Exemplo n.º 1
void Point::optimize(const size_t n_iter)
  Vector3d old_point = pos_;
  double chi2 = 0.0;
  Matrix3d A;
  Vector3d b;

  for(size_t i=0; i<n_iter; i++)
    double new_chi2 = 0.0;

    // compute residuals
    for(auto it=obs_.begin(); it!=obs_.end(); ++it)
      Matrix23d J;
      const Vector3d p_in_f((*it)->frame->T_f_w_ * pos_);
      Point::jacobian_xyz2uv(p_in_f, (*it)->frame->T_f_w_.rotationMatrix(), J);
      const Vector2d e(vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(p_in_f));
      new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm();
      A.noalias() += J.transpose() * J;
      b.noalias() -= J.transpose() * e;

    // solve linear system
    const Vector3d dp(A.ldlt().solve(b));

    // check if error increased
    if((i > 0 && new_chi2 > chi2) || (bool) std::isnan((double)dp[0]))
      cout << "it " << i
           << "\t FAILURE \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2 << endl;
      pos_ = old_point; // roll-back

    // update the model
    Vector3d new_point = pos_ + dp;
    old_point = pos_;
    pos_ = new_point;
    chi2 = new_chi2;
    cout << "it " << i
         << "\t Success \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2
         << "\t norm(b) = " << vk::norm_max(b)
         << endl;

    // stop when converged
    if(vk::norm_max(dp) <= EPS)
  cout << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
ArcPtr ArcFitter::getCurve() const
    if((int)_pts.size() < 2)
        return ArcPtr();

    double factor = 1. / _totWeight;
    Vector3d pt = _sum * factor;
    Matrix3d cov = factor * _squaredSum - pt * pt.transpose();

    SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix3d> eigenSolver(cov);
    Vector3d eigVs = eigenSolver.eigenvalues();

    Vector3d dir = eigenSolver.eigenvectors().col(0); //0 is the index of the smallest eigenvalue
    dir /= (1e-16 + dir[2]);

    double dot = dir.dot(pt);
    //circle equation is:
    //dir[0] * x + dir[1] * y + (x^2+y^2) = dot
    Vector2d center = -0.5 * Vector2d(dir[0], dir[1]);
    double radius = sqrt(1e-16 + dot + center.squaredNorm());
    center += _pts[0];

    //TODO: convert code to use AngleUtils
    //Now get the arc
    Vector2d c[3] = { _pts[0], _pts[_pts.size() / 2], _pts.back() };
    double angle[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        c[i] = (c[i] - center).normalized() * radius;
        angle[i] = atan2(c[i][1], c[i][0]);
    if(angle[2] < angle[0])
        angle[2] += PI * 2.;
    if(angle[1] < angle[0])
        angle[1] += PI * 2.;
    if(angle[1] <= angle[2]) { //OK--CCW arc
        double a = angle[2] - angle[0];
        return new Arc(c[0] + center, angle[0] + PI * 0.5, a * radius, 1. / radius);
    else { //Backwards--CW arc
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            angle[i] = atan2(c[i][1], c[i][0]);
        if(angle[0] <= angle[2])
            angle[0] += PI * 2.;
        if(angle[1] < angle[2])
            angle[1] += PI * 2.;
        assert(angle[1] <= angle[0]);
        double a = angle[0] - angle[2];
        return new Arc(c[0] + center, angle[0] - PI * 0.5, a * radius, -1. / radius);
Exemplo n.º 3
	void Point3D::optimize(const size_t n_iter)
		Vector3d old_point = pos_;
		double chi2 = 0.0;
		Matrix3d A;
		Vector3d b;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < n_iter; i++)
			double new_chi2 = 0.0;

			// 计算残差
			for (auto it = obs_.begin(); it != obs_.end(); ++it)
				Matrix23d J;
				const Vector3d p_in_f((*it)->frame->T_f_w_ * pos_);
				Point3D::jacobian_xyz2uv(p_in_f, (*it)->frame->T_f_w_.rotation_matrix(), J);
				const Vector2d e(project2d((*it)->f) - project2d(p_in_f));
				new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm();
				A.noalias() += J.transpose() * J;
				b.noalias() -= J.transpose() * e;

