void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawLabels( const QPointF& centerPoint, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, const QList<QPointF>& labelShifts, const QStringList& labelList )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  QPen labelPen( mLabelColor );
  p->setPen( labelPen );

  //scale font (for printing)
  QFont pixelSizeFont = mLabelFont;
  pixelSizeFont.setPixelSize( context.outputLineWidth( mLabelFont.pointSizeF() * 0.3527 ) );
  QFont scaledFont = pixelSizeFont;
  scaledFont.setPixelSize( pixelSizeFont.pixelSize() * context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );
  p->setFont( scaledFont );

  QFontMetricsF fontMetrics( pixelSizeFont );
  QPointF currentLabelShift; //considers the signs to determine the label position

  QList<QPointF>::const_iterator labelPosIt = labelShifts.constBegin();
  QStringList::const_iterator text_it = labelList.constBegin();

  for ( ; labelPosIt != labelShifts.constEnd() && text_it != labelList.constEnd(); ++labelPosIt, ++text_it )
    currentLabelShift = *labelPosIt;
    if ( currentLabelShift.x() < 0 )
      currentLabelShift.setX( currentLabelShift.x() - fontMetrics.width( *text_it ) );
    if ( currentLabelShift.y() > 0 )
      currentLabelShift.setY( currentLabelShift.y() + fontMetrics.ascent() );

    QPointF drawingPoint( centerPoint + currentLabelShift );
    p->translate( drawingPoint.x(), drawingPoint.y() );
    p->scale( 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );
    p->drawText( QPointF( 0, 0 ), *text_it );
Exemplo n.º 2
QSizeF QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2::calculateSize( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, double* scaledWidth, double* scaledHeight )
  double width = 0;

  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH ) ) //1. priority: data defined setting on symbol layer le
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( mSymbolWidth );
    width = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH, context, mSymbolWidth ).toDouble();
  else if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale ) //2. priority: is data defined size on symbol level
    width = mSize;
  else //3. priority: global width setting
    width = mSymbolWidth;
  if ( scaledWidth )
    *scaledWidth = width;
  width = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), width, mSymbolWidthUnit, mSymbolHeightMapUnitScale );

  double height = 0;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_HEIGHT ) ) //1. priority: data defined setting on symbol layer level
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( mSymbolHeight );
    height = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_HEIGHT, context, mSymbolHeight ).toDouble();
  else if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale ) //2. priority: is data defined size on symbol level
    height = mSize;
  else //3. priority: global height setting
    height = mSymbolHeight;
  if ( scaledHeight )
    *scaledHeight = height;
  height = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), height, mSymbolHeightUnit, mSymbolHeightMapUnitScale );
  return QSizeF( width, height );
Exemplo n.º 3
void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  //size scaling by field
  if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    applySizeScale( context, mPen, mSelPen );

  double offset = mOffset;
  applyDataDefinedSymbology( context, mPen, mSelPen, offset );

  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );

  // Disable 'Antialiasing' if the geometry was generalized in the current RenderContext (We known that it must have least #2 points).
  if ( points.size() <= 2 &&
       ( context.renderContext().vectorSimplifyMethod().simplifyHints() & QgsVectorSimplifyMethod::AntialiasingSimplification ) &&
       QgsAbstractGeometrySimplifier::isGeneralizableByDeviceBoundingBox( points, context.renderContext().vectorSimplifyMethod().threshold() ) &&
       ( p->renderHints() & QPainter::Antialiasing ) )
    p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false );
    p->drawPolyline( points );
    p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( offset, 0 ) )
    p->drawPolyline( points );
    double scaledOffset = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), offset, mOffsetUnit, mOffsetMapUnitScale );
    QList<QPolygonF> mline = ::offsetLine( points, scaledOffset, context.feature() ? context.feature()->constGeometry()->type() : QGis::Line );
    for ( int part = 0; part < mline.count(); ++part )
      p->drawPolyline( mline[ part ] );
Exemplo n.º 4
void QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2::markerOffset( const QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, double width, double height,
    QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit widthUnit, QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit heightUnit,
    double& offsetX, double& offsetY, const QgsMapUnitScale& widthMapUnitScale, const QgsMapUnitScale& heightMapUnitScale ) const
  offsetX = mOffset.x();
  offsetY = mOffset.y();

