Exemplo n.º 1
Web3DOverlay::~Web3DOverlay() {
    if (_webSurface) {
        QQuickItem* rootItem = _webSurface->getRootItem();

        if (rootItem && rootItem->objectName() == "tabletRoot") {
            auto tabletScriptingInterface = DependencyManager::get<TabletScriptingInterface>();
            tabletScriptingInterface->setQmlTabletRoot("com.highfidelity.interface.tablet.system", nullptr);

        // Fix for crash in QtWebEngineCore when rapidly switching domains
        // Call stop on the QWebEngineView before destroying OffscreenQMLSurface.
        if (rootItem) {
            QObject* obj = rootItem->findChild<QObject*>("webEngineView");
            if (obj) {
                // stop loading
                QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "stop");

        auto overlays = &(qApp->getOverlays());
        QObject::disconnect(overlays, &Overlays::mousePressOnOverlay, this, nullptr);
        QObject::disconnect(overlays, &Overlays::mouseReleaseOnOverlay, this, nullptr);
        QObject::disconnect(overlays, &Overlays::mouseMoveOnOverlay, this, nullptr);
        QObject::disconnect(overlays, &Overlays::hoverLeaveOverlay, this, nullptr);
        QObject::disconnect(this, &Web3DOverlay::scriptEventReceived, _webSurface.data(), &OffscreenQmlSurface::emitScriptEvent);
        QObject::disconnect(_webSurface.data(), &OffscreenQmlSurface::webEventReceived, this, &Web3DOverlay::webEventReceived);
        DependencyManager::get<OffscreenQmlSurfaceCache>()->release(QML, _webSurface);
    auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>();
    if (geometryCache) {
bool MInverseMouseArea::isClickedOnSoftwareInputPanel() const
    QQuickItem * item = canvas()->activeFocusItem();
    while(item != NULL) {
        if(item->objectName() == "softwareInputPanel")
            return true;
        item = item->parentItem();
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void GLWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height)
    int x, y, w, h;
    double this_aspect = (double) width / height;
    double video_aspect = m_monitorProfile->dar();

    // Special case optimisation to negate odd effect of sample aspect ratio
    // not corresponding exactly with image resolution.
    if ((int) (this_aspect * 1000) == (int) (video_aspect * 1000))
        w = width;
        h = height;
    // Use OpenGL to normalise sample aspect ratio
    else if (height * video_aspect > width)
        w = width;
        h = width / video_aspect;
        w = height * video_aspect;
        h = height;
    x = (width - w) / 2;
    y = (height - h) / 2;
    m_rect.setRect(x, y, w, h);
    double scale = (double) m_rect.width() / m_monitorProfile->width() * m_zoom;
    QPoint center = m_rect.center();
    QQuickItem* rootQml = rootObject();
    if (rootQml) {
        rootQml->setProperty("center", center);
        rootQml->setProperty("scale", scale);
        if (rootQml->objectName() == "rootsplit") {
            // Adjust splitter pos
            rootQml->setProperty("splitterPos", x + (rootQml->property("realpercent").toDouble() * w));
    emit rectChanged();