Exemplo n.º 1
 * @author      JIA Pei
 * @version     2010-05-07
 * @brief       draw a point on the image
 * @param       iShape          Input -- the input shape
 * @param       theSubshape     Output -- and input, the image drawn with the point
 * @param       iLine           Input -- the line
 * @param       oImg            Output--  output image
 * @param       dir             Input -- direction
 * @param       ws              Input --
 * @param       offset          Input -- add some offset at both ends of the line segment itself
 * @param       ci              Input -- color index
 * @return      void
void VO_Fitting2DSM::VO_DrawAline(  const VO_Shape& iShape,
                                    const VO_Shape& theSubshape,
                                    const std::vector<float>& iLine,
                                    cv::Mat& oImg,
                                    unsigned int dir,
                                    bool ws,
                                    unsigned int offset,
                                    unsigned int ci)
    case VERTICAL:
        float A = iLine[0];
        float B = iLine[1];
        float C = iLine[2];
        cv::Point2f ptf1, ptf2;
            ptf1.y = iShape.MinY() - offset;
            ptf2.y = iShape.MaxY() + offset;
            ptf1.y = theSubshape.MinY() - offset;
            ptf2.y = theSubshape.MaxY() + offset;
        ptf1.x = -(C + B*ptf1.y)/A;
        ptf2.x = -(C + B*ptf2.y)/A;
        cv::Point pt1 = cvPointFrom32f( ptf1 );
        cv::Point pt2 = cvPointFrom32f( ptf2 );
        cv::line( oImg, pt1, pt2, colors[ci], 2, 0, 0);
    case HORIZONTAL:
        float A = iLine[0];
        float B = iLine[1];
        float C = iLine[2];
        cv::Point2f ptf1, ptf2;
            ptf1.x = iShape.MinX() - offset;
            ptf2.x = iShape.MaxX() + offset;
            ptf1.x = theSubshape.MinX() - offset;
            ptf2.x = theSubshape.MaxX() + offset;
        ptf1.y = -(C + A*ptf1.x)/B;
        ptf2.y = -(C + A*ptf2.x)/B;
        cv::Point pt1 = cvPointFrom32f( ptf1 );
        cv::Point pt2 = cvPointFrom32f( ptf2 );
        cv::line( oImg, pt1, pt2, colors[ci], 2, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
* @brief    whether the tracked shape is really a face?
*           If we can detect both eyes and mouth
*           according to some prior knowledge due to its shape,
*           we may regard this shape correctly describe a face.
* @param    iImg        - input     input image
* @param    iShape      - input     the current tracked shape
* @param    iShapeInfo  - input     shape info
* @param    iFaceParts  - input     face parts
* @return   bool    whether the tracked shape is acceptable?
bool CRecognitionAlgs::EvaluateFaceTrackedByCascadeDetection(
    const CFaceDetectionAlgs* fd,
    const Mat& iImg,
    const VO_Shape& iShape,
    const vector<VO_Shape2DInfo>& iShapeInfo, 
    const VO_FaceParts& iFaceParts)
    double t = (double)cvGetTickCount();

    unsigned int ImgWidth       = iImg.cols;
    unsigned int ImgHeight      = iImg.rows;

    vector<unsigned int> leftEyePoints      = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE).GetIndexes();
    vector<unsigned int> rightEyePoints     = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE).GetIndexes();
    vector<unsigned int> lipOuterLinerPoints= iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE).GetIndexes();

    VO_Shape leftEyeShape       = iShape.GetSubShape(leftEyePoints);
    VO_Shape rightEyeShape      = iShape.GetSubShape(rightEyePoints);
    VO_Shape lipOuterLinerShape = iShape.GetSubShape(lipOuterLinerPoints);

    float dolEye = 12.0f;
    float dolMouth = 12.0f;

    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMinX    = 0.0f > (leftEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(leftEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMinY    = 0.0f > (leftEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(leftEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMaxX    = (leftEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(leftEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMaxY    = (leftEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(leftEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeWidth   = possibleLeftEyeMaxX - possibleLeftEyeMinX;
    unsigned int possibleLeftEyeHeight  = possibleLeftEyeMaxY - possibleLeftEyeMinY;
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeMinX   = 0.0f > (rightEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(rightEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeMinY   = 0.0f > (rightEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(rightEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeMaxX   = (rightEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(rightEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeMaxY   = (rightEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(rightEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye);
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeWidth  = possibleRightEyeMaxX - possibleRightEyeMinX;
    unsigned int possibleRightEyeHeight = possibleRightEyeMaxY - possibleRightEyeMinY;
    unsigned int possibleMouthMinX      = 0.0f > (lipOuterLinerShape.MinX() - dolMouth) ? 0: (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MinX() - dolMouth);
    unsigned int possibleMouthMinY      = 0.0f > (lipOuterLinerShape.MinY() - dolMouth) ? 0: (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MinY() - dolMouth);
    unsigned int possibleMouthMaxX      = (lipOuterLinerShape.MaxX() + dolMouth) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MaxX() + dolMouth);
    unsigned int possibleMouthMaxY      = (lipOuterLinerShape.MaxY() + dolMouth) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MaxY() + dolMouth);
    unsigned int possibleMouthWidth     = possibleMouthMaxX - possibleMouthMinX;
    unsigned int possibleMouthHeight    = possibleMouthMaxY - possibleMouthMinY;

    Rect LeftEyePossibleWindow  = Rect( possibleLeftEyeMinX, possibleLeftEyeMinY, possibleLeftEyeWidth, possibleLeftEyeHeight );
    Rect RightEyePossibleWindow = Rect( possibleRightEyeMinX, possibleRightEyeMinY, possibleRightEyeWidth, possibleRightEyeHeight );
    Rect MouthPossibleWindow    = Rect( possibleMouthMinX, possibleMouthMinY, possibleMouthWidth, possibleMouthHeight );
    Rect CurrentWindow          = Rect( 0, 0, iImg.cols, iImg.rows );
    Rect DetectedLeftEyeWindow, DetectedRightEyeWindow, DetectedMouthWindow;

    bool LeftEyeDetected    = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, LeftEyePossibleWindow, DetectedLeftEyeWindow, VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE);
    bool RightEyeDetected   = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, RightEyePossibleWindow, DetectedRightEyeWindow, VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE );
    bool MouthDetected      = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, MouthPossibleWindow, DetectedMouthWindow, VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE );

    t = ((double)cvGetTickCount() -  t )
        / (cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.0f);
    cout << "Detection Confirmation time cost: " << t << "millisec" << endl;

    if(LeftEyeDetected && RightEyeDetected && MouthDetected)
        return true;
        return false;