Exemplo n.º 1
mObject spcsToJSON(void) {
    SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theDomain.getSPs();
    SP_Constraint *theSP;

    mObject sps;
    mArray sp_val;
    mValue tag, ntag, dir, ref_val;
    char tag_str[15];

    while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
        tag = theSP->getTag();
        ntag = theSP->getNodeTag();
        dir = theSP->getDOF_Number();
        ref_val = theSP->getValue();

        sprintf(tag_str, "%d", tag.get_int());
        sps[tag_str] = sp_val;
    return sps; 
Exemplo n.º 2
UniformExcitation::setDomain(Domain *theDomain) 

  // now we go through and set all the node velocities to be vel0 
  // for those nodes not fixed in the dirn!
  if (vel0 != 0.0) {

    SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theDomain->getSPs();
    SP_Constraint *theSP;
    ID constrainedNodes(0);
    int count = 0;
    while ((theSP=theSPs()) != 0) {
      if (theSP->getDOF_Number() == theDof) {
	constrainedNodes[count] = theSP->getNodeTag();

    NodeIter &theNodes = theDomain->getNodes();
    Node *theNode;
    Vector newVel(1);
    int currentSize = 1;
    while ((theNode = theNodes()) != 0) {
      int tag = theNode->getTag();
      if (constrainedNodes.getLocation(tag) < 0) {
	int numDOF = theNode->getNumberDOF();
	if (numDOF != currentSize) 
	newVel = theNode->getVel();
	newVel(theDof) = vel0;
TransformationConstraintHandler::handle(const ID *nodesLast)
    // first check links exist to a Domain and an AnalysisModel object
    Domain *theDomain = this->getDomainPtr();
    AnalysisModel *theModel = this->getAnalysisModelPtr();
    Integrator *theIntegrator = this->getIntegratorPtr();    
    if ((theDomain == 0) || (theModel == 0) || (theIntegrator == 0)) {
	opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - ";
	opserr << " setLinks() has not been called\n";
	return -1;
    // get number ofelements and nodes in the domain 
    // and init the theFEs and theDOFs arrays
    int numMPConstraints = theDomain->getNumMPs();

    //    int numSPConstraints = theDomain->getNumSPs();    
    int numSPConstraints = 0;
    SP_ConstraintIter &theSP1s = theDomain->getDomainAndLoadPatternSPs();
    SP_Constraint *theSP1; 
    while ((theSP1 = theSP1s()) != 0) 
    numDOF = 0;
    ID transformedNode(0, 64);

    int i;
    // create an ID of constrained node tags in MP_Constraints
    ID constrainedNodesMP(0, numMPConstraints);
    MP_Constraint **mps =0;
    if (numMPConstraints != 0) {
	mps = new MP_Constraint *[numMPConstraints];
	if (mps == 0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - ";
	    opserr << "ran out of memory for MP_Constraints"; 
	    opserr << " array of size " << numMPConstraints << endln;
	    return -3;	    
	MP_ConstraintIter &theMPs = theDomain->getMPs();
	MP_Constraint *theMP; 
	int index = 0;
	while ((theMP = theMPs()) != 0) {
	  int nodeConstrained = theMP->getNodeConstrained();
	  if (transformedNode.getLocation(nodeConstrained) < 0)
	    transformedNode[numDOF++] = nodeConstrained;
	  constrainedNodesMP[index] = nodeConstrained;
	  mps[index] = theMP;

    // create an ID of constrained node tags in SP_Constraints
    ID constrainedNodesSP(0, numSPConstraints);;
    SP_Constraint **sps =0;
    if (numSPConstraints != 0) {
	sps = new SP_Constraint *[numSPConstraints];
	if (sps == 0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - ";
	    opserr << "ran out of memory for SP_Constraints"; 
	    opserr << " array of size " << numSPConstraints << endln;
	    if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
	    if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
	    return -3;	    
	SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theDomain->getDomainAndLoadPatternSPs();
	SP_Constraint *theSP; 
	int index = 0;
	while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
	  int constrainedNode = theSP->getNodeTag();
	  if (transformedNode.getLocation(constrainedNode) < 0)
	    transformedNode[numDOF++] = constrainedNode;	    
	  constrainedNodesSP[index] = constrainedNode;
	  sps[index] = theSP;

