Exemplo n.º 1
void IDefReader::processScriptItemNode( P_ITEM madeItem, QDomElement &Node )
	for( UI16 k = 0; k < Node.childNodes().count(); k++ )
		QDomElement currChild = Node.childNodes().item( k ).toElement();
		if( currChild.nodeName() == "amount" )
			QString Value = QString();
			UI16 i = 0;
			if( currChild.hasChildNodes() ) // <random> i.e.
				for( i = 0; i < currChild.childNodes().count(); i++ )
					if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isText() )
						Value += currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toText().data();
					else if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isElement() )
						Value += processNode( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toElement() );
				Value = currChild.nodeValue();

			if( Value.toInt() < 1 )
				Value = QString("1");

			if( madeItem->isPileable() )
				madeItem->setAmount( Value.toInt() );
				for( i = 1; i < Value.toInt(); i++ ) //dupe it n-1 times
					Commands->DupeItem(-1, madeItem, 1);
		else if( currChild.nodeName() == "color" ) //process <color> tags
			QString Value = QString();
			if( currChild.hasChildNodes() ) // colorlist or random i.e.
				for( UI16 i = 0; i < currChild.childNodes().count(); i++ )
					if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isText() )
						Value += currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toText().data();
					else if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isElement() )
						Value += processNode( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toElement() );
				Value = currChild.nodeValue();
			if( Value.toInt() < 0 )
				Value = QString("0");

			madeItem->setColor( Value.toInt() );
		else if( currChild.nodeName() == "inherit" && currChild.attributes().contains("id") )
			QDomElement* derivalSection = DefManager->getSection( WPDT_ITEM, currChild.attribute("id") );
			if( !derivalSection->isNull() )
				this->applyNodes( madeItem, derivalSection );
Exemplo n.º 2
void cDragItems::dropOnItem( cUOSocket *socket, P_ITEM pItem, P_ITEM pCont, const Coord_cl &dropPos )
	P_PLAYER pChar = socket->player();
	if( pItem->isMulti() )
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You cannot put houses in containers" ) );
		cUOTxBounceItem bounce;
		bounce.setReason( BR_NO_REASON );
		socket->send( &bounce );
		Items->DeleItem( pItem );
	if( pItem->onDropOnItem( pCont ) )
		if( socket->dragging() )
			socket->bounceItem( socket->dragging(), BR_NO_REASON );

	else if( pCont->onDropOnItem( pItem ) )
		if( socket->dragging() )
			socket->bounceItem( socket->dragging(), BR_NO_REASON );


	// If the target belongs to another character 
	// It needs to be our vendor or else it's denied
	P_CHAR packOwner = pCont->getOutmostChar();

	if( ( packOwner ) && ( packOwner != pChar ) && !pChar->isGM() )
		// For each item someone puts into there 
		// He needs to do a snoop-check
		if( pChar->maySnoop() )
			if( !pChar->checkSkill( SNOOPING, 0, 1000 ) )

				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You fail to put that into %1's pack" ).arg( packOwner->name() ) );
				socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

		if( packOwner->objectType() == enPlayer || 
			( packOwner->objectType() == enNPC && dynamic_cast<P_NPC>(packOwner)->owner() != pChar ) )
			socket->sysMessage( tr("You cannot put that into the belongings of another player") );
			socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

	// If we put the item into a trade-window
	// Reset the trade-status for both players
	if( pCont->layer() == 0 && pCont->id() == 0x1E5E &&	pChar->Wears( pCont ) )
		// Trade window???
		P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( pCont->moreb1(), pCont->moreb2(), pCont->moreb3(), pCont->moreb4() ) );

		// If it *IS* a trade-window, replace the status
		if( tradeWindow && ( pCont->morez() || tradeWindow->morez() ) )
//			sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, pCont );
	if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_CANNOT_PICK_THAT_UP );

	// Trash can
	if( pCont->type()==87 )
		Items->DeleItem( pItem );
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "As you let go of the item it disappears." ) );

