Exemplo n.º 1
float CRecognitionAlgs::CalcFaceYaw(const vector<float>& iLine,
                                    const VO_Shape& iShape,
                                    const VO_FaceParts& iFaceParts)
    float yaw = 0.0f;
    int dim = iShape.GetNbOfDim();

    // Theoretically, using eye corner is correct, but it's not stable at all. Therefore, here we use COG_left and COG_right instead.
    //     float leftDist = 0.0f, rightDist = 0.0f;    
    //     vector<unsigned int> eyeCornerPoints = iFaceParts.GetEyeCornerPoints().GetIndexes();
    //     Point2f leftmostEyeCorner = Point2f(FLT_MAX, 0.0f);
    //     Point2f rightmostEyeCorner = Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
    //     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < eyeCornerPoints.size(); ++i)
    //     {
    //         if(leftmostEyeCorner.x > iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]) )
    //         {
    //             leftmostEyeCorner.x = iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]);
    //             leftmostEyeCorner.y = iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]+1);
    //         }
    //         if(rightmostEyeCorner.x < iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]) )
    //         {
    //             rightmostEyeCorner.x = iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]);
    //             rightmostEyeCorner.y = iShape.GetAShape(dim*eyeCornerPoints[i]+1);
    //         }
    //     }
    //     leftDist = cvDistFromAPoint2ALine2D(leftmostEyeCorner,  iLine);
    //     rightDist = cvDistFromAPoint2ALine2D(rightmostEyeCorner,  iLine);
    //     float r = leftDist/rightDist;
    // Refer to my PhD dissertation. Chapter 4
    //     yaw = atan ( ( 0.65*(r-1) ) / ( 0.24 * (r+1) ) ) * 180.0f / CV_PI;

    float leftDist = 0.0f, rightDist = 0.0f;
    vector<unsigned int> leftSidePoints = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::LEFTSIDEPOINTS).GetIndexes();
    vector<unsigned int> rightSidePoints = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::RIGHTSIDEPOINTS).GetIndexes();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < leftSidePoints.size(); ++i)
        leftDist += cvDistFromAPoint2ALine2D(Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*leftSidePoints[i]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*leftSidePoints[i]+1)),  iLine);
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rightSidePoints.size(); ++i)
        rightDist += cvDistFromAPoint2ALine2D(Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*rightSidePoints[i]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*rightSidePoints[i]+1)),  iLine);

    float r = leftDist/rightDist;
    // Refer to my PhD dissertation. Chapter 4
    // yaw = atan ( ( 0.65*(r-1) ) / ( 0.24 * (r+1) ) ) * 180.0f / CV_PI;
    yaw = atan ( ( (r-1) ) / ((r+1) ) ) * safeDoubleToFloat(180.0 / CV_PI);

    return yaw;
Exemplo n.º 2
* @brief    Calculate face fitting effect
* @param    refShape    - input     reference shape
* @param    fittedShape - input     fitting result
* @param    deviation   - output    what is the deviation from refShape to fittedShape
* @param    ptErrorFreq - output    point error frequency
* @param    nb          - input     how many evaluation levels that is to be used
* @return   whether the fitting is acceptable
void CRecognitionAlgs::CalcShapeFittingEffect(	const VO_Shape& refShape,
												const VO_Shape& fittedShape,
												float& deviation,
												vector<float>& ptErrorFreq,
												int nb,
												vector<float>* ptErrPerPoint)
    assert(refShape.GetNbOfDim() == fittedShape.GetNbOfDim());
	assert(refShape.GetNbOfPoints() == fittedShape.GetNbOfPoints());
    unsigned int NbOfShapeDim   = refShape.GetNbOfDim();
    unsigned int NbOfPoints     = refShape.GetNbOfPoints();

	vector<float> ptDists(NbOfPoints, 0.0f);
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NbOfPoints; i++)
		ptDists[i] = 0.0f;
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < NbOfShapeDim; j++)
			ptDists[i] += pow(refShape.GetAShape(j*NbOfPoints+i) - fittedShape.GetAShape(j*NbOfPoints+i), 2.0f);
		ptDists[i] = sqrt(ptDists[i]);
	for(int i = 0; i < nb; i++)
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NbOfPoints; j++)
			if (ptDists[j] < i)
		ptErrorFreq[i] /= static_cast<float>(NbOfPoints);
	float sumPtDist = 0.0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i<NbOfPoints;++i){
		sumPtDist += ptDists[i];
	printf("Avg ptDists = %f\n",sumPtDist/NbOfPoints);