  if ( mOffsetExpression )
    QPointF offset = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::decodePoint( mOffsetExpression->evaluate( const_cast<QgsFeature*>( context.feature() ) ).toString() );
    offsetX = offset.x();
    offsetY = offset.y();

  offsetX *= QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOffsetUnit, mOffsetMapUnitScale );
  offsetY *= QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOffsetUnit, mOffsetMapUnitScale );

  HorizontalAnchorPoint horizontalAnchorPoint = mHorizontalAnchorPoint;
  VerticalAnchorPoint verticalAnchorPoint = mVerticalAnchorPoint;
  if ( mHorizontalAnchorExpression )
    horizontalAnchorPoint = decodeHorizontalAnchorPoint( mHorizontalAnchorExpression->evaluate( const_cast<QgsFeature*>( context.feature() ) ).toString() );
  if ( mVerticalAnchorExpression )
    verticalAnchorPoint = decodeVerticalAnchorPoint( mVerticalAnchorExpression->evaluate( const_cast<QgsFeature*>( context.feature() ) ).toString() );

  //correct horizontal position according to anchor point
  if ( horizontalAnchorPoint == HCenter && verticalAnchorPoint == VCenter )

  double anchorPointCorrectionX = width * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), widthUnit, widthMapUnitScale ) / 2.0;
  double anchorPointCorrectionY = height * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), heightUnit, heightMapUnitScale ) / 2.0;
  if ( horizontalAnchorPoint == Left )
    offsetX += anchorPointCorrectionX;
  else if ( horizontalAnchorPoint == Right )
    offsetX -= anchorPointCorrectionX;

  //correct vertical position according to anchor point
  if ( verticalAnchorPoint == Top )
    offsetY += anchorPointCorrectionY;
  else if ( verticalAnchorPoint == Bottom )
    offsetY -= anchorPointCorrectionY;
void QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( !context.feature() || !hasDataDefinedProperty() )
    preparePath( mSymbolName, context );
  mPen.setColor( mOutlineColor );
  mPen.setWidthF( mOutlineWidth * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOutlineWidthUnit ) );
  mBrush.setColor( mFillColor );
  prepareExpressions( context.layer() );
Exemplo n.º 6
void QgsLineSymbolV2::renderPolylineUsingLayer( QgsLineSymbolLayerV2 *layer, const QPolygonF &points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext &context )
  QgsPaintEffect* effect = layer->paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
    p->translate( points.boundingRect().topLeft() );

    effect->begin( context.renderContext() );
    layer->renderPolyline( points.translated( -points.boundingRect().topLeft() ), context );
    effect->end( context.renderContext() );

    layer->renderPolyline( points, context );
Exemplo n.º 7
void QgsFillSymbolLayerV2::_renderPolygon( QPainter* p, const QPolygonF& points, const QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( !p )

  // Disable 'Antialiasing' if the geometry was generalized in the current RenderContext (We known that it must have least #5 points).
  if ( points.size() <= 5 &&
       ( context.renderContext().vectorSimplifyMethod().simplifyHints() & QgsVectorSimplifyMethod::AntialiasingSimplification ) &&
       QgsAbstractGeometrySimplifier::isGeneralizableByDeviceBoundingBox( points, context.renderContext().vectorSimplifyMethod().threshold() ) &&
       ( p->renderHints() & QPainter::Antialiasing ) )
    p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false );
    p->drawRect( points.boundingRect() );
    p->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

  if ( rings == NULL )
    // simple polygon without holes
    p->drawPolygon( points );
    // polygon with holes must be drawn using painter path
    QPainterPath path;
    QPolygonF outerRing = points;
    path.addPolygon( outerRing );

