Exemplo n.º 1
void IdleAnimationTask::Init(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Just init the base class
	Task::Init(owner, subsystem);

	//Memory& memory = owner->GetMemory();

	// Read the animation set and interval from the owner's spawnarg
	_idleAnimationInterval = SEC2MS(owner->spawnArgs.GetInt("idle_animations_interval", "-1"));

	// Read the general-purpose animations first
	ParseAnimsToList(owner->spawnArgs.GetString("idle_animations"), _idleAnimations);
	// Now read the anims for the torso only
	ParseAnimsToList(owner->spawnArgs.GetString("idle_animations_torso"), _idleAnimationsTorso);

	// Now read the anims for sitting AI
	ParseAnimsToList(owner->spawnArgs.GetString("idle_animations_sitting"), _idleAnimationsSitting);

	if (_idleAnimationInterval > 0 && 
		(_idleAnimations.Num() > 0 || _idleAnimationsTorso.Num() > 0 || _idleAnimationsSitting.Num() > 0))
		_nextAnimationTime = static_cast<int>(gameLocal.time + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat()*_idleAnimationInterval);
		// No idle animation interval set or no animations, finish this task
Exemplo n.º 2
void GreetingBarkTask::Init(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Init the base class
	SingleBarkTask::Init(owner, subsystem);

	// Check the prerequisites - are both AI available for greeting?
	if ( !owner->CanGreet() || !_greetingTarget->CanGreet() || owner->m_isMute ) // grayman #3338
		// Owner or other AI cannot do greetings

	// Allow state "waiting for greeting" for owner
	// Allow state "after Greeting" for the other AI
	if ( ( ( owner->greetingState != ENotGreetingAnybody )           && ( owner->greetingState != EWaitingForGreeting ) ) || 
		 ( ( _greetingTarget->greetingState != ENotGreetingAnybody ) && ( _greetingTarget->greetingState != EAfterGreeting ) ) )
		// Someone is busy
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Cannot greet: one of the actors is busy: %s to %s\r", owner->name.c_str(), _greetingTarget->name.c_str());

	// grayman #3415 - If both actors are sitting, disallow a greeting, on the
	// assumption that they've been that way for awhile, and any greetings would
	// already have happened. To keep pent-up greetings from occurring when one
	// actor stands up, move the allowed greeting time into the future.

	idAI* otherAI = static_cast<idAI*>(_greetingTarget);
	if ( (owner->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_SIT ) && (otherAI->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_SIT ) )
		int nextGreetingTime = gameLocal.time + delay;
		owner->GetMemory().GetGreetingInfo(otherAI).nextGreetingTime = nextGreetingTime;
		otherAI->GetMemory().GetGreetingInfo(owner).nextGreetingTime = nextGreetingTime;

	// Both AI are not greeting each other so far, continue
	owner->greetingState = EGoingToGreet;
	_greetingTarget->greetingState = EWaitingForGreeting;
void ResolveMovementBlockTask::Init(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Just init the base class
	Task::Init(owner, subsystem);

	owner->GetMemory().resolvingMovementBlock = true;

	if (_blockingEnt == NULL)
		DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_WARNING)LOGSTRING("AI %s cannot resolve a NULL blocking entity.\r", owner->name.c_str());
		owner->PushMove(); // grayman #2706 - save movement state, because it gets popped in OnFinish()

	// Get the direction we're pushing against
	_initialAngles = owner->viewAxis.ToAngles();

	// Set the TTL for this task
	_endTime = gameLocal.time + 20000; // 20 seconds

	// Save the movement state

	if (_blockingEnt->IsType(idAI::Type))
		//DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_WARNING)LOGSTRING("AI %s starting to resolve blocking AI: %s\r", owner->name.c_str(), _blockingEnt->name.c_str());
		InitBlockingAI(owner, subsystem);
	else if (_blockingEnt->IsType(idStaticEntity::Type))
		//DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_WARNING)LOGSTRING("AI %s starting to resolve static blocking entity: %s\r", owner->name.c_str(), _blockingEnt->name.c_str());
		InitBlockingStatic(owner, subsystem);
		// Unknown entity type, exit task
		//DM_LOG(LC_AI, LT_WARNING)LOGSTRING("AI %s cannot resolve blocking entity: %s\r", owner->name.c_str(), _blockingEnt->name.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 4
void PlayAnimationTask::Init(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Just init the base class
	Task::Init(owner, subsystem);

	// Parse animation spawnargs here
	if (_animName.IsEmpty())
		gameLocal.Warning("%s cannot start PlayAnimationTask with empty animation name.",owner->name.c_str());

Exemplo n.º 5
void InvestigateSpotTask::Init( idAI *owner, Subsystem &subsystem ) {
	// Just init the base class
	Task::Init( owner, subsystem );
	// Get a shortcut reference
	Memory &memory = owner->GetMemory();
	// Stop previous moves
	if( memory.currentSearchSpot != idVec3( idMath::INFINITY, idMath::INFINITY, idMath::INFINITY ) ) {
		// Set the goal position
		SetNewGoal( memory.currentSearchSpot );
	} else {
		// Invalid hiding spot, terminate task
		DM_LOG( LC_AI, LT_DEBUG )LOGSTRING( "memory.currentSearchSpot not set to something valid, terminating task.\r" );
	//_exitTime = 0; // grayman #3507
void InvestigateSpotTask::Init(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Just init the base class
	Task::Init(owner, subsystem);

	// Get a shortcut reference
	Memory& memory = owner->GetMemory();

	// Stop previous moves

	if (memory.currentSearchSpot != idVec3(idMath::INFINITY, idMath::INFINITY, idMath::INFINITY))
		// Set the goal position
		memory.hidingSpotInvestigationInProgress = true; // grayman #3857
		memory.stopHidingSpotInvestigation = false;
		// Invalid hiding spot, terminate task

