Exemplo n.º 1
void OpenResourceDialog::DoPopulateTags()
    bool gotExactMatch(false);

    // Next, add the tags
    TagEntryPtrVector_t tags;
    if(m_userFilters.IsEmpty()) return;

    m_manager->GetTagsManager()->GetTagsByPartialNames(m_userFilters, tags);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);

        // Filter out non relevanting entries
        if(!m_filters.IsEmpty() && m_filters.Index(tag->GetKind()) == wxNOT_FOUND) continue;

        if(!MatchesFilter(tag->GetFullDisplayName())) { continue; }

        wxString name(tag->GetName());

        // keep the fullpath
        wxDataViewItem item;
        wxString fullname;
        if(tag->IsMethod()) {
            fullname = wxString::Format(wxT("%s::%s%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str(),
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, (tag->GetKind() == wxT("function")),
                                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(),
                                                               tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),
        } else {

            fullname = wxString::Format(wxT("%s::%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str());
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, false,
                                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(),
                                                               tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),

        if((m_userFilters.GetCount() == 1) && (m_userFilters.Item(0).CmpNoCase(name) == 0) && !gotExactMatch) {
            gotExactMatch = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
TagEntryPtr RefactoringEngine::SyncSignature(const wxFileName& fn,
        int line,
        int pos,
        const wxString &word,
        const wxString &text,
        const wxString &expr)
    TagEntryPtr func = TagsManagerST::Get()->FunctionFromFileLine(fn, line);
        return NULL;

    bool bIsImpl = (func->GetKind() == wxT("function"));

    // Found the counterpart
    std::vector<TagEntryPtr> tags;
    TagsManagerST::Get()->FindImplDecl(fn, line, expr, word, text, tags, !bIsImpl);
    if(tags.size() != 1)
        return NULL;

    TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(0);
    if(tag->IsMethod() == false)
        return NULL;

    wxString signature;
    if (bIsImpl) {
        // The "source" is an implementaion, which means that we need to prepare declaration signature
        // this could be tricky since we might lose the "default" values
        signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(func->GetSignature(), Normalize_Func_Default_value|Normalize_Func_Name|Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);
    } else {
        // Prepare an "implementation" signature
        signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(func->GetSignature(), Normalize_Func_Name|Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);

    return tag;
Exemplo n.º 3
void clCallTip::Initialize(const std::vector<TagEntryPtr> &tips)
	std::map<wxString, tagCallTipInfo> mymap;
	for (size_t i=0; i< tips.size(); i++) {
		tagCallTipInfo cti;
		TagEntryPtr t = tips.at(i);
		if ( t->IsMethod() ) {

			wxString raw_sig ( t->GetSignature().Trim().Trim(false) );

			// evaluate the return value of the tag
			cti.retValue = TagsManagerST::Get()->GetFunctionReturnValueFromPattern(t);
			bool hasDefaultValues = (raw_sig.Find(wxT("=")) != wxNOT_FOUND);

			// the key for unique entries is the function prototype without the variables names and
			// any default values
			wxString  key           = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(raw_sig, Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);

			// the signature that we want to keep is one with name & default values, so try and get the maximum out of the
			// function signature
			wxString  full_signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(raw_sig, Normalize_Func_Name | Normalize_Func_Default_value | Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro, &cti.paramLen);
			cti.sig                  = full_signature;

			if (hasDefaultValues) {
				// incase default values exist in this prototype,
				// update/insert this signature
				mymap[key] = cti;

			// make sure we dont add duplicates
			if ( mymap.find(key) == mymap.end() ) {
				// add it
				mymap[key] = cti;

		} else {
			// macro
			wxString macroName = t->GetName();
			wxString pattern = t->GetPattern();

			int where = pattern.Find(macroName);
			if (where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
				//remove the #define <name> from the pattern
				pattern = pattern.Mid(where + macroName.Length());
				pattern = pattern.Trim().Trim(false);
				if (pattern.StartsWith(wxT("("))) {
					//this macro has the form of a function
					pattern = pattern.BeforeFirst(wxT(')'));
					cti.sig = pattern.Trim().Trim(false);
					mymap[cti.sig] = cti;

	std::map<wxString, tagCallTipInfo>::iterator iter = mymap.begin();
	for (; iter != mymap.end(); iter++) {
		wxString tip;
		if ( iter->second.retValue.empty() == false ) {
			tip <<  iter->second.retValue.Trim(false).Trim() << wxT(" : ");
		tip << iter->second.sig;
		clTipInfo ti;
		ti.paramLen = iter->second.paramLen;
		ti.str = tip;