Exemplo n.º 1
void ClusterByHeight(const Tree &tree, double dMaxHeight, unsigned Subtrees[],
                     unsigned *ptruSubtreeCount)
    if (!tree.IsRooted())
        Quit("ClusterByHeight: requires rooted tree");

    Log("ClusterByHeight, max height=%g\n", dMaxHeight);

    unsigned uSubtreeCount = 0;
    const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount();
    for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
        if (tree.IsRoot(uNodeIndex))
        unsigned uParent = tree.GetParent(uNodeIndex);
        double dHeight = tree.GetNodeHeight(uNodeIndex);
        double dParentHeight = tree.GetNodeHeight(uParent);

        Log("Node %3u  Height %5.2f  ParentHeight %5.2f\n",
            uNodeIndex, dHeight, dParentHeight);
        if (dParentHeight > dMaxHeight && dHeight <= dMaxHeight)
            Subtrees[uSubtreeCount] = uNodeIndex;
            Log("Subtree[%u]=%u\n", uSubtreeCount, uNodeIndex);
    *ptruSubtreeCount = uSubtreeCount;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void ClusterBySubfamCount_Iteration(const Tree &tree, unsigned Subfams[],
        unsigned uCount)
// Find highest child node of current set of subfamilies.
    double dHighestHeight = -1e20;
    int iParentSubscript = -1;

    for (int n = 0; n < (int) uCount; ++n)
        const unsigned uNodeIndex = Subfams[n];
        if (tree.IsLeaf(uNodeIndex))

        const unsigned uLeft = tree.GetLeft(uNodeIndex);
        const double dHeightLeft = tree.GetNodeHeight(uLeft);
        if (dHeightLeft > dHighestHeight)
            dHighestHeight = dHeightLeft;
            iParentSubscript = n;

        const unsigned uRight = tree.GetRight(uNodeIndex);
        const double dHeightRight = tree.GetNodeHeight(uRight);
        if (dHeightRight > dHighestHeight)
            dHighestHeight = dHeightRight;
            iParentSubscript = n;

    if (-1 == iParentSubscript)
        Quit("CBSFCIter: failed to find highest child");

    const unsigned uNodeIndex = Subfams[iParentSubscript];
    const unsigned uLeft = tree.GetLeft(uNodeIndex);
    const unsigned uRight = tree.GetRight(uNodeIndex);

// Delete parent by replacing with left child
    Subfams[iParentSubscript] = uLeft;

// Append right child to list
    Subfams[uCount] = uRight;

        Log("Iter %3u:", uCount);
        for (unsigned n = 0; n < uCount; ++n)
            Log(" %u", Subfams[n]);
Exemplo n.º 3
void GetInternalNodesInHeightOrder(const Tree &tree, unsigned NodeIndexes[])
	const unsigned uNodeCount = tree.GetNodeCount();
	if (uNodeCount < 3)
		Quit("GetInternalNodesInHeightOrder: %u nodes, none are internal",
	const unsigned uInternalNodeCount = (uNodeCount - 1)/2;
	double *Heights = new double[uInternalNodeCount];

	unsigned uIndex = 0;
	for (unsigned uNodeIndex = 0; uNodeIndex < uNodeCount; ++uNodeIndex)
		if (tree.IsLeaf(uNodeIndex))
		NodeIndexes[uIndex] = uNodeIndex;
		Heights[uIndex] = tree.GetNodeHeight(uNodeIndex);
	if (uIndex != uInternalNodeCount)
		Quit("Internal error: GetInternalNodesInHeightOrder");

// Simple but slow bubble sort (probably don't care about speed here)
	bool bDone = false;
	while (!bDone)
		bDone = true;
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < uInternalNodeCount - 1; ++i)
			if (Heights[i] > Heights[i+1])
				double dTmp = Heights[i];
				Heights[i] = Heights[i+1];
				Heights[i+1] = dTmp;

				unsigned uTmp = NodeIndexes[i];
				NodeIndexes[i] = NodeIndexes[i+1];
				NodeIndexes[i+1] = uTmp;
				bDone = false;
	Log("Internal node index     Height\n");
	Log("-------------------   --------\n");
	//    1234567890123456789  123456789
	for (unsigned n = 0; n < uInternalNodeCount; ++n)
		Log("%19u  %9.3f\n", NodeIndexes[n], Heights[n]);
	delete[] Heights;