Exemplo n.º 1
PJsonVal TBackupLogInfo::GetJson() const
    PJsonVal RetJson = TJsonVal::NewObj("folderName", FolderName);
    RetJson->AddToObj("secsNeeded", SecsNeeded);
    RetJson->AddToObj("logInfo", LogInfo);
    return RetJson;
Exemplo n.º 2
PJsonVal TEmaSpVec::GetJson() const {
	PJsonVal arr = TJsonVal::NewArr();
	for (int i = 0; i < Ema.Len(); i++) {
		PJsonVal tmp = TJsonVal::NewObj();
		tmp->AddToObj("Idx", Ema[i].Key);
		tmp->AddToObj("Val", Ema[i].Dat);
	PJsonVal res = TJsonVal::NewObj();
	res->AddToObj("Sum", arr);
	res->AddToObj("Tm", TmMSecs);
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 3
PJsonVal TNearestNeighbor::Explain(const TIntFltKdV& Vec) const {
    // if not initialized, return null (JSON)
    if (!IsInit()) { return TJsonVal::NewNull(); }
    // find nearest neighbor
    double NearDist = TFlt::Mx; int NearColN = -1;
    for (int ColN = 0; ColN < Mat.Len(); ColN++) {
        const double Dist = TLinAlg::Norm2(Vec) - 2 * TLinAlg::DotProduct(Vec, Mat[ColN]) + TLinAlg::Norm2(Mat[ColN]);
        if (Dist < NearDist) { NearDist = Dist; NearColN = ColN; }
    const TIntFltKdV& NearVec = Mat[NearColN];
    // generate JSon explanations
    PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    // id of the nearest element
    ResVal->AddToObj("nearestDat", DatV[NearColN]);
    ResVal->AddToObj("distance", NearDist);
    // element-wise difference
    PJsonVal DiffVal = TJsonVal::NewArr();
    int NearEltN = 0, EltN = 0;
    while (NearEltN < NearVec.Len() || EltN < Vec.Len()) {
        // get the feature ID
        const int VecFtrId = EltN < Vec.Len() ? Vec[EltN].Key.Val : TInt::Mx;
        const int NearFtrId = NearEltN < NearVec.Len() ? NearVec[NearEltN].Key.Val : TInt::Mx;
        const int FtrId = NearFtrId < VecFtrId ? NearFtrId : VecFtrId;
        // get values
        const double VecVal = FtrId < VecFtrId ? 0.0 : Vec[EltN].Dat.Val;
        const double NearVal = FtrId < NearFtrId ? 0.0 : NearVec[NearEltN].Dat.Val;
        // get diff
        const double Diff = TMath::Sqr(NearVal - VecVal) / NearDist;
        // add to json result
        PJsonVal FtrVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
        //avoid unnecessary fields in the explanation
        if (Diff > 1e-8) {
            FtrVal->AddToObj("id", FtrId);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("val", VecVal);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("nearVal", NearVal);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("contribution", Diff);
        // move to the next feature
        if (VecFtrId <= NearFtrId) {
        if (NearFtrId <= VecFtrId) {
    ResVal->AddToObj("features", DiffVal);
    // first and last record in the buffer
    ResVal->AddToObj("oldestDat", DatV[NextCol]);
    int CurCol = NextCol > 0 ? NextCol - 1 : WindowSize - 1;
    ResVal->AddToObj("newestDat", DatV[CurCol]);
    return ResVal;
Exemplo n.º 4
/// Retrieve statistics for this object
PJsonVal TPgBlob::GetStats() {
    int dirty = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < LoadedPages.Len(); i++) {
        if (ShouldSavePage(i)) {

    PJsonVal res = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    res->AddToObj("page_size", PG_PAGE_SIZE);
    res->AddToObj("loaded_pages", LoadedPages.Len());
    res->AddToObj("dirty_pages", dirty);
    res->AddToObj("loaded_extents", Extents.Len());
    res->AddToObj("cache_size", PG_EXTENT_SIZE * Extents.Len());
    return res;
Exemplo n.º 5
v8::Local<v8::Value> TNodeJsYL40Adc::TReadTask::WrapResult() {
	v8::Isolate* Isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
	v8::EscapableHandleScope HandleScope(Isolate);

	PJsonVal ResJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
	for (int InputN = 0; InputN < Adc->InputNumNmKdV.Len(); InputN++) {
		ResJson->AddToObj(Adc->InputNumNmKdV[InputN].Dat, ValV[InputN]);

	return HandleScope.Escape(TNodeJsUtil::ParseJson(Isolate, ResJson));
Exemplo n.º 6
void TNodeJsRf24Radio::OnMsgMainThread(const uint16& NodeId, const uint8& ValueId,
		const int& Val) {
	if (!OnValueCallback.IsEmpty()) {
		v8::Isolate* Isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
		v8::HandleScope HandleScope(Isolate);

		const int ValId = (int) ValueId;
		Notify->OnNotifyFmt(TNotifyType::ntInfo, "Got value for value id %d", ValId);