    QList<QPolygonF>::const_iterator it = rings->constBegin();
    for ( ; it != rings->constEnd(); ++it )
      QPolygonF ring = *it;
      path.addPolygon( ring );

    p->drawPath( path );
Exemplo n.º 8
void QgsFillSymbolV2::renderPolygonUsingLayer( QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer, const QPolygonF& points, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QgsSymbolV2::SymbolType layertype = layer->type();

  QgsPaintEffect* effect = layer->paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QRectF bounds = polygonBounds( points, rings );
    QList<QPolygonF>* translatedRings = translateRings( rings, -bounds.left(), -bounds.top() );

    QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
    p->translate( bounds.topLeft() );

    effect->begin( context.renderContext() );
    if ( layertype == QgsSymbolV2::Fill )
      (( QgsFillSymbolLayerV2* )layer )->renderPolygon( points.translated( -bounds.topLeft() ), translatedRings, context );
    else if ( layertype == QgsSymbolV2::Line )
      (( QgsLineSymbolLayerV2* )layer )->renderPolygonOutline( points.translated( -bounds.topLeft() ), translatedRings, context );
    delete translatedRings;

    effect->end( context.renderContext() );
    if ( layertype == QgsSymbolV2::Fill )
      (( QgsFillSymbolLayerV2* )layer )->renderPolygon( points, rings, context );
    else if ( layertype == QgsSymbolV2::Line )
      (( QgsLineSymbolLayerV2* )layer )->renderPolygonOutline( points, rings, context );
Exemplo n.º 9
void QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2::startRender( context ); // get anchor point expressions
  if ( !context.feature() || !hasDataDefinedProperties() )
    preparePath( mSymbolName, context );
  mPen.setColor( mOutlineColor );
  mPen.setStyle( mOutlineStyle );
  mPen.setWidthF( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), mOutlineWidth, mOutlineWidthUnit, mOutlineWidthMapUnitScale ) );
  mBrush.setColor( mFillColor );
  prepareExpressions( context );
Exemplo n.º 10
void QgsMarkerSymbolV2::renderPointUsingLayer( QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2* layer, const QPointF& point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  static QPointF nullPoint( 0, 0 );

  QgsPaintEffect* effect = layer->paintEffect();
  if ( effect && effect->enabled() )
    QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
    p->translate( point );

    effect->begin( context.renderContext() );
    layer->renderPoint( nullPoint, context );
    effect->end( context.renderContext() );

    layer->renderPoint( point, context );
void QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( mSvgViewBox.isNull() )

  delete mSvgPattern;
  mSvgPattern = 0;
  double size = context.outputPixelSize( mPatternWidth );

  //don't render pattern if symbol size is below one or above 10,000 pixels
  if (( int )size < 1.0 || 10000.0 < size )
    mSvgPattern = new QImage();
    mBrush.setTextureImage( *mSvgPattern );
    bool fitsInCache = true;
    const QImage& patternImage = QgsSvgCache::instance()->svgAsImage( mSvgFilePath, size, mSvgFillColor, mSvgOutlineColor, mSvgOutlineWidth,
                                 context.renderContext().scaleFactor(), context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), fitsInCache );

    if ( !fitsInCache )
      const QPicture& patternPict = QgsSvgCache::instance()->svgAsPicture( mSvgFilePath, size, mSvgFillColor, mSvgOutlineColor, mSvgOutlineWidth,
                                    context.renderContext().scaleFactor(), 1.0 );
      double hwRatio = 1.0;
      if ( patternPict.width() > 0 )
        hwRatio = ( double )patternPict.height() / ( double )patternPict.width();
      mSvgPattern = new QImage(( int )size, ( int )( size * hwRatio ), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
      mSvgPattern->fill( 0 ); // transparent background

      QPainter p( mSvgPattern );
      p.drawPicture( QPointF( size / 2, size * hwRatio / 2 ), patternPict );