    // create an array for the DOF_Groups and zero it
    if ((numDOF != 0) && ((theDOFs = new DOF_Group *[numDOF]) == 0)) {
	opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - ";
        opserr << "ran out of memory for DOF_Groups";
	opserr << " array of size " << numDOF << endln;
	return -3;    
    for (i=0; i<numDOF; i++) theDOFs[i] = 0;

    //create a DOF_Group for each Node and add it to the AnalysisModel.
    //    :must of course set the initial IDs
    NodeIter &theNod = theDomain->getNodes();
    Node *nodPtr;

    int numDofGrp = 0;
    int count3 = 0;
    int countDOF =0;
    numConstrainedNodes = 0;
    numDOF = 0;
    while ((nodPtr = theNod()) != 0) {

        DOF_Group *dofPtr = 0;

	int nodeTag = nodPtr->getTag();
	int numNodalDOF = nodPtr->getNumberDOF();
	int loc = -1;
	int createdDOF = 0;

	loc = constrainedNodesMP.getLocation(nodeTag);
	if (loc >= 0) {

	  TransformationDOF_Group *tDofPtr = 
	    new TransformationDOF_Group(numDofGrp++, nodPtr, mps[loc], this); 

	  createdDOF = 1;
	  dofPtr = tDofPtr;
	  // add any SPs
	  if (numSPConstraints != 0) {
	    loc = constrainedNodesSP.getLocation(nodeTag);
	    if (loc >= 0) {
	      for (int i = loc+1; i<numSPConstraints; i++) {
		if (constrainedNodesSP(i) == nodeTag)
	    // add the DOF to the array	    
	    theDOFs[numDOF++] = dofPtr;	    	    
	if (createdDOF == 0) {
	  loc = constrainedNodesSP.getLocation(nodeTag);
	  if (loc >= 0) {
	    TransformationDOF_Group *tDofPtr = 
	      new TransformationDOF_Group(numDofGrp++, nodPtr, this);

	    int numSPs = 1;
	    createdDOF = 1;
	    dofPtr = tDofPtr;
	    // check for more SP_constraints acting on node and add them
	    for (int i = loc+1; i<numSPConstraints; i++) {
	      if (constrainedNodesSP(i) == nodeTag) {
	    // add the DOF to the array
	    theDOFs[numDOF++] = dofPtr;	    	    
	    countDOF+= numNodalDOF - numSPs;		

	// create an ordinary DOF_Group object if no dof constrained
	if (createdDOF == 0) {
	    if ((dofPtr = new DOF_Group(numDofGrp++, nodPtr)) == 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() ";
		opserr << "- ran out of memory";
		opserr << " creating DOF_Group " << i << endln;	
		if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
		if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
		return -4;    		
	    countDOF+= numNodalDOF;
	if (dofPtr == 0) 
	  opserr << "TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - error in logic\n";

    // create the FE_Elements for the Elements and add to the AnalysisModel
    ElementIter &theEle = theDomain->getElements();
    Element *elePtr;
    FE_Element *fePtr;

    numFE = 0;
    ID transformedEle(0, 64);

    while ((elePtr = theEle()) != 0) {
      int flag = 0;
      if (elePtr->isSubdomain() == true) {
	Subdomain *theSub = (Subdomain *)elePtr;
	if (theSub->doesIndependentAnalysis() == true) 
	  flag = 1;

      if (flag == 0) {
	const ID &nodes = elePtr->getExternalNodes();
	int nodesSize = nodes.Size();
	int isConstrainedNode = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<nodesSize; i++) {
	  int nodeTag = nodes(i);
	  if (numMPConstraints != 0) {
	    int loc = constrainedNodesMP.getLocation(nodeTag);
	    if (loc >= 0) {
	      isConstrainedNode = 1;
	      i = nodesSize;
	  if (numSPConstraints != 0 && isConstrainedNode == 0) {
	    int loc = constrainedNodesSP.getLocation(nodeTag);
	    if (loc >= 0) {
	      isConstrainedNode = 1;		    
	      i = nodesSize;
	if (isConstrainedNode == 1) {
	  transformedEle[numFE++] = elePtr->getTag();
    // create an array for the FE_elements and zero it
    if ((numFE != 0) && ((theFEs  = new FE_Element *[numFE]) == 0)) {
      opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() - ";
      opserr << "ran out of memory for FE_elements"; 
      opserr << " array of size " << numFE << endln;
      return -2;
    for (i=0; i<numFE; i++) theFEs[i] = 0;