    deviation = CRecognitionAlgs::ShapeDistance(refShape, fittedShape);
	if(ptErrPerPoint != 0){
		(*ptErrPerPoint) = ptDists;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @param	fd					- input		folder name
 * @param	fnIdx				- input		fitting result
 * @param	deviation			- input		what is the deviation from refShape to fittedShape
 * @param	ptErrorFreq			- input		for curve to display frequency -- point distance
 * @param	fittedShape			- input		fitting result
 * @return	whether the fitting is acceptable
void CRecognitionAlgs::SaveShapeResults(		const string& fd,
												const string& fnIdx,
												float deviation,
												vector<float>& ptDists,
												vector<float>& ptErrorFreq,
												const VO_Shape& fittedShape)
    string fn;
    fn = fd + "/" + fnIdx + ".res";
    fstream fp;
    fp.open(fn.c_str (), ios::out);

	fp << "Error per point -- Distance from ground truth" << endl;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ptDists.size(); ++i){
		fp << ptDists[i] << endl;
	fp << endl;

	fp << "Total landmark error" << endl;
	float errSum = std::accumulate(ptDists.begin(),ptDists.end(),0.0f);
	fp << errSum << endl;
	fp <<"Average landmark distance" << endl;
	fp << errSum / ptDists.size() << endl;
	fp << endl;

    fp << "Total Deviation" << endl << deviation << endl;				// deviation
    fp << "Point Error -- Frequency" << endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ptErrorFreq.size(); i++)
        fp << ptErrorFreq[i] << " ";
	fp << endl;
	fp << endl;
	fp << "Fitted points" << endl;
	//output actual points along with error frequency
	unsigned int NbOfShapeDim   = fittedShape.GetNbOfDim();
	unsigned int NbOfPoints     = fittedShape.GetNbOfPoints();
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NbOfPoints; i++)
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < NbOfShapeDim; j++)
			fp << fittedShape.GetAShape(j*NbOfPoints+i) << " ";
		fp << endl;
    fp << endl;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Refer to my PhD thesis, chapter 4
float CRecognitionAlgs::CalcFacePitch(  const VO_Shape& iShape,
                                        const VO_FaceParts& iFaceParts)
    float pitch = 0.0f;
    int dim = iShape.GetNbOfDim();
    float NNQ, ENQ, EQ, NO;

    // Theoretically, using eye corner is correct, but it's not quite stable at all. It's better we use two nostrils first if nostirl is defined in faceparts
    //     unsigned int nosetipBottom = 0;
    //     vector<unsigned int> nosePoints             = iFaceParts.GetNose().GetIndexes();
    //     vector<unsigned int> midlinePoints         = iFaceParts.GetMidlinePoints().GetIndexes();
    //     vector<unsigned int> pitchAxisPoints    = iFaceParts.GetPitchAxisLinePoints().GetIndexes();
    //     VO_Shape nose, midLine, pitchAxis;
    //     nose.SetDim(dim);
    //     midLine.SetDim(dim);
    //     pitchAxis.SetDim(dim);
    //     nose.SetSize( nosePoints.size()*dim );
    //     midLine.SetSize( midlinePoints.size()*dim );
    //     pitchAxis.SetSize(pitchAxisPoints.size()*dim );
    //     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nosePoints.size(); ++i)
    //     {
    //         for(unsigned int j = 0; j < midlinePoints.size(); ++j)
    //         {
    //             if(nosePoints[i] == midlinePoints[j])
    //             {
    //                 nosetipBottom = nosePoints[i];
    //                 break;
    //             }
    //         }
    //     }
    //     Point2f ntPoint  = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*nosetipBottom), iShape.GetAShape(dim*nosetipBottom+1));
    //     Point2f paPoint1 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]+1));
    //     Point2f paPoint2 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]+1));
    //     float NNQ = ( (ntPoint.y - paPoint1.y) + (ntPoint.y - paPoint2.y) ) / 2.0f;
    //     float ENQ = fabs(ntPoint.x - paPoint1.x) > fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint.x) ? fabs(ntPoint.x - paPoint1.x) : fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint.x);
    //     float EQ = sqrt(ENQ*ENQ + NNQ*NNQ);
    //     float NO = sqrt(2.0f)/2.0f*EQ;

    vector<unsigned int> nostrilPoints          = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::NOSTRIL).GetIndexes();
    if(nostrilPoints.size() != 0)
        vector<unsigned int> pitchAxisPoints    = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::PITCHAXISLINEPOINTS).GetIndexes();

        Point2f ntPoint1 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*nostrilPoints[0]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*nostrilPoints[0]+1));
        Point2f ntPoint2 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*nostrilPoints[1]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*nostrilPoints[1]+1));
        Point2f paPoint1 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]+1));
        Point2f paPoint2 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]+1));