		TIntPr NodeIdValIdPr(NodeId, (int) ValId);
		EAssertR(NodeIdValIdPrValNmH.IsKey(NodeIdValIdPr), "Node-valueId pair not stored in the structures!");

		const TStr& ValueNm = NodeIdValIdPrValNmH.GetDat(NodeIdValIdPr);

		PJsonVal JsonVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
		JsonVal->AddToObj("id", ValueNm);
		JsonVal->AddToObj("value", Val);

		v8::Local<v8::Function> Callback = v8::Local<v8::Function>::New(Isolate, OnValueCallback);
		TNodeJsUtil::ExecuteVoid(Callback, TNodeJsUtil::ParseJson(Isolate, JsonVal));
Exemplo n.º 7
PJsonVal TOnlineHistogram::SaveJson() const {
	PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewObj();
	PJsonVal BoundsArr = TJsonVal::NewArr();
	PJsonVal CountsArr = TJsonVal::NewArr();
	for (int ElN = 0; ElN < Counts.Len(); ElN++) {
	Result->AddToObj("bounds", BoundsArr);
	Result->AddToObj("counts", CountsArr);
	return Result;
Exemplo n.º 8
PJsonVal TGraphCascade::GetGraph() const {
    PJsonVal G = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph.BegNI(); NI < Graph.EndNI(); NI++) {
        TStr NodeNm = NodeIdNmH.GetDat(NI.GetId());
        PJsonVal ParentsArr = TJsonVal::NewArr();
        int InDeg = NI.GetInDeg();
        for (int ParentN = 0; ParentN < InDeg; ParentN++) {
            TStr ParentNm = NodeIdNmH.GetDat(NI.GetInNId(ParentN));
        G->AddToObj(NodeNm, ParentsArr);
    return G;
Exemplo n.º 9
PJsonVal TGraphCascade::GetPosterior(const TStrV& NodeNmV, const TFltV& QuantileV) const {
    PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    TIntV NodeIdV;
    if (NodeNmV.Empty()) {
        // go over all zero timestamps for which samples exist
        TIntV FullNodeIdV; Graph.GetNIdV(FullNodeIdV);
        int Nodes = Graph.GetNodes();
        for (int NodeN = 0; NodeN < Nodes; NodeN++) {
            int NodeId = FullNodeIdV[NodeN];
            if (Timestamps.IsKey(NodeId) && Sample.IsKey(NodeId) && !Sample.GetDat(NodeId).Empty() && Timestamps.GetDat(NodeId) == 0) {
    } else {
        int Nodes = NodeNmV.Len();
        for (int NodeN = 0; NodeN < Nodes; NodeN++) {
            if (!NodeNmIdH.IsKey(NodeNmV[NodeN])) { continue; }
            int NodeId = NodeNmIdH.GetDat(NodeNmV[NodeN]);
            if (Timestamps.IsKey(NodeId) && Sample.IsKey(NodeId) && !Sample.GetDat(NodeId).Empty() && Timestamps.GetDat(NodeId) == 0) {
    EAssertR(QuantileV.Len() > 0, "TGraphCascade::GetPosterior quantiles should not be empty!");
    for (int QuantileN = 0; QuantileN < QuantileV.Len(); QuantileN++) {
        EAssertR((QuantileV[QuantileN] >= 0.0) && (QuantileV[QuantileN] <= 1.0), "TGraphCascade::GetPosterior quantiles should be between 0.0 and 1.0");

    int Nodes = NodeIdV.Len();
    for (int NodeN = 0; NodeN < Nodes; NodeN++) {
        int NodeId = NodeIdV[NodeN];
        TStr NodeNm = NodeIdNmH.GetDat(NodeId);
        int Quantiles = QuantileV.Len();
        TUInt64V SampleV = Sample.GetDat(NodeId);
        int SampleSize = SampleV.Len();
        PJsonVal QuantilesArr = TJsonVal::NewArr();
        for (int QuantileN = 0; QuantileN < Quantiles; QuantileN++) {
            int Idx = (int)floor(QuantileV[QuantileN] * SampleSize);
            Idx = MIN(Idx, SampleSize - 1);
            uint64 UnixTimestamp = TTm::GetUnixMSecsFromWinMSecs(SampleV[Idx]);
        Result->AddToObj(NodeNm, QuantilesArr);
    return Result;
Exemplo n.º 10
PJsonVal TNearestNeighbor::Explain(const TIntFltKdV& Vec) const {
	// if not initialized, return null (JSON)
	if (!IsInit()) { return TJsonVal::NewNull(); }
	// find nearest neighbor
	double NearDist = TFlt::Mx;
	int NearColN = -1;
	TIntFltKdV DiffV;
	for (int ColN = 0; ColN < Mat.Len(); ColN++) {		
		const double Dist = TLinAlg::Norm2(Vec) - 2 * TLinAlg::DotProduct(Vec, Mat[ColN]) + TLinAlg::Norm2(Mat[ColN]);
		if (Dist < NearDist) { NearDist = Dist; NearColN = ColN; }
    const TIntFltKdV& NearVec = Mat[NearColN];
	// generate JSon explanations
	PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    // id of the nearest element
	ResVal->AddToObj("nearestID", IDVec[NearColN]);
	ResVal->AddToObj("distance", NearDist);
    // element-wise difference
    PJsonVal DiffVal = TJsonVal::NewArr();
    int NearEltN = 0, EltN = 0;
    while (NearEltN < NearVec.Len() && EltN < Vec.Len()) {
        // get values
        const int FtrId =      (NearVec[NearEltN].Key < Vec[EltN].Key) ? NearVec[NearEltN].Key     : Vec[EltN].Key;
        const double Val =     (NearVec[NearEltN].Key >= Vec[EltN].Key) ? Vec[EltN].Dat.Val : 0.0;
        const double NearVal = (NearVec[NearEltN].Key <= Vec[EltN].Key) ? NearVec[NearEltN].Dat.Val : 0.0;
        const double Diff    = TMath::Sqr(NearVal - Val) / NearDist;
        // add to json result
        PJsonVal FtrVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
        FtrVal->AddToObj("id", FtrId);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("val", Val);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("nearVal", NearVal);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("contribution", Diff);
        // move to the next feature
        if (NearVec[NearEltN].Key > Vec[EltN].Key) {
        } else if (NearVec[NearEltN].Key < Vec[EltN].Key) {
        } else {
            NearEltN++; EltN++;
    ResVal->AddToObj("features", DiffVal);
	return ResVal;
Exemplo n.º 11
void TNodeJsSA::New(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& Args) {
	v8::Isolate* Isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
	v8::HandleScope HandleScope(Isolate);