    ElementIter &theEle1 = theDomain->getElements();
    // int numConstraints = numMPConstraints+numSPConstraints;
    int numFeEle = 0;
    int numFE = 0;

    while ((elePtr = theEle1()) != 0) {
      int tag = elePtr->getTag();
      if (elePtr->isSubdomain() == true) {
	Subdomain *theSub = (Subdomain *)elePtr;
	if (theSub->doesIndependentAnalysis() == false) {
	  if (transformedEle.getLocation(tag) < 0) {
	    if ((fePtr = new FE_Element(numFeEle, elePtr)) == 0) {
	      opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle()";
	      opserr << " - ran out of memory";
	      opserr << " creating FE_Element " << elePtr->getTag() << endln; 
	      if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
	      if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
	      return -5;
	  } else {
	    if ((fePtr = new TransformationFE(numFeEle, elePtr)) == 0) {		
	      opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle()";
	      opserr << " - ran out of memory";
	      opserr << " creating TransformationFE " << elePtr->getTag() << endln; 
	      if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
	      if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
	      return -6;		    
	    theFEs[numFE++] = fePtr;

      } else {
	if (transformedEle.getLocation(tag) < 0) {
	  if ((fePtr = new FE_Element(numFeEle, elePtr)) == 0) {
	    opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle()";
	    opserr << " - ran out of memory";
	    opserr << " creating FE_Element " << elePtr->getTag() << endln; 
	    if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
	    if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
	    return -5;
	} else {
	  if ((fePtr = new TransformationFE(numFeEle, elePtr)) == 0) {		
	    opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle()";
	    opserr << " - ran out of memory";
	    opserr << " creating TransformationFE " << elePtr->getTag() << endln; 
	    if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
	    if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;
	    return -6;		    
	  theFEs[numFE++] = fePtr;

    // set the number of eqn in the model
    // now see if we have to set any of the dof's to -3
    //    int numLast = 0;
    if (nodesLast != 0) 
	for (i=0; i<nodesLast->Size(); i++) {
	    int nodeID = (*nodesLast)(i);
	    Node *nodPtr = theDomain->getNode(nodeID);
	    if (nodPtr != 0) {
		DOF_Group *dofPtr = nodPtr->getDOF_GroupPtr();
		const ID &id = dofPtr->getID();
		// set all the dof values to -3
		for (int j=0; j < id.Size(); j++) {
		    if (id(j) == -2) {
		    } else {
			opserr << "WARNING TransformationConstraintHandler::handle() ";
			opserr << " - boundary sp constraint in subdomain";
			opserr << " this should not be - results suspect \n";
			if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
			if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;

    if (mps != 0) delete [] mps;
    if (sps != 0) delete [] sps;

    return count3;
Exemplo n.º 4
DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts, bool usingMain, int mainPartitionTag, int specialElementTag)

  usingMainDomain = usingMain;
  mainPartition = mainPartitionTag;

  // first we ensure the partitioned domain has numpart subdomains
  // with tags 1 through numparts
  for (int i=1; i<=numParts; i++) {
    if (i != mainPartition) {
      Subdomain *subdomainPtr = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(i);
      if (subdomainPtr == 0) {
	opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition - No Subdomain: ";
	opserr << i << " exists\n";
	return -1;

  // we get the ele graph from the domain and partition it
  //    Graph &theEleGraph = myDomain->getElementGraph();
  //    theElementGraph = new Graph(myDomain->getElementGraph());

  theElementGraph = &(myDomain->getElementGraph());

  int theError = thePartitioner.partition(*theElementGraph, numParts);

  if (theError < 0) {
    opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition";
    opserr << " - the graph partioner failed to partition the ";
    opserr << "element graph\n";
    return -10+theError;

