Exemplo n.º 1
bool Promise::isMissingSymbol() const
    bool ans = false;
    /* This is wrong but I'm not clear why - arr
    if (m_value == Symbol::missingArgument())
     	return true;
    if (m_value == Symbol::unboundValue() && m_valgen) {
	RObject* prexpr = PREXPR(const_cast<Promise*>(this));
	if (prexpr->sexptype() == SYMSXP) {
	    // According to Luke Tierney's comment to R_isMissing() in CR,
	    // if a cycle is found then a missing argument has been
	    // encountered, so the return value is true.
	    if (m_under_evaluation)
		return true;
	    try {
		const Symbol* promsym
		    = static_cast<const Symbol*>(prexpr);
		m_under_evaluation = true;
		ans = isMissingArgument(promsym, environment()->frame());
	    catch (...) {
		m_under_evaluation = false;
	    m_under_evaluation = false;
    return ans;
Exemplo n.º 2
pair<bool, RObject*> ArgList::firstArg(Environment* env)
    const PairList* elt = list();
    if (!elt)
	return pair<bool, RObject*>(false, 0);
    if (m_status == EVALUATED)
	return make_pair(true, elt->car());
    while (elt) {
	RObject* arg1 = elt->car();
	if (!arg1)
	    return pair<bool, RObject*>(true, 0);
	if (arg1 != DotsSymbol) {
	    m_first_arg = Evaluator::evaluate(arg1, env);
	    m_first_arg_env = env;
	    return make_pair(true, m_first_arg.get());
	// If we get here it must be DotSymbol.
	Frame::Binding* bdg = env->findBinding(DotsSymbol);
	if (bdg && bdg->origin() != Frame::Binding::MISSING) {
	    RObject* val = bdg->forcedValue();
	    if (val) {
		if (val->sexptype() != DOTSXP)
		    Rf_error(_("'...' used in an incorrect context"));
		RObject* dots1 = static_cast<DottedArgs*>(val)->car();
		if (dots1->sexptype() != PROMSXP)
		    Rf_error(_("value in '...' is not a promise"));
		m_first_arg = Evaluator::evaluate(dots1, env);
		m_first_arg_env = env;
		return make_pair(true, m_first_arg.get());
	elt = elt->tail();  // elt was unbound or missing DotsSymbol
    return pair<bool, RObject*>(false, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Subscripting::setVectorAttributes(VectorBase* subset,
				       const VectorBase* source,
				       const Indices& indices)
    // Names:
	const StringVector* sourcenames = source->names();
	if (!sourcenames) {
	    // Use row names if this is a one-dimensional array:
	    const ListVector* dimnames = source->dimensionNames();
	    if (dimnames && dimnames->size() == 1)
		sourcenames = static_cast<const StringVector*>((*dimnames)[0].get());
	if (sourcenames)
	    subset->setNames(vectorSubset(sourcenames, indices));
    // R_SrcrefSymbol:
	RObject* attrib = source->getAttribute(SrcrefSymbol);
	if (attrib && attrib->sexptype() == VECSXP) {
	    const ListVector* srcrefs = static_cast<const ListVector*>(attrib);
	    subset->setAttribute(SrcrefSymbol, vectorSubset(srcrefs, indices));
Exemplo n.º 4
std::pair<FunctionBase*, bool>
S3Launcher::findMethod(const Symbol* symbol, Environment* call_env,
		       Environment* table_env)
    FunctionBase* fun = findFunction(symbol, call_env);
    if (fun)
	return make_pair(fun, true);
    if (!table_env)
	return pair<FunctionBase*, bool>(nullptr, false);
    Environment* table = nullptr;
    // Look for S3 methods table:
	Frame::Binding* tblbdg
	    = table_env->frame()->binding(S3MethodsTableSymbol);
	if (tblbdg) {
	    RObject* tblbdgval = tblbdg->forcedValue();
	    if (tblbdgval && tblbdgval->sexptype() == ENVSXP)
		table = static_cast<Environment*>(tblbdgval);
    // Look up method in table:
    if (table) {
	Frame::Binding* symbdg = table->frame()->binding(symbol);
	if (symbdg) {
	    RObject* symbdgval = symbdg->forcedValue();
	    // Assume that the result is a FunctionBase:
	    return make_pair(static_cast<FunctionBase*>(symbdgval), false);
    return pair<FunctionBase*, bool>(nullptr, false);
Exemplo n.º 5
void ArgList::wrapInPromises(Environment* env)
    if (m_status == PROMISED)
	Rf_error("Internal error:"
		 " ArgList already wrapped in Promises");
    if (m_status == EVALUATED)
	env = 0;
    else if (m_first_arg_env && env != m_first_arg_env)
	Rf_error("Internal error: first arg of ArgList"
		 " previously evaluated in different environment");
    GCStackRoot<const PairList> oldargs(list());
    PairList* lastout = 0;

    for (const PairList* inp = oldargs; inp; inp = inp->tail()) {
	RObject* rawvalue = inp->car();
	if (rawvalue == DotsSymbol) {
	    Frame::Binding* binding = env->findBinding(DotsSymbol);
	    if (binding) {
		RObject* dval = binding->forcedValue();
		if (!dval || dval->sexptype() == DOTSXP) {
		    ConsCell* dotlist = static_cast<ConsCell*>(dval);
		    while (dotlist) {
			Promise* prom;
			if (!m_first_arg_env)
			    prom = new Promise(dotlist->car(), env);
			else {
			    prom = new Promise(m_first_arg, 0);
			    m_first_arg = 0;
			    m_first_arg_env = 0;
			const Symbol* tag = tag2Symbol(dotlist->tag());
			PairList* cell = PairList::cons(prom, 0, tag);
			lastout = append(cell, lastout);
			dotlist = dotlist->tail();
		} else if (dval != Symbol::missingArgument())
		    Rf_error(_("'...' used in an incorrect context"));
	} else {
	    const Symbol* tag = tag2Symbol(inp->tag());
	    RObject* value = Symbol::missingArgument();
	    if (m_first_arg_env) {
		value = CXXR_NEW(Promise(m_first_arg, 0));
		m_first_arg = 0;
		m_first_arg_env = 0;
	    } else if (rawvalue != Symbol::missingArgument())
		value = CXXR_NEW(Promise(rawvalue, env));
	    PairList* cell = PairList::cons(value, 0, tag);
	    lastout = append(cell, lastout);
    m_status = PROMISED;
Exemplo n.º 6
RObject* Closure::execute(Environment* env) const
    RObject* ans;
    Environment::ReturnScope returnscope(env);
    Closure::DebugScope debugscope(this);
    try {
	if (m_compiled_body
	    && m_compiled_body->hasMatchingFrameLayout(env)) {
	    PlainContext boctxt;
	    ans = m_compiled_body->evalInEnvironment(env);
	} else {
	    if (!m_compiled_body && m_num_invokes == 100) {
		// Compile the body, but stay in the interpreter because the
		// frame hasn't been setup for a compiled function.
