Exemplo n.º 1
static bool AllKnownOut(const Tree &tree, EdgeInfo **EIs, unsigned uNodeFrom,
  unsigned uNodeTo)
	const unsigned uNeighborCount = tree.GetNeighborCount(uNodeTo);
	for (unsigned uSub = 0; uSub < uNeighborCount; ++uSub)
		unsigned uNeighborIndex = tree.GetNeighbor(uNodeTo, uSub);
		if (uNeighborIndex == uNodeFrom)
		if (!EIs[uNodeTo][uSub].m_bSet)
			return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ApplyMinEdgeLength(Tree &tree, double dMinEdgeLength)
	const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount();
	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		const unsigned uNeighborCount = tree.GetNeighborCount(uNodeIndex);
		for (unsigned n = 0; n < uNeighborCount; ++n)
			const unsigned uNeighborNodeIndex = tree.GetNeighbor(uNodeIndex, n);
			if (!tree.HasEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uNeighborNodeIndex))
			if (tree.GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uNeighborNodeIndex) < dMinEdgeLength)
				tree.SetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uNeighborNodeIndex, dMinEdgeLength);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void CalcInfo(const Tree &tree, unsigned uNode1, unsigned uNode2, EdgeInfo **EIs)
	const unsigned uNeighborIndex = tree.GetNeighborSubscript(uNode1, uNode2);
	EdgeInfo &EI = EIs[uNode1][uNeighborIndex];
	EI.m_uNode1 = uNode1;
	EI.m_uNode2 = uNode2;

	if (tree.IsLeaf(uNode2))
		EI.m_dMaxDistToLeaf = 0;
		EI.m_dTotalDistToLeaves = 0;
		EI.m_uMaxStep = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
		EI.m_uMostDistantLeaf = uNode2;
		EI.m_uLeafCount = 1;
		EI.m_bSet = true;

	double dMaxDistToLeaf = -1e29;
	double dTotalDistToLeaves = 0.0;
	unsigned uLeafCount = 0;
	unsigned uMostDistantLeaf = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
	unsigned uMaxStep = NULL_NEIGHBOR;

	const unsigned uNeighborCount = tree.GetNeighborCount(uNode2);
	for (unsigned uSub = 0; uSub < uNeighborCount; ++uSub)
		const unsigned uNode3 = tree.GetNeighbor(uNode2, uSub);
		if (uNode3 == uNode1)
		const EdgeInfo &EINext = EIs[uNode2][uSub];
		if (!EINext.m_bSet)
			Quit("CalcInfo: internal error, dist %u->%u not known",
				uNode2, uNode3);

		uLeafCount += EINext.m_uLeafCount;

		const double dEdgeLength = tree.GetEdgeLength(uNode2, uNode3);
		const double dTotalDist = EINext.m_dTotalDistToLeaves +
		dTotalDistToLeaves += dTotalDist;

		const double dDist = EINext.m_dMaxDistToLeaf + dEdgeLength;
		if (dDist > dMaxDistToLeaf)
			dMaxDistToLeaf = dDist;
			uMostDistantLeaf = EINext.m_uMostDistantLeaf;
			uMaxStep = uNode3;
	if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == uMaxStep || NULL_NEIGHBOR == uMostDistantLeaf ||
	  0 == uLeafCount)
		Quit("CalcInfo: internal error 2");

	const double dThisDist = tree.GetEdgeLength(uNode1, uNode2);
	EI.m_dMaxDistToLeaf = dMaxDistToLeaf;
	EI.m_dTotalDistToLeaves = dTotalDistToLeaves;
	EI.m_uMaxStep = uMaxStep;
	EI.m_uMostDistantLeaf = uMostDistantLeaf;
	EI.m_uLeafCount = uLeafCount;
	EI.m_bSet = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void RootByMinAvgLeafDist(const Tree &tree, EdgeInfo **EIs,
  unsigned *ptruNode1, unsigned *ptruNode2,
  double *ptrdLength1, double *ptrdLength2)
	const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount();
	const unsigned uLeafCount = tree.GetLeafCount();
	unsigned uNode1 = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
	unsigned uNode2 = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
	double dMinHeight = VERY_LARGE_DOUBLE;
	double dBestLength1 = VERY_LARGE_DOUBLE;
	double dBestLength2 = VERY_LARGE_DOUBLE;

	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		const unsigned uNeighborCount = tree.GetNeighborCount(uNodeIndex);
		for (unsigned uSub = 0; uSub < uNeighborCount; ++uSub)
			const unsigned uNeighborIndex = tree.GetNeighbor(uNodeIndex, uSub);

		// Avoid visiting same edge a second time in reversed order.
			if (uNeighborIndex < uNodeIndex)

			const unsigned uSubRev = tree.GetNeighborSubscript(uNeighborIndex, uNodeIndex);
			if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == uSubRev)
				Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 1");

		// Get info for edges Node1->Node2 and Node2->Node1 (reversed)
			const EdgeInfo &EI = EIs[uNodeIndex][uSub];
			const EdgeInfo &EIRev = EIs[uNeighborIndex][uSubRev];

			if (EI.m_uNode1 != uNodeIndex || EI.m_uNode2 != uNeighborIndex ||
			  EIRev.m_uNode1 != uNeighborIndex || EIRev.m_uNode2 != uNodeIndex)
				Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 2");
			if (!EI.m_bSet)
				Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 3");
			if (uLeafCount != EI.m_uLeafCount + EIRev.m_uLeafCount)
				Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 4");

			const double dEdgeLength = tree.GetEdgeLength(uNodeIndex, uNeighborIndex);
			if (dEdgeLength != tree.GetEdgeLength(uNeighborIndex, uNodeIndex))
				Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 5");