  /* print graph */
  //  opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition - eleGraph: \n";
  //  theElementGraph->Print(opserr, 4);
  VertexIter &theVertices1 = theElementGraph->getVertices();
  Vertex *vertexPtr = 0;
  bool moreThanOne = false;
  vertexPtr = theVertices1();
  int vertexOnePartition  = 0;
  if (vertexPtr != 0)
    vertexOnePartition  = vertexPtr->getColor();  
  while ((moreThanOne == false) && ((vertexPtr = theVertices1()) != 0)) {
    int partition = vertexPtr->getColor();
    if (partition != vertexOnePartition ) {
      moreThanOne = true;

  if (moreThanOne == false) {
    opserr <<"DomainPartitioner::partition - too few elements for model to be partitioned\n";
    return -1;

  int specialElementColor = 1;
  if (specialElementTag != 0) {
    bool found = false;
    VertexIter &theVerticesSpecial = theElementGraph->getVertices();
    while ((found == false) && ((vertexPtr = theVerticesSpecial()) != 0)) {
      int eleTag = vertexPtr->getRef();
      if (eleTag == specialElementTag) {
	found = true;
	int vertexColor = vertexPtr->getColor();
	if (vertexColor != 1)
	  //	  specialElementColor = vertexColor;
  // we create empty graphs for the numParts subdomains,
  // in the graphs we place the vertices for the elements on the boundaries
  // we do not invoke the destructor on the individual graphs as 
  // this would invoke the destructor on the individual vertices

  if (theBoundaryElements != 0)
    delete [] theBoundaryElements;
  theBoundaryElements = new Graph * [numParts];
  if (theBoundaryElements == 0) {
    opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
    opserr << " - ran out of memory\n";
    numPartitions = 0;  
    return -1;

  for (int l=0; l<numParts; l++) {
    theBoundaryElements[l] = new Graph(2048); // graphs can grow larger; just an estimate
    if (theBoundaryElements[l] == 0) {
      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
      opserr << " - ran out of memory\n";
      numPartitions = 0;
      return -1;
  numPartitions = numParts;

  //  opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - nodes \n";  
  // we now create a MapOfTaggedObjectStorage to store the NodeLocations
  // and create a new NodeLocation for each node; adding it to the map object

  theNodeLocations = new MapOfTaggedObjects();
  if (theNodeLocations == 0) {
    opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
    opserr << " - ran out of memory creating MapOfTaggedObjectStorage for node locations\n";
    numPartitions = 0;
    return -1;

  NodeIter &theNodes = myDomain->getNodes();
  Node *nodePtr;
  while ((nodePtr = theNodes()) != 0) {
    NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = new NodeLocations(nodePtr->getTag());
    if (theNodeLocation == 0) {
      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
      opserr << " - ran out of memory creating NodeLocation for node: " << nodePtr->getTag() << endln;
      numPartitions = 0;
      return -1;
    if (theNodeLocations->addComponent(theNodeLocation) == false) {
      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
      opserr << " - failed to add NodeLocation to Map for Node: " << nodePtr->getTag() << endln;
      numPartitions = 0;
      return -1;

  // we now iterate through the vertices of the element graph
  // to see if the vertex is a boundary vertex or not - if it is
  // we add to the appropriate graph created above. We also set the
  // value the color variable of each of the external nodes connected 
  // to the element to a value which will indicate that that node will
  // have to be added to the subdomain.
  VertexIter &theVertexIter = theElementGraph->getVertices();
  while ((vertexPtr = theVertexIter()) != 0) {
    int eleTag = vertexPtr->getRef();
    int vertexColor = vertexPtr->getColor();
    const ID &adjacency = vertexPtr->getAdjacency();
    int size = adjacency.Size();
    for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
      Vertex *otherVertex = theElementGraph->getVertexPtr(adjacency(i));
      if (otherVertex->getColor() != vertexColor) {
	i = size;
    Element *elePtr = myDomain->getElement(eleTag);
    const ID &nodes = elePtr->getExternalNodes();
    size = nodes.Size();
    for (int j=0; j<size; j++) {
      int nodeTag = nodes(j);
      TaggedObject *theTaggedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(nodeTag);
      if (theTaggedObject == 0) {
	opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
	opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << nodePtr->getTag() << " -- A BUG!!\n";
	numPartitions = 0;
	return -1;	
      NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = (NodeLocations *)theTaggedObject;