    QTransform brushTransform;
    brushTransform.scale( 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor(), 1.0 / context.renderContext().rasterScaleFactor() );
    if ( !doubleNear( context.alpha(), 1.0 ) )
      QImage transparentImage = fitsInCache ? patternImage.copy() : mSvgPattern->copy();
      QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::multiplyImageOpacity( &transparentImage, context.alpha() );
      mBrush.setTextureImage( transparentImage );
      mBrush.setTextureImage( fitsInCache ? patternImage : *mSvgPattern );
    mBrush.setTransform( brushTransform );

  if ( mOutline )
    mOutline->startRender( context.renderContext() );
Exemplo n.º 12
void QgsLineDecorationSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  // draw arrow at the end of line

  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  int cnt = points.count();
  if ( cnt < 2 )
  QPointF p2 = points.at( --cnt );
  QPointF p1 = points.at( --cnt );
  while ( p2 == p1 && cnt )
    p1 = points.at( --cnt );
  if ( p1 == p2 )
    // this is a collapsed line... don't bother drawing an arrow
    // with arbitrary orientation

  double angle = atan2( p2.y() - p1.y(), p2.x() - p1.x() );
  double size = ( mWidth * 8 ) * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mWidthUnit );
  double angle1 = angle + M_PI / 6;
  double angle2 = angle - M_PI / 6;

  QPointF p2_1 = p2 - QPointF( size * cos( angle1 ), size * sin( angle1 ) );
  QPointF p2_2 = p2 - QPointF( size * cos( angle2 ), size * sin( angle2 ) );

  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );
  p->drawLine( p2, p2_1 );
  p->drawLine( p2, p2_2 );
Exemplo n.º 13
void QgsSymbolLayerV2::prepareExpressions( const QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QMap< QString, QgsDataDefined* >::const_iterator it = mDataDefinedProperties.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != mDataDefinedProperties.constEnd(); ++it )
    if ( it.value() )
      QMap<QString, QVariant> params;
      if ( context.renderContext().rendererScale() > 0 )
        params.insert( "scale", context.renderContext().rendererScale() );
      it.value()->setExpressionParams( params );
      it.value()->prepareExpression( context.renderContext().expressionContext() );

  if ( context.fields() )
    //QgsFields is implicitly shared, so it's cheap to make a copy
    mFields = *context.fields();
Exemplo n.º 14
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolygonOutline( const QPolygonF& points, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  const QgsCurvePolygonV2* curvePolygon = dynamic_cast<const QgsCurvePolygonV2*>( context.renderContext().geometry() );

  if ( curvePolygon )
    context.renderContext().setGeometry( curvePolygon->exteriorRing() );
  renderPolyline( points, context );
  if ( rings )
    mOffset = -mOffset; // invert the offset for rings!
    for ( int i = 0; i < rings->size(); ++i )
      if ( curvePolygon )
        context.renderContext().setGeometry( curvePolygon->interiorRing( i ) );
      renderPolyline( rings->at( i ), context );
    mOffset = -mOffset;
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawCircle( double radiusPainterUnits, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, const QPointF& centerPoint, int nSymbols )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( nSymbols < 2 || !p ) //draw circle only if multiple features

  //draw Circle
  QPen circlePen( mCircleColor );
  circlePen.setWidthF( context.outputLineWidth( mCircleWidth ) );
  p->setPen( circlePen );
  p->drawArc( QRectF( centerPoint.x() - radiusPainterUnits, centerPoint.y() - radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits, 2 * radiusPainterUnits ), 0, 5760 );
Exemplo n.º 16
void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolyline( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  double offset = 0.0;
  applyDataDefinedSymbology( context, mPen, mSelPen, offset );

  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );

  if ( offset == 0 )
    p->drawPolyline( points );
    double scaledOffset = offset * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOffsetUnit );
    p->drawPolyline( ::offsetLine( points, scaledOffset ) );
Exemplo n.º 17
void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QColor penColor = mColor;
  penColor.setAlphaF( mColor.alphaF() * context.alpha() );
  mPen.setColor( penColor );
  double scaledWidth = mWidth * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mWidthUnit );
  mPen.setWidthF( scaledWidth );
  if ( mUseCustomDashPattern && scaledWidth != 0 )
    mPen.setStyle( Qt::CustomDashLine );