	if (Args.Length() == 0) { return; } // 
	EAssertR(!constructor.IsEmpty(), "TNodeJsSA::New: constructor is empty. Did you call TNodeJsSA::Init(exports); in this module's init function?");

	QmAssertR(Args.Length() <= 3 && Args.Length() >= 2, "stream aggregator constructor expects at least two parameters");
	QmAssertR(Args[0]->IsObject() && Args[1]->IsObject(), "stream aggregator constructor expects first two arguments as objects");

	// new sa(...)
	if (Args.IsConstructCall()) {
		TQm::PStreamAggr StreamAggr;

		TNodeJsBase* JsBase = TNodeJsUtil::UnwrapCheckWatcher<TNodeJsBase>(Args[0]->ToObject());

		// get aggregate type
		TStr TypeNm = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgStr(Args, 1, "type", "javaScript");

		if (TypeNm == "javaScript") {
			// we have a javascript stream aggregate
			TStr AggrName = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgStr(Args, 1, "name", "");
			// we need a name, if not give just generate one
			if (AggrName.Empty()) { AggrName = TGuid::GenSafeGuid(); }
			// create aggregate
			StreamAggr = TNodeJsStreamAggr::New(JsBase->Base, AggrName, Args[1]->ToObject());
		else if (TypeNm == "ftrext") {
			TStr AggrName = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgStr(Args, 1, "name", "");
			QmAssertR(Args[1]->ToObject()->Has(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(Isolate, "featureSpace")), "addStreamAggr: featureSpace property missing!");
			// we need a name, if not give just generate one
			if (AggrName.Empty()) { AggrName = TGuid::GenSafeGuid(); }
			throw TQm::TQmExcept::New("ftrext stream aggr not implemented yet! (needs feature space implementation)");
			// TODO
			//TQm::PFtrSpace FtrSpace = TJsFtrSpace::GetArgFtrSpace(Args[1]->ToObject()->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(Isolate, "featureSpace")));
			//StreamAggr = TStreamAggrs::TFtrExtAggr::New(JsBase->Base, AggrName, FtrSpace);
		else if (TypeNm == "stmerger") {
			// create new aggregate
			PJsonVal ParamVal = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgJson(Args, 1);
			StreamAggr = TQm::TStreamAggr::New(JsBase->Base, TypeNm, ParamVal);
			PJsonVal FieldArrVal = ParamVal->GetObjKey("fields");
			TStrV InterpNmV;
			QmAssertR(ParamVal->IsObjKey("fields"), "Missing argument 'fields'!");
			// automatically register the aggregate for addRec callbacks
			for (int FieldN = 0; FieldN < FieldArrVal->GetArrVals(); FieldN++) {
				PJsonVal FieldVal = FieldArrVal->GetArrVal(FieldN);
				PJsonVal SourceVal = FieldVal->GetObjKey("source");
				TStr StoreNm = "";
				if (SourceVal->IsStr()) {
					// we have just store name
					StoreNm = SourceVal->GetStr();
				else if (SourceVal->IsObj()) {
					// get store
					StoreNm = SourceVal->GetObjStr("store");
				JsBase->Base->AddStreamAggr(JsBase->Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(StoreNm)->GetStoreId(), StreamAggr);
		else {
			// we have a GLib stream aggregate, translate parameters to PJsonVal
			PJsonVal ParamVal = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgJson(Args, 1);
			if (Args.Length() >= 3 && Args[2]->IsString()) {
				ParamVal->AddToObj("store", TNodeJsUtil::GetArgStr(Args, 2));
			// check if it's one stream aggregate or composition
			if (TQm::TStreamAggrs::TCompositional::IsCompositional(TypeNm)) {
				// we have a composition of aggregates, call code to assemble it
				TQm::TStreamAggrs::TCompositional::Register(JsBase->Base, TypeNm, ParamVal);
			else {
				// create new aggregate
				StreamAggr = TQm::TStreamAggr::New(JsBase->Base, TypeNm, ParamVal);

