void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor penColor = mColor;
  penColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mPen.setColor( penColor );
  double scaledWidth = context.outputLineWidth( mWidth );
  mPen.setWidthF( scaledWidth );
  if ( mUseCustomDashPattern && scaledWidth != 0 )
    mPen.setStyle( Qt::CustomDashLine );

    //scale pattern vector
    QVector<qreal> scaledVector;
    QVector<qreal>::const_iterator it = mCustomDashVector.constBegin();
    for ( ; it != mCustomDashVector.constEnd(); ++it )
      //the dash is specified in terms of pen widths, therefore the division
      scaledVector << context.outputLineWidth(( *it ) / scaledWidth );
    mPen.setDashPattern( scaledVector );
    mPen.setStyle( mPenStyle );
  mPen.setJoinStyle( mPenJoinStyle );
  mPen.setCapStyle( mPenCapStyle );

  mSelPen = mPen;
  QColor selColor = context.selectionColor();
  if ( ! selectionIsOpaque )
    selColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelPen.setColor( selColor );
void QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2::renderPoint( const QPointF& point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  QColor penColor = context.selected() ? context.selectionColor() : mColor;
  penColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  p->setPen( penColor );
  p->setFont( mFont );

  QPointF outputOffset = QPointF( context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.x() ), context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.y() ) );
  if ( mAngle )
    outputOffset = _rotatedOffset( outputOffset, mAngle );
  p->translate( point + outputOffset );

  if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    double s = mSize / mOrigSize;
    p->scale( s, s );

  if ( mAngle != 0 )
    p->rotate( mAngle );

  p->drawText( -mChrOffset, mChr );
void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    double scaledWidth = context.outputLineWidth( mWidth );
    mPen.setWidthF( scaledWidth );
    mSelPen.setWidthF( scaledWidth );

  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );
  if ( mOffset == 0 )
    p->drawPolyline( points );
    double scaledOffset = context.outputLineWidth( mOffset );
    p->drawPolyline( ::offsetLine( points, scaledOffset ) );
void QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer::renderPoint( const QPointF& point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( !mLineSymbol )

  const QgsFeature* f = context.feature();
  if ( !f )
    QPolygonF line;
    line << QPointF( 0, 50 );
    line << QPointF( 100, 50 );
    mLineSymbol->renderPolyline( line, 0, context.renderContext() );

  double xComponent = 0;
  double yComponent = 0;

  double xVal = 0;
  if ( mXIndex != -1 )
    xVal = f->attributeMap()[mXIndex].toDouble();
  double yVal = 0;
  if ( mYIndex != -1 )
    yVal = f->attributeMap()[mYIndex].toDouble();

  switch ( mVectorFieldType )
    case Cartesian:
      xComponent = context.outputLineWidth( xVal );
      yComponent = context.outputLineWidth( yVal );
    case Polar:
      convertPolarToCartesian( xVal, yVal, xComponent, yComponent );
      xComponent = context.outputLineWidth( xComponent );
      yComponent = context.outputLineWidth( yComponent );
    case Height:
      xComponent = 0;
      yComponent = context.outputLineWidth( yVal );

  xComponent *= mScale;
  yComponent *= mScale;

  QPolygonF line;
  line << point;
  line << QPointF( point.x() + xComponent, point.y() - yComponent );
  mLineSymbol->renderPolyline( line, f, context.renderContext() );
void QgsLineDecorationSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor penColor = mColor;
  penColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mPen.setWidth( context.outputLineWidth( mWidth ) );
  mPen.setColor( penColor );
  QColor selColor = context.selectionColor();
  if ( ! selectionIsOpaque )
    selColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelPen.setWidth( context.outputLineWidth( mWidth ) );
  mSelPen.setColor( selColor );
void QgsLineDecorationSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor penColor = mColor;
  penColor.setAlphaF( mColor.alphaF() * context.alpha() );

  double width = mWidth * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mWidthUnit );
  mPen.setWidth( context.outputLineWidth( width ) );
  mPen.setColor( penColor );
  QColor selColor = context.renderContext().selectionColor();
  if ( ! selectionIsOpaque )
    selColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelPen.setWidth( context.outputLineWidth( width ) );
  mSelPen.setColor( selColor );
void QgsLineDecorationSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  // draw arrow at the end of line