    //scale pattern vector
    QVector<qreal> scaledVector;
    QVector<qreal>::const_iterator it = mCustomDashVector.constBegin();
    for ( ; it != mCustomDashVector.constEnd(); ++it )
      //the dash is specified in terms of pen widths, therefore the division
      scaledVector << ( *it ) *  QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mCustomDashPatternUnit ) / scaledWidth;
    mPen.setDashPattern( scaledVector );
    mPen.setStyle( mPenStyle );
  mPen.setJoinStyle( mPenJoinStyle );
  mPen.setCapStyle( mPenCapStyle );

  mSelPen = mPen;
  QColor selColor = context.renderContext().selectionColor();
  if ( ! selectionIsOpaque )
    selColor.setAlphaF( context.alpha() );
  mSelPen.setColor( selColor );

  //prepare expressions for data defined properties
  prepareExpressions( context.layer() );
Exemplo n.º 18
double QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::dxfWidth( const QgsDxfExport& e, const QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ) const
  double width = mWidth;
  QgsExpression* strokeWidthExpression = expression( "width" );
  if ( strokeWidthExpression )
    width = strokeWidthExpression->evaluate( const_cast<QgsFeature*>( context.feature() ) ).toDouble() * e.mapUnitScaleFactor( e.symbologyScaleDenominator(), widthUnit(), e.mapUnits() );
  else if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    width = mWidth * QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mWidthUnit, mWidthMapUnitScale );

  return width * e.mapUnitScaleFactor( e.symbologyScaleDenominator(), widthUnit(), e.mapUnits() );
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  mMarker->setAlpha( context.alpha() );
  mMarker->setOutputUnit( context.outputUnit() );

  // if being rotated, it gets initialized with every line segment
  int hints = 0;
  if ( mRotateMarker )
    hints |= QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedRotation;
  if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    hints |= QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale;
  mMarker->setRenderHints( hints );

  mMarker->startRender( context.renderContext() );
Exemplo n.º 20
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolylineVertex( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, Placement placement )
  if ( points.isEmpty() )

  QgsRenderContext& rc = context.renderContext();

  double origAngle = mMarker->angle();
  int i, maxCount;
  bool isRing = false;

  if ( placement == FirstVertex )
    i = 0;
    maxCount = 1;
  else if ( placement == LastVertex )
    i = points.count() - 1;
    maxCount = points.count();
    i = 0;
    maxCount = points.count();
    if ( points.first() == points.last() )
      isRing = true;

  for ( ; i < maxCount; ++i )
    if ( isRing && placement == Vertex && i == points.count() - 1 )
      continue; // don't draw the last marker - it has been drawn already
    // rotate marker (if desired)
    if ( mRotateMarker )
      double angle = markerAngle( points, isRing, i );
      mMarker->setAngle( origAngle + angle * 180 / M_PI );

    mMarker->renderPoint( points.at( i ), context.feature(), rc, -1, context.selected() );

  // restore original rotation
  mMarker->setAngle( origAngle );
Exemplo n.º 21
void QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2::markerOffset( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, double& offsetX, double& offsetY )
  offsetX = mOffset.x();
  offsetY = mOffset.y();

  QgsExpression* offsetExpression = expression( "offset" );
  if ( offsetExpression )
    QPointF offset = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::decodePoint( offsetExpression->evaluate( const_cast<QgsFeature*>( context.feature() ) ).toString() );
    offsetX = offset.x();
    offsetY = offset.y();

  offsetX *= QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOffsetUnit );
  offsetY *= QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::lineWidthScaleFactor( context.renderContext(), mOffsetUnit );
Exemplo n.º 22
double QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::dxfWidth( const QgsDxfExport& e, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ) const
  double width = mWidth;