			// 求解线性系统
			const Vector3d dp(A.ldlt().solve(b));

			// 检测误差有没有增长
			if ((i > 0 && new_chi2 > chi2) || (bool)std::isnan((double)dp[0]))
				pos_ = old_point; // 回滚

			// 更新模型
			Vector3d new_point = pos_ + dp;
			old_point = pos_;
			pos_ = new_point;
			chi2 = new_chi2;

			// 收敛则停止
			if (norm_max(dp) <= EPS)

Exemplo n.º 4
  int clipSegmentCircle(Vector2d& p1, Vector2d& p2, double r) {
    double r2=r*r;
    Vector2d pBase=p1;
    Vector2d dp=p2-p1;
    double length=dp.norm();
    double p=2*dp.dot(p1);
    double q=p1.squaredNorm()-r2;
    double disc = p*p - 4*q;
    if (disc<=0) { // no intersection or single point intersection
      return -1; 
    disc = sqrt(disc);

    double t1=.5*(-p-disc);
    double t2=.5*(-p+disc);

    if ( t1 > length || t2 <0 ) 
      return -1; // no intersection
    bool clip1=false;
    bool clip2=false;
    if ( t1 > 0 ) {
      p1 = pBase + dp*t1;
      clip1 = true;
    if ( t2 < length ) {
      p2 = pBase + dp*t1;
      clip2 = true;
    if (clip1)
      if (clip2) return 3;
      else return 0;
      if (clip2) return 1;
    return 2;
double RationalSuperShape2D :: ImplicitFunction3( const Vector2d P, vector <double> &Dffinal){
    // nothing computable, return zero values, zero partial derivatives
    // the point will have no effect on the ongoing computations
    if ( P[0] == 0 && P[1] == 0)
        // Df/Dx, Df/Dy, Df/Dr set to zero...
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) Dffinal.push_back(0);
        return 0;
    vector <double> f, Ddum;
    double x(P[0]), y(P[1]), PSL(P.squaredNorm()), dthtdx (-y/PSL), dthtdy (x/PSL), R,drdth;
    vector< vector<double> > Df;
    //assert angular values between [0, 2q*Pi]
    double tht (atan2(y,x)), thtbase(tht);
    if (tht<0) thtbase += 2.*M_PI;
    //compute all intersections and associated gradient values
    for (int i=0; i<Get_q(); i++)
        tht = thtbase + i*2.*M_PI;
        R = radius(tht);
        drdth = DrDtheta(tht);
        f.push_back( log( R*R / PSL)); //store function
        // store partial derivatives
        drdth = DrDtheta(tht);
        vector <double> rowi;
        rowi.push_back( -2.*(x*R - PSL * drdth*dthtdx)/(R*PSL) ); //df/dx
        rowi.push_back( -2.*(y*R - PSL * drdth*dthtdy)/(R*PSL) ); //df/dy
        rowi.push_back( 2./R ); //df/dr
    //bubble sort, not really efficient but acceptable for such small arrays
    for(int i=0; i<Get_q()-1; i++)
        for (int j=i+1; j<Get_q(); j++)
            if (f[i]<f[j])
                //swap values of f[i] and f[j]
                //swap rows Df[i] and Df[j]
    //Compute resulting Rfunction
    vector<double> Df1; //vector for df/dxi
    //iterative evaluation of:
    // -the resulting R-functions
    // -the associated partial derivatives
    double f1,fdum;
    f1 = f[0]; // first value of f
    Df1 = Df[0]; // first associated row with partial derivatives
    //combine functions as (...((F1 v F2) v F3 ) v F4) v ...)
    for(int i=1; i<Get_q(); i++) // for all intersections
        //compute R-function, sets all partial derivatives
        //fdum and Ddum temporary results of the union from F1 to Fi
        RpUnion(f1, f[i], Df1, Df[i], fdum, Ddum);
        //update results in f1 and Df1, and iterate
        f1 = fdum;
        Df1 = Ddum;
    //final partial derivatives df/dxi after R-functions
    Dffinal = Df1;
    //clear arrays
    f.clear(); Df.clear(); Ddum.clear(); Df1.clear();
    //return results
    return f1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void globalBA(Map* map)
  // init g2o
  g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer;

  list<EdgeContainerSE3> edges;
  list< pair<FramePtr,Feature*> > incorrect_edges;