  // now go through the MP_Constraints and ensure the retained node is in every 
  // partition the constrained node is in
  MP_ConstraintIter &theMPs = myDomain->getMPs();
  MP_Constraint *mpPtr;
  while ((mpPtr = theMPs()) != 0) {
    int retained = mpPtr->getNodeRetained();
    int constrained = mpPtr->getNodeConstrained();
    TaggedObject *theRetainedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(retained);      
    TaggedObject *theConstrainedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(constrained);
    if (theRetainedObject == 0 || theConstrainedObject == 0) {
      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
      if (theRetainedObject == 0)
	opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << retained << " -- A BUG!!\n";
      if (theConstrainedObject == 0)
	opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << constrained << " -- A BUG!!\n";
      numPartitions = 0;
      return -1;	
    NodeLocations *theRetainedLocation = (NodeLocations *)theRetainedObject;
    NodeLocations *theConstrainedLocation = (NodeLocations *)theConstrainedObject;
    ID &theConstrainedNodesPartitions = theConstrainedLocation->nodePartitions;
    int numPartitions = theConstrainedNodesPartitions.Size();
    for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {

  // we now add the nodes, 
  TaggedObjectIter &theNodeLocationIter = theNodeLocations->getComponents();
  TaggedObject *theNodeObject;

  while ((theNodeObject = theNodeLocationIter()) != 0) {
    NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = (NodeLocations *)theNodeObject;

    int nodeTag = theNodeLocation->getTag();
    ID &nodePartitions = theNodeLocation->nodePartitions;
    int numPartitions = theNodeLocation->numPartitions;

    for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {
      int partition = nodePartitions(i);	  
      if (partition != mainPartition) {      
	Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition); 
	if (numPartitions == 1) {
	  Node *nodePtr = myDomain->removeNode(nodeTag);
	} else {
	  Node *nodePtr = myDomain->getNode(nodeTag);

  // we now move the elements 
  VertexIter &theVertices = theElementGraph->getVertices();
  while ((vertexPtr = theVertices()) != 0) {
    // move the element
    int partition = vertexPtr->getColor();
    if (partition != mainPartition) {          
      int eleTag = vertexPtr->getRef();

      //      opserr << "removing ele: " << eleTag << endln;
      Element *elePtr = myDomain->removeElement(eleTag);  
      //      opserr << *elePtr;

      if (elePtr != 0) {
	//	opserr << "adding ele - start\n";
	Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition);  

	//	opserr << "adding ele - done\n";
      } else {
	opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partioner - element GONE! - eleTag " << eleTag << endln;

  // now we go through the load patterns and move NodalLoad
  // 1) make sure each subdomain has a copy of the partitioneddomains load patterns.
  // 2) move nodal loads
  // 3) move SP_Constraints
  LoadPatternIter &theLoadPatterns = myDomain->getLoadPatterns();
  LoadPattern *theLoadPattern;
  while ((theLoadPattern = theLoadPatterns()) != 0) {
    int loadPatternTag = theLoadPattern->getTag();

    // check that each subdomain has a loadPattern with a similar tag and class tag
    for (int i=1; i<=numParts; i++) {
      if (i != mainPartition) {
	Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(i);
	LoadPattern *loadPatternCopy = theSubdomain->getLoadPattern(loadPatternTag);
	if (loadPatternCopy == 0) {
	  LoadPattern *newLoadPattern = theLoadPattern->getCopy();
	  if (newLoadPattern == 0) {
	    opserr << "DomaiPartitioner::partition - out of memory creating LoadPatterns\n";
 	    return -1;

    // now remove any nodal loads that correspond to internal nodes in a subdomain
    // and add them to the appropriate loadpattern in the subdomain
    NodalLoadIter &theNodalLoads = theLoadPattern->getNodalLoads();
    NodalLoad *theNodalLoad;
    while ((theNodalLoad = theNodalLoads()) != 0) {
      int nodeTag = theNodalLoad->getNodeTag();

