Exemplo n.º 1
bool GraphicsLayerAndroid::repaint()
    LOG("(%x) repaint(), gPaused(%d) m_needsRepaint(%d) m_haveContents(%d) ",
        this, gPaused, m_needsRepaint, m_haveContents);

    if (!gPaused && m_haveContents && m_needsRepaint && !m_image) {
        // with SkPicture, we request the entire layer's content.
        IntRect layerBounds(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height());

        RenderLayer* layer = renderLayerFromClient(m_client);
        if (!layer)
            return false;
        if (m_foregroundLayer) {
            PaintingPhase phase(this);
            // Paint the background into a separate context.
            if (!paintContext(m_contentLayer->recordContext(), layerBounds))
                return false;

            // Construct the foreground layer and draw.
            RenderBox* box = layer->renderBox();
            int outline = box->view()->maximalOutlineSize();
            IntRect contentsRect(0, 0,
                                 box->borderLeft() + box->borderRight() + layer->scrollWidth(),
                                 box->borderTop() + box->borderBottom() + layer->scrollHeight());
            // Update the foreground layer size.
            m_foregroundLayer->setSize(contentsRect.width(), contentsRect.height());
            // Paint everything else into the main recording canvas.

            // Paint at 0,0.
            IntSize scroll = layer->scrolledContentOffset();
            layer->scrollToOffset(0, 0);
            // At this point, it doesn't matter if painting failed.
            (void) paintContext(m_foregroundLayer->recordContext(), contentsRect);
            layer->scrollToOffset(scroll.width(), scroll.height());

            // Construct the clip layer for masking the contents.
            IntRect clip = layer->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
            // absoluteBoundingBoxRect does not include the outline so we need
            // to offset the position.
            int x = box->borderLeft() + outline;
            int y = box->borderTop() + outline;
            int width = clip.width() - box->borderLeft() - box->borderRight();
            int height = clip.height() - box->borderTop() - box->borderBottom();
            m_foregroundClipLayer->setPosition(x, y);
            m_foregroundClipLayer->setSize(width, height);

            // Need to offset the foreground layer by the clip layer in order
            // for the contents to be in the correct position.
            m_foregroundLayer->setPosition(-x, -y);
            // Set the scrollable bounds of the layer.
            m_foregroundLayer->setScrollLimits(-x, -y, m_size.width(), m_size.height());

            // Invalidate the entire layer for now, as webkit will only send the
            // setNeedsDisplayInRect() for the visible (clipped) scrollable area,
            // offsetting the invals by the scroll position would not be enough.
            // TODO: have webkit send us invals even for non visible area
            SkRegion region;
            region.setRect(0, 0, contentsRect.width(), contentsRect.height());
        } else {
            // If there is no contents clip, we can draw everything into one
            // picture.
            if (!paintContext(m_contentLayer->recordContext(), layerBounds))
                return false;
            // Check for a scrollable iframe and report the scrolling
            // limits based on the view size.
            if (m_contentLayer->contentIsScrollable()) {
                FrameView* view = layer->renderer()->frame()->view();
                    m_position.x(), m_position.y(), view->layoutWidth(), view->layoutHeight());

        LOG("(%x) repaint() on (%.2f,%.2f) contentlayer(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)paintGraphicsLayer called!",
            this, m_size.width(), m_size.height(),

        m_needsRepaint = false;

        return true;
    if (m_needsRepaint && m_image && m_newImage) {
        // We need to tell the GL thread that we will need to repaint the
        // texture. Only do so if we effectively have a new image!
        m_newImage = false;
        m_needsRepaint = false;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
int Frame::checkOverflowScroll(OverflowScrollAction action)
    Position extent = selection().selection().extent();
    if (extent.isNull())
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    RenderObject* renderer = extent.deprecatedNode()->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    FrameView* view = this->view();
    if (!view)
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    RenderBlock* containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock || !containingBlock->hasOverflowClip())
        return OverflowScrollNone;
    RenderLayer* layer = containingBlock->layer();

    IntRect visibleRect = IntRect(view->scrollX(), view->scrollY(), view->visibleWidth(), view->visibleHeight());
    IntPoint position = m_overflowAutoScrollPos;
    if (visibleRect.contains(position.x(), position.y()))
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    int scrollType = 0;
    int deltaX = 0;
    int deltaY = 0;
    IntPoint selectionPosition;

    // This constant will make the selection draw a little bit beyond the edge of the visible area.
    // This prevents a visual glitch, in that you can fail to select a portion of a character that
    // is being rendered right at the edge of the visible rectangle.
    // FIXME: This probably needs improvement, and may need to take the font size into account.
    static const int scrollBoundsAdjustment = 3;

    // FIXME: Make a small buffer at the end of a visible rectangle so that autoscrolling works 
    // even if the visible extends to the limits of the screen.
    if (position.x() < visibleRect.x()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollLeft;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaX -= static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() - scrollBoundsAdjustment);
    } else if (position.x() > visibleRect.maxX()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollRight;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaX += static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() + view->visibleWidth() + scrollBoundsAdjustment);

    if (position.y() < visibleRect.y()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollUp;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaY -= static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() - scrollBoundsAdjustment);
    } else if (position.y() > visibleRect.maxY()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollDown;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaY += static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() + view->visibleHeight() + scrollBoundsAdjustment);

    Ref<Frame> protectedThis(*this);

    if (action == PerformOverflowScroll && (deltaX || deltaY)) {
        layer->scrollToOffset(layer->scrollOffset() + IntSize(deltaX, deltaY));

        // Handle making selection.
        VisiblePosition visiblePosition(renderer->positionForPoint(selectionPosition, nullptr));
        if (visiblePosition.isNotNull()) {
            VisibleSelection visibleSelection = selection().selection();
            if (selection().granularity() != CharacterGranularity)
            if (selection().shouldChangeSelection(visibleSelection))

        m_overflowAutoScrollDelta *= 1.02f; // Accelerate the scroll
    return scrollType;