		if (!TQm::TStreamAggrs::TCompositional::IsCompositional(TypeNm)) {
			if (Args.Length() > 2) {
				TStrV Stores(0);
				if (Args[2]->IsString()) {
					Stores.Add(TNodeJsUtil::GetArgStr(Args, 2));
				if (Args[2]->IsArray()) {
					PJsonVal StoresJson = TNodeJsUtil::GetArgJson(Args, 2);
					QmAssertR(StoresJson->IsDef(), "stream aggr constructor : Args[2] should be a string (store name) or a string array (store names)");
				for (int StoreN = 0; StoreN < Stores.Len(); StoreN++) {
					QmAssertR(JsBase->Base->IsStoreNm(Stores[StoreN]), "stream aggr constructor : Args[2] : store does not exist!");
					JsBase->Base->AddStreamAggr(Stores[StoreN], StreamAggr);
			else {
			// non-compositional aggregates are returned
			TNodeJsSA* JsSA = new TNodeJsSA(StreamAggr);
			v8::Local<v8::Object> Instance = Args.This();

	// sa(...) -> calls new sa(...)
	else {
		if (Args.Length() == 2) {
			const int Argc = 2;
			v8::Local<v8::Value> Argv[Argc] = { Args[0], Args[1] };
			v8::Local<v8::Function> cons = v8::Local<v8::Function>::New(Isolate, constructor);
			v8::Local<v8::Object> Instance = cons->NewInstance(Argc, Argv);
		if (Args.Length() == 3) {
			const int Argc = 3;
			v8::Local<v8::Value> Argv[Argc] = { Args[0], Args[1], Args[2] };
			v8::Local<v8::Function> cons = v8::Local<v8::Function>::New(Isolate, constructor);
			v8::Local<v8::Object> Instance = cons->NewInstance(Argc, Argv);
		else {
			// sa()->calls new sa()
			v8::Local<v8::Function> cons = v8::Local<v8::Function>::New(Isolate, constructor);
			v8::Local<v8::Object> Instance = cons->NewInstance();
Exemplo n.º 12
PJsonVal TNodeJsUtil::GetObjJson(const v8::Local<v8::Value>& Val, const bool IgnoreFunc) {
	AssertR(!Val->IsExternal(), "TNodeJsUtil::GetObjJson: Cannot parse v8::External!");

	if (Val->IsObject()) {
		// if we aren't ignoring functions and the object is a function
		// then throw an exception
		EAssertR(IgnoreFunc || !Val->IsFunction(), "TNodeJsUtil::GetObjJson: Cannot parse functions!");

		// parse the object
		if (Val->IsFunction()) {
			return TJsonVal::New();
		else if (Val->IsBooleanObject()) {
			v8::Local<v8::BooleanObject> BoolObj = v8::Local<v8::BooleanObject>::Cast(Val);
			return TJsonVal::NewBool(BoolObj->ValueOf());
		else if (Val->IsNumberObject()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewNum(Val->NumberValue());
		else if (Val->IsStringObject() || Val->IsRegExp() || Val->IsDate()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewStr(TStr(*v8::String::Utf8Value(Val->ToString())));
		else if (Val->IsArray()) {
			PJsonVal JsonArr = TJsonVal::NewArr();

			v8::Array* Arr = v8::Array::Cast(*Val);
			for (uint i = 0; i < Arr->Length(); i++) {
				if (!IgnoreFunc || !Arr->Get(i)->IsFunction()) {
					JsonArr->AddToArr(GetObjJson(Arr->Get(i), IgnoreFunc));

			return JsonArr;
		else {	// general object with fields
			PJsonVal JsonVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			v8::Local<v8::Object> Obj = Val->ToObject();

			v8::Local<v8::Array> FldNmV = Obj->GetOwnPropertyNames();
			for (uint i = 0; i < FldNmV->Length(); i++) {
				const TStr FldNm(*v8::String::Utf8Value(FldNmV->Get(i)->ToString()));

				v8::Local<v8::Value> FldVal = Obj->Get(FldNmV->Get(i));

				if (!IgnoreFunc || !FldVal->IsFunction()) {
					JsonVal->AddToObj(FldNm, GetObjJson(FldVal, IgnoreFunc));

			return JsonVal;
	else {	// primitive
		if (Val->IsUndefined()) {
			return TJsonVal::New();
		else if (Val->IsNull()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewNull();
		else if (Val->IsBoolean()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewBool(Val->BooleanValue());
		else if (Val->IsNumber()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewNum(Val->NumberValue());
		else if (Val->IsString()) {
			return TJsonVal::NewStr(TStr(*v8::String::Utf8Value(Val->ToString())));
		else {
			// TODO check for v8::Symbol
			throw TExcept::New("TNodeJsUtil::GetObjJson: Unknown v8::Primitive type!");
Exemplo n.º 13
PJsonVal TDecisionTree::TNode::GetJson() const {
	PJsonVal RootJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();