	// grayman #3857 - Only the first searcher in a search is allowed to investigate
	// the spot closely. Am I it?

	if (_investigateClosely)
		Search* search = gameLocal.m_searchManager->GetSearch(owner->m_searchID);
		if (search)
			if (search->_searcherCount > 0)
				Assignment *assignment = &search->_assignments[0]; // first AI assigned to the search
				if (assignment->_searcher != owner)
					_investigateClosely = false;

	if (owner->HasSeenEvidence())
		// Draw weapon, if we haven't already
		if (!owner->GetAttackFlag(COMBAT_MELEE) && !owner->GetAttackFlag(COMBAT_RANGED))
			if ( ( owner->GetNumRangedWeapons() > 0 ) && !owner->spawnArgs.GetBool("unarmed_ranged","0") )
			else if ( ( owner->GetNumMeleeWeapons() > 0 ) && !owner->spawnArgs.GetBool("unarmed_melee","0") )

	//_exitTime = 0; // grayman #3507
void ResolveMovementBlockTask::InitBlockingStatic(idAI* owner, Subsystem& subsystem)
	// Get the bounds of the blocking entity and see if there is a way around it
	idPhysics* blockingPhys = _blockingEnt->GetPhysics();
	idBounds blockBounds = blockingPhys->GetAbsBounds();

	// grayman #2356 - special case of being stuck inside a func_static, i.e. a rat under a bed that's not monster_clipped

	idVec3 ownerOrigin = owner->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
	if (blockBounds.ContainsPoint(ownerOrigin))
		// Try to get out, otherwise you're stuck until your surroundings change.

		if (owner->movementSubsystem->AttemptToExtricate())
			owner->movementSubsystem->SetBlockedState(ai::MovementSubsystem::EResolvingBlock); // grayman #2706 - stay in EResolvingBlock

		// oh boy, you're really stuck

		owner->AI_BLOCKED = false;
		owner->AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false;

	blockBounds[0].z = blockBounds[1].z = 0;

	// Check if there is space to the right of the obstacle
	idBounds bounds = owner->GetPhysics()->GetBounds();

	if (owner->GetAAS() == NULL)

	// angua: move the bottom of the bounds up a bit, to avoid finding small objects on the ground that are "in the way"
	// grayman #2684 - except for AI whose bounding box height is less than maxStepHeight, otherwise applying the bump up
	// causes the clipmodel to be "upside-down", which isn't good. In that case, give the bottom a bump up equal to half
	// of the clipmodel's height so it at least gets a small bump.
	float ht = owner->GetAAS()->GetSettings()->maxStepHeight;
	if (bounds[0].z + ht < bounds[1].z)
		bounds[0].z += ht;
		bounds[0].z += (bounds[1].z - bounds[0].z)/2.0;

	// Set all attachments to nonsolid, temporarily

	// check if there is a way around
	idTraceModel trm(bounds);
	idClipModel clip(trm);

	idVec3 ownerRight, ownerForward;
	_initialAngles.ToVectors(&ownerForward, &ownerRight);

	// Take a point to the right
	idVec3 testPoint = blockingPhys->GetOrigin();
	testPoint.z = ownerOrigin.z;

	// Move one AAS bounding box size outwards from the model
	float blockBoundsWidth = blockBounds.GetRadius(blockBounds.GetCenter());

	idBounds aasBounds = owner->GetAAS()->GetSettings()->boundingBoxes[0];
	aasBounds[0].z = aasBounds[1].z = 0;

	float aasBoundsWidth = aasBounds.GetRadius();

	testPoint += ownerRight * (blockBoundsWidth + aasBoundsWidth);

	int contents = gameLocal.clip.Contents(testPoint, &clip, mat3_identity, CONTENTS_SOLID, owner);

	if (cv_ai_debug_blocked.GetBool())
		idVec3 temp = blockingPhys->GetOrigin();
		temp.z = ownerOrigin.z;

		gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow(colorWhite, temp, temp + idVec3(0,0,10), 1, 1000);

		temp += ownerRight * (blockBoundsWidth + aasBoundsWidth + 5);
		gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow(colorLtGrey, temp, temp + idVec3(0,0,10), 1, 1000);

		gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds(contents ? colorRed : colorGreen, bounds, testPoint, 1000);

	// grayman #2345 - the point tested might be in the VOID, so let's check for a valid AAS area

	int areaNum = owner->PointReachableAreaNum(testPoint);

	if ((contents != 0) || (areaNum == 0))
		// Right side is blocked, look at the left.

		testPoint = blockingPhys->GetOrigin();
		testPoint.z = ownerOrigin.z;
		testPoint -= ownerRight * (blockBoundsWidth + aasBoundsWidth + 5);

		contents = gameLocal.clip.Contents(testPoint, &clip, mat3_identity, CONTENTS_SOLID, owner);

		if (cv_ai_debug_blocked.GetBool())
			gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds(contents ? colorRed : colorGreen, bounds, testPoint, 1000);

		areaNum = owner->PointReachableAreaNum(testPoint); // testPoint must not be in the VOID
		if ((contents != 0) || (areaNum == 0))
			// Neither left nor right has free space

			// grayman #2345 - before declaring failure, let's try extrication

			owner->RestoreAttachmentContents(); // AttemptToExtricate() will do an attachment save/restore, so we must restore here first
			// Move to left position
		// Move to right position
	owner->movementSubsystem->SetBlockedState(ai::MovementSubsystem::EResolvingBlock); // grayman #2706 - stay in EResolvingBlock