      TaggedObject *theTaggedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(nodeTag);
      if (theTaggedObject == 0) {
	opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
	opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << nodeTag << " -- A BUG!!\n";
	numPartitions = 0;
	return -1;	
      NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = (NodeLocations *)theTaggedObject;
      ID &nodePartitions = theNodeLocation->nodePartitions;
      int numPartitions = theNodeLocation->numPartitions;
      for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {
	int partition = nodePartitions(i);	  
	if (partition != mainPartition) {      
	  if (numPartitions == 1) {
	    Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition);
	    if ((theSubdomain->addNodalLoad(theNodalLoad, loadPatternTag)) != true)
	      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - failed to add Nodal Load\n";

    SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theLoadPattern->getSPs();
    SP_Constraint *spPtr;
    while ((spPtr = theSPs()) != 0) {
      int nodeTag = spPtr->getNodeTag();
      TaggedObject *theTaggedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(nodeTag);
      if (theTaggedObject == 0) {
	opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
	opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << nodeTag << " -- A BUG!!\n";
	numPartitions = 0;
	return -1;	
      NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = (NodeLocations *)theTaggedObject;
      ID &nodePartitions = theNodeLocation->nodePartitions;
      int numPartitions = theNodeLocation->numPartitions;
      for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {
	int partition = nodePartitions(i);	  
	if (partition != mainPartition) {      
	  Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition); 
	  if (numPartitions == 1) 
	  int res = theSubdomain->addSP_Constraint(spPtr, loadPatternTag);
	  if (res < 0)
	    opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - failed to add SP Constraint\n";

    ElementalLoadIter &theLoads = theLoadPattern->getElementalLoads();
    ElementalLoad *theLoad;
    while ((theLoad = theLoads()) != 0) {
      int loadEleTag = theLoad->getElementTag();

      SubdomainIter &theSubdomains = myDomain->getSubdomains();
      Subdomain *theSub;
      bool added = false;
      while (((theSub = theSubdomains()) != 0) && (added == false)) {
	bool res = theSub->hasElement(loadEleTag);
	if (res == true) {
	  theSub->addElementalLoad(theLoad, loadPatternTag);
	  if (res < 0)
	    opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - failed to add ElementalLoad\n";
	  added = true;

  // add the single point constraints, 
  SP_ConstraintIter &theDomainSP = myDomain->getSPs();
  SP_Constraint *spPtr;
  while ((spPtr = theDomainSP()) != 0) {
    int nodeTag = spPtr->getNodeTag();

    TaggedObject *theTaggedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(nodeTag);
    if (theTaggedObject == 0) {
      opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition(int numParts)";
      opserr << " - failed to find NodeLocation in Map for Node: " << nodeTag << " -- A BUG!!\n";
      numPartitions = 0;
      return -1;	
    NodeLocations *theNodeLocation = (NodeLocations *)theTaggedObject;
    ID &nodePartitions = theNodeLocation->nodePartitions;
    int numPartitions = theNodeLocation->numPartitions;
    for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {
      int partition = nodePartitions(i);	  

      if (partition != mainPartition) {      
	Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition); 
	if (numPartitions == 1) {
	int res = theSubdomain->addSP_Constraint(spPtr);
	if (res < 0)
	  opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - failed to add SP Constraint\n";

  // move MP_Constraints - add an MP_Constraint to every partition a constrained node is in
  MP_ConstraintIter &moreMPs = myDomain->getMPs();
  while ((mpPtr = moreMPs()) != 0) {
    int constrained = mpPtr->getNodeConstrained();
    TaggedObject *theConstrainedObject = theNodeLocations->getComponentPtr(constrained);
    NodeLocations *theConstrainedLocation = (NodeLocations *)theConstrainedObject;
    ID &theConstrainedNodesPartitions = theConstrainedLocation->nodePartitions;
    int numPartitions = theConstrainedLocation->numPartitions;
    for (int i=0; i<numPartitions; i++) {
      int partition = theConstrainedNodesPartitions(i);
      if (partition != mainPartition) {
	Subdomain *theSubdomain = myDomain->getSubdomainPtr(partition);
	if (numPartitions == 1) 
	int res = theSubdomain->addMP_Constraint(mpPtr);
	if (res < 0)
	  opserr << "DomainPartitioner::partition() - failed to add MP Constraint\n";

  // now we go through all the subdomains and tell them to update
  // their analysis for the new layouts
  SubdomainIter &theSubDomains = myDomain->getSubdomains();
  Subdomain *theSubDomain;
  while ((theSubDomain = theSubDomains()) != 0) 
  // we invoke change on the PartitionedDomain

