Exemplo n.º 1
//Fimd the angle between in Radians
float Vector3::AngleBetweenRadians( Vector3 const &_rhs)
	Vector3 c = xyz - _rhs;

	float magA = Magnitude();
	float magB = _rhs.Magnitude();
	float magC = c.Magnitude();

	if( Math::isZero(magA) || Math::isZero(magB) || Math::isZero(magC) )
		return 0;

	return acosf( Dot(_rhs) / (magA * magB)  );

Exemplo n.º 2
bool AddShadow(Light light, Vector3& color, Vector3& pos, void* shape)
	Vector3 lightLoc = Vector3(light.position[0], light.position[1], light.position[2]);
	Vector3 lightDir = lightLoc - pos;
	double lightMagnitude = lightDir.Magnitude();
	Ray ray = Ray(pos, lightDir, lightMagnitude);
	Vector3 furthestIntersect = Vector3::Zero();
	Vector3 intersect = Vector3::Zero();
	Vector3 normal = Vector3::Zero();
	bool collision = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_spheres; i++)
		if (ray.IntersectsSphere(spheres[i], intersect, normal) && &spheres[i] != shape)
			collision = true;
	for (int i = 0; i < num_triangles; i++)
		if (ray.IntersectsTriangle(triangles[i], intersect, normal) && &triangles[i] != shape)
			collision = true;
	if (collision && (furthestIntersect - pos).Magnitude() > 0.5)
		return true;
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
Vector4 Shading(const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &normal, const Material &mat, const Light &light)
    // 光线方向,由物体指向光源
    Vector3 L = light.position - pos;
    // 光源距离
    float dist = L.Magnitude();
    // 光强,按点光源计算
    float I = 1.0f / (light.attenuation0 + light.attenuation1 * dist + light.attenuation2 * dist * dist);
    // 环境光
    Vector4 amb_color = light.ambient * mat.ambient * I;
    amb_color = clamp(amb_color, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    Vector3 N = normal;
    // 顶点法线
    float light_angle = DotProduct(L, N);
    light_angle = max_t(light_angle, 0.0f);
    // 漫反射
    Vector4 diff_color = light.diffuse * mat.diffuse * light_angle * I;
    diff_color = clamp(diff_color, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    // 观察方向(相机空间)
    Vector3 V = -pos;
    // 半角向量
    Vector3 H = L + V;
    // 镜面反射
    float view_angle = DotProduct(H, N);
    view_angle = max_t(view_angle, 0.0f);
    Vector4 spec_color = light.specular * mat.specular * powf(view_angle, mat.specular.w) * I;
    spec_color = clamp(spec_color, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    Vector4 ret = amb_color + diff_color + spec_color;    
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
Vector3 Centripetal(const Point3& origin, const Point3& pos, const Vector3& vel, float mass)
	const Vector3 dir = origin - pos;
	float radius = dir.Magnitude();
	float mag = mass * vel.MagnitudeSq() / radius;
	return dir.Normalise() * mag;
Exemplo n.º 5
//Find the angle between in Degrees
float Vector3::AngleBetweenDegrees( Vector3 const &_rhs)
	Vector3 c = xyz - _rhs;

	float magA = Magnitude();
	float magB = _rhs.Magnitude();
	float magC = c.Magnitude();

	if( Math::isZero(magA) || Math::isZero(magB) || Math::isZero(magC) )
		return 0;

	float resultInRadians = acosf( Dot(_rhs) / (magA * magB)  );

	return Math::RadiansToDegrees(resultInRadians) ;