  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  int cnt = points.count();
  QPointF p2 = points.at( --cnt );
  QPointF p1 = points.at( --cnt );
  while ( p2 == p1 && cnt )
    p1 = points.at( --cnt );
  if ( p1 == p2 ) {
    // this is a collapsed line... don't bother drawing an arrow
    // with arbitrary orientation

  double angle = atan2( p2.y() - p1.y(), p2.x() - p1.x() );
  double size = context.outputLineWidth( mWidth * 8 );
  double angle1 = angle + M_PI / 6;
  double angle2 = angle - M_PI / 6;

  QPointF p2_1 = p2 - QPointF( size * cos( angle1 ), size * sin( angle1 ) );
  QPointF p2_2 = p2 - QPointF( size * cos( angle2 ), size * sin( angle2 ) );

  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );
  p->drawLine( p2, p2_1 );
  p->drawLine( p2, p2_2 );
void QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor fillColor = mColor;
  fillColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() * mColor.alphaF() );
  mBrush = QBrush( fillColor, mBrushStyle );

  // scale brush content for printout
  double rasterScaleFactor = context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor();
  if ( rasterScaleFactor != 1.0 )
    mBrush.setMatrix( QMatrix().scale( 1.0 / rasterScaleFactor, 1.0 / rasterScaleFactor ) );

  QColor selColor = context.selectionColor();
  QColor selPenColor = selColor == mColor ? selColor : mBorderColor;
  if ( ! selectionIsOpaque ) selColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelBrush = QBrush( selColor );
  // N.B. unless a "selection line color" is implemented in addition to the "selection color" option
  // this would mean symbols with "no fill" look the same whether or not they are selected
  if ( selectFillStyle )
    mSelBrush.setStyle( mBrushStyle );

  QColor borderColor = mBorderColor;
  borderColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() * mBorderColor.alphaF() );
  mPen = QPen( borderColor );
  mSelPen = QPen( selPenColor );
  mPen.setStyle( mBorderStyle );
  mPen.setWidthF( context.outputLineWidth( mBorderWidth ) );
void QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  mFont = QFont( mFontFamily );
  mFont.setPixelSize( context.outputLineWidth( mSize ) );
  QFontMetrics fm( mFont );
  mChrOffset = QPointF( fm.width( mChr ) / 2, -fm.ascent() / 2 );

  mOrigSize = mSize; // save in case the size would be data defined
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawCircle( double radiusPainterUnits, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, const QPointF& centerPoint, int nSymbols )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( nSymbols < 2 || !p ) //draw circle only if multiple features

  //draw Circle
  QPen circlePen( mCircleColor );
  circlePen.setWidthF( context.outputLineWidth( mCircleWidth ) );
  p->setPen( circlePen );
  p->drawArc( QRectF( centerPoint.x() - radiusPainterUnits, centerPoint.y() - radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits ), 0, 5760 );
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawLabels( const QPointF& centerPoint, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, const QList<QPointF>& labelShifts, const QStringList& labelList )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  QPen labelPen( mLabelColor );
  p->setPen( labelPen );

  //scale font (for printing)
  QFont pixelSizeFont = mLabelFont;
  pixelSizeFont.setPixelSize( context.outputLineWidth( mLabelFont.pointSizeF() * 0.3527 ) );
  QFont scaledFont = pixelSizeFont;
  scaledFont.setPixelSize( pixelSizeFont.pixelSize() * context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );
  p->setFont( scaledFont );

  QFontMetricsF fontMetrics( pixelSizeFont );
  QPointF currentLabelShift; //considers the signs to determine the label position

  QList<QPointF>::const_iterator labelPosIt = labelShifts.constBegin();
  QStringList::const_iterator text_it = labelList.constBegin();

  for ( ; labelPosIt != labelShifts.constEnd() && text_it != labelList.constEnd(); ++labelPosIt, ++text_it )
    currentLabelShift = *labelPosIt;
    if ( currentLabelShift.x() < 0 )
      currentLabelShift.setX( currentLabelShift.x() - fontMetrics.width( *text_it ) );
    if ( currentLabelShift.y() > 0 )
      currentLabelShift.setY( currentLabelShift.y() + fontMetrics.ascent() );

