Exemplo n.º 1
TEST(TStr, ChangeChAll) {
	TStr Str = "abac";
	TStr Empty;
	int Changes = 0;
	Changes = Empty.ChangeChAll('a', 'c');
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty, "");
	EXPECT_EQ(Changes, 0);
	Changes = Str.ChangeChAll('a', 'c');
	EXPECT_EQ(Str, "cbcc");
	EXPECT_EQ(Changes, 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: util.cpp Projeto: pikma/Snap
// <last_name>_<first name innitial>
TStr TStrUtil::GetStdName(TStr AuthorName) {
    TStr StdName;
    AuthorName.ChangeChAll('\n', ' ');
    AuthorName.ChangeChAll('.', ' ');
    // if there is a number in the name, remove it and everything after it
    int i, pos = 0;
    while (pos<AuthorName.Len() && (AuthorName[pos]!='#' && !TCh::IsNum(AuthorName[pos]))) {
    if (pos < AuthorName.Len()) {
        AuthorName = AuthorName.GetSubStr(0, pos-1).ToTrunc();
    if (AuthorName.Empty()) {
        return TStr::GetNullStr();

    // replace everything after '('
    int b = AuthorName.SearchCh('(');
    if (b != -1) {
        AuthorName = AuthorName.GetSubStr(0, b-1).ToTrunc();
    // skip if contains ')'
    if (AuthorName .SearchCh(')')!=-1) {
        return TStr::GetNullStr();
    // skip if it is not a name
    if (AuthorName .SearchStr("figures")!=-1 || AuthorName .SearchStr("macros")!=-1
            || AuthorName .SearchStr("univ")!=-1 || AuthorName .SearchStr("institute")!=-1) {
        return TStr::GetNullStr();
    // remove all non-letters (latex tags, ...)
    TChA NewName;
    for (i = 0; i < AuthorName.Len(); i++) {
        const char Ch = AuthorName[i];
        if (TCh::IsAlpha(Ch) || TCh::IsWs(Ch) || Ch=='-') {
            NewName += Ch;
    StdName = NewName;
    TStrV AuthNmV;
    // too short -- not a name
    if (! AuthNmV.Empty() && AuthNmV.Last() == "jr") AuthNmV.DelLast();
    if (AuthNmV.Len() < 2) return TStr::GetNullStr();

    const TStr LastNm = AuthNmV.Last();
    if (! TCh::IsAlpha(LastNm[0]) || LastNm.Len() == 1) return TStr::GetNullStr();