  // Go through all Keyframes
  size_t v_id = 0;
  double reproj_thresh_2 = Config::lobaThresh() / map->lastKeyframe()->cam_->errorMultiplier2();
  double reproj_thresh_1_squared = Config::poseOptimThresh() / map->lastKeyframe()->cam_->errorMultiplier2();
  reproj_thresh_1_squared *= reproj_thresh_1_squared;
  for(list<FramePtr>::iterator it_kf = map->keyframes_.begin();
      it_kf != map->keyframes_.end(); ++it_kf)
    // New Keyframe Vertex
    g2oFrameSE3* v_kf = createG2oFrameSE3(it_kf->get(), v_id++, false);
    (*it_kf)->v_kf_ = v_kf;
    for(list<PointFeat*>::iterator it_ftr=(*it_kf)->pt_fts_.begin(); it_ftr!=(*it_kf)->pt_fts_.end(); ++it_ftr)
      // for each keyframe add edges to all observed mapoints
      Point* mp = (*it_ftr)->feat3D;
      if(mp == NULL)
      g2oPoint* v_mp = mp->v_g2o_;
      if(v_mp == NULL)
        // mappoint-vertex doesn't exist yet. create a new one:
        v_mp = createG2oPoint(mp->pos_, v_id++, false);
        mp->v_g2o_ = v_mp;

      // Due to merging of mappoints it is possible that references in kfs suddenly
      // have a very large reprojection error which may result in distorted results.
      Vector2d error = vk::project2d((*it_ftr)->f) - vk::project2d((*it_kf)->w2f(mp->pos_));
      if(error.squaredNorm() > reproj_thresh_1_squared)
        incorrect_edges.push_back(pair<FramePtr,Feature*>(*it_kf, *it_ftr));
        g2oEdgeSE3* e = createG2oEdgeSE3(v_kf, v_mp, vk::project2d((*it_ftr)->f),

        edges.push_back(EdgeContainerSE3(e, it_kf->get(), *it_ftr));

  // Optimization
  double init_error=0.0, final_error=0.0;
  if(Config::lobaNumIter() > 0)
    runSparseBAOptimizer(&optimizer, Config::lobaNumIter(), init_error, final_error);

  // Update Keyframe and MapPoint Positions
  for(list<FramePtr>::iterator it_kf = map->keyframes_.begin();
        it_kf != map->keyframes_.end(); ++it_kf)
    (*it_kf)->T_f_w_ = SE3( (*it_kf)->v_kf_->estimate().rotation(),
    (*it_kf)->v_kf_ = NULL;
    for(list<PointFeat*>::iterator it_ftr=(*it_kf)->pt_fts_.begin(); it_ftr!=(*it_kf)->pt_fts_.end(); ++it_ftr)
      Point* mp = (*it_ftr)->feat3D;
      if(mp == NULL)
      if(mp->v_g2o_ == NULL)
        continue;       // mp was updated before
      mp->pos_ = mp->v_g2o_->estimate();
      mp->v_g2o_ = NULL;

  // Remove Measurements with too large reprojection error
  for(list< pair<FramePtr,Feature*> >::iterator it=incorrect_edges.begin(); it!=incorrect_edges.end(); ++it)
    PointFeat* feat_aux = static_cast<PointFeat*>(it->second);
    map->removePtFrameRef(it->first.get(), feat_aux);

  double reproj_thresh_2_squared = reproj_thresh_2*reproj_thresh_2;
  for(list<EdgeContainerSE3>::iterator it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it)
    if(it->edge->chi2() > reproj_thresh_2_squared)
      PointFeat* feat_aux = static_cast<PointFeat*>(it->feature);
      map->removePtFrameRef(it->frame, feat_aux);
Exemplo n.º 7
void optimizeGaussNewton(
    const double reproj_thresh,
    const size_t n_iter,
    const bool verbose,
    FramePtr& frame,
    double& estimated_scale,
    double& error_init,
    double& error_final,
    size_t& num_obs)
  // init
  double chi2(0.0);
  vector<double> chi2_vec_init, chi2_vec_final;
  vk::robust_cost::TukeyWeightFunction weight_function;
  SE3d T_old(frame->T_f_w_);
  Matrix6d A;
  Vector6d b;