Exemplo n.º 6
GLfloat Vector3::Angle ( const Vector3& myVector ) const
	GLfloat dot = this->DotProduct(myVector);
	GLfloat a = this->Magnitude();
	GLfloat b = myVector.Magnitude();

	return( dot/(a*b) );
Exemplo n.º 7
TEST(VectorTest, Magnitude){
    //test default
    Vector3<double> v;
    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, v.Magnitude());
    v = Vector3<double>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
    EXPECT_EQ(sqrt(14.0), v.Magnitude());
    v.x = 10.0;
    EXPECT_EQ(sqrt(113.0), v.Magnitude());
    v.y = 5;
    EXPECT_EQ(sqrt(134.0), v.Magnitude());
    v.z = 8;
    EXPECT_EQ(sqrt(189.0), v.Magnitude());
Exemplo n.º 8
float AngleBetweenRadians(Vector3 const &_lhs, Vector3 const &_rhs)
	Vector3 c = _lhs - _rhs;

	float magA = _lhs.Magnitude();
	float magB = _rhs.Magnitude();
	float magC = c.Magnitude();

	if( Math::isZero(magA) || Math::isZero(magB) || Math::isZero(magC) )
		return 0;

	float resultInRadians = acosf( Dot(_lhs,_rhs) / (magA * magB)  );

	return resultInRadians;

Exemplo n.º 9
DerivVector Centripetal(const StateVector& v, const Vector3& origin, float mass)
	const Vector3 vel = v.mom / mass;
	const Vector3 dir = origin - v.pos;
	float radius = dir.Magnitude();
	float mag = mass * vel.MagnitudeSq() / radius;

	return DerivVector(vel, dir * mag);
Exemplo n.º 10
//Get the Normalization of the passed in Vector
Vector3 Normalize( Vector3 _vector )
	float fMagnitude = _vector.Magnitude();

	if (Math::isZero(fMagnitude) )
		fMagnitude = 1.0f;

	return Vector3(_vector.xyz / fMagnitude);
Exemplo n.º 11
void V3Normalize( Vector3 &v )
	float len = v.Magnitude();
	if ( len > 0.0f )
		len = 1.0f / len;
		len = 0.0f;
	v.x *= len;
	v.y *= len;
	v.z *= len;
Vector3 Vector3::NormalizeReturn(){ 
	Vector3 vect;
	vect.x = x;
	vect.y = y;
	vect.z = z;
	float len = vect.Magnitude();
	return vect;
Exemplo n.º 13
Vector3 Entity::GetScale()
	//get x axis
	Vector3 xAxis;
	xAxis.x = m_oLocalTransform.m_afM[0][0];
	xAxis.y = m_oLocalTransform.m_afM[0][1];
	xAxis.z = 0;

	//get y axis
	Vector3 yAxis;
	yAxis.x = m_oLocalTransform.m_afM[1][0];
	yAxis.y = m_oLocalTransform.m_afM[1][1];
	yAxis.z = 0;

	//calculate scale
	Vector3 ret;
	ret.x = xAxis.Magnitude();
	ret.y = yAxis.Magnitude();
	ret.z = 0;
	return ret; // return scale
Exemplo n.º 14
// DRAG GENERATOR - OVERLOADED UpdateForce - Applies drag.
void ParticleDrag::UpdateForce(Particle* particle, marb duration) {
	Vector3 force;
	force = particle->GetVelocity();

	// Calculate total drag coefficient
	marb dragCoeff = force.Magnitude();
	dragCoeff = k1 * dragCoeff + k2 * dragCoeff * dragCoeff;

