Exemplo n.º 1
bool RKObjectListViewSettings::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const {

	// So I tried to use a KRecursiveFilterProxyModel, but
	// a) we don't really want recursion to the full depth. Thus limiting it, here.
	// b) While we don't handle insertions / removals of source indices in the presence of a filter, correctly, with KRecursiveFilterProxyModel
	//    I got crashes on this (arguably with the depth-limit in place)
	if (acceptRow (source_row, source_parent)) return true;

	RObject *parent = static_cast<RObject*> (source_parent.internalPointer ());
	if (!parent) {
		RK_ASSERT (parent);    // should have been accepted, above
		return true;
	RObject *object = parent->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row);
	if (!object) {
		RK_ASSERT (object);    // should have been accepted, above
		RK_DEBUG (APP, DL_ERROR, "row %d of %d in %s", source_row, sourceModel ()->rowCount (source_parent), qPrintable (parent->getShortName ()));
		return false;

	if (object->isType (RObject::ToplevelEnv | RObject::Workspace) || ((depth_limit > 0) && parent->isType (RObject::ToplevelEnv | RObject::Workspace))) {
		QModelIndex source_index = sourceModel ()->index (source_row, 0, source_parent);
		for (int row = 0, rows = sourceModel()->rowCount (source_index); row < rows; ++row) {
			if (filterAcceptsRow (row, source_index)) return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool RKObjectListViewSettings::acceptRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const {

	// always show the root item
	if (!source_parent.isValid ()) return true;

	RObject* object = static_cast<RObject*> (source_parent.internalPointer ());
	// always show global env and search path
	if (!object) return true;
	if (!object->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row)) {
		return true;
	object = object->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row);
	RK_ASSERT (object);

	if (!persistent_settings[ShowObjectsHidden]) {
		if (object->getShortName ().startsWith ('.')) return false;
		if (object == reinterpret_cast<RObject*> (RObjectList::getObjectList ()->orphanNamespacesObject ())) return false;

	if (hide_functions && object->isType (RObject::Function)) return false;
	if (hide_non_functions && !object->isType (RObject::Function)) return false;

	if (filterRegExp ().isEmpty ()) return true;
	if (filter_on_name && object->getShortName ().contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;
	if (filter_on_label && object->getLabel ().contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;
	if (filter_on_class) {
		QStringList cnames = object->classNames ();
		for (int i = cnames.length () - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			if (cnames[i].contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;

	return false;
QVariant RKObjectListModel::data (const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {

	int col = index.column ();
	RObject *object = static_cast<RObject*> (index.internalPointer ());

	if ((!object) || (col >= ColumnCount)) {
		RK_ASSERT (false);
		return QVariant ();

	if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
		if (col == NameColumn) return object->getShortName ();
		if (col == LabelColumn) return object->getLabel ();
		if (col == TypeColumn) {
			if (object->isVariable ()) return RObject::typeToText (object->getDataType ());
			return QVariant ();
		if ((col == ClassColumn) && (!object->isPseudoObject ())) return object->makeClassString ("; ");
	} else if (role == Qt::FontRole) {
		if (col == NameColumn && object->isPseudoObject ()) {
			QFont font;
			font.setItalic (true);
			return (font);
	} else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
		if (col == NameColumn) return RKStandardIcons::iconForObject (object);
	} else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) {
		return object->getObjectDescription ();

	return QVariant ();
Exemplo n.º 4
void RObjectList::updateEnvironments (const QStringList &_env_names, bool force_globalenv_update) {

	RObjectMap newchildmap;
	QStringList env_names = _env_names;
	if (!env_names.isEmpty ()) {
		QString dummy = env_names.takeFirst ();
		RK_ASSERT (dummy == ".GlobalEnv");
		if (force_globalenv_update) {
			// for now, we only update the .GlobalEnv. All others we assume to be static
			getGlobalEnv ()->updateFromR (update_chain);
	} else {
		RK_ASSERT (!env_names.isEmpty ());