	RootJson->AddToObj("examples", NExamples);
	RootJson->AddToObj("classes", TJsonVal::NewArr(ClassHist));
	RootJson->AddToObj("features", TJsonVal::NewArr(FtrHist));

	if (!IsLeaf()) {
		PJsonVal CutJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();

		CutJson->AddToObj("id", CutFtrN);
		CutJson->AddToObj("value", CutFtrVal);

		if (Tree->IsCalcCorr()) {
			PJsonVal FtrCorrJson = TJsonVal::NewArr();
			for (int i = 0; i < CutFtrCorrFtrNPValTrV.Len(); i++) {
				const TFltIntFltTr& FtrCorr = CutFtrCorrFtrNPValTrV[i];

				const TFlt& Corr = FtrCorr.Val1;
				const TInt& FtrN = FtrCorr.Val2;
				const TFlt& PVal = FtrCorr.Val3;

				PJsonVal CorrJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
				CorrJson->AddToObj("id", FtrN);
				CorrJson->AddToObj("corr", Corr);
				CorrJson->AddToObj("p", PVal);

			CutJson->AddToObj("alternatives", FtrCorrJson);

		RootJson->AddToObj("cut", CutJson);

	PJsonVal ChildrenJson = TJsonVal::NewArr();

	if (HasLeft()) {
	if (HasRight()) {

	RootJson->AddToObj("children", ChildrenJson);

	return RootJson;
Exemplo n.º 14
void TSAppSrv::OnHttpRq(const uint64& SockId, const PHttpRq& HttpRq) {
	// last appropriate error code, start with bad request
	int ErrStatusCd = THttp::BadRqStatusCd;
    try {
        // check http-request correctness - return if error
        EAssertR(HttpRq->IsOk(), "Bad HTTP request!");
        // check url correctness - return if error
		PUrl HttpRqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
		EAssertR(HttpRqUrl->IsOk(), "Bad request URL!");
        // extract function name
		TStr FunNm = HttpRqUrl->GetPathSeg(0);
		// check if we have the function registered
		if (FunNm == "favicon.ico") {
			PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd,
				THttp::ImageIcoFldVal, false, Favicon.GetSIn());
			SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
		} else if (!FunNm.Empty() && !FunNmToFunH.IsKey(FunNm)) { 
			ErrStatusCd = THttp::ErrNotFoundStatusCd;
			GetNotify()->OnStatusFmt("[AppSrv] Unknown function '%s'!", FunNm.CStr());
			TExcept::Throw("Unknown function '" + FunNm + "'!");
        // extract parameters
        PUrlEnv HttpRqUrlEnv = HttpRq->GetUrlEnv();
		TStrKdV FldNmValPrV; HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeyValPrV(FldNmValPrV);
		// report call
		if (ShowParamP) {  GetNotify()->OnStatus(HttpRq->GetUrl()->GetUrlStr()); }
		// request parsed well, from now on it's internal error
		ErrStatusCd = THttp::InternalErrStatusCd;
		// processed requested function
		if (!FunNm.Empty()) {
			// prepare request environment
			PSAppSrvRqEnv RqEnv = TSAppSrvRqEnv::New(this, SockId, HttpRq, FunNmToFunH);
			// retrieve function
			PSAppSrvFun SrvFun = FunNmToFunH.GetDat(FunNm);
			// call function
			SrvFun->Exec(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);
		} else {
			// internal SAppSrv call
			if (!ListFunP) {
				// we are not allowed to list functions
				ErrStatusCd = THttp::ErrNotFoundStatusCd;
				TExcept::Throw("Unknown page");
			// prepare a list of registered functions
            PJsonVal FunArrVal = TJsonVal::NewArr();
			int KeyId = FunNmToFunH.FFirstKeyId();
			while (FunNmToFunH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
                FunArrVal->AddToArr(TJsonVal::NewObj("name", FunNmToFunH.GetKey(KeyId)));
            PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
            ResVal->AddToObj("port", GetPortN());
            ResVal->AddToObj("connections", GetConns());            
            ResVal->AddToObj("functions", FunArrVal);
			TStr ResStr = ResVal->SaveStr();
			// prepare response
			PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
				THttp::AppJSonFldVal, false, TMIn::New(ResStr));
			// send response
			SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
    } catch (PExcept Except) {
		// known internal error
		TNotify::StdNotify->OnNotifyFmt(ntErr, "Error: %s", Except->GetMsgStr().CStr());
		TNotify::StdNotify->OnNotifyFmt(ntErr, "Error location info: %s", Except->GetLocStr().CStr());