	// Calculate and apply final force
	force *= -dragCoeff;
Exemplo n.º 15
void Camera::RenderPath(Scene &scn, int n) {
    RayTrace rayTrace(scn);
    for (int y = 0; y < _img.YRes; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < _img.XRes; x++) {
            // compute the primary ray
            Vector3 cy;
            cy.Cross(_worldMatrix.c, _worldMatrix.b);
            Vector3 cx = cy / pow(cy.Magnitude(), 2);
            cy.Cross(cx, _worldMatrix.c);
            float hfov = 2.f * atanf(_aspect * tanf(_verticalFOV / 2.f));
            float cw = 2.f * tanf(hfov/2.f);
            float ch = cw / _aspect;
            Ray ray;
            ray.Origin = _worldMatrix.d;
            ray.Direction =
            _worldMatrix.c + ((float)(x + 0.5f) / (float)_img.XRes - 0.5f) * cw * cx +
            ((float)(y + 0.5f)/(float)_img.YRes - 0.5f) * ch * cy;
            ray.type = Ray::PRIMARY;
            // shoot the primary ray
            Intersection hit;
            if (x > 124 && x <= 140 && y == _img.YRes - 495 ) {
//                Color white = Color::WHITE;
//                std::cout << "debug pixel" << std::endl;
//                _img.SetPixel(x, y, white.ToInt());
//                continue;
            rayTrace.TraceRay(ray, hit);
            if (n != -1) {
                Color c;
                c.FromInt(_img.GetPixel(x, y));
                Color avg = Color::BLACK;
                avg.AddScaled(c, n - 1);
                avg.Scale(1.0f / n);
                _img.SetPixel(x, y, avg.ToInt());
            else _img.SetPixel(x, y, hit.Shade.ToInt());
Exemplo n.º 16
// Calculate bounding sphere using average position of the points.  Better fit but slower.
static void CalcCenteredSphere(const vector<SkinWeight> & n, const vector<Vector3>& vertices, Vector3& center, float& radius)
   size_t nv = n.size();
   Vector3 sum;
   for (size_t i=0; i<nv; ++i)
      sum += vertices[ n[i].index ];
   center = sum / float(nv);
   radius = 0.0f;
   for (size_t i=0; i<nv; ++i){
      Vector3 diff = vertices[ n[i].index ] - center;
      float mag = diff.Magnitude();
      radius = max(radius, mag);
Exemplo n.º 17
CMatrix4 CMatrix4::RotationAxis(Vector3 axis, float angle)
    HASENPFOTE_ASSERT_MSG(almost_equals(1.0f, axis.Magnitude(), 1), "Axis is not an unit vector.");
    const float x = axis.GetX();
    const float y = axis.GetY();
    const float z = axis.GetZ();
    const float s = std::sin(angle);
    const float c = std::cos(angle);
    const float vers = 1.0f - c;
    return CMatrix4(
        x*x*vers+c,   x*y*vers-z*s, x*z*vers+y*s, 0.0f,
        x*y*vers+z*s, y*y*vers+c,   y*z*vers-x*s, 0.0f,
        x*z*vers-y*s, y*z*vers+x*s, z*z*vers+c,   0.0f,
        0.0f,         0.0f,         0.0f,         1.0f);
Exemplo n.º 18
//ANCHORED SPRING GENERATOR - OVERLOADED UpdateForce - Applies anchored spring.
void ParticleAnchoredSpring::UpdateForce(Particle* particle, marb duration){
    // Calculate the vector of the spring.
    Vector3 force;
    //particle->GetPosition(&force); //This function seems to do the same as setPosition
    particle->SetPosition(force); // This is in the place of GetPosition(&force) which is commented out, keep an eye
    force -= *anchor;

    // Calculate the magnitude of the force.
    marb magnitude = force.Magnitude();
    magnitude = marb_abs(magnitude - restLength);
    magnitude *= springConstant;

    // Calculate the final force and apply it.
    force *= -magnitude;
Exemplo n.º 19
void Spring::UpdateForce(RigidBody* body, marb duration) {
    // Calculate the two ends in world space
    Vector3 lws = body->GetPointInWorldSpace(connectionPoint);
    Vector3 ows = other->GetPointInWorldSpace(otherConnectionPoint);

    // Calculate the vector of the spring
    Vector3 force = lws - ows;

    // Calculate the magnitude of the force
    marb magnitude = force.Magnitude();
    magnitude = marb_abs(magnitude - restLength);
    magnitude *= springConstant;

    // Calculate the final force and apply it
    force *= -magnitude;
    body->AddForceAtPoint(force, lws);
Exemplo n.º 20
//BUNGEE GENERATOR - OVERLOADED UpdateForce - Applies bungee forces.
void ParticleBungee::UpdateForce(Particle* particle, marb duration)
    // Calculate the vector of the spring.
    Vector3 force;
    //particle->GetPosition(&force); //This function seems to do the same as setPosition
    particle->SetPosition(force); // This is in the place of GetPosition(&force) which is commented out, keep an eye
    force -= other->GetPosition();