  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH ) )
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( mWidth );
    width = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_WIDTH, context, mWidth ).toDouble() * e.mapUnitScaleFactor( e.symbologyScaleDenominator(), widthUnit(), e.mapUnits() );
  else if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    width = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), mWidth, mWidthUnit, mWidthMapUnitScale );

  return width * e.mapUnitScaleFactor( e.symbologyScaleDenominator(), widthUnit(), e.mapUnits() );
Exemplo n.º 23
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolylineCentral( const QPolygonF& points, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( points.size() > 0 )
    // calc length
    qreal length = 0;
    QPolygonF::const_iterator it = points.constBegin();
    QPointF last = *it;
    for ( ++it; it != points.constEnd(); ++it )
      length += sqrt(( last.x() - it->x() ) * ( last.x() - it->x() ) +
                     ( last.y() - it->y() ) * ( last.y() - it->y() ) );
      last = *it;

    // find the segment where the central point lies
    it = points.constBegin();
    last = *it;
    qreal last_at = 0, next_at = 0;
    QPointF next;
    int segment = 0;
    for ( ++it; it != points.constEnd(); ++it )
      next = *it;
      next_at += sqrt(( last.x() - it->x() ) * ( last.x() - it->x() ) +
                      ( last.y() - it->y() ) * ( last.y() - it->y() ) );
      if ( next_at >= length / 2 )
        break; // we have reached the center
      last = *it;
      last_at = next_at;

    // find out the central point on segment
    MyLine l( last, next ); // for line angle
    qreal k = ( length * 0.5 - last_at ) / ( next_at - last_at );
    QPointF pt = last + ( next - last ) * k;

    // draw the marker
    double origAngle = mMarker->angle();
    if ( mRotateMarker )
      mMarker->setAngle( origAngle + l.angle() * 180 / M_PI );
    mMarker->renderPoint( pt, context.feature(), context.renderContext(), -1, context.selected() );
    if ( mRotateMarker )
      mMarker->setAngle( origAngle );
Exemplo n.º 24
void QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2::renderPolygonOutline( const QPolygonF& points, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  if ( mDrawInsidePolygon )
    //only drawing the line on the interior of the polygon, so set clip path for painter
    QPainterPath clipPath;
    clipPath.addPolygon( points );

    if ( rings != NULL )
      //add polygon rings
      QList<QPolygonF>::const_iterator it = rings->constBegin();
      for ( ; it != rings->constEnd(); ++it )
        QPolygonF ring = *it;
        clipPath.addPolygon( ring );

    //use intersect mode, as a clip path may already exist (eg, for composer maps)
    p->setClipPath( clipPath, Qt::IntersectClip );

  renderPolyline( points, context );
  if ( rings )
    mOffset = -mOffset; // invert the offset for rings!
    foreach ( const QPolygonF& ring, *rings )
      renderPolyline( ring, context );
    mOffset = -mOffset;

  if ( mDrawInsidePolygon )
    //restore painter to reset clip path

Exemplo n.º 25
void QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2::calculateOffsetAndRotation( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context,
    double scaledWidth,
    double scaledHeight,
    bool& hasDataDefinedRotation,
    QPointF& offset,
    double& angle ) const
  double offsetX = 0;
  double offsetY = 0;
  markerOffset( context, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, mSymbolWidthUnit, mSymbolHeightUnit, offsetX, offsetY, mSymbolWidthMapUnitScale, mSymbolHeightMapUnitScale );
  offset = QPointF( offsetX, offsetY );