    return TStr::Fmt("%s_%c", LastNm.CStr(), AuthNmV[0][0]);
Exemplo n.º 3
void TStrUtil::GetStdNameV(TStr AuthorNames, TStrV& StdNameV) {
  AuthorNames.ChangeChAll('\n', ' ');
  // split into author names
  TStrV AuthV, TmpV, Tmp2V;
  // split on 'and'
  AuthorNames.SplitOnStr(" and ", TmpV);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
    TmpV[i].SplitOnAllCh(',', Tmp2V);  AuthV.AddV(Tmp2V); }
  // split on '&'
  TmpV = AuthV;  AuthV.Clr();
  for (i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
    TmpV[i].SplitOnAllCh('&', Tmp2V);  AuthV.AddV(Tmp2V); }
  // split on ','
  TmpV = AuthV;  AuthV.Clr();
  for (i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
    TmpV[i].SplitOnAllCh(',', Tmp2V);  AuthV.AddV(Tmp2V); }
  // split on ';'
  TmpV = AuthV;  AuthV.Clr();
  for (i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
    TmpV[i].SplitOnAllCh(';', Tmp2V);  AuthV.AddV(Tmp2V); }
  // standardize names
  //printf("\n*** %s\n", AuthorNames.CStr());
  for (i = 0; i < AuthV.Len(); i++) {
    TStr StdName = GetStdName(AuthV[i]);
    if (! StdName.Empty()) {
      //printf("\t%s  ==>  %s\n", AuthV[i].CStr(), StdName.CStr());
Exemplo n.º 4
// Google-Web-Context-Graph
PGgCtxGraph TGgCtxGraph::GetCtxGraph(const TStr& FocusUrlStr){
  // create context-graph
  PGgCtxGraph CtxGraph=TGgCtxGraph::New();
  // get focus-web-page
  {bool Ok; TStr MsgStr;
   CtxGraph->FocusUrlStr, Ok, MsgStr, CtxGraph->FocusWebPg, TNotify::StdNotify);
  if (!Ok){return CtxGraph;}}
  // get 'In' set of links
  PRSet InRSet=
   TGg::WebSearch(TStr("link:")+CtxGraph->FocusUrlStr, -1, TNotify::StdNotify);
  for (int HitN=0; HitN<InRSet->GetHits(); HitN++){
    TStr UrlStr; TStr TitleStr; TStr SrcNm; TStr CtxStr;
    InRSet->GetHit(HitN, UrlStr, TitleStr, SrcNm, CtxStr);
    TitleStr.ChangeChAll('\n', ' ');
    CtxGraph->InUrlCtxStrPrV.Add(TStrPr(UrlStr, TitleStr));
  // get Out set
  TStrKdV OutDescUrlStrKdV;
  for (int UrlN=0; UrlN<OutDescUrlStrKdV.Len(); UrlN++){
    OutDescUrlStrKdV[UrlN].Key.ChangeChAll('\n', ' ');
     TStrPr(OutDescUrlStrKdV[UrlN].Dat, OutDescUrlStrKdV[UrlN].Key));
  // set context-graph successful
  // return context-graph
  return CtxGraph;
Exemplo n.º 5
void TSAppSrvFun::LogReqRes(const TStrKdV& FldNmValPrV, const PHttpResp& HttpResp)
	if (LogRqFolder == "")
	try	 {
		TStr TimeNow = TTm::GetCurLocTm().GetWebLogDateTimeStr(true);
		TimeNow.ChangeChAll(':', '.');
		PSOut Output = TFOut::New(LogRqFolder + "/" + TimeNow + ".txt", false);
		Output->PutStr(FunNm.CStr()); Output->PutCh('\n');
		for (int N=0; N < FldNmValPrV.Len(); N++)
			Output->PutStrFmt("  %s: %s\n", FldNmValPrV[N].Key.CStr(), FldNmValPrV[N].Dat.CStr());
		Output->PutStr(HttpResp->GetBodyAsStr(), false);
	} catch (...) {
		/*const PNotify& Notify = RqEnv->GetWebSrv()->GetNotify();
		Notify->OnStatus("Unable to log request for function '" + GetFunNm() + "'!");*/
Exemplo n.º 6
// File-Download-Function
void TSASFunFile::LoadFunFileV(const TStr& FPath, TSAppSrvFunV& SrvFunV) {
	TFFile File(FPath, "", false); TStr FNm;
	while (File.Next(FNm)) {
		TStr FExt = FNm.GetFExt();
		TStr FUrl = FNm.GetSubStr(FPath.Len());
		FUrl.ChangeChAll('\\', '/');
		printf("%s %s %s\n", FNm.CStr(), FExt.CStr(), FUrl.CStr());
		if (FExt == ".htm") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextHtmlFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".html") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextHtmlFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".js") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextJavaScriptFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".css") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextCssFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".jpg") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageJpgFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".jpeg") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageJpgFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".gif") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageGifFldVal)); }
		else {
			printf("Unknown MIME type for extension '%s' for file '%s'", FExt.CStr(), FNm.CStr());
			SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::AppOctetFldVal)); 
Exemplo n.º 7
TFltRect TVizMapContext::PaintPointNm(PGks Gks, PVizMapPoint Point, const int& X, 
        const int& Y, const int& PointFontSize, const int& PointNmFontScale, 
        const bool& SelPointP, const bool& IsCatP) {