    // Check if the bungee is compressed.
    marb magnitude = force.Magnitude();
    if (magnitude <= restLength) return;

    // Calculate the magnitude of the force.
    magnitude = springConstant * (restLength - magnitude);

    // Calculate the final force and apply it.
    force *= -magnitude;
Exemplo n.º 21
	float CollapseVertex::ComputeCost(CollapseVertex * v)
		// if we collapse edge uv by moving u to v then how 
		// much different will the model change, i.e. how much "error".
		// Texture, vertex normal, and border vertex code was removed
		// to keep this demo as simple as possible.
		// The method of determining cost was designed in order 
		// to exploit small and coplanar regions for
		// effective polygon reduction.
		// Is is possible to add some checks here to see if "folds"
		// would be generated.  i.e. normal of a remaining face gets
		// flipped.  I never seemed to run into this problem and
		// therefore never added code to detect this case.


		float edgelength = 1.0f;
			Vector3 len = (v->Vert.Position - this->Vert.Position);
			edgelength = len.Magnitude();

		// prevent impossible movements
		if(this->Neighbors.size() == v->Neighbors.size()) {
			int i;
			for(i = 0; i < (int)this->Neighbors.size(); i++) {
				if(this->Neighbors[i] == v) {
				if(!v->IsNeighbor(this->Neighbors[i])) {

			// they share the same neighbors, alert!
			if(i == (int)this->Neighbors.size()) {
				return 999999.9f;

		float curvature = 0.001f;

		// find the "sides" triangles that are on the edge uv
		std::vector<CollapseTriangle *> sides;

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)this->Faces.size(); i++)
			if(v->IsFace(this->Faces[i])) {

		if(this->parent->Arguments.usecurvature) {
			// use the triangle facing most away from the sides 
			// to determine our curvature term
			for(int i = 0; i < (int)this->Faces.size(); i++)
				float mincurv = 1; // curve for face i and closer side to it

				for(int j = 0; j < (int)sides.size(); j++)
					// use dot product of face normals. '^' defined in vector
					float dotprod = 
					mincurv = min(mincurv, (1.002f - dotprod) / 2.0f);
				curvature = max(curvature, mincurv);

		// check for border to interior collapses
		if(this->IsBorder()) {
			curvature *= WEIGHT_BORDER;

		// LockDown border edges (i.e. try not to touch them at all)
		// this is done by locking any border vertex.
		// i.e. even if uv isn't a border edge we dont want
		// to collapse u to any vertex
		// if u is on a border
		if(this->parent->Arguments.protecttexture) {
			// check for texture seam ripping
			if(!this->IsSameUV(v)) {
				curvature = 1;

			// adding support for 2nd pass or vert color here:
			// check for vert color (or uvw2) seam ripping
			if(!(*(DWORD*)this->Vert.Diffuse == *(DWORD*)v->Vert.Diffuse)) {
				curvature = 1;

		if(this->parent->Arguments.lockborder && this->IsBorder()) {
			curvature = 9999.9f;

		return edgelength * curvature;
Exemplo n.º 22
	float Vector3::Magnitude(const Vector3 &v)
		return v.Magnitude();
Exemplo n.º 23
/* AngleBetween */
float Vector3::AngleBetween(Vector3& vec) {
	return acos(DotProduct(vec)/(Magnitude() * vec.Magnitude()));
Exemplo n.º 24
void Contact::ApplyPositionChange(Vector3 linearChange[2], Vector3 angularChange[2], marb penetration) {
    const marb angularLimit = (marb)0.2f;
    marb angularMove[2];
    marb linearMove[2];

    marb totalInertia = 0;
    marb linearInertia[2];
    marb angularInertia[2];

    // We need to work out the inertia of each object in the direction
    // of the contact normal, due to angular inertia only.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (body[i]) {
        Matrix3 inverseInertiaTensor;

