1}.
  // We approximate the desired projection Pxy as a linear combination of Px,Py
  //   Pxy' = 1 - alpha ((1-Px) + (1-Py))
  // which has eigenvalues in {1} u [1 - alpha, 1 - 2 alpha].
  // Hence Pxy = lim n->infty Pxy'^n, where convergence rate depends on alpha.
  // The optimal alpha is 2/3, yielding Pxy' eigenvalues in {1} u [-1/3,1/3],
  // and resulting in project_scale = -alpha below.

  if (logging) LOG("  constraining direction");

  const size_t X = dom.size;
  const size_t Y = cod.size;

  const MatrixXf & J = m_joint;
  const VectorXf & sum_y_J = m_dom_prior;
  const VectorXf & sum_x_J = m_cod_prior;
  const float sum_xy_J = m_cod_prior.sum();

  VectorXf sum_y_dJ(J.cols());
  VectorXf sum_x_dJ(J.rows());

  // this is iterative, so we hand-optimize by merging loops

  const float * restrict J_ = J.data();
  const float * restrict sum_y_J_ = sum_y_J.data();
  const float * restrict sum_x_J_ = sum_x_J.data();

  float * restrict dJ_ = dJ.data();
  float * restrict project_y_ = sum_y_dJ.data();
  float * restrict project_x_ = sum_x_dJ.data();
  const float project_scale = -2/3.0;

  Vector<float> accum_x_dJ(Y);
  float * restrict accum_x_dJ_ = accum_x_dJ;

  // accumulate first projection

  for (size_t x = 0; x < X; ++x) {

    const float * restrict dJ_x_ = dJ_ + Y * x;

    float accum_y_dJ = 0;

    for (size_t y = 0; y < Y; ++y) {

      float dJ_xy = dJ_x_[y];

      accum_y_dJ += dJ_xy;
      accum_x_dJ_[y] += dJ_xy;

    project_y_[x] = project_scale * accum_y_dJ / sum_y_J_[x];

  for (size_t y = 0; y < Y; ++y) {
    project_x_[y] = project_scale * accum_x_dJ_[y] / sum_x_J_[y];
    accum_x_dJ_[y] = 0;

  // apply previous projection and accumulate next projection
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter) {

    float error = 0;

    for (size_t x = 0; x < X; ++x) {

      const float * restrict J_x_ = J_ + Y * x;
      float * restrict dJ_x_ = dJ_ + Y * x;

      float accum_y_dJ = 0;

      for (size_t y = 0; y < Y; ++y) {

        float dJ_xy = dJ_x_[y] += J_x_[y] * (project_x_[y] + project_y_[x]);

        accum_y_dJ += dJ_xy;
        accum_x_dJ_[y] += dJ_xy;

      project_y_[x] = project_scale * accum_y_dJ / sum_y_J_[x];
      imax(error, max(-accum_y_dJ, accum_y_dJ));

    for (size_t y = 0; y < Y; ++y) {

      float accum_x_dJ_y = accum_x_dJ_[y];
      accum_x_dJ_[y] = 0;

      project_x_[y] = project_scale * accum_x_dJ_y / sum_x_J_[y];
      imax(error, max(-accum_x_dJ_y, accum_x_dJ_y));

    if (error < tol) {
      if (logging) {
        LOG("   after " << (1+iter) << " iterations, error < " << error);

  // apply final projection
  for (size_t x = 0; x < X; ++x) {

    const float * restrict J_x_ = J_ + Y * x;
    float * restrict dJ_x_ = dJ_ + Y * x;

    for (size_t y = 0; y < Y; ++y) {
      dJ_x_[y] += J_x_[y] * (project_x_[y] + project_y_[x]);

  if (debug) {

    sum_y_dJ = dJ.colwise().sum();
    sum_x_dJ = dJ.rowwise().sum();
    float sum_xy_dJ = sum_x_dJ.sum();

    DEBUG("max constraint errors = "
        << sqrt(sum_x_dJ.array().square().maxCoeff())<< ", "
        << sqrt(sum_y_dJ.array().square().maxCoeff())<< ", "
        << sum_xy_dJ);

    sum_y_dJ.array() /= sum_y_J.array();
    sum_x_dJ.array() /= sum_x_J.array();
    sum_xy_dJ /= sum_xy_J;

    DEBUG("max relative constraints errors = "
        << sqrt(sum_x_dJ.array().square().maxCoeff()) << ", "
        << sqrt(sum_y_dJ.array().square().maxCoeff()) << ", "
        << sum_xy_dJ);