        PJsonVal ErrorVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
        ErrorVal->AddToObj("message", Except->GetMsgStr());
        ErrorVal->AddToObj("location", Except->GetLocStr());
        PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj("error", ErrorVal);
        TStr ResStr = ResVal->SaveStr();
        // prepare response
		PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(ErrStatusCd,
            THttp::AppJSonFldVal, false, TMIn::New(ResStr));
        // send response
	    SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp);
    } catch (...) {
		TNotify::StdNotify->OnNotify(ntErr, "Unknown internal error");
		// unknown internal error
        PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj("error", "Unknown internal error");
        TStr ResStr = ResVal->SaveStr();
        // prepare response
		PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(ErrStatusCd,
            THttp::AppJSonFldVal, false, TMIn::New(ResStr));
        // send response
	    SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp);
Exemplo n.º 15
void TSAppSrvFun::Exec(const TStrKdV& FldNmValPrV, const PSAppSrvRqEnv& RqEnv) {
	const PNotify& Notify = RqEnv->GetWebSrv()->GetNotify();
	PHttpResp HttpResp;
	try {
        // log the call
		if (NotifyOnRequest)
			Notify->OnStatus(TStr::Fmt("RequestStart  %s", FunNm.CStr()));
		TTmStopWatch StopWatch(true);
		// execute the actual function, according to the type
		PSIn BodySIn; TStr ContTypeVal;
		if (GetFunOutType() == saotXml) {
			PXmlDoc ResXmlDoc = ExecXml(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);        
			TStr ResXmlStr; ResXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
			BodySIn = TMIn::New(XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr);
			ContTypeVal = THttp::TextXmlFldVal;
		} else if (GetFunOutType() == saotJSon) {
			TStr ResStr = ExecJSon(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);
			BodySIn = TMIn::New(ResStr);
			ContTypeVal = THttp::AppJSonFldVal;
		} else {
			BodySIn = ExecSIn(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv, ContTypeVal);
		if (ReportResponseSize)
			Notify->OnStatusFmt("Response size: %.1f KB", BodySIn->Len() / (double) TInt::Kilo);
		// log finish of the call
		if (NotifyOnRequest)
			Notify->OnStatus(TStr::Fmt("RequestFinish %s [request took %d ms]", FunNm.CStr(), StopWatch.GetMSecInt()));
		// prepare response
		HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
			ContTypeVal, false, BodySIn);
    } catch (PExcept Except) {
        // known internal error
        Notify->OnStatusFmt("Exception: %s", Except->GetMsgStr().CStr());
        Notify->OnStatusFmt("Location: %s", Except->GetLocStr().CStr());
        TStr ResStr, ContTypeVal = THttp::TextPlainFldVal;
		if (GetFunOutType() == saotXml) {
			PXmlTok TopTok = TXmlTok::New("error");
			TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("message", Except->GetMsgStr()));
			TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("location", Except->GetLocStr()));
			PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TopTok); 
			ResStr = XmlHdStr + ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr();
            ContTypeVal = THttp::TextXmlFldVal;
		} else if (GetFunOutType() == saotJSon) {
			PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			ResVal->AddToObj("message", Except->GetMsgStr());
			ResVal->AddToObj("location", Except->GetLocStr());
			ResStr = TJsonVal::NewObj("error", ResVal)->SaveStr();
            ContTypeVal = THttp::AppJSonFldVal;
        // prepare response
        HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::InternalErrStatusCd, 
            ContTypeVal, false, TMIn::New(ResStr));        
    } catch (...) {
		// unknown internal error
		TStr ResStr, ContTypeVal = THttp::TextPlainFldVal;
		if (GetFunOutType() == saotXml) {
			PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TXmlTok::New("error")); 
			ResStr = XmlHdStr + ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr();
            ContTypeVal = THttp::TextXmlFldVal;            
		} else if (GetFunOutType() == saotJSon) {
			ResStr = TJsonVal::NewObj("error", "Unknown")->SaveStr();
            ContTypeVal = THttp::AppJSonFldVal;
		// prepare response
        HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::InternalErrStatusCd, 
            ContTypeVal, false, TMIn::New(ResStr));

	if (LogRqToFile)
		LogReqRes(FldNmValPrV, HttpResp);
	// send response
	RqEnv->GetWebSrv()->SendHttpResp(RqEnv->GetSockId(), HttpResp); 
Exemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    // report we are running with all Asserts turned on
    printf("*** Running in debug mode ***\n");
	try {
		// initialize QMiner environment