		// Consider point p on edge 12 in tree (1=Node, 2=Neighbor).
        //	-----         ----
        //	     |       |
        //	     1----p--2
        //	     |       |
        //	-----         ----
		// Define:
		//    ADLp = average distance to leaves to left of point p.
		//	  ADRp = average distance to leaves to right of point p.
		//	  L = edge length = distance 12
		//    x = distance 1p
		// So distance p2 = L - x.
		// Average distance from p to leaves on left of p is:
		//		ADLp = ADL1 + x
		// Average distance from p to leaves on right of p is:
		//		ADRp = ADR2 + (L - x)
		// To be a root, we require these two distances to be equal,
		//		ADLp = ADRp
		//		ADL1 + x = ADR2 + (L - x)
		// Solving for x,
		//		x = (ADR2 - ADL1 + L)/2
		// If 0 <= x <= L, we can place the root on edge 12.

			const double ADL1 = EI.m_dTotalDistToLeaves / EI.m_uLeafCount;
			const double ADR2 = EIRev.m_dTotalDistToLeaves / EIRev.m_uLeafCount;

			const double x = (ADR2 - ADL1 + dEdgeLength)/2.0;
			if (x >= 0 && x <= dEdgeLength)
				const double dLength1 = x;
				const double dLength2 = dEdgeLength - x;
				const double dHeight1 = EI.m_dMaxDistToLeaf + dLength1;
				const double dHeight2 = EIRev.m_dMaxDistToLeaf + dLength2;
				const double dHeight = dHeight1 >= dHeight2 ? dHeight1 : dHeight2;
				Log("Candidate root Node1=%u Node2=%u Height=%g\n",
				  uNodeIndex, uNeighborIndex, dHeight);
				if (dHeight < dMinHeight)
					uNode1 = uNodeIndex;
					uNode2 = uNeighborIndex;
					dBestLength1 = dLength1;
					dBestLength2 = dLength2;
					dMinHeight = dHeight;

	if (NULL_NEIGHBOR == uNode1 || NULL_NEIGHBOR == uNode2)
		Quit("RootByMinAvgLeafDist, internal error 6");

	Log("Best root Node1=%u Node2=%u Length1=%g Length2=%g Height=%g\n",
	  uNode1, uNode2, dBestLength1, dBestLength2, dMinHeight);

	*ptruNode1 = uNode1;
	*ptruNode2 = uNode2;
	*ptrdLength1 = dBestLength1;
	*ptrdLength2 = dBestLength2;
Exemplo n.º 5
void FindRoot(const Tree &tree, unsigned *ptruNode1, unsigned *ptruNode2,
  double *ptrdLength1, double *ptrdLength2,
  ROOT RootMethod)
	if (tree.IsRooted())
		Quit("FindRoot: tree already rooted");

	const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount();
	const unsigned uLeafCount = tree.GetLeafCount();

	if (uNodeCount < 2)
		Quit("Root: don't support trees with < 2 edges");

	EdgeInfo **EIs = new EdgeInfo *[uNodeCount];
	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		EIs[uNodeIndex] = new EdgeInfo[3];

	EdgeList Edges;
	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		if (tree.IsLeaf(uNodeIndex))
			unsigned uParent = tree.GetNeighbor1(uNodeIndex);
			Edges.Add(uParent, uNodeIndex);

	Log("Edges: ");

// Main loop: iterate until all distances known
	double dAllMaxDist = -1e20;
	unsigned uMaxFrom = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
	unsigned uMaxTo = NULL_NEIGHBOR;
	for (;;)
		EdgeList NextEdges;

		Log("\nTop of main loop\n");
		Log("Edges: ");
		ListEIs(EIs, uNodeCount);

	// For all edges
		const unsigned uEdgeCount = Edges.GetCount();
		if (0 == uEdgeCount)
		for (unsigned n = 0; n < uEdgeCount; ++n)
			unsigned uNodeFrom;
			unsigned uNodeTo;
			Edges.GetEdge(n, &uNodeFrom, &uNodeTo);

			CalcInfo(tree, uNodeFrom, uNodeTo, EIs);
			Log("Edge %u -> %u\n", uNodeFrom, uNodeTo);
			const unsigned uNeighborCount = tree.GetNeighborCount(uNodeFrom);
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < uNeighborCount; ++i)
				const unsigned uNeighborIndex = tree.GetNeighbor(uNodeFrom, i);
				if (!Known(tree, EIs, uNeighborIndex, uNodeFrom) &&
				  AllKnownOut(tree, EIs, uNeighborIndex, uNodeFrom))
					NextEdges.Add(uNeighborIndex, uNodeFrom);

	ListEIs(EIs, uNodeCount);

	switch (RootMethod)
	case ROOT_MidLongestSpan:
		RootByMidLongestSpan(tree, EIs, ptruNode1, ptruNode2,
		  ptrdLength1, ptrdLength2);

	case ROOT_MinAvgLeafDist:
		RootByMinAvgLeafDist(tree, EIs, ptruNode1, ptruNode2,
		  ptrdLength1, ptrdLength2);

		Quit("Invalid RootMethod=%d", RootMethod);

	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		delete[] EIs[uNodeIndex];
	delete[] EIs;