//priority for rotation: 1. data defined symbol level, 2. symbol layer rotation (mAngle)
  bool ok = true;
  angle = mAngle + mLineAngle;
  bool usingDataDefinedRotation = false;
  if ( hasDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_ROTATION ) )
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( angle );
    angle = evaluateDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayerV2::EXPR_ROTATION, context, mAngle, &ok ).toDouble() + mLineAngle;
    usingDataDefinedRotation = ok;

  hasDataDefinedRotation = context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedRotation || usingDataDefinedRotation;
  if ( hasDataDefinedRotation )
    // For non-point markers, "dataDefinedRotation" means following the
    // shape (shape-data defined). For them, "field-data defined" does
    // not work at all. TODO: if "field-data defined" ever gets implemented
    // we'll need a way to distinguish here between the two, possibly
    // using another flag in renderHints()
    const QgsFeature* f = context.feature();
    if ( f )
      const QgsGeometry *g = f->constGeometry();
      if ( g && g->type() == QGis::Point )
        const QgsMapToPixel& m2p = context.renderContext().mapToPixel();
        angle += m2p.mapRotation();

  if ( angle )
    offset = _rotatedOffset( offset, angle );
Exemplo n.º 26
void QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  mMarker->setAlpha( context.alpha() );

  // if being rotated, it gets initialized with every line segment
  int hints = 0;
  if ( mRotateMarker )
    hints |= QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedRotation;
  if ( context.renderHints() & QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale )
    hints |= QgsSymbolV2::DataDefinedSizeScale;
  mMarker->setRenderHints( hints );

  mMarker->startRender( context.renderContext(), context.layer() );

  //prepare expressions for data defined properties
  prepareExpressions( context.layer() );
Exemplo n.º 27
void QgsArrowSymbolLayer::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  mExpressionScope.reset( new QgsExpressionContextScope() );
  mScaledArrowWidth = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), arrowWidth(), arrowWidthUnit(), arrowWidthUnitScale() );
  mScaledArrowStartWidth = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), arrowStartWidth(), arrowStartWidthUnit(), arrowStartWidthUnitScale() );
  mScaledHeadWidth = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), headWidth(), headWidthUnit(), headWidthUnitScale() );
  mScaledHeadHeight = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), headHeight(), headHeightUnit(), headHeightUnitScale() );
  mScaledOffset = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context.renderContext(), offset(), offsetUnit(), offsetMapUnitScale() );
  mComputedHeadType = headType();
  mComputedArrowType = arrowType();

  mSymbol->startRender( context.renderContext() );
Exemplo n.º 28
void QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer::startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  if ( mLineSymbol )
    mLineSymbol->startRender( context.renderContext() );

  const QgsVectorLayer* layer = context.layer();
  if ( layer )
    mXIndex = layer->fieldNameIndex( mXAttribute );
    mYIndex = layer->fieldNameIndex( mYAttribute );
    mXIndex = -1;
    mYIndex = -1;
void QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2::renderPolygon( const QPolygonF& points, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context )
  QPainter* p = context.renderContext().painter();
  if ( !p )

  p->setBrush( context.selected() ? mSelBrush : mBrush );
  p->setPen( mPen );
  p->setPen( context.selected() ? mSelPen : mPen );

  if ( !mOffset.isNull() )
    p->translate( mOffset );

  _renderPolygon( p, points, rings );

  if ( !mOffset.isNull() )
    p->translate( -mOffset );
Exemplo n.º 30
QVariant QgsSymbolLayerV2::evaluateDataDefinedProperty( const QString& property, const QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context, const QVariant& defaultVal, bool* ok ) const
  if ( ok )
    *ok = false;

  QgsDataDefined* dd = getDataDefinedProperty( property );
  if ( !dd || !dd->isActive() )
    return defaultVal;

  if ( dd->useExpression() )
    if ( dd->expression() )
      QVariant result = dd->expression()->evaluate( &context.renderContext().expressionContext() );
      if ( result.isValid() )
        if ( ok )
          *ok = true;
        return result;
        return defaultVal;
      return defaultVal;
  else if ( context.feature() && !dd->field().isEmpty() && !mFields.isEmpty() )
    int attributeIndex = mFields.fieldNameIndex( dd->field() );
    if ( attributeIndex >= 0 )
      if ( ok )
        *ok = true;
      return context.feature()->attribute( attributeIndex );
  return defaultVal;