RangeSensorWallFollow::regressionsGerade(double _alpha, double _beta, double delta,
			      double& a, double& b) const
  // correction angle
  Vector2d alpha(cos(-delta), sin(-delta));

  // build vector of egocentric sensor readings
  std::vector<Vector2d> scan;

  EgoMap::const_iterator first, last = egoMap_.upper_bound(_beta);
  for (first = egoMap_.lower_bound(_alpha); first != last; ++first) {

    scan.push_back(first->second * alpha);

    //    cout << "x =" << first->real() << "\t y=" << first->imag() << endl;

  if (scan.size() < 5) { // too litle data
    cout << "too little data" << endl;
    return false;

  // Geradengleichung y = m*x + b
  Vector2d sum = std::accumulate(scan.begin(), scan.end(), Vector2d());

  //  cout << "sum: " << sum.real() << ", " << sum.imag() << endl;

  double n = scan.size();
  double xmean = sum.real() / n;
  double ymean = sum.imag() / n;
  double sxy = 0.;
  double ssqx = 0.;

  std::vector<Vector2d>::const_iterator i, iEnd = scan.end();
  for (i = scan.begin(); i != iEnd; ++i) {
    ssqx += i->real() * i->real();
    sxy += i->real() * i->imag();

  double d = ssqx - n * xmean * xmean;

  //  cout << "x*x Sum=" << ssqx << " \tpSum=" << sxy << "\td=" << d << endl;

  if (fabs(d) < 0.0001)
    return false;

  a = (sxy - n * xmean * ymean) / d;
  b = ymean - a * xmean;

  return true;
    ConstraintArbiter::handle_timeout(const ACE_Time_Value &, const void*)
      std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter-handle_timeout before Guard" << std::endl;
      Miro::Guard guard(mutex_);
      std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter-handle_timeout after Guard" << std::endl;
      ConstraintArbiterParameters * params =
	const_cast<ConstraintArbiterParameters *>
	( dynamic_cast<ConstraintArbiterParameters const *>(params_));
      MIRO_ASSERT(params != NULL);
      Vector2d velocity;
      //    std::FILE *logFile1;
      typedef std::vector<Behaviour *> BehaviourVector;
      // preinitialize the velocity space
      // let each behaviour calculate its velocity space
      MessageVector::const_iterator first, last = message_.end();
      for(first = message_.begin(); first != last; ++first) {
	if ((*first)->active){
	  std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter before addEval" << std::endl;
	  std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter after addEval" << std::endl;
      // calculate new velocity using the content of the velocity space
      std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter before applyFunction" << std::endl;
      velocity = params->velocitySpace.applyObjectiveFunctionToEval();
      std::cout << "ConstraintArbiter after applyFunction" << std::endl;
      //    cout << "LEFT: " << velocity.real() << " ::: " << velocity.imag() << endl;
      // set steering commands
      pMotion_->setLRVelocity(velocity.real(), velocity.imag());
      if (Miro::Log::level() >= Miro::Log::LL_PRATTLE) {
	TimeStats stats;
	MIRO_DBG_OSTR(MIRO, LL_PRATTLE, "ConstraintArbiter eval time: " << std::endl << stats);
      //    logFile1 = std::fopen("velocityspace.log","a");
      //    for(int r_index = 0; r_index <= 2*(velocitySpace_.maxVelocity_/velocitySpace_.spaceResolution_)+1; r_index++) {
      //	for(int l_index = 0; l_index <= 2*(velocitySpace_.maxVelocity_/velocitySpace_.spaceResolution_)+1; l_index++) {
      //		fprintf(logFile1, "%d\n", velocitySpace_.velocitySpace_[l_index][r_index]);
      //	}
      //    }
      //    fclose(logFile1);
      if (pSupplier_ &&
	  pSupplier_->subscribed(offerIndex_) &&
	  !skipDebug_) {
	unsigned int const headerSize = 12;
	unsigned int dataSize = params->velocitySpace.dynamicWindowSize();
	unsigned char * buffer = new unsigned char[headerSize + dataSize];
	short * h = reinterpret_cast<short *>(buffer);
	h[0] = 0; // protocol id
	h[1] = params->velocitySpace.size();
	params->velocitySpace.windowBounds(h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5]);
	unsigned char * p = buffer + headerSize;
	Miro::VelocitySpaceIDL * dynamicWindow = 
	  new Miro::VelocitySpaceIDL(headerSize + dataSize,
				     headerSize + dataSize, buffer, 1);
	notifyEvent_.remainder_of_body <<= dynamicWindow;
      skipDebug_ %= skipMax_;
      return 0;