  // we are done
  partitionFlag = true;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
GSA_Recorder::GSA_Recorder(Domain &theDom, 
			   const char *fileName, 
			   const char *title1,
			   const char *title2,
			   const char *title3,
			   const char *jobno,
			   const char *initials,
			   const char *spec,
			   const char *currency,
			   const char *length,
			   const char *force,
			   const char *temp,
			   double dT)
: Recorder(RECORDER_TAGS_GSA_Recorder),
  theDomain(&theDom), ndm(3), ndf(6), counter(0), deltaT(dT), nextTimeStampToRecord(0.0)
  // open file 
  if (theFile.setFile(fileName, OVERWRITE) < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING - GSA_Recorder::GSA_Recorder()";
    opserr << " - could not open file " << fileName << endln;

  // spit out header data
  if (title1 != 0)
    theFile << "TITLE\t" << title1;
    theFile << "TITLE\t" << "No Title";

  if (title2 != 0)
    theFile << "\t" << title2;
    theFile << "\t" << "BLANK";

  if (title3 != 0)
    theFile << "\t" << title3;
    theFile << "\t" << "BLANK";  

  if (jobno != 0)
    theFile << "\t" << jobno;
    theFile << "\t" << "0000";

  if (initials != 0)
    theFile<< "\t" << initials << endln;
    theFile << "\t" << "ANOTHER\n";  

  if (spec != 0)
    theFile << "SPEC\t" << spec << endln;

  if (currency != 0)
    theFile << "CURRENCY\t" << currency << endln;

  if (length != 0)
    theFile << "UNIT_DATA\tLENGTH\t" << length << endln; 

  if (force != 0)
    theFile << "UNIT_DATA\tFORCE\t" << force << endln;

  if (temp != 0)
    theFile << "UNIT_DATA\tTEMP\t" << temp << endln;

  // spit out nodal data
  NodeIter &theNodes = theDomain->getNodes();
  Node *theNode;
  while ((theNode=theNodes()) != 0) {
    int nodeTag = theNode->getTag();
    theFile << "NODE\t" << nodeTag;
    const Vector &crds = theNode->getCrds();
    if (crds.Size() != ndm) {
      opserr << "WARNING - GSA_Recorder::GSA_Recorder() - node: " <<  nodeTag ;
      opserr << " has invalid number of coordinates, expecting: " << ndm << " got: " << crds.Size() << endln;
    const Vector &disp = theNode->getTrialDisp();
    if (disp.Size() != ndf) {
      opserr << "WARNING - GSA_Recorder::GSA_Recorder() - node: " <<  nodeTag ;
      opserr << " has invalid number of dof, expecting: " << ndf << " got: " << disp.Size() << endln;
    for (int i=0; i<ndm; i++)
      theFile << "\t" << crds(i);
    theFile << endln;
  // open file and spit out the initial data
  SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theDomain->getSPs();
  SP_Constraint *theSP;
  ID theConstrainedNodes(0,6);
  ID theSpMatrix(0, 6*ndf);
  int numNodesWithSP = 0;
  while ((theSP=theSPs()) != 0) {
    int nodeTag =  theSP->getNodeTag();
    int location = theConstrainedNodes.getLocation(nodeTag);
    if (location < 0) {
      theConstrainedNodes[numNodesWithSP] = nodeTag;
      for (int i=0; i<ndf; i++)
	theSpMatrix[numNodesWithSP*ndf+i] = 0;	  
      location = numNodesWithSP++;
    int id = theSP->getDOF_Number();
    theSpMatrix[location*ndf + id] = 1;
  for (int j=0; j<numNodesWithSP; j++) {
    theFile << "SPC\t" <<  theConstrainedNodes[j] << "\t0";
    for (int i=0; i<ndf; i++)
      theFile << "\t" << theSpMatrix[j*ndf+i];
    theFile << endln;
  ElementIter &theElements = theDomain->getElements();
  Element *theElement;
  while ((theElement=theElements()) != 0) {
    theElement->Print(theFile, -1);