        // Use the same procedure as for calculating frictionless
        // velocity change to work out the angular inertia.
        Vector3 angularInertiaWorld =
            relativeContactPosition[i] % contactNormal;
        angularInertiaWorld =
        angularInertiaWorld =
            angularInertiaWorld % relativeContactPosition[i];
        angularInertia[i] =
            angularInertiaWorld * contactNormal;

        // The linear component is simply the inverse mass
        linearInertia[i] = body[i]->GetInverseMass();

        // Keep track of the total inertia from all components
        totalInertia += linearInertia[i] + angularInertia[i];

        // We break the loop here so that the totalInertia value is
        // completely calculated (by both iterations) before
        // continuing.

    // Loop through again calculating and applying the changes
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (body[i]) {
        // The linear and angular movements required are in proportion to
        // the two inverse inertias.
        marb sign = (i == 0)?1:-1;
        angularMove[i] =
            sign * penetration * (angularInertia[i] / totalInertia);
        linearMove[i] =
            sign * penetration * (linearInertia[i] / totalInertia);

        // To avoid angular projections that are too great (when mass is large
        // but inertia tensor is small) limit the angular move.
        Vector3 projection = relativeContactPosition[i];

        // Use the small angle approximation for the sine of the angle (i.e.
        // the magnitude would be sine(angularLimit) * projection.magnitude
        // but we approximate sine(angularLimit) to angularLimit).
        marb maxMagnitude = angularLimit * projection.Magnitude();

        if (angularMove[i] < -maxMagnitude) {
            marb totalMove = angularMove[i] + linearMove[i];
            angularMove[i] = -maxMagnitude;
            linearMove[i] = totalMove - angularMove[i];

        } else if (angularMove[i] > maxMagnitude) {
            marb totalMove = angularMove[i] + linearMove[i];
            angularMove[i] = maxMagnitude;
            linearMove[i] = totalMove - angularMove[i];

        // We have the linear amount of movement required by turning
        // the rigid body (in angularMove[i]). We now need to
        // calculate the desired rotation to achieve that.
        if (angularMove[i] == 0) {
            // Easy case - no angular movement means no rotation.

        } else {
            // Work out the direction we'd like to rotate in.
            Vector3 targetAngularDirection =

            Matrix3 inverseInertiaTensor;

            // Work out the direction we'd need to rotate to achieve that
            angularChange[i] =
                inverseInertiaTensor.Transform(targetAngularDirection) *
                (angularMove[i] / angularInertia[i]);

        // Velocity change is easier - it is just the linear movement
        // along the contact normal.
        linearChange[i] = contactNormal * linearMove[i];

        // Now we can start to apply the values we've calculated.
        // Apply the linear movement
        Vector3 pos;
        pos.AddScaledVector(contactNormal, linearMove[i]);

        // And the change in orientation
        Quaternion q;
        q.AddScaledVector(angularChange[i], ((marb)1.0));

        // We need to calculate the derived data for any body that is
        // asleep, so that the changes are reflected in the object's
        // data. Otherwise the resolution will not change the position
        // of the object, and the next collision detection round will
        // have the same penetration.
        if (!body[i]->GetAwake()) body[i]->CalculateDerivedData();
Exemplo n.º 25
 double Magnitude( Vector3 const& i_vector )
     return i_vector.Magnitude();
Exemplo n.º 26
 public: static Vector3 Normalize (Vector3 &A) {
     return A *= float
     (float (1) /
Exemplo n.º 27
int main()
    cout << "---------------------------Matrix 3--------------------------------" << endl;

    Matrix3 TranslationXY;
    TranslationXY = Mat3.m_TranslationXY(2, 2);
    cout << TranslationXY;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "--------------------------MATRIX 4 --------------------------------" << endl;