	// Spell Book
	cSpellBook *pBook = dynamic_cast< cSpellBook* >( pCont );
	if( pBook )
		SI08 spellId = NewMagic->calcSpellId( pItem->id() );

		if( pItem->type() != 1105 || spellId < 0 )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You can only put scrolls into a spellbook" ) );
			socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

		if( pBook->hasSpell( spellId ) )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "That spellbook already contains this spell" ) );
			socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

		if( pItem->amount() > 1 )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You can only put 1 scroll into a spellbook at a time" ) );
			socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );
			pBook->addSpell( spellId );
			Items->DeleItem( pItem );
			pBook->update( socket );

	// We drop something on the belongings of one of our playervendors
/*	if( ( packOwner != NULL ) && ( packOwner->npcaitype() == 17 ) && packOwner->owner() == pChar )
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You drop something into your playervendor (unimplemented)" ) );
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

	// Playervendors (chest equipped by the vendor - opened to the client)

	/*if( !( pCont->pileable() && pItem->pileable() && pCont->id() == pItem->id() || ( pCont->type() != 1 && pCont->type() != 9 ) ) )
		P_CHAR pc_j = GetPackOwner(pCont);
		if (pc_j != NULL)
			if (pc_j->npcaitype() == 17 && pc_j->isNpc() && pChar->Owns(pc_j))
				pChar->inputitem = pItem->serial;
				pChar->inputmode = cChar::enPricing;
				sysmessage(s, "Set a price for this item.");

	// We may also drop into *any* locked chest
	// So we can have post-boxes ;o)
	// Spellbooks are containers for us as well
	if( pCont->type() == 1 || pCont->type() == 8 || pCont->type() == 63 || pCont->type() == 65 || pCont->type() == 66 )
		// If we're dropping it onto the closed container
		if( dropPos.distance( pCont->pos() ) == 0 )
			pCont->addItem( pItem );
			pCont->addItem( pItem, false );
			pItem->setPos( dropPos );

		// Dropped on another Container/in another Container
		pChar->soundEffect( 0x57 );
	// Item matching needs to be extended !!! at least Color! (for certain types)
	else if ( pCont->isPileable() && pItem->isPileable() && ( pCont->id() == pItem->id() ) )
		if( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() <= 65535 )
			pCont->setAmount( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() );
			Items->DeleItem( pItem );
			pCont->update(); // Need to update the amount
		// We have to *keep* our current item
			pCont->setAmount( 65535 ); // Max out the amount

			// The delta between 65535 and pCont->amount() sub our Amount is the
			// new amount
			pItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - ( 65535 - pCont->amount() ) );

	// We dropped the item NOT on a container
	// And were *un*able to stack it (!)
	// >> Set it to the location of the item we dropped it on and stack it up by 2
	pItem->moveTo( pCont->pos() );
	pItem->setPos( pItem->pos() + Coord_cl(0, 0, 2) );

/*	// This needs to be checked
	// It annoyingly shows the spellbook
	// whenever you add a scroll
	// << could it be that addItemToContainer is enough?? >>
	if( pCont->type() == 9 )
		Magic->openSpellBook( pChar, pCont );*/
Exemplo n.º 3
void cDragItems::dropOnItem( P_CLIENT client, P_ITEM pItem, P_ITEM pCont, const Coord_cl &dropPos )
	P_CHAR pChar = client->player();
	if( pItem->isMulti() )
		client->sysMessage( "You cannot put houses in containers" );
		bounceItem( client, pItem );
	// If the target belongs to another character 
	// It needs to be our vendor or else it's denied
	P_CHAR packOwner = GetPackOwner( pCont );

	if( ( packOwner != NULL ) && ( packOwner != pChar ) )
		// For each item someone puts into there 
		// He needs to do a snoop-check
		if( pChar->canSnoop() )
			if( !Skills->CheckSkill( pChar, SNOOPING, 0, 1000 ) )

				client->sysMessage( QString( "You fail to put that into %1's pack" ).arg( packOwner->name.c_str() ) );
				bounceItem( client, pItem );

		if( !packOwner->isNpc() || ( packOwner->npcaitype() != 17 ) || !pChar->Owns( packOwner ) )
			client->sysMessage( "You cannot put that into the belongings of another player" );
			bounceItem( client, pItem );