	// find which items are new, and copy the old ones
	for (int i = 0; i < env_names.count (); ++i) {
		QString name = env_names[i];

		RObject *obj = findChildByName (name);
		if (obj && (i > 0) && (env_names.lastIndexOf (name, i-1) > -1)) {		// duplicate environment names can happen (e.g. if a data.frame is attached multiple times)
			obj = 0;	// only copy the old item once
		if (!obj) {
			obj = createTopLevelEnvironment (name);
			RKGlobals::tracker ()->beginAddObject (obj, this, i);
			childmap.insert (i, obj);
			RKGlobals::tracker ()->endAddObject (obj, this, i);
		newchildmap.insert (i, obj);

	// check which envs have been removed or changed position
	for (int i = 0; i < childmap.size (); ++i) {	// do *not* cache the childmap.size ()! We may change it in the loop.
		RObject *obj = childmap[i];
		int new_pos = newchildmap.indexOf (obj);
		if (new_pos < 0) {	// environment is gone
			RK_DEBUG (OBJECTS, DL_INFO, "removing toplevel environment %s from list", obj->getShortName ().toLatin1 ().data ());
			if (RKGlobals::tracker ()->removeObject (obj, 0, true)) --i;
			else (newchildmap.insert (i, obj));
		} else if (new_pos != i) {
			// this call is rather expensive, all in all, but fortunately called very rarely
			moveChild (obj, i, new_pos);

	RK_DO (RK_ASSERT (childmap == newchildmap), OBJECTS, DL_DEBUG);	// this is an expensive assert, hence wrapping it inside RK_DO
Exemplo n.º 5
RKEditor *RKWorkplace::editObject (RObject *object, bool initialize_to_empty) {

	RObject *iobj = object;
	RKEditor *ed = 0;
	RKEditorDataFramePart *part = 0;
	RKEditor *existing_editor = object->objectOpened ();
	if (!existing_editor) {
		if (object->isDataFrame ()) {
			part = new RKEditorDataFramePart (0);		// TODO: reverse creation logic, just as in the other classes!
			ed = part->getEditor ();
			// TODO: add child objects, too?
			ed->openObject (object, initialize_to_empty);
		} else if (object->isVariable () && object->getContainer ()->isDataFrame ()) {
			existing_editor = object->getContainer ()->objectOpened ();
			if (!existing_editor) {
				iobj = object->getContainer ();
				part = new RKEditorDataFramePart (0);
				ed = part->getEditor ();
				// TODO: add child objects, too?
				ed->openObject (iobj, initialize_to_empty);
				// ed->focusObject (obj);

		if (ed) {
			ed->setCaption (iobj->getShortName ());		// TODO: move to editor
			ed->setIcon (SmallIcon ("spreadsheet"));
			addWindow (ed);
			ed->setFocus ();		// somehow we need to call this explicitly

	if (existing_editor) {		// not strictly an else. existing_editor may be reset inside the above if
		existing_editor->activate ();
		ed = existing_editor;
	return ed;
bool RKVarEditDataFrameModel::insertColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) {

	if (parent.isValid ()) {
		RK_ASSERT (false);
		return false;

	if (column > trueCols ()) column = trueCols ();
	if (column < var_col_offset) column = var_col_offset;
	for (int col = column; col < (column + count); ++col) {
		RObject *obj = dataframe->createPendingChild (dataframe->validizeName (QString ()), col-var_col_offset);
		RK_ASSERT (obj->isVariable ());
//		addObject (col, obj);	// the object will be added via RKModificationTracker::addObject -> this::childAdded. That will also take care of calling beginInsertColumns()/endInsertColumns()
		RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (new RCommand (".rk.data.frame.insert.column (" + dataframe->getFullName () + ", \"" + obj->getShortName () + "\", " + QString::number (col+1-var_col_offset) + ")", RCommand::App | RCommand::Sync));

	return true;