		// create app environment
		Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
		Env.SetNoLine(); // making output prettier
		// command line parameters
		Env.PrepArgs("QMiner " + TQm::TEnv::GetVersion(), 0);
		// read the action
		const bool ConfigP = Env.IsArgStr("config");
		const bool CreateP = Env.IsArgStr("create");
		const bool StartP = Env.IsArgStr("start");
		const bool StopP = Env.IsArgStr("stop");
		//const bool ReloadP = Env.IsArgStr("reload");
		const bool DebugP = Env.IsArgStr("debug");
		// stop if no action given
		const bool ActionP = (ConfigP || CreateP || StartP || StopP /*|| ReloadP*/ || DebugP);
		// provide basic instruction when no action given
		if (!ActionP) {
			printf("Usage: qm ACTION [OPTION]...\n");
			printf("Actions: config, create, start, stop, reload, debug\n");			
		} else {
		// configuration file
		const TStr ConfFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-conf=", "qm.conf", "Configration file");
		// read config-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nConfiguration parameters:\n"); }
		const int PortN = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-port=", 8080, "Port number");
		const int CacheSizeMB = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-cache=", 1024, "Cache size");
		const bool OverwriteP = Env.IsArgStr("-overwrite", "Overwrite existing configuration file");
		// read create-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nCreate parameters:\n"); }
		const TStr SchemaFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-def=", "", "Store definition file");
		// read start-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStart parameters:\n"); }
		const bool RdOnlyP = Env.IsArgStr("-rdonly", "Open database in Read-only mode");
		const bool NoLoopP = Env.IsArgStr("-noserver", "Do not start server after script execution");
		TStr OnlyScriptNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-script=", "", "Only run this script");
		// read stop-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStop parameters:\n"); }
		const int ReturnCode = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-return=", 0, "Return code");
		// read reload-specific parameters
		//if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nReload parameters:\n"); }
		//TStrV ReloadNmV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-name=", "Script name");
		// read debug request parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nDebug parameters:\n"); }
		TStr DebugFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-prefix=", "Debug-", "Prefix of debug output files");
		TStrV DebugTaskV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-task=", "Debug tasks [indexvoc, index, stores, <store>, <store>_ALL]");
		const int JsStatRate = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-jsmemstat=", 0, "Frequency of JavaScript memory statistics");        
		// read logging specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nLogging parameters:\n"); }
		TStr LogFPath = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-log=", "std", "Log Folder (std for standard output, null for silent)");
		const bool Verbose = Env.IsArgStr("-v", "Verbose output (used for debugging)");
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nPre-run file:\n"); }		
		const TStr PreRunFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-prerun=", "", "Pre-run file name");
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\n"); }

        // execute pre-run command when provided
		if (!PreRunFNm.Empty()) { 
            const int ReturnCd = system(PreRunFNm.CStr());
            if (ReturnCd != 0) { 
                TQm::ErrorLog(TStr::Fmt("Error running prerun script: %d", ReturnCd)); 

		// stop if no action specified
		if (!ActionP) { return 0; }

		// initialize notifier
		TQm::TEnv::InitLogger(Verbose ? 2 : 1, LogFPath, true);

		// Create directory structure with basic qm.conf file
		if (ConfigP) {
			// check so we don't overwrite any existing configuration file
			if (TFile::Exists(ConfFNm) && ! OverwriteP) {
				TQm::InfoLog("Configuration file already exists (" + ConfFNm + ")");
				TQm::InfoLog("Use -overwrite to force overwrite");
				return 2;
			// create configuration file
			PJsonVal ConfigVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			ConfigVal->AddToObj("port", PortN);
			PJsonVal CacheVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			CacheVal->AddToObj("index", CacheSizeMB);
			CacheVal->AddToObj("store", CacheSizeMB);
			ConfigVal->AddToObj("cache", CacheVal);
			// save configuration file
			// make folders if needed
			if (!TFile::Exists("db")) { TDir::GenDir("db"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("src")) { TDir::GenDir("src"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("src/lib")) { TDir::GenDir("src/lib"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("sandbox")) { TDir::GenDir("sandbox"); }			

		// parse configuration file
		TQmParam Param(ConfFNm);
		// prepare lock
		TFileLock Lock(Param.LockFNm);

		// Initialize empty database
		if (CreateP) {
			// do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance
                // parse schema (if no given, create an empty array)
                PJsonVal SchemaVal = SchemaFNm.Empty() ? TJsonVal::NewArr() :
                // initialize base
                TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::NewBase(Param.DbFPath, SchemaVal, 16, 16);
                // save base
			// remove lock

		// Start QMiner engine
		if (StartP) {
			// do not mess with folders with running qminer instance
			// load database and start the server
				// resolve access type
				TFAccess FAccess = RdOnlyP ? faRdOnly : faUpdate;
				// load base
				TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::LoadBase(Param.DbFPath, FAccess, 
                    Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.DefStoreCacheSize, Param.StoreNmCacheSizeH);
				// initialize javascript contexts
				TVec<TQm::PScript> ScriptV; InitJs(Param, Base, OnlyScriptNm, ScriptV);
				// start server
				if (!NoLoopP) {
                    // prepare server functions 
                    TSAppSrvFunV SrvFunV;
                    // used to stop the server
                    // admin webservices
                    TQm::TSrvFun::RegDefFun(Base, SrvFunV);
                    // initialize static content serving thingies
                    for (int WwwRootN = 0; WwwRootN < Param.WwwRootV.Len(); WwwRootN++) {
                        const TStrPr& WwwRoot = Param.WwwRootV[WwwRootN];
                        const TStr& UrlPath = WwwRoot.Val1, FPath = WwwRoot.Val2;
                        TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Registering '%s' at '/%s/'", FPath.CStr(), UrlPath.CStr());
                        SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFPath::New(UrlPath, FPath));
                    // register admin services
                    SrvFunV.Add(TQm::TJsAdminSrvFun::New(ScriptV, "qm_status"));
					// register javascript contexts
					for (int ScriptN = 0; ScriptN < ScriptV.Len(); ScriptN++) {
						// register server function
					// start server
					PWebSrv WebSrv = TSAppSrv::New(Param.PortN, SrvFunV, TQm::TEnv::Logger, true, true);
					// report we started
					TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Server started on port %d", Param.PortN);
					// wait for the end
                // save base
			// remove lock

