Exemplo n.º 1
QgsRenderContext QgsRenderContext::fromMapSettings( const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings )
  QgsRenderContext ctx;
  ctx.setMapToPixel( mapSettings.mapToPixel() );
  ctx.setExtent( mapSettings.visibleExtent() );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawEditingInfo, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawEditingInfo ) );
  ctx.setFlag( ForceVectorOutput, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::ForceVectorOutput ) );
  ctx.setFlag( UseAdvancedEffects, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::UseAdvancedEffects ) );
  ctx.setFlag( UseRenderingOptimization, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::UseRenderingOptimization ) );
  ctx.setCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateTransform() );
  ctx.setSelectionColor( mapSettings.selectionColor() );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawSelection, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawSelection ) );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawSymbolBounds, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawSymbolBounds ) );
  ctx.setFlag( RenderMapTile, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) );
  ctx.setFlag( Antialiasing, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::Antialiasing ) );
  ctx.setFlag( RenderPartialOutput, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderPartialOutput ) );
  ctx.setScaleFactor( mapSettings.outputDpi() / 25.4 ); // = pixels per mm
  ctx.setRendererScale( mapSettings.scale() );
  ctx.setExpressionContext( mapSettings.expressionContext() );
  ctx.setSegmentationTolerance( mapSettings.segmentationTolerance() );
  ctx.setSegmentationToleranceType( mapSettings.segmentationToleranceType() );
  ctx.mDistanceArea.setSourceCrs( mapSettings.destinationCrs() );
  ctx.mDistanceArea.setEllipsoid( mapSettings.ellipsoid() );
  //this flag is only for stopping during the current rendering progress,
  //so must be false at every new render operation
  ctx.setRenderingStopped( false );

  return ctx;
Exemplo n.º 2
QgsRenderContext QgsRenderContext::fromMapSettings( const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings )
  QgsRenderContext ctx;
  ctx.setMapToPixel( mapSettings.mapToPixel() );
  ctx.setExtent( mapSettings.visibleExtent() );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawEditingInfo, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawEditingInfo ) );
  ctx.setFlag( ForceVectorOutput, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::ForceVectorOutput ) );
  ctx.setFlag( UseAdvancedEffects, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::UseAdvancedEffects ) );
  ctx.setFlag( UseRenderingOptimization, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::UseRenderingOptimization ) );
  ctx.setCoordinateTransform( nullptr );
  ctx.setSelectionColor( mapSettings.selectionColor() );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawSelection, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawSelection ) );
  ctx.setFlag( DrawSymbolBounds, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::DrawSymbolBounds ) );
  ctx.setFlag( RenderMapTile, mapSettings.testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) );
  ctx.setRasterScaleFactor( 1.0 );
  ctx.setScaleFactor( mapSettings.outputDpi() / 25.4 ); // = pixels per mm
  ctx.setRendererScale( mapSettings.scale() );
  ctx.setExpressionContext( mapSettings.expressionContext() );

  //this flag is only for stopping during the current rendering progress,
  //so must be false at every new render operation
  ctx.setRenderingStopped( false );

  return ctx;
Exemplo n.º 3
QgsRectangle QgsMapCanvas::imageRect( const QImage& img, const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings )
  // This is a hack to pass QgsMapCanvasItem::setRect what it
  // expects (encoding of position and size of the item)
  const QgsMapToPixel& m2p = mapSettings.mapToPixel();
  QgsPoint topLeft = m2p.toMapPoint( 0, 0 );
  double res = m2p.mapUnitsPerPixel();
  QgsRectangle rect( topLeft.x(), topLeft.y(), topLeft.x() + img.width()*res, topLeft.y() - img.height()*res );
  return rect;
Exemplo n.º 4
int QgsDecorationGrid::yGridLines( const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings, QList< QPair< qreal, QLineF > > &lines ) const
  // prepare vertical lines

  if ( mGridIntervalX <= 0.0 )
    return 1;

  const QgsMapToPixel &m2p = mapSettings.mapToPixel();

  // draw nothing if the distance between grid lines would be less than 1px
  // otherwise the grid lines would completely cover the whole map
  //if ( mapBoundingRect.height() / mGridIntervalY >= p->device()->height() )
  if ( mGridIntervalX / mapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel() < 1 )
    return 1;

  const QPolygonF &canvasPoly = canvasPolygon( mapSettings );
  const QPolygonF &mapPolygon = canvasExtent( mapSettings );
  QLineF lineSouth( mapPolygon[3], mapPolygon[2] );
  QLineF lineNorth( mapPolygon[0], mapPolygon[1] );

  double len = lineSouth.length();
  Q_ASSERT( std::fabs( len - lineNorth.length() ) < 1e-6 ); // no shear

  const QRectF &mapBoundingRect = mapPolygon.boundingRect();
  double roundCorrection = mapBoundingRect.left() > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
  double dist = static_cast< int >( ( mapBoundingRect.left() - mGridOffsetX ) / mGridIntervalX + roundCorrection ) * mGridIntervalX + mGridOffsetX;
  dist = dist - mapBoundingRect.left();
  while ( dist < len )
    double t = dist / len;
    QPointF p0( lineNorth.pointAt( t ) );
    QPointF p1( lineSouth.pointAt( t ) );
    QLineF line( p0, p1 );
    clipByRect( line, canvasPoly );
    line = QLineF( m2p.transform( QgsPointXY( line.pointAt( 0 ) ) ).toQPointF(), m2p.transform( QgsPointXY( line.pointAt( 1 ) ) ).toQPointF() );
    lines.push_back( qMakePair( p0.x(), line ) );
    dist += mGridIntervalX;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
static QgsQuickFeatureLayerPair _closestFeature( const QgsQuickFeatureLayerPairs &results, const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings, const QPointF &point )
  QgsPointXY mapPoint = mapSettings.mapToPixel().toMapCoordinates( point.toPoint() );
  QgsGeometry mapPointGeom( QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( mapPoint ) );

  double distMin = 1e10;
  int iMin = -1;
  for ( int i = 0; i < results.count(); ++i )
    const QgsQuickFeatureLayerPair &res = results.at( i );
    QgsGeometry geom( res.feature().geometry() );
      geom.transform( mapSettings.layerTransform( res.layer() ) );
    catch ( QgsCsException &e )
      Q_UNUSED( e );
      // Caught an error in transform

    double dist = geom.distance( mapPointGeom );
    if ( dist < distMin )
      iMin = i;
      distMin = dist;

  if ( results.empty() )
    return QgsQuickFeatureLayerPair();
    return results.at( iMin );
Exemplo n.º 6
QgsPoint QgsTolerance::toLayerCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings, QPoint point )
  QgsPoint pt = mapSettings.mapToPixel().toMapCoordinates( point );
  return mapSettings.mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, pt );