  // compute the scale of the error for robust estimation
  std::vector<float> errors; errors.reserve(frame->fts_.size());
  for(auto it=frame->fts_.begin(); it!=frame->fts_.end(); ++it)
    if((*it)->point == NULL)
    Vector2d e = vk::project2d((*it)->f)
               - vk::project2d(frame->T_f_w_ * (*it)->point->pos_);
    e *= 1.0 / (1<<(*it)->level);
  vk::robust_cost::MADScaleEstimator scale_estimator;
  estimated_scale = scale_estimator.compute(errors);

  num_obs = errors.size();
  double scale = estimated_scale;
  for(size_t iter=0; iter<n_iter; iter++)
    // overwrite scale
    if(iter == 5)
      scale = 0.85/frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2();

    double new_chi2(0.0);

    // compute residual
    for(auto it=frame->fts_.begin(); it!=frame->fts_.end(); ++it)
      if((*it)->point == NULL)
      Matrix26d J;
      Vector3d xyz_f(frame->T_f_w_ * (*it)->point->pos_);
      Frame::jacobian_xyz2uv(xyz_f, J);
      Vector2d e = vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(xyz_f);
      double sqrt_inv_cov = 1.0 / (1<<(*it)->level);
      e *= sqrt_inv_cov;
      if(iter == 0)
        chi2_vec_init.push_back(e.squaredNorm()); // just for debug
      J *= sqrt_inv_cov;
      double weight = weight_function.value(e.norm()/scale);
      A.noalias() += J.transpose()*J*weight;
      b.noalias() -= J.transpose()*e*weight;
      new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm()*weight;

    // solve linear system
    const Vector6d dT(A.ldlt().solve(b));

    // check if error increased
    if((iter > 0 && new_chi2 > chi2) || (bool) std::isnan((double)dT[0]))
        std::cout << "it " << iter
                  << "\t FAILURE \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2 << std::endl;
      frame->T_f_w_ = T_old; // roll-back

    // update the model
    SE3d T_new = SE3d::exp(dT)*frame->T_f_w_;
    T_old = frame->T_f_w_;
    frame->T_f_w_ = T_new;
    chi2 = new_chi2;
      std::cout << "it " << iter
                << "\t Success \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2
                << "\t norm(dT) = " << vk::norm_max(dT) << std::endl;

    // stop when converged
    if(vk::norm_max(dT) <= EPS)

  // Set covariance as inverse information matrix. Optimistic estimator!
  const double pixel_variance=1.0;
  frame->Cov_ = pixel_variance*(A*std::pow(frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2(),2)).inverse();

  // Remove Measurements with too large reprojection error
  double reproj_thresh_scaled = reproj_thresh / frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2();
  size_t n_deleted_refs = 0;
  for(Features::iterator it=frame->fts_.begin(); it!=frame->fts_.end(); ++it)
    if((*it)->point == NULL)
    Vector2d e = vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(frame->T_f_w_ * (*it)->point->pos_);
    double sqrt_inv_cov = 1.0 / (1<<(*it)->level);
    e *= sqrt_inv_cov;
    if(e.norm() > reproj_thresh_scaled)
      // we don't need to delete a reference in the point since it was not created yet
      (*it)->point = NULL;

    error_init = sqrt(vk::getMedian(chi2_vec_init))*frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2();
    error_final = sqrt(vk::getMedian(chi2_vec_final))*frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2();

  estimated_scale *= frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2();
    std::cout << "n deleted obs = " << n_deleted_refs
              << "\t scale = " << estimated_scale
              << "\t error init = " << error_init
              << "\t error end = " << error_final << std::endl;
  num_obs -= n_deleted_refs;