    Matrix4 RotationX;
    RotationX = Mat4.m_RotationX(3);
    cout << RotationX;
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 RotationY;
    RotationY = Mat4.m_RotationY(2);
    cout << RotationY;
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 RotationZ;
    RotationZ = Mat4.m_RotationZ(2);
    cout << RotationZ;
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 TranslationXYZ;
    TranslationXYZ = Mat4.m_TranslationXYZ(2, 2, 2);
    cout << TranslationXYZ;
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 mat;
    mat = Mat4.m_OrthoProjection(2,2,2,2,2,2);
    cout << mat;
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 Identity;
    mat = Mat4.m_CreateIdentity();
    cout << Identity;
    cout <<endl;

    cout << "---------------------------COMMON MATH--------------------------------" << endl;

    cout << ComMath.Pow2(2, 2)<< endl;
    cout << ComMath.m_RadianConvert(360)<< endl;
    cout << ComMath.m_degreeConvert(6) << endl;
    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y = 2;
    Vect3.z =2;
    Vect33.x = 4;
    Vect33.y = 4;
    Vect33.z = 4;
    cout << ComMath.m_Lerp(Vect3, Vect33, 2) << endl;

    cout << "---------------------------VECTOR 3--------------------------------" << endl;
    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y =2;
    Vect3.z =2;
    cout << Vect3.Magnitude()<<endl;

    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y =2;
    Vect3.z =2;
    cout << Vect33.Normalise(Vect3)<<endl;

    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y =2;
    Vect3.z = 2;
    cout << Vect33.GetNormal(Vect3) << endl;

    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y = 2;
    Vect3.z =2;
    cout <<Vect33.DotProduct(Vect3) << endl;

    Vect3.x = 4;
    Vect3.y = 4;
    Vect3.z = 4;
    Vect33.x =4;
    Vect33.y = 4;
    Vect3.z = 4;
    cout << Vect3.EulerAngle(Vect3, Vect33)<<endl;

    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y = 2;
    Vect3.z = 2;
    Vect33.x = 2;
    Vect33.y =2;
    Vect33.z = 2;
    cout << Vect3.CrossProduct(Vect3, Vect33)<<endl;

    Matrix3 Transform;
    Transform = Mat3;
    Vect3.x =2;
    Vect3.y = 2;
    Vect3.z = 2;
    cout << Vect3.m_TransformVector3(Mat3)<<endl;

    Matrix3 tempM;
    tempM = Mat3;
    Vect3.x = 2;
    Vect3.y = 2;
    Vect3.z = 2;
    cout << Vect3.Scale(Mat3);
    cout << endl;

    cout << "---------------------------VECTOR 4--------------------------------" << endl;
    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_Magnitude()<<endl;

    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_GetNormal(Vect4)<<endl;

    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_Normalise(Vect4) <<endl;

    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_DotProduct(Vect4) << endl;

    cout << Vect4.m_RGBconverter(0xFFFFFFFF)<<endl;

    Matrix4 Transform2;
    Transform2 = Mat4;
    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_TransformPoint(Mat4) << endl;

    Matrix4 Transform3;
    Transform3 = Mat4;
    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y =2;
    Vect4.z =2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.m_TransformVector4(Vect4, Mat4);
    cout << endl;

    Matrix4 mat4;
    mat4 = Mat4;
    Vect4.x = 2;
    Vect4.y = 2;
    Vect4.z = 2;
    Vect4.w = 2;
    cout << Vect4.Scale(Mat4);
    cout << endl;

    cout << "---------------------------VECTOR 2--------------------------------" << endl;
    Vectors Point;
    Point.x = 2;
    Point.y =2;
    cout << V2.pointSubtract(Point, 2) << endl;

    Vectors Point2;
    Point2.x = 2;
    Point2.y =2;
    cout << V2.pointAdd(Point2, 2)<<endl;

    Vectors Point3;
    Point3.x = 2;
    Point3.y =2;
    cout << V2.multiplyScalar(Point3, 2) << endl;

    Vectors Point4;
    Point4.x = 2;
    Point4.y =2;
    cout << V2.getMagnitude(Point4)<<endl;