    DEBUG("max(|dJ|) = " << dJ.array().abs().maxCoeff()
        << ", rms(dJ) = " << sqrt(dJ.array().square().mean()));
    DEBUG("max(J) / min(J) = " << (J.maxCoeff() / J.minCoeff()));
    DEBUG("max(sum x. J) / min(sum x. J) = "
        << (sum_x_J.maxCoeff() / sum_x_J.minCoeff()));
    DEBUG("max(sum y. J) / min(sum y. J) = "
        << (sum_y_J.maxCoeff() / sum_y_J.minCoeff()));
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(void)
  cout << "Eigen v" << EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION << endl;
  static const int R = 288;
  static const int N = R*(R+1)/2;
  static const int M = 63;
  static const int HALF_M = M/2;
  static const float nsigma = 2.5f;

  MatrixXf data = MatrixXf::Random(M, N);
  MatrixXf mask = MatrixXf::Zero(M, N);
  MatrixXf result = MatrixXf::Zero(1, N);
  VectorXf std = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf centroid = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf mean = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf minval = VectorXf::Zero(N);
  VectorXf maxval = VectorXf::Zero(N);

  cout << "computing..." << flush;
  double t = GetRealTime();

  // computes the exact median
  if (M&1)
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      vector<float> row(data.data()+i*M, data.data()+(i+1)*M);
      nth_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M, row.end());
      centroid(i) = row[HALF_M];
  // nth_element guarantees x_0,...,x_{n-1} < x_n
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      vector<float> row(data.data()+i*M, data.data()+(i+1)*M);
      nth_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M, row.end());
      centroid(i) = row[HALF_M];
      centroid(i) += *max_element(row.begin(), row.begin()+HALF_M);
      centroid(i) *= 0.5f;

  // compute the mean
  mean = data.colwise().mean();

  // compute std (x) = sqrt ( 1/N SUM_i (x(i) - mean(x))^2 )
  std = (((data.rowwise() - mean.transpose()).array().square()).colwise().sum() *
         (1.0f / M))

  // compute n sigmas from centroid
  minval = centroid - std * nsigma;
  maxval = centroid + std * nsigma;
  // compute clip mask
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    mask.col(i) = (data.col(i).array() > minval(i)).select(VectorXf::Ones(M), 0.0f);
    mask.col(i) = (data.col(i).array() < maxval(i)).select(VectorXf::Ones(M), 0.0f);

  // apply clip mask to data
  data.array() *= mask.array();

  // compute mean such that we ignore clipped data, this is our final result
  result = data.colwise().sum().array() / mask.colwise().sum().array();

  t = GetRealTime() - t;
  cout << "[done]" << endl << endl;

  size_t bytes = data.size()*sizeof(float);
  cout << "data: " << M << "x" << N << endl;
  cout << "size: " << bytes*1e-6f << " MB" << endl;
  cout << "rate: " << bytes/(1e6f*t) << " MB/s" << endl;
  cout << "time: " << t << " s" << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
void IterativeClosestPoint::execute() {
    float error = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), previousError;
    uint iterations = 0;

    // Get access to the two point sets
    PointSetAccess::pointer accessFixedSet = ((PointSet::pointer)getStaticInputData<PointSet>(0))->getAccess(ACCESS_READ);
    PointSetAccess::pointer accessMovingSet = ((PointSet::pointer)getStaticInputData<PointSet>(1))->getAccess(ACCESS_READ);

    // Get transformations of point sets
    AffineTransformation::pointer fixedPointTransform2 = SceneGraph::getAffineTransformationFromData(getStaticInputData<PointSet>(0));
    Eigen::Affine3f fixedPointTransform;
    fixedPointTransform.matrix() = fixedPointTransform2->matrix();
    AffineTransformation::pointer initialMovingTransform2 = SceneGraph::getAffineTransformationFromData(getStaticInputData<PointSet>(1));
    Eigen::Affine3f initialMovingTransform;
    initialMovingTransform.matrix() = initialMovingTransform2->matrix();

    // These matrices are Nx3
    MatrixXf fixedPoints = accessFixedSet->getPointSetAsMatrix();
    MatrixXf movingPoints = accessMovingSet->getPointSetAsMatrix();

    Eigen::Affine3f currentTransformation = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity();

    // Want to choose the smallest one as moving
    bool invertTransform = false;
    if(false && fixedPoints.cols() < movingPoints.cols()) {
        reportInfo() << "switching fixed and moving" << Reporter::end;
        // Switch fixed and moving
        MatrixXf temp = fixedPoints;
        fixedPoints = movingPoints;
        movingPoints = temp;
        invertTransform = true;

