Exemplo n.º 1
void CPhysicsManager::ReleaseActorCapsule (CPhysicActor* actor)
	assert(actor != NULL);
	assert(m_pScene != NULL);
	assert(m_pPhysicsSDK != NULL);

	NxActor* nxActor = actor->GetPhXActor();
	if( nxActor != 0)
		NxArray<NxCCDSkeleton*> skeletons;
		for (NxU32 i = 0; i < nxActor->getNbShapes(); i++) 
			NxShape* shape = nxActor->getShapes()[i];
			if (shape->isCapsule())
Exemplo n.º 2
void CPhysicsActor::AddVisualization()
	// get the CPhysicsObject's name
	if( userData == NULL )

	CPhysicsObject* physObj = userData->physObj;
	IHashString* cpoName = physObj->GetParentName();

	// Loop through shapes in the actor
	unsigned int numShapes = m_Actor->getNbShapes();
	NxShape*const* shapes = m_Actor->getShapes();
   	NxShape* shape;

	// we need to unscale before feeding it to the shape objects since they
	// get the scale from the parent
	Vec3 invScale;
	invScale.x = 1.0f / m_CurrentScale.x;
	invScale.y = 1.0f / m_CurrentScale.y;
	invScale.z = 1.0f / m_CurrentScale.z;

	// Add visualizations for each shape
	while( numShapes-- )
		shape = shapes[numShapes];
		// Add shape to be rendered
		if( shape->isBox() )
			NxBoxShape* boxShape = (NxBoxShape*)shape;

			Matrix4x4 localTransform;

			float tempRot[9];
			boxShape->getLocalOrientation().getColumnMajor( tempRot );
			localTransform.SetFrom3x3( tempRot );

			NxVec3 tempPos = boxShape->getLocalPosition();
			tempPos.x *= invScale.x;
			tempPos.y *= invScale.y;
			tempPos.z *= invScale.z;
			localTransform.SetTranslation( Vec3(tempPos.x, tempPos.y, tempPos.z) );

			NxVec3 boxDimensions = boxShape->getDimensions();
			float halfXDimension = boxDimensions.x * invScale.x;
			float halfYDimension = boxDimensions.y * invScale.y;
			float halfZDimension = boxDimensions.z * invScale.z;

			// Add a debug render object to visualize the object
			oobbParams.name = cpoName;
			oobbParams.min = Vec3( -halfXDimension, -halfYDimension, -halfZDimension );
			oobbParams.max = Vec3( halfXDimension, halfYDimension, halfZDimension );
			oobbParams.localTransform = localTransform;
			static DWORD msgHash_AddObjectOrientedBox = CHashString(_T("AddObjectOrientedBox")).GetUniqueID();
			m_ToolBox->SendMessage(msgHash_AddObjectOrientedBox, sizeof(ADDOBJECTORIENTEDBOXPARAMS), &oobbParams );
		if( shape->isSphere() )
			NxSphereShape* sphereShape = (NxSphereShape*)shape;

			float radius = sphereShape->getRadius();

			// Add a debug render object to visualize the object
			ADDSPHEREPARAMS sphereParams;
			sphereParams.name = cpoName;
			sphereParams.radius = radius * invScale.x;
			sphereParams.red = 0;
			sphereParams.green = 255; // making the sphere green to distinguish it from AABBs
			sphereParams.blue = 0;
			static DWORD msgHash_AddSphere = CHashString(_T("AddSphere")).GetUniqueID();
			m_ToolBox->SendMessage(msgHash_AddSphere, sizeof(ADDSPHEREPARAMS), &sphereParams );
		if( shape->isCapsule() )
			// Draw as a red box for now
			NxCapsuleShape* capsuleShape = (NxCapsuleShape*)shape;

			Matrix4x4 localTransform;

			float tempRot[9];
			capsuleShape->getLocalOrientation().getColumnMajor( tempRot );
			localTransform.SetFrom3x3( tempRot );

			NxVec3 tempPos = capsuleShape->getLocalPosition();
			tempPos.x *= invScale.x;
			tempPos.y *= invScale.y;
			tempPos.z *= invScale.z;
			localTransform.SetTranslation( Vec3(tempPos.x, tempPos.y, tempPos.z) );

			float halfXDimension = capsuleShape->getRadius();
			float halfYDimension = capsuleShape->getHeight() - capsuleShape->getRadius();
			float halfZDimension = capsuleShape->getRadius();

			// Add a debug render object to visualize the object
			oobbParams.name = cpoName;
			oobbParams.min = Vec3( -halfXDimension, -halfYDimension, -halfZDimension );
			oobbParams.max = Vec3( halfXDimension, halfYDimension, halfZDimension );
			oobbParams.localTransform = localTransform;
			oobbParams.red = 255;
			oobbParams.green = 0;
			oobbParams.blue = 0;
			static DWORD msgHash_AddObjectOrientedBox = CHashString(_T("AddObjectOrientedBox")).GetUniqueID();
			m_ToolBox->SendMessage(msgHash_AddObjectOrientedBox, sizeof(ADDOBJECTORIENTEDBOXPARAMS), &oobbParams );
		if( shape->isConvexMesh() )
			// not yet implemented