Exemplo n.º 6
RemoveRecorder::elimNode(int theNodeTag, double timeStamp)
  // remove from domain but do not delete yet!
  Node *theNode = theDomain->removeNode(theNodeTag);
  // go through all load patterns and remove associated loads and constraints
  LoadPatternIter &theLoadPatterns = theDomain->getLoadPatterns();
  LoadPattern *thePattern;
  while ((thePattern = theLoadPatterns()) != 0) {
    // start with nodal laods
    NodalLoadIter theLoads = thePattern->getNodalLoads();
    NodalLoad *theLoad;
    //		ID theLoadTags(0,12); 
    //		int cnt=0;
    while ((theLoad = theLoads()) != 0) {
      int NodeTag = theLoad->getNodeTag();
      if (NodeTag == theNodeTag) {
	//				theLoadTags[cnt] = theLoad->getTag();
	//				cnt++;
	opserr<<"identified load pattern "<<theLoad->getTag()<<" acting on node "<<theNode<<endln;
	NodalLoad *theNodalLoad = thePattern->removeNodalLoad(theLoad->getTag());
	if (theNodalLoad != 0) {
	  opserr<<"deleting nodal load pattern "<<theLoad->getTag()<<endln;
	  delete theNodalLoad;
    //		for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
    //			NodalLoad *theNodalLoad = thePattern->removeNodalLoad(theLoadTags[i]);
    //			if (theNodalLoad != 0) {
    //				delete theNodalLoad;
    //																			#ifdef MMTDEBUG
    //				opserr<<"deleting nodal load pattern "<<theLoadTags(i)<<endln;
    //																			#endif
    //			}	
    //		}
    // follow with sp constraints
    SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = thePattern->getSPs();
    SP_Constraint *theSP;
    while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
      int spNode = theSP->getNodeTag();
      if (spNode == theNodeTag) {
//				theSPTags[cnt] = theSP->getTag();
//				cnt++;
	opserr<<"identified SP_Constraint "<<theSP->getTag()<<" acting on node "<<spNode<<endln;
	SP_Constraint *theSPConstraint = thePattern->removeSP_Constraint(theSP->getTag());
	if (theSPConstraint != 0) {
	  opserr<<"deleting SP_Constraint "<<theSP->getTag()<<endln;
	  delete theSPConstraint;
  // we also have to remove any sp constraints from the domain that do not belong to load patterns (support fixity)
  SP_ConstraintIter &theSPs = theDomain->getSPs();
  SP_Constraint *theSP;
  //	  ID theSPTags(0,12); 
  //	  int cnt=0;
  while ((theSP = theSPs()) != 0) {
    int spNode = theSP->getNodeTag();
    if (spNode == theNodeTag) {
      //				theSPTags[cnt] = theSP->getTag();
      //				cnt++;
      opserr<<"identified SP_Constraint "<<theSP->getTag()<<" acting on node "<<spNode<<endln;
      SP_Constraint *theSPConstraint = theDomain->removeSP_Constraint(theSP->getTag());
      if (theSPConstraint != 0) {
	opserr<<"deleting SP_Constraint "<<theSP->getTag()<<endln;
	delete theSPConstraint;
  //		for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
  //		  SP_Constraint *theSPconstraint = theDomain->removeSP_Constraint(theSPTags[i]);
  //		  if (theSPconstraint != 0) {
  //		    delete theSPconstraint;
  //		  }	
  //		}
  if (theNode != 0) {
    // delete theNode;
    /////////////////// M.Talaat : Again, avoid recorder trouble
  RemoveRecorder::remNodeList[numRemNodes] = theNode->getTag();
  //  RemoveRecorder::remNodes[numRemNodes] = theNode;
  //  RemoveRecorder::numRemNodes ++;

  Node **newRemNodes = new Node *[numRemNodes+1];
  for (int ii=0; ii<numRemNodes; ii++)
    newRemNodes[ii] = remNodes[ii];
  newRemNodes[numRemNodes] = theNode;
  if (remNodes != 0)
    delete [] remNodes;
  remNodes = newRemNodes;

  // now give us some notice of what happened
  if (fileName != 0)
    theFile<<timeStamp<<" Node "<<theNode->getTag()<<"\n";
  if (echoTimeFlag == true)
    opserr<<"Node "<<theNode->getTag()<<" removed, Time/Load Factor = " <<timeStamp<<endln;
  return 0;