    Vectors Point5;
    Point5.x = 2;
    Point5.y =2;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
		Vector3 Vector3::Normalize(const Vector3& argSource)
			return argSource / argSource.Magnitude();
Exemplo n.º 29
void RigidBodyContact::ApplyPositionChange(Vector3* linearChange, Vector3* angularChange, float penetration)
    float angularLimit = 5.0f;
    float angularMove[2];
    float linearMove[2];
    float linearInertia[2];
    float angularInteria[2];
    float totalInertia = 0.0f;

    // Calculate the angular inertia using the same process as for calculating frictionless velocity change
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        if (Body[i] != NULL)
            Matrix3x3 inverseInertiaTensor = Body[i]->GetInverseIntertiaTensorWorld();
            Vector3 angularInertiaWorld = m_relativeContactPosition[i].Cross(ContactNormal);
            angularInertiaWorld = angularInertiaWorld*inverseInertiaTensor; // TODO physics: is order correct here?
            angularInertiaWorld = angularInertiaWorld.Cross(m_relativeContactPosition[i]);
            angularInteria[i] = angularInertiaWorld.Dot(ContactNormal);

            // The linear inertia component is just the inverse mass
            linearInertia[i] = Body[i]->GetInverseMass();

            // Combine angular and linear to calculate total
            totalInertia += linearInertia[i] + angularInteria[i];

    // Calculate and apply changes
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        if (Body[i] != NULL)
            // The linear and angular movements required are in proportion to the two inverse inertias
            float sign = (i == 0) ? 1.f : -1.f;
            angularMove[i] = sign * penetration * (angularInteria[i] / totalInertia);
            linearMove[i] = sign * penetration * (linearInertia[i] / totalInertia);

            // To avoid angular projections that are too great (when mass is large but inertia
            // tensor is small), limit the angular move
            Vector3 projection = m_relativeContactPosition[i];
            projection += ContactNormal * -m_relativeContactPosition[i].Dot(ContactNormal);

            // Use the small angle approximation for the sine of the angle (i.e. the magnitude would be
            // sin(angularLimit) * projection.magnitude, but we approximate sin(angularLimit) to angularLimit.
            float maxMagnitude = angularLimit * projection.Magnitude();

            if (angularMove[i] < -maxMagnitude)
                float totalMove = angularMove[i] + linearMove[i];
                angularMove[i] = -maxMagnitude;
                linearMove[i] = totalMove - angularMove[i];
            else if (angularMove[i] > maxMagnitude)
                float totalMove = angularMove[i] + linearMove[i];
                angularMove[i] = maxMagnitude;
                linearMove[i] = totalMove - angularMove[i];

            // We have the linear amount of movement required by turning the rigid body (angularMove[i]).
            // We now need to calculate the desired rotation to achieve that.
            if (Approximately(angularMove[i], 0.f))
                // Easy case - no angular movement means no rotation.
                angularChange[i] = Vector3::Zero;
                // Work out the direction we'd like to rotate in
                Vector3 targetAngularDirection = m_relativeContactPosition[i].Cross(ContactNormal);     // TODO physics: should this get normalized?

                // Work out the direction we'd need to rotate to achieve that
                Matrix3x3 inverseInertiaTensor = Body[i]->GetInverseIntertiaTensorWorld();
                angularChange[i] = (targetAngularDirection*inverseInertiaTensor)* (angularMove[i] / angularInteria[i]);      // TODO physics: is order correct here?

            // Velocity change is just the linear movement along the contact normal
            linearChange[i] = ContactNormal * linearMove[i];

            // Apply the linear movement
            Vector3 pos = Body[i]->GetPosition();
            pos += linearMove[i] * ContactNormal;

            // Apply the change in orientation
            Quaternion rot = Body[i]->GetRotation();
            rot.AddScaledVector(angularChange[i], 1.0);

            // TODO calculate derived data for bodies that are not awake
Exemplo n.º 30
		float Vector3::CompProj(const Vector3& argVec1, const Vector3& argVec2)
			return Vector3::Dot(argVec1, argVec2) / argVec1.Magnitude();			