Exemplo n.º 1
int TEnv::GetIfArgPrefixInt(const TStr& PrefixStr,
                            const int& DfVal,
                            const TStr& DNm) const {
    if (Env.GetArgs() <= MnArgs) {
        // 'usage' argument message
        if (!SilentP) {
            printf("   %s%s (default:%d)\n", PrefixStr.CStr(),
                   DNm.CStr(), DfVal);
        return DfVal;
    } else {
        // argument & value message
        int Val;
        if (Env.IsArgPrefix(PrefixStr)) {
            TStr ValStr = Env.GetArgPostfix(PrefixStr);
            Val = ValStr.GetInt(DfVal);
        } else {
            Val = DfVal;
        TStr MsgStr =
            DNm + " (" + PrefixStr + ")=" + TInt::GetStr(Val);
        if (!SilentP) {
            TNotify::OnStatus(Notify, MsgStr);
        return Val;
Exemplo n.º 2
int ParseArgument(const TStr& arg, const TStr& argType, PyObject** argPy)
	if (argType == "int")
		*argPy = PyLong_FromLong(arg.GetInt());
	else if (argType == "double")
		*argPy = PyFloat_FromDouble(arg.GetFlt());
	else if (argType == "string")
		*argPy = PyUnicode_FromString(arg.CStr());
	if (!*argPy) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert argument\n");
        return 0;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void TWebPgFetchEvent::OnGetHost(const PSockHost& SockHost) {
  if (SockHost->IsOk()){
    int PortN;
    if (ProxyStr.Empty()){
    } else {
      TStr ProxyHostNm; TStr PortNStr;
      ProxyStr.SplitOnCh(ProxyHostNm, ':', PortNStr);
    Sock->Connect(SockHost, PortN);
  } else {
    OnFetchError("Invalid Host");
Exemplo n.º 4
int TSAppSrvFun::GetFldInt(const TStrKdV& FldNmValPrV, const TStr& FldNm, const int& DefInt) {
	if (!IsFldNm(FldNmValPrV, FldNm)) { return DefInt; }
	TStr IntStr = GetFldVal(FldNmValPrV, FldNm, "");
	EAssertR(IntStr.IsInt(), "Parameter '" + FldNm + "' not a number");
	return IntStr.GetInt();
Exemplo n.º 5
int TSAppSrvFun::GetFldInt(const TStrKdV& FldNmValPrV, const TStr& FldNm) {
	EAssertR(IsFldNm(FldNmValPrV, FldNm), "Missing parameter '" + FldNm + "'");
	TStr IntStr = GetFldVal(FldNmValPrV, FldNm, "");
	EAssertR(IntStr.IsInt(), "Parameter '" + FldNm + "' not a number");
	return IntStr.GetInt();
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("\nNETINF. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  const TStr InFNm  = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "example-cascades.txt", "Input cascades (one file)");
  const TStr GroundTruthFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-n:", "example-network.txt", "Input ground-truth network (one file)");
  const TStr OutFNm  = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "network", "Output file name(s) prefix");
  const TStr Iters  = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-e:", "5", "Number of iterations");
  const double alpha = Env.GetIfArgPrefixFlt("-a:", 1.0, "Alpha for transmission model");
  const int Model = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-m:", 0, "0:exponential, 1:power law, 2:rayleigh");
  const int Top =Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-t:", 10, "select top k as friends");
  const int TakeAdditional = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-s:", 1, "How much additional files to create?\n\
    1:info about each edge, 2:objective function value (+upper bound), 3:Precision-recall plot, 4:all-additional-files (default:1)\n");

  bool ComputeBound = false, ComputeInfo = false; bool CompareGroundTruth = false;
  switch (TakeAdditional) {
     case 1 : ComputeInfo = true; break;
     case 2 : ComputeBound = true; break;
     case 3 : CompareGroundTruth = true; break;
     case 4 :
    	 ComputeInfo = true;
    	 // ComputeBound = true;
    	 CompareGroundTruth = true; break;
     default: FailR("Bad -s: parameter.");

  TNetInfBs NIB(ComputeBound, CompareGroundTruth, Top);
  printf("\nLoading input cascades: %s\n", InFNm.CStr());

  // load cascade from file
  TFIn FIn(InFNm);
  NIB.LoadCascadesTxt(FIn, Model, alpha);

  // load ground truth network
  if (CompareGroundTruth) {
	  TFIn FInG(GroundTruthFNm);

  printf("cascades:%d nodes:%d potential edges:%d\nRunning NETINF...\n", NIB.GetCascs(), NIB.GetNodes(), NIB.CascPerEdge.Len());

  // plot showing precision/recall using groundtruth
  if (CompareGroundTruth)
	  TGnuPlot::PlotValV(NIB.PrecisionRecall, TStr::Fmt("%s-precision-recall", OutFNm.CStr()), "Precision Recall", "Recall",
						 "Precision", gpsAuto, false, gpwLinesPoints, false);

  // plot objective function
  if (ComputeBound) {
	  TFltPrV Gains;
	  for (int i=0; i<NIB.EdgeInfoH.Len(); i++)
		  Gains.Add(TFltPr((double)(i+1), NIB.EdgeInfoH[i].MarginalGain));

	  TGnuPlot::PlotValV(Gains, TStr::Fmt("%s-objective", OutFNm.CStr()), "Objective Function", "Iters", "Objective Function");

  // save network in plain text
  NIB.SavePlaneTextNet(TStr::Fmt("%s.txt", OutFNm.CStr()));

  // save edge info
  if (ComputeInfo)
	  NIB.SaveEdgeInfo(TStr::Fmt("%s-edge.info", OutFNm.CStr()));

  // save obj+bound info
  if (ComputeBound)
	  NIB.SaveObjInfo(TStr::Fmt("%s-obj", OutFNm.CStr()));

  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());
  return 0;