		// TODO(kmillar): recompile functions as needed.
	    BailoutContext boctxt;
	    ans = Evaluator::evaluate(m_body, env);
	if (ans && ans->sexptype() == BAILSXP) {
	    ReturnBailout* rbo = dynamic_cast<ReturnBailout*>(ans);
	    if (!rbo || rbo->environment() != env)
	    R_Visible = Rboolean(rbo->printResult());
	    ans = rbo->value();
    catch (ReturnException& rx) {
	if (rx.environment() != env)
	ans = rx.value();
    return ans;
Exemplo n.º 7
RObject* Expression::evaluate(Environment* env)
    IncrementStackDepthScope scope;

    GCStackRoot<FunctionBase> func;
    RObject* head = car();
    if (head->sexptype() == SYMSXP) {
	Symbol* symbol = static_cast<Symbol*>(head);
	func = findFunction(symbol, env);
	if (!func)
	    error(_("could not find function \"%s\""),
    } else {
	RObject* val = Evaluator::evaluate(head, env);
	if (!FunctionBase::isA(val))
	    error(_("attempt to apply non-function"));
	func = static_cast<FunctionBase*>(val);
    ArgList arglist(tail(), ArgList::RAW);
    return func->apply(&arglist, env, this);
Exemplo n.º 8
void ArgList::evaluate(Environment* env, bool allow_missing)
    if (m_status == EVALUATED)
	Rf_error("Internal error: ArgList already evaluated");
    if (m_first_arg_env && env != m_first_arg_env)
	Rf_error("Internal error: first arg of ArgList"
		 " previously evaluated in different environment");
    GCStackRoot<const PairList> oldargs(list());
    PairList* lastout = 0;
    unsigned int arg_number = 1;
    for (const PairList* inp = oldargs; inp; inp = inp->tail()) {
	RObject* incar = inp->car();
	if (incar == DotsSymbol) {
	    Frame::Binding* bdg = env->findBinding(CXXR::DotsSymbol);
	    if (!bdg)
		Rf_error(_("'...' used but not bound"));
	    RObject* h = bdg->forcedValue();
	    if (!h || h->sexptype() == DOTSXP) {
		ConsCell* dotlist = static_cast<DottedArgs*>(h);
		while (dotlist) {
		    RObject* dotcar = dotlist->car();
		    RObject* outcar = Symbol::missingArgument();
		    if (m_first_arg_env) {
			outcar = m_first_arg;
			m_first_arg = 0;
			m_first_arg_env = 0;
		    } else if (dotcar != Symbol::missingArgument())
			outcar = Evaluator::evaluate(dotcar, env);
		    PairList* cell = PairList::cons(outcar, 0, dotlist->tag());
		    lastout = append(cell, lastout);
		    dotlist = dotlist->tail();
	    } else if (h != Symbol::missingArgument())
		Rf_error(_("'...' used in an incorrect context"));
	} else {
	    const RObject* tag = inp->tag();
	    PairList* cell = 0;
	    if (m_first_arg_env) {
		cell = PairList::cons(m_first_arg, 0, tag);
		m_first_arg = 0;
		m_first_arg_env = 0;
	    } else if (incar && incar->sexptype() == SYMSXP) {
		Symbol* sym = static_cast<Symbol*>(incar);
		if (sym == Symbol::missingArgument()) {
		    if (allow_missing)
			cell = PairList::cons(Symbol::missingArgument(), 0, tag);
		    else Rf_error(_("argument %d is empty"), arg_number);
		} else if (isMissingArgument(sym, env->frame())) {
		    if (allow_missing)
			cell = PairList::cons(Symbol::missingArgument(), 0, tag);
		    else Rf_error(_("'%s' is missing"),
	    if (!cell) {
		RObject* outcar = Evaluator::evaluate(incar, env);
		cell = PairList::cons(outcar, 0, inp->tag());
	    lastout = append(cell, lastout);
    m_status = EVALUATED;