Exemplo n.º 1
int TagEntry::CompareDisplayString(const TagEntryPtr& rhs) const
    wxString d1, d2;

    d1 << GetReturnValue() << wxT(": ") << GetFullDisplayName() << wxT(":") << GetAccess();
    d2 << rhs->GetReturnValue() << wxT(": ") << rhs->GetFullDisplayName() << wxT(":") << rhs->GetAccess();
    return d1.Cmp(d2);
Exemplo n.º 2
void OpenResourceDialog::DoPopulateTags()
    bool gotExactMatch(false);

    // Next, add the tags
    TagEntryPtrVector_t tags;
    if(m_userFilters.IsEmpty()) return;

    m_manager->GetTagsManager()->GetTagsByPartialNames(m_userFilters, tags);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);

        // Filter out non relevanting entries
        if(!m_filters.IsEmpty() && m_filters.Index(tag->GetKind()) == wxNOT_FOUND) continue;

        if(!MatchesFilter(tag->GetFullDisplayName())) { continue; }

        wxString name(tag->GetName());

        // keep the fullpath
        wxDataViewItem item;
        wxString fullname;
        if(tag->IsMethod()) {
            fullname = wxString::Format(wxT("%s::%s%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str(),
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, (tag->GetKind() == wxT("function")),
                                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(),
                                                               tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),
        } else {

            fullname = wxString::Format(wxT("%s::%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str());
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, false,
                                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(),
                                                               tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),

        if((m_userFilters.GetCount() == 1) && (m_userFilters.Item(0).CmpNoCase(name) == 0) && !gotExactMatch) {
            gotExactMatch = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void SymbolsDialog::AddSymbol(const TagEntryPtr &tag, bool sel)
	// Populate the columns

	wxString line;
	line << tag->GetLine();
	long index = AppendListCtrlRow(m_results);
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 0, tag->GetFullDisplayName());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 1, tag->GetKind());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 2, tag->GetFile());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 3, line);
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 4, tag->GetPattern());

    // list ctrl can reorder items, so use returned index to insert tag
    m_tags.insert(m_tags.begin()+index, tag);