		// Stop QMiner engine
		if (StopP) {
			ExecUrl(TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ReturnCode),
                "Server stop procedure initiated", "Error stopping server: ");

		// Reload QMiner script
		//if (ReloadP) {
		//	for (int ReloadNmN = 0; ReloadNmN < ReloadNmV.Len(); ReloadNmN++) {
		//		TStr ScriptNm = ReloadNmV[ReloadNmN];
		//		ExecUrl(TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ScriptNm.CStr()), 
		//			"Initializing reload of script '" + ScriptNm + "'", 
		//			"Error reloading script '" + ScriptNm + "': ");
		//	}

		// Debug dumps of database and index
		if (DebugP) {
			// do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance
                // load base
                TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::LoadBase(Param.DbFPath, faRdOnly, 
                    Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.DefStoreCacheSize, Param.StoreNmCacheSizeH);
                // go over task lists and prepare outputs
                for (int TaskN = 0; TaskN < DebugTaskV.Len(); TaskN++) {
                    TStr Task = DebugTaskV[TaskN];
                    if (Task == "index") {
                        Base->PrintIndex(DebugFNm + "index.txt", true);
                    } else if (Task == "indexvoc") {
                        Base->PrintIndexVoc(DebugFNm + "indexvoc.txt");
                    } else if (Task == "stores") {
                        Base->PrintStores(DebugFNm + "stores.txt");
                    } else if (Task.IsSuffix("_ALL")) {
                        TStr StoreNm = Task.LeftOfLast('_');
                        Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(StoreNm)->PrintAll(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt");
                    } else if (Base->IsStoreNm(Task)) {
                        Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(Task)->PrintTypes(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt");
                    } else {
                        TQm::InfoLog("Unkown debug task '" + Task + "'");
			// remove lock
	} catch (const PExcept& Except) {
		// GLib exception
		TQm::ErrorLog("Error: " + Except->GetMsgStr());
		return 2;
	} catch (...) {
		// other exceptions
		TQm::ErrorLog("Unknown error");
		return 1;
	return TQm::TEnv::ReturnCode.Val;
Exemplo n.º 17
PJsonVal TDecisionTree::TNode::ExplainLabel(const int& Label) const {
	if (IsLeaf()) {
		if (ClassHist[Label] <= ClassHist[1 - Label]) {
			return PJsonVal();
		} else {
			const double Prob = ClassHist[Label];

			PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewArr();

			PJsonVal IntersectJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("covered", int(NExamples*Prob));
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("purity", Prob);
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("terms", TJsonVal::NewArr());


			return Result;

	PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewArr();

	if (HasLeft()) {
		PJsonVal LeftUnion = Left->ExplainLabel(Label);

		if (!LeftUnion.Empty()) {
			if (LeftUnion->GetArrVals() == 0) {

			for (int i = 0; i < LeftUnion->GetArrVals(); i++) {
				PJsonVal IntersectJson = LeftUnion->GetArrVal(i);
				PJsonVal TermsJson = IntersectJson->GetObjKey("terms");
				bool HadFtr = false;
				for (int TermN = 0; TermN < TermsJson->GetArrVals(); TermN++) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TermsJson->GetArrVal(TermN);

					const int TermFtrN = TermJson->GetObjInt("ftrId");
					if (TermFtrN == CutFtrN) {
						HadFtr = true;
						if (TermJson->GetObjNum("le") == TFlt::PInf) {
							TermJson->AddToObj("le", CutFtrVal);
				if (!HadFtr) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
					TermJson->AddToObj("ftrId", CutFtrN);
					TermJson->AddToObj("le", CutFtrVal);
					TermJson->AddToObj("gt", TFlt::NInf);

	if (HasRight()) {
		PJsonVal RightUnion = Right->ExplainLabel(Label);

		if (!RightUnion.Empty()) {
			if (RightUnion->GetArrVals() == 0) {

			for (int i = 0; i < RightUnion->GetArrVals(); i++) {
				PJsonVal IntersectJson = RightUnion->GetArrVal(i);
				PJsonVal TermsJson = IntersectJson->GetObjKey("terms");

				bool HadFtr = false;
				for (int TermN = 0; TermN < TermsJson->GetArrVals(); TermN++) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TermsJson->GetArrVal(TermN);

					const int TermFtrN = TermJson->GetObjInt("ftrId");
					if (TermFtrN == CutFtrN) {
						HadFtr = true;
						if (TermJson->GetObjNum("gt") == TFlt::NInf) {
							TermJson->AddToObj("gt", CutFtrVal);
				if (!HadFtr) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
					TermJson->AddToObj("ftrId", CutFtrN);
					TermJson->AddToObj("le", TFlt::PInf);
					TermJson->AddToObj("gt", CutFtrVal);


	return Result->GetArrVals() > 0 ? Result : PJsonVal();