        // Apply initial transformations
        //currentTransformation = fixedPointTransform.getTransform();
        movingPoints = fixedPointTransform*movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
        fixedPoints = initialMovingTransform*fixedPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
    } else {
        // Apply initial transformations
        //currentTransformation = initialMovingTransform.getTransform();
        movingPoints = initialMovingTransform*movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
        fixedPoints = fixedPointTransform*fixedPoints.colwise().homogeneous();
    do {
        previousError = error;
        MatrixXf movedPoints = currentTransformation*(movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous());

        // Match closest points using current transformation
        MatrixXf rearrangedFixedPoints = rearrangeMatrixToClosestPoints(
                fixedPoints, movedPoints);

        // Get centroids
        Vector3f centroidFixed = getCentroid(rearrangedFixedPoints);
        //reportInfo() << "Centroid fixed: " << Reporter::end;
        //reportInfo() << centroidFixed << Reporter::end;
        Vector3f centroidMoving = getCentroid(movedPoints);
        //reportInfo() << "Centroid moving: " << Reporter::end;
        //reportInfo() << centroidMoving << Reporter::end;

        Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> updateTransform = Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine>::Identity();

        if(mTransformationType == IterativeClosestPoint::RIGID) {
            // Create correlation matrix H of the deviations from centroid
            MatrixXf H = (movedPoints.colwise() - centroidMoving)*
                    (rearrangedFixedPoints.colwise() - centroidFixed).transpose();

            // Do SVD on H
            Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(H, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);

            // Estimate rotation as R=V*U.transpose()
            MatrixXf temp = svd.matrixV()*svd.matrixU().transpose();
            Matrix3f d = Matrix3f::Identity();
            d(2,2) = sign(temp.determinant());
            Matrix3f R = svd.matrixV()*d*svd.matrixU().transpose();

            // Estimate translation
            Vector3f T = centroidFixed - R*centroidMoving;

            updateTransform.linear() = R;
            updateTransform.translation() = T;
        } else {
            // Only translation
            Vector3f T = centroidFixed - centroidMoving;
            updateTransform.translation() = T;

        // Update current transformation
        currentTransformation = updateTransform*currentTransformation;

        // Calculate RMS error
        MatrixXf distance = rearrangedFixedPoints - currentTransformation*(movingPoints.colwise().homogeneous());
        error = 0;
        for(uint i = 0; i < distance.cols(); i++) {
            error += pow(distance.col(i).norm(),2);
        error = sqrt(error / distance.cols());

        reportInfo() << "Error: " << error << Reporter::end;
        // To continue, change in error has to be above min error change and nr of iterations less than max iterations
    } while(previousError-error > mMinErrorChange && iterations < mMaxIterations);

        currentTransformation = currentTransformation.inverse();

    mError = error;
    mTransformation->matrix() = currentTransformation.matrix();
IplImage* CloudProjection::computeProjection(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud& data,
					     const std::vector<int>& interest_region_indices)
  // -- Put cluster points into matrix form.
  MatrixXf points(interest_region_indices.size(), 3);
  for(size_t i=0; i<interest_region_indices.size(); ++i) {
    points(i, 0) = data.points[interest_region_indices[i]].x;
    points(i, 1) = data.points[interest_region_indices[i]].y;
    points(i, 2) = data.points[interest_region_indices[i]].z;

  // -- Subtract off the mean and flatten to z=0 to prepare for PCA.
  MatrixXf X = points;
  X.col(2) = VectorXf::Zero(X.rows());
  VectorXf pt_mean = X.colwise().sum() / (float)X.rows();
  for(int i=0; i<X.rows(); ++i) {
    X.row(i) -= pt_mean.transpose();
  MatrixXf Xt = X.transpose();
  // -- Find the long axis.
  // Start with a random vector.
  VectorXf pc = VectorXf::Zero(3);
  pc(0) = 1; //Chosen by fair dice roll.
  pc(1) = 1;
  // Power method.
  VectorXf prev = pc;
  double thresh = 1e-4;
  int ctr = 0;
  while(true) { 
    prev = pc;
    pc =  Xt * (X * pc);
    if((pc - prev).norm() < thresh)
  assert(abs(pc(2)) < 1e-4);
  // -- Find the short axis.
  VectorXf shrt = VectorXf::Zero(3);
  shrt(1) = -pc(0);
  shrt(0) = pc(1);
  assert(abs(shrt.norm() - 1) < 1e-4);
  assert(abs(shrt.dot(pc)) < 1e-4);
  // -- Build the basis of normalized coordinates.
  MatrixXf basis = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
  basis.col(0) = pc;
  basis.col(1) = shrt;
  basis(2,2) = -1.0;
  assert(abs(basis.col(0).dot(basis.col(1))) < 1e-4);
  assert(abs(basis.col(0).norm() - 1) < 1e-4);
  assert(abs(basis.col(1).norm() - 1) < 1e-4);
  assert(abs(basis.col(2).norm() - 1) < 1e-4);

