Exemplo n.º 1
void IDefReader::processScriptItemNode( P_ITEM madeItem, QDomElement &Node )
	for( UI16 k = 0; k < Node.childNodes().count(); k++ )
		QDomElement currChild = Node.childNodes().item( k ).toElement();
		if( currChild.nodeName() == "amount" )
			QString Value = QString();
			UI16 i = 0;
			if( currChild.hasChildNodes() ) // <random> i.e.
				for( i = 0; i < currChild.childNodes().count(); i++ )
					if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isText() )
						Value += currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toText().data();
					else if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isElement() )
						Value += processNode( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toElement() );
				Value = currChild.nodeValue();

			if( Value.toInt() < 1 )
				Value = QString("1");

			if( madeItem->isPileable() )
				madeItem->setAmount( Value.toInt() );
				for( i = 1; i < Value.toInt(); i++ ) //dupe it n-1 times
					Commands->DupeItem(-1, madeItem, 1);
		else if( currChild.nodeName() == "color" ) //process <color> tags
			QString Value = QString();
			if( currChild.hasChildNodes() ) // colorlist or random i.e.
				for( UI16 i = 0; i < currChild.childNodes().count(); i++ )
					if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isText() )
						Value += currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toText().data();
					else if( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).isElement() )
						Value += processNode( currChild.childNodes().item( i ).toElement() );
				Value = currChild.nodeValue();
			if( Value.toInt() < 0 )
				Value = QString("0");

			madeItem->setColor( Value.toInt() );
		else if( currChild.nodeName() == "inherit" && currChild.attributes().contains("id") )
			QDomElement* derivalSection = DefManager->getSection( WPDT_ITEM, currChild.attribute("id") );
			if( !derivalSection->isNull() )
				this->applyNodes( madeItem, derivalSection );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool cPlayer::mount( P_NPC pMount )
	if ( !pMount )
		return false;

	if ( isDead() )
		return false;

	unsigned short mountId = pMount->mountId();

	if ( !mountId )
		return false; // Not mountable

	cUOSocket* socket = this->socket();
	if ( !inRange( pMount, Config::instance()->mountRange() ) && !isGM() )
		if ( socket )
			socket->sysMessage( 500206 ); // That is too far away to ride.
		return true; // Mountable, but not in range

	if ( pMount->owner() == this || isGM() )

		P_ITEM pMountItem = new cItem;
		pMountItem->setId( mountId );
		pMountItem->setColor( pMount->skin() );

		if ( direction() != pMount->direction() )
			setDirection( pMount->direction() );

		this->addItem( cBaseChar::Mount, pMountItem );
		pMountItem->setTag( "pet", cVariant( pMount->serial() ) );

		// if this is a gm lets tame the animal in the process
		if ( isGM() )
			pMount->setOwner( this );
			pMount->setTamed( true );

		// remove it from screen!
		pMount->bark( Bark_Idle );
		pMount->removeFromView( false );
		pMount->fight( 0 );
		pMount->setStablemasterSerial( serial_ );
	else if ( pMount->owner() == 0 )
		socket->clilocMessage( 501263, 0, 0x3b2, 3, this ); // That mount does not look broken! You would have to tame it to ride it.
		socket->clilocMessage( 501264, 0, 0x3b2, 3, this ); // This isn't your mount; it refuses to let you ride.

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void cPlayer::mount( P_NPC pMount )
	if ( !pMount )

	cUOSocket* socket = this->socket();
	if ( !inRange( pMount, 2 ) && !isGM() )
		if ( socket )
			socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are too far away to mount!" ) );

	if ( pMount->owner() == this || isGM() )

		P_ITEM pMountItem = new cItem;
		pMountItem->setId( 0x915 );
		pMountItem->setColor( pMount->skin() );

		switch ( static_cast<unsigned short>( pMount->body() & 0x00FF ) )
		case 0xC8:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3E9F ); break; // Horse
		case 0xE2:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA0 ); break; // Horse
		case 0xE4:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA1 ); break; // Horse
		case 0xCC:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA2 ); break; // Horse
		case 0xD2:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA3 ); break; // Desert Ostard
		case 0xDA:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA4 ); break; // Frenzied Ostard
		case 0xDB:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA5 ); break; // Forest Ostard
		case 0xDC:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA6 ); break; // LLama
		case 0x34:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3E9F ); break; // Brown Horse
		case 0x4E:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA0 ); break; // Grey Horse
		case 0x50:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA1 ); break; // Tan Horse
		case 0x74:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB5 ); break; // Nightmare
		case 0x75:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA8 ); break; // Silver Steed
		case 0x72:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA9 ); break; // Dark Steed
		case 0x7A:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB4 ); break; // Unicorn
		case 0x84:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EAD ); break; // Kirin
		case 0x73:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EAA ); break; // Etheral
		case 0x76:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB2 ); break; // War Horse-Brit
		case 0x77:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB1 ); break; // War Horse-Mage Council
		case 0x78:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EAF ); break; // War Horse-Minax
		case 0x79:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB0 ); break; // War Horse-Shadowlord
		case 0xAA:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EAB ); break; // Etheral LLama
		case 0x3A:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA4 ); break; // Forest Ostard
		case 0x39:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA3 ); break; // Desert Ostard
		case 0x3B:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EA5 ); break; // Frenzied Ostard
		case 0x90:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB3 ); break; // Seahorse
		case 0xAB:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EAC ); break; // Etheral Ostard
		case 0xBB:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EB8 ); break; // Ridgeback
		case 0x17:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EBC ); break; // giant beetle
		case 0x19:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EBB ); break; // skeletal mount
		case 0x1a:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EBD ); break; // swamp dragon
		case 0x1f:
			pMountItem->setId( 0x3EBE ); break; // armor dragon

		this->addItem( cBaseChar::Mount, pMountItem );
		pMountItem->setTag( "pet", cVariant( pMount->serial() ) );

		// if this is a gm lets tame the animal in the process
		if ( isGM() )
			pMount->setOwner( this );

		// remove it from screen!
		pMount->bark( Bark_Idle );
		pMount->removeFromView( false );
		pMount->fight( 0 );
		pMount->setStablemasterSerial( serial_ );
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You dont own that creature." ) );