    QPointF drawingPoint( centerPoint + currentLabelShift );
    p->translate( drawingPoint.x(), drawingPoint.y() );
    p->scale( 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );
    p->drawText( QPointF( 0, 0 ), *text_it );
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( mOffset == 0 )
    if ( mPlacement == Interval )
      renderPolylineInterval( points, context );
    else if ( mPlacement == CentralPoint )
      renderPolylineCentral( points, context );
      renderPolylineVertex( points, context );
    QPolygonF points2 = ::offsetLine( points, context.outputLineWidth( mOffset ) );
    if ( mPlacement == Interval )
      renderPolylineInterval( points2, context );
    else if ( mPlacement == CentralPoint )
      renderPolylineCentral( points2, context );
      renderPolylineVertex( points2, context );
Exemplo n.º 13
void QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2::renderPoint( const QPointF& point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QgsRenderContext& rc = context.renderContext();
  QPainter* p = rc.painter();
  if ( !p )

  QPointF off( context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.x() ), context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.y() ) );
  if ( mAngle )
    off = _rotatedOffset( off, mAngle );

  if ( mUsingCache )
    // we will use cached image
    QImage &img = context.selected() ? mSelCache : mCache;
    double s = img.width() / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor();
    p->drawImage( QRectF( point.x() - s / 2.0 + off.x(),
                          point.y() - s / 2.0 + off.y(),
                          s, s ), img );
    QMatrix transform;

    bool hasDataDefinedRotation = context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedRotation;
    bool hasDataDefinedSize = context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale;

    // move to the desired position
    transform.translate( point.x() + off.x(), point.y() + off.y() );

    // resize if necessary
    if ( hasDataDefinedSize )
      double scaledSize = context.outputLineWidth( mSize );

      switch ( mScaleMethod )
        case QgsSymbolV2::ScaleArea:
          scaledSize = sqrt( scaledSize );
        case QgsSymbolV2::ScaleDiameter:

      double half = scaledSize / 2.0;
      transform.scale( half, half );

    // rotate if necessary
    if ( mAngle != 0 && hasDataDefinedRotation )
      transform.rotate( mAngle );

    p->setBrush( context.selected() ? mSelBrush : mBrush );
    p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );

    if ( !mPolygon.isEmpty() )
      p->drawPolygon( transform.map( mPolygon ) );
      p->drawPath( transform.map( mPath ) );
Exemplo n.º 14
void QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor brushColor = mColor;
  QColor penColor = mBorderColor;

  brushColor.setAlphaF( mColor.alphaF() * context.alpha() );
  penColor.setAlphaF( mBorderColor.alphaF() * context.alpha() );

  mBrush = QBrush( brushColor );
  mPen = QPen( penColor );
  mPen.setWidthF( context.outputLineWidth( mPen.widthF() ) );

  QColor selBrushColor = context.selectionColor();
  QColor selPenColor = selBrushColor == mColor ? selBrushColor : mBorderColor;
  if ( context.alpha() < 1 )
    selBrushColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
    selPenColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelBrush = QBrush( selBrushColor );
  mSelPen = QPen( selPenColor );
  mSelPen.setWidthF( context.outputLineWidth( mPen.widthF() ) );

  bool hasDataDefinedRotation = context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedRotation;
  bool hasDataDefinedSize = context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale;

  // use caching only when:
  // - the size and rotation is not data-defined
  // - drawing to screen (not printer)
  mUsingCache = !hasDataDefinedRotation && !hasDataDefinedSize && !context.renderContext().forceVectorOutput();

  // use either QPolygonF or QPainterPath for drawing
  // TODO: find out whether drawing directly doesn't bring overhead - if not, use it for all shapes
  if ( !prepareShape() ) // drawing as a polygon
    if ( preparePath() ) // drawing as a painter path
      // some markers can't be drawn as a polygon (circle, cross)
      // For these set the selected border color to the selected color

      if ( mName != "circle" )
        mSelPen.setColor( selBrushColor );
      QgsDebugMsg( "unknown symbol" );

