Exemplo n.º 1
TEmaSpVec::TEmaSpVec(const PJsonVal& ParamVal) : LastVal(), InitP(false) {
	// type
	TStr TypeStr = ParamVal->GetObjStr("emaType");
	if (TypeStr == "previous") {
		Type = etPreviousPoint;
	} else if (TypeStr == "linear") {
		Type = etLinear;
	} else if (TypeStr == "next") {
		Type = etNextPoint;
	} else {
		throw TExcept::New("Unknown ema type " + TypeStr);
	// rest
	TmInterval = ParamVal->GetObjNum("interval");
	Cutoff = ParamVal->GetObjNum("cutoff", 0.0001);
	InitMinMSecs = ParamVal->GetObjInt("initWindow", 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
TOnlineHistogram::TOnlineHistogram(const PJsonVal& ParamVal) {
	EAssertR(ParamVal->IsObjKey("lowerBound"), "TOnlineHistogram: lowerBound key missing!");
	EAssertR(ParamVal->IsObjKey("upperBound"), "TOnlineHistogram: upperBound key missing!");
	// bounded lowest point
	TFlt LBound = ParamVal->GetObjNum("lowerBound");
	// bounded highest point
	TFlt UBound = ParamVal->GetObjNum("upperBound");
	EAssertR(LBound < UBound, "TOnlineHistogram: Lower bound should be smaller than upper bound");
	// number of equal bins ? (not counting possibly infinite ones)
	TInt Bins = ParamVal->GetObjInt("bins", 5);
	EAssertR(Bins > 0, "TOnlineHistogram: Number of bins should be greater than 0");
	// include infinities in the bounds?
	TBool AddNegInf = ParamVal->GetObjBool("addNegInf", false);
	TBool AddPosInf = ParamVal->GetObjBool("addPosInf", false);
	MinCount = ParamVal->GetObjInt("initMinCount", 0);

	Init(LBound, UBound, Bins, AddNegInf, AddPosInf);
Exemplo n.º 3
	TQmParam(const TStr& FNm) {
		EAssertR(TFile::Exists(FNm), "Missing configuration file " + FNm);
		// load configuration file
		PJsonVal ConfigVal = TJsonVal::GetValFromSIn(TFIn::New(FNm));
		EAssertR(ConfigVal->IsObj(), "Invalid setting file - not valid JSON");
		// parse out common stuff
		RootFPath = TStr::GetNrFPath(ConfigVal->GetObjStr("directory", TDir::GetCurDir()));
		LockFNm = RootFPath + "./lock";
		DbFPath = ConfigVal->GetObjStr("database", "./db/");
		PortN = TFlt::Round(ConfigVal->GetObjNum("port"));
		// parse out unicode definition file
		TStr UnicodeFNm = ConfigVal->GetObjStr("unicode", TQm::TEnv::QMinerFPath + "./UnicodeDef.Bin");
		if (!TUnicodeDef::IsDef()) { TUnicodeDef::Load(UnicodeFNm); }

		// parse cache
		if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("cache")) { 
			PJsonVal CacheVal = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("cache");
			// parse out index and default store cache sizes
			IndexCacheSize = int64(CacheVal->GetObjNum("index", 1024)) * int64(TInt::Mega);
			DefStoreCacheSize = int64(CacheVal->GetObjNum("store", 1024)) * int64(TInt::Mega);
			// prase out store specific sizes, when available
			if (CacheVal->IsObjKey("stores")) {
				PJsonVal StoreCacheVals = CacheVal->GetObjKey("stores");
				for (int StoreN = 0; StoreN < StoreCacheVals->GetArrVals(); StoreN++) {
					PJsonVal StoreCacheVal = StoreCacheVals->GetArrVal(StoreN);					
					TStr StoreName = StoreCacheVal->GetObjStr("name");
					uint64 StoreCacheSize = int64(StoreCacheVal->GetObjNum("size")) * int64(TInt::Mega);
					StoreNmCacheSizeH.AddDat(StoreName, StoreCacheSize);
		} else {
			// default sizes are set to 1GB for index and stores			
			IndexCacheSize = int64(1024) * int64(TInt::Mega);
			DefStoreCacheSize = int64(1024) * int64(TInt::Mega);