    // get and clean point name
    TStr PointNm = Point->GetPointNm(); 
    PointNm.ChangeChAll('_', ' ');
    if (PointNm.IsStrIn("[[")) {
        const int StartPos = PointNm.SearchStr("[[");
        PointNm = PointNm.Left(StartPos - 1);
    // set font
    TGksColor FontColor = SelPointP ? ColorSelPointFont : ColorPointFont;
    const int FontSize = PointFontSize + TFlt::Round(Point->GetWgt()*PointNmFontScale);
    //TFSet FontStyle = IsCatP ? (TFSet() | gfsBold) : TFSet();
    //Gks->SetFont(TGksFont::New("ARIAL", FontSize, FontColor, FontStyle));
    Gks->SetFont(TGksFont::New("ARIAL", FontSize, FontColor));
    // refit it for the screen
    TStr ScreenPointNm = Gks->BreakTxt(PointNm, " ", "", PointNmWidth, PointNmMxLines);
    // calculate string position on the screen
    const int HalfTxtWidth = Gks->GetTxtWidth(ScreenPointNm) / 2;
    const int HalfTxtHeight = Gks->GetTxtHeight(ScreenPointNm) / 2;
     // draw it!
    const int MnX = X - HalfTxtWidth;
    int CurrY = Y - HalfTxtHeight;
    TStrV LineV; ScreenPointNm.SplitOnAllCh('\n', LineV);
    for (int LineN = 0; LineN < LineV.Len(); LineN++) {
        const int HalfLineWidth = Gks->GetTxtWidth(LineV[LineN]) / 2;
        const int LineHeight = Gks->GetTxtHeight(LineV[LineN]);
        Gks->PutTxt(LineV[LineN], MnX + (HalfTxtWidth - HalfLineWidth), CurrY);
        CurrY += LineHeight-3;
    // finish
    return TFltRect(X - HalfTxtWidth, Y - HalfTxtHeight,
        X + HalfTxtWidth, Y + HalfTxtHeight - LineV.Len()*3);
Exemplo n.º 8
PLwOnto TLwOnto::LoadAsfaVoc(const TStr& FPath){
  // normalize path
  TStr NrFPath=TStr::GetNrFPath(FPath);
  // create ontology
  PLwOnto LwOnto=TLwOnto::New();

  // create language object
  int EnLangId=LwOnto->GetLangBs()->AddLang("EN", "English");

  // create term-types
  {PLwTermType D_TermType=TLwTermType::New(0, "Descriptor", EnLangId);
  PLwTermType ND_TermType=TLwTermType::New(1, "Non-descriptor", EnLangId);

  // create link-types
  {PLwLinkType BT_LinkType=TLwLinkType::New(0, "BT", EnLangId, "Broader-Term");
  PLwLinkType NT_LinkType=TLwLinkType::New(1, "NT", EnLangId, "Narrower-Term");
  PLwLinkType RT_LinkType=TLwLinkType::New(2, "RT", EnLangId, "Related-Term");
  PLwLinkType UF_LinkType=TLwLinkType::New(3, "UF", EnLangId, "Used-For");
  PLwLinkType USE_LinkType=TLwLinkType::New(4, "USE", EnLangId, "Used-By");

  // load ontology file
  TStr AsfaOntoFNm=NrFPath+"asfa_xml_20060522.xml";
  printf("Loading '%s' ...", AsfaOntoFNm.CStr());
  PXmlDoc AsfaXmlDoc=TXmlDoc::LoadTxt(AsfaOntoFNm);
  TXmlTokV ConceptXmlTokV;
  AsfaXmlDoc->GetTagTokV("THESAURUS|CONCEPT", ConceptXmlTokV);
  printf(" Done.\n");

  // create terms
  {printf("Creating terms ...");
  for (int ConceptN=0; ConceptN<ConceptXmlTokV.Len(); ConceptN++){
    PXmlTok ConceptXmlTok=ConceptXmlTokV[ConceptN];
    // term-name
    TStr TermNm;
    if (ConceptXmlTok->IsSubTag("NON-DESCRIPTOR")){
    else if (ConceptXmlTok->IsSubTag("DESCRIPTOR")){
    // term-type
    TStr TermTypeNm=ConceptXmlTok->GetTagTokStr("TYP");
    int TermTypeId=LwOnto->GetTermTypeBs()->GetTermTypeId(TermTypeNm, EnLangId);
    // description
    TStr DescStr;
    if (ConceptXmlTok->IsSubTag("SN")){
      DescStr.ChangeChAll('\r', ' '); DescStr.ChangeChAll('\n', ' ');
      DescStr.ChangeStrAll("  ", " "); DescStr.ToTrunc();
    // create term
    PLwTerm Term=TLwTerm::New(-1, TermNm, EnLangId, TermTypeId, DescStr);
  printf(" Done. (%d)\n", LwOnto->GetTermBs()->GetTerms());}