  QMatrix transform;

  // scale the shape (if the size is not going to be modified)
  if ( !hasDataDefinedSize )
    double scaledSize = context.outputLineWidth( mSize );
    if ( mUsingCache )
      scaledSize *= context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor();
    double half = scaledSize / 2.0;
    transform.scale( half, half );

  // rotate if the rotation is not going to be changed during the rendering
  if ( !hasDataDefinedRotation && mAngle != 0 )
    transform.rotate( mAngle );

  if ( !mPolygon.isEmpty() )
    mPolygon = transform.map( mPolygon );
    mPath = transform.map( mPath );

  if ( mUsingCache )
    prepareCache( context );
    mCache = QImage();
    mSelCache = QImage();
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::calculateSymbolAndLabelPositions( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& symbolContext, const QPointF& centerPoint, int nPosition,
    double symbolDiagonal, QList<QPointF>& symbolPositions, QList<QPointF>& labelShifts, double& circleRadius ) const

  if ( nPosition < 1 )
  else if ( nPosition == 1 ) //If there is only one feature, draw it exactly at the center position
    symbolPositions.append( centerPoint );
    labelShifts.append( QPointF( symbolDiagonal / 2.0, -symbolDiagonal / 2.0 ) );

  double circleAdditionPainterUnits = symbolContext.outputLineWidth( mCircleRadiusAddition );

  switch ( mPlacement )
    case Ring:
      double minDiameterToFitSymbols = nPosition * symbolDiagonal / ( 2.0 * M_PI );
      double radius = qMax( symbolDiagonal / 2, minDiameterToFitSymbols ) + circleAdditionPainterUnits;

      double fullPerimeter = 2 * M_PI;
      double angleStep = fullPerimeter / nPosition;
      for ( double currentAngle = 0.0; currentAngle < fullPerimeter; currentAngle += angleStep )
        double sinusCurrentAngle = sin( currentAngle );
        double cosinusCurrentAngle = cos( currentAngle );
        QPointF positionShift( radius * sinusCurrentAngle, radius * cosinusCurrentAngle );
        QPointF labelShift(( radius + symbolDiagonal / 2 ) * sinusCurrentAngle, ( radius + symbolDiagonal / 2 ) * cosinusCurrentAngle );
        symbolPositions.append( centerPoint + positionShift );
        labelShifts.append( labelShift );

      circleRadius = radius;
    case ConcentricRings:
      double centerDiagonal = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( symbolContext.renderContext(),
                              M_SQRT2 * mCenterSymbol->size(),
                              mCenterSymbol->outputUnit(), mCenterSymbol->mapUnitScale() );

      int pointsRemaining = nPosition;
      int ringNumber = 1;
      double firstRingRadius = centerDiagonal / 2.0 + symbolDiagonal / 2.0;
      while ( pointsRemaining > 0 )
        double radiusCurrentRing = qMax( firstRingRadius + ( ringNumber - 1 ) * symbolDiagonal + ringNumber * circleAdditionPainterUnits, 0.0 );
        int maxPointsCurrentRing = qMax( floor( 2 * M_PI * radiusCurrentRing / symbolDiagonal ), 1.0 );
        int actualPointsCurrentRing = qMin( maxPointsCurrentRing, pointsRemaining );

        double angleStep = 2 * M_PI / actualPointsCurrentRing;
        double currentAngle = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < actualPointsCurrentRing; ++i )
          double sinusCurrentAngle = sin( currentAngle );
          double cosinusCurrentAngle = cos( currentAngle );
          QPointF positionShift( radiusCurrentRing * sinusCurrentAngle, radiusCurrentRing * cosinusCurrentAngle );
          QPointF labelShift(( radiusCurrentRing + symbolDiagonal / 2 ) * sinusCurrentAngle, ( radiusCurrentRing + symbolDiagonal / 2 ) * cosinusCurrentAngle );
          symbolPositions.append( centerPoint + positionShift );
          labelShifts.append( labelShift );
          currentAngle += angleStep;

        pointsRemaining -= actualPointsCurrentRing;
        circleRadius = radiusCurrentRing;
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolylineInterval( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( points.isEmpty() )

  QPointF lastPt = points[0];
  double lengthLeft = 0; // how much is left until next marker
  bool first = true;
  double origAngle = mMarker->angle();

  double painterUnitInterval = context.outputLineWidth( mInterval > 0 ? mInterval : 0.1 );

  QgsRenderContext& rc = context.renderContext();

  for ( int i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i )
    const QPointF& pt = points[i];

    if ( lastPt == pt ) // must not be equal!