	// If we put the item into a trade-window
	// Reset the trade-status for both players
	if( pCont->layer() == 0 && pCont->id() == 0x1E5E &&	pChar->Wears( pCont ) )
		// Trade window???
		P_ITEM tradeWindow = FindItemBySerial( calcserial( pCont->moreb1(), pCont->moreb2(), pCont->moreb3(), pCont->moreb4() ) );

		// If it *IS* a trade-window, replace the status
		if( tradeWindow && ( pCont->morez || tradeWindow->morez ) )
				tradeWindow->morez = 0;
				pCont->morez = 0;
				sendtradestatus( tradeWindow, pCont );
	if( !pChar->canPickUp( pItem ) )
		bounceItem( client, pItem );

	// Trash can
	if( pCont->type()==87 )
		Items->DeleItem( pItem );
		client->sysMessage( "As you let go of the item it disappears." );

	// Spell Book
	if( pCont->type() == 9 )
		UI08 spellId = Magic->calcSpellId( pItem->id() );

		if( spellId < 0 )
			client->sysMessage( "You can only put scrolls into a spellbook" );
			bounceItem( client, pItem );

		if( Magic->hasSpell( pCont, spellId )  )
			client->sysMessage( "That spellbook already contains this spell" );
			bounceItem( client, pItem );

	// We drop something on the belongings of one of our playervendors
	if( ( packOwner != NULL ) && ( packOwner->npcaitype() == 17 ) && pChar->Owns( packOwner ) )
		client->sysMessage( "You drop something into your playervendor" );
		bounceItem( client, pItem );

	// Playervendors (chest equipped by the vendor - opened to the client)

	/*if( !( pCont->pileable() && pItem->pileable() && pCont->id() == pItem->id() || ( pCont->type() != 1 && pCont->type() != 9 ) ) )
		P_CHAR pc_j = GetPackOwner(pCont);
		if (pc_j != NULL)
			if (pc_j->npcaitype() == 17 && pc_j->isNpc() && pChar->Owns(pc_j))
				pChar->inputitem = pItem->serial;
				pChar->inputmode = cChar::enPricing;
				sysmessage(s, "Set a price for this item.");
	// We may also drop into *any* locked chest
	// So we can have post-boxes ;o)
	// Spellbooks are containers for us as well
	if( pCont->type() == 9 || pCont->type() == 1 || pCont->type() == 8 || pCont->type() == 63 || pCont->type() == 65 || pCont->type() == 66 )
		pItem->setContSerial( pCont->serial );
		pItem->setLayer( 0 ); // Remove it from our drag-layer

		// Huh ? - Make that random will you!
		pItem->pos = dropPos;
		SndRemoveitem( pItem->serial );
		RefreshItem( pItem );
		// Dropped on another Container/in another Container
		soundeffect2( pChar, 0x57 );

	// Item matching needs to be extended !!! at least Color! (for certain types)
	else if ( pCont->isPileable() && pItem->isPileable() && ( pCont->id() == pItem->id() ) )
		if( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() <= 65535 )
			pCont->setAmount( pCont->amount() + pItem->amount() );
			Items->DeleItem( pItem );

			RefreshItem( pCont ); // Need to update the amount
		// We have to *keep* our current item
			pCont->setAmount( 65535 ); // Max out the amount
			RefreshItem( pCont );

			// The delta between 65535 and pCont->amount() sub our Amount is the
			// new amount
			pItem->setAmount( pItem->amount() - ( 65535 - pCont->amount() ) );

	// We dropped the item NOT on a container
	// And were *un*able to stack it (!)
	// >> Set it to the location of the item we dropped it on and stack it up by 1
	pItem->moveTo( pCont->pos );
	pItem->pos.z++; // Increase z by 1
	pItem->pos.y++; // To get it visualized do that with y as well
	pItem->setLayer( 0 );
	pItem->setContSerial( pCont->contserial );
	RefreshItem( pItem );
	// This needs to be checked
	// It annoyingly shows the spellbook
	// whenever you add a scroll
	if( pCont->type() == 9 )
		Magic->openSpellBook( pChar, pCont );

	// Glowing Objects moved between chars
	if( pItem->glow != INVALID_SERIAL )
		pChar->removeHalo( pItem );
		if( packOwner != NULL )