  // -- Put the cluster into normalized coordinates, and choose which axis to project on.
  MatrixXf projected_basis(3, 2);
  if(axis_ == 0) { 
    projected_basis.col(0) = basis.col(1);
    projected_basis.col(1) = basis.col(2);
  else if(axis_ == 1) { 
    projected_basis.col(0) = basis.col(0);
    projected_basis.col(1) = basis.col(2);
  else if(axis_ == 2) { 
    projected_basis.col(0) = basis.col(0);
    projected_basis.col(1) = basis.col(1);
  MatrixXf projected = points * projected_basis;
  // -- Transform into pixel units.
  for(int i=0; i<projected.rows(); ++i) {
    projected(i, 0) *= pixels_per_meter_;
    projected(i, 1) *= pixels_per_meter_;

  // -- Find min and max of u and v.  TODO: noise sensitivity?
  float min_v = FLT_MAX;
  float min_u = FLT_MAX;
  float max_v = -FLT_MAX;
  float max_u = -FLT_MAX;
  for(int i=0; i<projected.rows(); ++i) {
    float u = projected(i, 0);
    float v = projected(i, 1);
    if(u < min_u)
      min_u = u;
    if(u > max_u)
      max_u = u;
    if(v < min_v)
      min_v = v;
    if(v > max_v)
      max_v = v;

  // -- Shift the origin based on {u,v}_offset_pct. 
  //    u_offset_pct_ is the percent of the way from min_u to max_u that the
  //    u_offset should be set to.  If this makes the window fall outside min_u or max_u,
  //    then shift the window so that it is inside.
  float u_offset = u_offset_pct_ * (max_u - min_u) + min_u;
  float v_offset = v_offset_pct_ * (max_v - min_v) + min_v;

  if(u_offset_pct_ > 0.5 && u_offset + cols_ / 2 > max_u)
    u_offset = max_u - cols_ / 2 + 1;
  if(u_offset_pct_ < 0.5 && u_offset - cols_ / 2 < min_u)
    u_offset = min_u + cols_ / 2 - 1;

  if(v_offset_pct_ > 0.5 && v_offset + rows_ / 2 > max_v)
    v_offset = max_v - rows_ / 2 + 1;
  if(v_offset_pct_ < 0.5 && v_offset - rows_ / 2 < min_v)
    v_offset = min_v + rows_ / 2 - 1;

  for(int i=0; i<projected.rows(); ++i) {
    projected(i, 0) -= u_offset - (float)cols_ / 2.0;
    projected(i, 1) -= v_offset - (float)rows_ / 2.0;
  // -- Fill the IplImages.
  assert(sizeof(float) == 4);
  IplImage* acc = cvCreateImage(cvSize(cols_, rows_), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
  IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(cols_, rows_), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
  for(int i=0; i<projected.rows(); ++i) {
    int row = floor(projected(i, 1));
    int col = floor(projected(i, 0));
    if(row >= rows_ || col >= cols_ || row < 0 || col < 0)

    float intensity = (float)data.channels[0].values[interest_region_indices[i]] / 255.0 * (3.0 / 4.0) + 0.25;
    //cout << i << ": " << interest_region_indices[i] << "/" << data.channels[0].values.size() << " " << (float)data.channels[0].values[interest_region_indices[i]] << " " << intensity << endl;
    assert(interest_region_indices[i] < (int)data.channels[0].values.size() && (int)interest_region_indices[i] >= 0);
    assert(intensity <= 1.0 && intensity >= 0.0);
    ((float*)(img->imageData + row * img->widthStep))[col] += intensity;
    ((float*)(acc->imageData + row * acc->widthStep))[col]++;
  // -- Normalize by the number of points falling in each pixel.
  for(int v=0; v<rows_; ++v) {
    float* img_ptr = (float*)(img->imageData + v * img->widthStep);
    float* acc_ptr = (float*)(acc->imageData + v * acc->widthStep);
    for(int u=0; u<cols_; ++u) {
      if(*acc_ptr == 0)
	*img_ptr = 0;
	*img_ptr = *img_ptr / *acc_ptr;