        NNQ = ( (ntPoint1.y - paPoint1.y) + (ntPoint2.y - paPoint2.y) ) / 2.0f;
        ENQ = fabs(ntPoint1.x - paPoint1.x) > fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint2.x) ? fabs(ntPoint1.x - paPoint1.x + (ntPoint2.x - ntPoint1.x) / 2.0f) : fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint2.x + (ntPoint2.x - ntPoint1.x) / 2.0f);
        EQ = sqrt(ENQ*ENQ + NNQ*NNQ);
        NO = sqrt(2.0f)/2.0f*EQ;
        unsigned int nosetipBottom = 0;
        vector<unsigned int> nosePoints         = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::NOSE).GetIndexes();
        vector<unsigned int> midlinePoints      = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::MIDLINEPOINTS).GetIndexes();
        vector<unsigned int> pitchAxisPoints    = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::PITCHAXISLINEPOINTS).GetIndexes();

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nosePoints.size(); ++i)
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < midlinePoints.size(); ++j)
                if(nosePoints[i] == midlinePoints[j])
                    nosetipBottom = nosePoints[i];

        Point2f ntPoint  = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*nosetipBottom), iShape.GetAShape(dim*nosetipBottom+1));
        Point2f paPoint1 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[0]+1));
        Point2f paPoint2 = Point2f(iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]), iShape.GetAShape(dim*pitchAxisPoints[1]+1));

        NNQ = ( (ntPoint.y - paPoint1.y) + (ntPoint.y - paPoint2.y) ) / 2.0f;
        ENQ = fabs(ntPoint.x - paPoint1.x) > fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint.x) ? fabs(ntPoint.x - paPoint1.x) : fabs(paPoint2.x - ntPoint.x);
        EQ = sqrt(ENQ*ENQ + NNQ*NNQ);
        NO = sqrt(2.0f)/2.0f*EQ;

    if( fabs(NNQ/NO) < 1.0f)
        pitch = asin ( NNQ / NO ) * safeDoubleToFloat(180.0 / CV_PI);
    else if (NNQ * NO < 0.0f)
        pitch = -90.0f;
        pitch = 90.0f;

    return pitch;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @param	fd					- input		folder name
 * @param	fnIdx				- input		fitting result
 * @param	deviation			- input		what is the deviation from refShape to fittedShape
 * @param	ptErrorFreq			- input		for curve to display frequency -- point distance
 * @param	fittedShape			- input		fitting result
 * @param	gt_cp				- input		ground truth canidate points
 * @param	t_cp				- input		tested canidate points (l eye, r eye, mouth)
 * @return	whether the fitting is acceptable
void CRecognitionAlgs::SaveFittingResults(		const string& fd,
												const string& fnIdx,
												float deviation,
												vector<float>& ptDists,
												vector<float>& ptErrorFreq,
												const VO_Shape& fittedShape,
												cv::Point2f* gt_cP,
												cv::Point2f* t_cP,
												float fitTime)
    string fn;
    fn = fd + "/" + fnIdx + ".res";
    fstream fp;
    fp.open(fn.c_str (), ios::out);

	fp << "Error per point -- Distance from ground truth" << endl;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ptDists.size(); ++i){
		fp << ptDists[i] << endl;
	fp << endl;

	fp << "Total landmark error" << endl;
	float errSum = std::accumulate(ptDists.begin(),ptDists.end(),0.0f);
	fp << errSum << endl;
	fp << "Average landmark distance" << endl;
	fp << errSum / ptDists.size() << endl;
	fp << "Candidate point error (Left eye, Right eye, Mouth)" << endl;
	//messy distance, too lazy
	float le_dist = sqrt(pow(gt_cP[0].x - t_cP[0].x,2) + pow(gt_cP[0].y - t_cP[0].y,2));
	float re_dist = sqrt(pow(gt_cP[1].x - t_cP[1].x,2) + pow(gt_cP[1].y - t_cP[1].y,2));
	float m_dist = sqrt(pow(gt_cP[2].x - t_cP[2].x,2) + pow(gt_cP[2].y - t_cP[2].y,2));

	fp << le_dist << endl;
	fp << re_dist << endl;
	fp << m_dist << endl;
	fp << endl;
	fp << "Fitting time" << endl;
	fp << fitTime << endl;
	fp << endl;

    fp << "Total deviation" << endl << deviation << endl;				// deviation
    fp << "Point error -- Frequency" << endl;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ptErrorFreq.size(); i++)
        fp << ptErrorFreq[i] << " ";
	fp << endl;
	fp << endl;
	fp << "Canidate points" << endl;
	fp << t_cP[0].x << " " << t_cP[0].y << endl;
	fp << t_cP[1].x << " " << t_cP[1].y << endl;
	fp << t_cP[2].x << " " << t_cP[2].y << endl;
	fp << "Fitted points" << endl;
	//output actual points along with error frequency
	unsigned int NbOfShapeDim   = fittedShape.GetNbOfDim();
	unsigned int NbOfPoints     = fittedShape.GetNbOfPoints();
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NbOfPoints; i++)
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < NbOfShapeDim; j++)
			fp << fittedShape.GetAShape(j*NbOfPoints+i) << " ";
		fp << endl;
    fp << endl;