		// load scripts
		if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("script")) {
			// we have configuration file, read it
			PJsonVal JsVals = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("script");
			if (JsVals->IsArr()) {
				for (int JsValN = 0; JsValN < JsVals->GetArrVals(); JsValN++) {
					JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, JsVals->GetArrVal(JsValN)));
			} else {
				JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, JsVals));
		} else {
			// no settings for scripts, assume default setting
			TStr SrcFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("src", RootFPath);
			TFFile File(SrcFPath, ".js", false); TStr SrcFNm;
			while (File.Next(SrcFNm)) {
				JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, SrcFNm));

		// load serving folders
		//TODO: Add to qm config ability to edit this
		if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("wwwroot")) {
			PJsonVal WwwVals = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("wwwroot");
			if (WwwVals->IsArr()) {
				for (int WwwValN = 0; WwwValN < WwwVals->GetArrVals(); WwwValN++) {
			} else {
		// check for folder with admin GUI
		TStr GuiFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("gui", TQm::TEnv::QMinerFPath);
		if (TDir::Exists(GuiFPath)) {
			WwwRootV.Add(TStrPr("admin", GuiFPath));
        // check for any default wwwroot
        TStr DefaultWwwRootFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("www", RootFPath);
        if (TDir::Exists(DefaultWwwRootFPath)) {
            WwwRootV.Add(TStrPr("www", DefaultWwwRootFPath));
Exemplo n.º 4
PJsonVal TDecisionTree::TNode::ExplainLabel(const int& Label) const {
	if (IsLeaf()) {
		if (ClassHist[Label] <= ClassHist[1 - Label]) {
			return PJsonVal();
		} else {
			const double Prob = ClassHist[Label];

			PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewArr();

			PJsonVal IntersectJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("covered", int(NExamples*Prob));
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("purity", Prob);
			IntersectJson->AddToObj("terms", TJsonVal::NewArr());


			return Result;

	PJsonVal Result = TJsonVal::NewArr();

	if (HasLeft()) {
		PJsonVal LeftUnion = Left->ExplainLabel(Label);

		if (!LeftUnion.Empty()) {
			if (LeftUnion->GetArrVals() == 0) {

			for (int i = 0; i < LeftUnion->GetArrVals(); i++) {
				PJsonVal IntersectJson = LeftUnion->GetArrVal(i);
				PJsonVal TermsJson = IntersectJson->GetObjKey("terms");
				bool HadFtr = false;
				for (int TermN = 0; TermN < TermsJson->GetArrVals(); TermN++) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TermsJson->GetArrVal(TermN);

					const int TermFtrN = TermJson->GetObjInt("ftrId");
					if (TermFtrN == CutFtrN) {
						HadFtr = true;
						if (TermJson->GetObjNum("le") == TFlt::PInf) {
							TermJson->AddToObj("le", CutFtrVal);
				if (!HadFtr) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
					TermJson->AddToObj("ftrId", CutFtrN);
					TermJson->AddToObj("le", CutFtrVal);
					TermJson->AddToObj("gt", TFlt::NInf);

	if (HasRight()) {
		PJsonVal RightUnion = Right->ExplainLabel(Label);

		if (!RightUnion.Empty()) {
			if (RightUnion->GetArrVals() == 0) {

			for (int i = 0; i < RightUnion->GetArrVals(); i++) {
				PJsonVal IntersectJson = RightUnion->GetArrVal(i);
				PJsonVal TermsJson = IntersectJson->GetObjKey("terms");

				bool HadFtr = false;
				for (int TermN = 0; TermN < TermsJson->GetArrVals(); TermN++) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TermsJson->GetArrVal(TermN);

					const int TermFtrN = TermJson->GetObjInt("ftrId");
					if (TermFtrN == CutFtrN) {
						HadFtr = true;
						if (TermJson->GetObjNum("gt") == TFlt::NInf) {
							TermJson->AddToObj("gt", CutFtrVal);
				if (!HadFtr) {
					PJsonVal TermJson = TJsonVal::NewObj();
					TermJson->AddToObj("ftrId", CutFtrN);
					TermJson->AddToObj("le", TFlt::PInf);
					TermJson->AddToObj("gt", CutFtrVal);


	return Result->GetArrVals() > 0 ? Result : PJsonVal();