  // -- Clean up and return.
  return img;  
Exemplo n.º 10
void sparsify_soft_relative_to_row_col_max (
    const MatrixXf & dense,
    MatrixSf & sparse,
    float relthresh,
    bool ignore_diagonal)
  ASSERT_LT(0, relthresh);

  LOG("sparsifying " << dense.rows() << " x " << dense.cols()
      << " positive matrix to relative threshold " << relthresh);

  VectorXf row_max;
  VectorXf col_max;

  if (ignore_diagonal) {

    VectorXf diag = dense.diagonal();
    const_cast<MatrixXf &>(dense).diagonal().setZero();

    row_max = dense.rowwise().maxCoeff();
    col_max = dense.colwise().maxCoeff();

    const_cast<MatrixXf &>(dense).diagonal() = diag;

  } else {

    row_max = dense.rowwise().maxCoeff();
    col_max = dense.colwise().maxCoeff();


  const int I = dense.rows();
  const int J = dense.cols();


  double sum_dense = 0;
  double sum_sparse = 0;

  for (int j = 0; j < J; ++j) {
    for (int i = 0; i < I; ++i) {

      const float dense_ij = dense(i,j);
      sum_dense += dense_ij;

      const float thresh = relthresh * min(row_max(i), col_max(j));
      if (dense_ij > thresh) {

        sparse.insert(i,j) = dense_ij;
        sum_sparse += dense_ij;


  float density = sparse.nonZeros() / float(I * J);
  float loss = (sum_dense - sum_sparse) / sum_dense;
  LOG("sparsifying to density " << density
      << " loses " << (100 * loss) << "% of mass");
Exemplo n.º 11
MatrixXf EMclustering::kmeans(MatrixXf x, int k)
	srand (1);

	int n = x.cols();
	int d = x.rows();

	VectorXi idx(k);

	idx(0) = rand()%n;
	int count2 =1;
	for(int i=1;i<k;i++)
		int tmpi = rand()%n;
		bool flag = true;
			flag = false;
			tmpi = rand()%n;
			for(int j=0;j<count2;j++)
				if(idx(j) == tmpi
				|| ifequal(idx(j),tmpi,x))	
					flag = true;
		idx(i) = tmpi;
	MatrixXf a(d,k);
	MatrixXf D(n,k);
	VectorXi tmpr(n);
	VectorXi tmpcount(k);

	for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
		a.col(i) = x.col(idx(i));
	/*for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
		cerr<<a(0,i)<<" ";
	int count = 0;

		for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
			D.col(i) = (x.colwise() - a.col(i)).colwise().squaredNorm().transpose();
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

			a.col(tmpr(i)) = (a.col(tmpr(i)).array() + x.col(i).array()).matrix(); 		
		for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
			a.col(i) = (a.col(i).array()/tmpcount(i)).matrix();

		count ++;

	MatrixXf r(n,k);
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		r(i,tmpr(i)) = 1;


	return r;

Exemplo n.º 12
gaussian_model EMclustering::maximization(MatrixXf x, MatrixXf r)
	int d = x.rows();
	int n = x.cols();
	int k = r.cols();
	VectorXf nk(r.rows());
	nk = r.colwise().sum();
	VectorXf w(nk.size());
	w = nk/n;
	MatrixXf tmp1(x.rows(),r.cols());
	tmp1 = x * r;
	VectorXf tmp2(nk.size());
	tmp2 = nk.array().inverse();
	MatrixXf mu(x.rows(),r.cols());
	mu = tmp1 * tmp2.asDiagonal() ;
	MatrixXf *sigma = new MatrixXf[k];
	for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
	MatrixXf sqrtr(r.rows(),r.cols());
	sqrtr = r.cwiseSqrt();
	MatrixXf xo(d,n);
	MatrixXf tmp3(d,d);
	for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
		xo = x.colwise() - mu.col(i);
		VectorXf tmp4(sqrtr.rows());
		tmp4 = sqrtr.col(i);
		tmp4 = tmp4.adjoint();
		xo = xo* tmp4.asDiagonal();
		sigma[i] = xo*xo.adjoint()/nk(i);
		sigma[i] = sigma[i] + tmp3*1e-6; 

	gaussian_model model;
	model.mu = mu;
	model.sigma = new MatrixXf[k];
	for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
		model.sigma[i] = sigma[i];
	model.weight = w;
	for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
	delete [] sigma;

	model.weight = model.weight.adjoint();
	//for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
	//	cerr<<model.sigma[i]<<endl<<endl;
	return model;