    // for each line, find out dx and dy, and length
    MyLine l( lastPt, pt );
    QPointF diff = l.diffForInterval( painterUnitInterval );

    // if there's some length left from previous line
    // use only the rest for the first point in new line segment
    double c = 1 - lengthLeft / painterUnitInterval;

    lengthLeft += l.length();

    // rotate marker (if desired)
    if ( mRotateMarker )
      mMarker->setAngle( origAngle + ( l.angle() * 180 / M_PI ) );

    // draw first marker
    if ( first )
      mMarker->renderPoint( lastPt, rc, -1, context.selected() );
      first = false;

    // while we're not at the end of line segment, draw!
    while ( lengthLeft > painterUnitInterval )
      // "c" is 1 for regular point or in interval (0,1] for begin of line segment
      lastPt += c * diff;
      lengthLeft -= painterUnitInterval;
      mMarker->renderPoint( lastPt, rc, -1, context.selected() );
      c = 1; // reset c (if wasn't 1 already)

    lastPt = pt;

  // restore original rotation
  mMarker->setAngle( origAngle );

Exemplo n.º 17
void QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2::renderPoint( const QPointF& point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  double size = context.outputLineWidth( mSize );
  //don't render symbols with size below one or above 10,000 pixels
  if (( int )size < 1 || 10000.0 < size )

  QPointF outputOffset = QPointF( context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.x() ), context.outputLineWidth( mOffset.y() ) );
  if ( mAngle )
    outputOffset = _rotatedOffset( outputOffset, mAngle );
  p->translate( point + outputOffset );

  bool rotated = !doubleNear( mAngle, 0 );
  bool drawOnScreen = doubleNear( context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), 1.0, 0.1 );
  if ( rotated )
    p->rotate( mAngle );

  bool fitsInCache = true;
  bool usePict = true;
  double hwRatio = 1.0;
  if ( drawOnScreen && !rotated )
    usePict = false;
    const QImage& img = QgsSvgCache::instance()->svgAsImage( mPath, size, mFillColor, mOutlineColor, mOutlineWidth,
                        context.renderContext().scaleFactor(), context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), fitsInCache );
    if ( fitsInCache && img.width() > 1 )
      //consider transparency
      if ( !doubleNear( context.alpha(), 1.0 ) )
        QImage transparentImage = img.copy();
        QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::multiplyImageOpacity( &transparentImage, context.alpha() );
        p->drawImage( -transparentImage.width() / 2.0, -transparentImage.height() / 2.0, transparentImage );
        hwRatio = ( double )transparentImage.height() / ( double )transparentImage.width();
        p->drawImage( -img.width() / 2.0, -img.height() / 2.0, img );
        hwRatio = ( double )img.height() / ( double )img.width();

  if ( usePict || !fitsInCache )
    p->setOpacity( context.alpha() );
    const QPicture& pct = QgsSvgCache::instance()->svgAsPicture( mPath, size, mFillColor, mOutlineColor, mOutlineWidth,
                          context.renderContext().scaleFactor(), context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );

    if ( pct.width() > 1 )
      p->drawPicture( 0, 0, pct );
      hwRatio = ( double )pct.height() / ( double )pct.width();

  if ( context.selected() )
    QPen pen( context.selectionColor() );
    double penWidth = context.outputLineWidth( 1.0 );
    if ( penWidth > size / 20 )
      // keep the pen width from covering symbol
      penWidth = size / 20;
    double penOffset = penWidth / 2;
    pen.setWidth( penWidth );
    p->setPen( pen );
    p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
    double wSize = size + penOffset;
    double hSize = size * hwRatio + penOffset;
    p->drawRect( QRectF( -wSize / 2.0, -hSize / 2.0, wSize, hSize ) );