  // create links
  {printf("Creating links ...");
  for (int ConceptN=0; ConceptN<ConceptXmlTokV.Len(); ConceptN++){
    PXmlTok ConceptXmlTok=ConceptXmlTokV[ConceptN];
    // source-term-name
    TStr TermNm1;
    if (ConceptXmlTok->IsSubTag("NON-DESCRIPTOR")){
    else if (ConceptXmlTok->IsSubTag("DESCRIPTOR")){
    int TermId1=LwOnto->GetTermBs()->GetTermId(TermNm1, EnLangId);
    // links
    for (int SubTokN=0; SubTokN<ConceptXmlTok->GetSubToks(); SubTokN++){
      PXmlTok SubTok=ConceptXmlTok->GetSubTok(SubTokN);
      if (SubTok->IsTag()){
        TStr LinkTypeNm=SubTok->GetTagNm();
        if (LwOnto->GetLinkTypeBs()->IsLinkType(LinkTypeNm, EnLangId)){
          // destination-term-name
          TStr TermNm2=ConceptXmlTok->GetTagTokStr(LinkTypeNm);
          int TermId2=LwOnto->GetTermBs()->GetTermId(TermNm2, EnLangId);
          int LinkTypeId=LwOnto->GetLinkTypeBs()->GetLinkTypeId(LinkTypeNm, EnLangId);
          LwOnto->GetLinkBs()->AddLink(TermId1, LinkTypeId, TermId2);
  printf(" Done. (%d)\n", LwOnto->GetLinkBs()->GetLinks());}

  // return ontology
  return LwOnto;
Exemplo n.º 9
/// save graph into a gexf file which Gephi can read
void TAGMUtil::SaveGephi(const TStr& OutFNm, const PUNGraph& G, const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVVAtr, const double MaxSz, const double MinSz, const TIntStrH& NIDNameH, const THash<TInt, TIntTr>& NIDColorH ) {
    THash<TInt,TIntV> NIDComVHAtr;
    TAGMUtil::GetNodeMembership(NIDComVHAtr, CmtyVVAtr);

    FILE* F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
    fprintf(F, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
    fprintf(F, "<gexf xmlns='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft' xmlns:viz='http://www.gexf.net/1.1draft/viz' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft/gexf.xsd' version='1.2'>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t<graph mode='static' defaultedgetype='undirected'>\n");
    if (CmtyVVAtr.Len() > 0) {
        fprintf(F, "\t<attributes class='node'>\n");
        for (int c = 0; c < CmtyVVAtr.Len(); c++) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t<attribute id='%d' title='c%d' type='boolean'>", c, c);
            fprintf(F, "\t\t<default>false</default>\n");
            fprintf(F, "\t\t</attribute>\n");
        fprintf(F, "\t</attributes>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t\t<nodes>\n");
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
        int NID = NI.GetId();
        TStr Label = NIDNameH.IsKey(NID)? NIDNameH.GetDat(NID): "";
        Label.ChangeChAll('<', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('>', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('&', ' ');
        Label.ChangeChAll('\'', ' ');

        TIntTr Color = NIDColorH.IsKey(NID)? NIDColorH.GetDat(NID) : TIntTr(120, 120, 120);

        double Size = MinSz;
        double SizeStep = (MaxSz - MinSz) / (double) CmtyVVAtr.Len();
        if (NIDComVHAtr.IsKey(NID)) {
            Size = MinSz +  SizeStep *  (double) NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID).Len();
        double Alpha = 1.0;
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t<node id='%d' label='%s'>\n", NID, Label.CStr());
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<viz:color r='%d' g='%d' b='%d' a='%.1f'/>\n", Color.Val1.Val, Color.Val2.Val, Color.Val3.Val, Alpha);
        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<viz:size value='%.3f'/>\n", Size);
        //specify attributes
        if (NIDComVHAtr.IsKey(NID)) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t<attvalues>\n");
            for (int c = 0; c < NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID).Len(); c++) {
                int CID = NIDComVHAtr.GetDat(NID)[c];
                fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t\t<attvalue for='%d' value='true'/>\n", CID);
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t\t</attvalues>\n");

        fprintf(F, "\t\t\t</node>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t\t</nodes>\n");
    //plot edges
    int EID = 0;
    fprintf(F, "\t\t<edges>\n");
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
        for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
            if (NI.GetId() > NI.GetOutNId(e)) {
            fprintf(F, "\t\t\t<edge id='%d' source='%d' target='%d'/>\n", EID++, NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(e));
    fprintf(F, "\t\t</edges>\n");
    fprintf(F, "\t</graph>\n");
    fprintf(F, "</gexf>\n");