Exemplo n.º 1
//==== Constructor ====//
WingGeom::WingGeom( Vehicle* vehicle_ptr ) : GeomXSec( vehicle_ptr )
    m_Name = "WingGeom";
    m_Type.m_Name = "Wing";
    m_Type.m_Type = MS_WING_GEOM_TYPE;

    m_MinActiveXSec = 1;

    m_Closed = false;

    m_XSecSurf.SetParentContainer( GetID() );
    m_XSecSurf.SetBasicOrientation( vsp::Y_DIR, X_DIR, XS_SHIFT_LE, true );

    m_RelativeDihedralFlag.Init("RelativeDihedralFlag", m_Name, this, 0, 0, 1, true );
    m_RelativeDihedralFlag.SetDescript( "Relative or Absolute Dihedral" );

    m_RelativeTwistFlag.Init("RelativeTwistFlag", m_Name, this, 0, 0, 1, true );
    m_RelativeTwistFlag.SetDescript( "Relative or Absolute Twist" );

    m_RotateAirfoilMatchDiedralFlag.Init("RotateAirfoilMatchDideralFlag", m_Name, this, 0, 0, 1, true );
    m_RotateAirfoilMatchDiedralFlag.SetDescript( "Rotate Airfoil To Stay Tangent To Dihedral (or Not)" );

    m_TotalSpan.Init( "TotalSpan", m_Name, this, 1.0, 1e-6, 1000000.0 );
    m_TotalSpan.SetDescript( "Total Planform Span" );

    m_TotalProjSpan.Init( "TotalProjectedSpan", m_Name, this, 1.0, 1e-6, 1000000.0 );
    m_TotalProjSpan.SetDescript( "Total Projected Planform Span" );

    m_TotalChord.Init( "TotalChord", m_Name, this, 1.0, 0.0, 1000000.0 );
    m_TotalChord.SetDescript( "Total Planform Chord" );

    m_TotalArea.Init( "TotalArea", m_Name, this, 1.0, 1e-10, 1.0e12 );
    m_TotalArea.SetDescript( "Total Planform Area" );

    //==== rename capping controls for wing specific terminology ====//
    m_CapUMinOption.SetDescript("Type of End Cap on Wing Root");
    m_CapUMinTess.SetDescript("Number of tessellated curves on Wing Root");
    m_CapUMaxOption.SetDescript("Type of End Cap on Wing Tip");
    m_CapUMaxTess.SetDescript("Number of tessellated curves on Wing Tip");

    //==== Init Parms ====//
    m_TessU = 16;
    m_TessW = 31;
    m_ActiveXSec = 1;
    m_ActiveAirfoil = 0;
    m_SymPlanFlag = SYM_XZ;

    //==== Wing XSecs ====//
    m_XSecSurf.SetXSecType( XSEC_WING );
    m_XSecSurf.SetCutMinNumXSecs( 2 );

    m_XSecSurf.AddXSec( vsp::XS_FOUR_SERIES );
    m_XSecSurf.AddXSec( vsp::XS_FOUR_SERIES );

    WingSect* ws;

    ws = ( WingSect* ) m_XSecSurf.FindXSec( 0 );
    ws->SetGroupDisplaySuffix( 0 );

    ws = ( WingSect* ) m_XSecSurf.FindXSec( 1 );
    ws->SetGroupDisplaySuffix( 1 );
    ws->m_Sweep = 30.0;
    ws->m_RootChord = 4.0;
    ws->m_TipChord = 1.0;
    ws->m_Span = 9.0;

Exemplo n.º 2
//==== Update Wing And Cross Section Placement ====//
void WingGeom::UpdateSurf()
    //==== Check If Total Span/Chord/Area Has Changed ====//
    bool total_change_flag = false;
    if ( UpdatedParm( m_TotalSpan.GetID() ) )
        total_change_flag = true;

    if ( UpdatedParm( m_TotalProjSpan.GetID() ) )
        total_change_flag = true;

    if ( UpdatedParm( m_TotalChord.GetID() ) )
        total_change_flag = true;

    if ( UpdatedParm( m_TotalArea.GetID() ) )
        total_change_flag = true;

    int active_sect = GetActiveXSecIndex();     // Save Active Section

    //==== Set Temp Active XSec Based On Updated Parms ====//
    if ( total_change_flag )

    //==== Make Sure Chord Match For Adjacent Wing Sections ====//

    SetActiveXSecIndex(active_sect);            // Restore Active Section

    // clear the u tessellation vector

    vector< VspCurve > crv_vec( m_XSecSurf.NumXSec() );

    //==== Compute Parameters For Each Section ====//
    double total_span = 0.0;
    double total_sweep_offset = 0.0;
    double total_dihed_offset = 0.0;
    double total_twist = 0.0;

    //==== Load End Points for Each Section ====//
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_XSecSurf.NumXSec() ; i++ )
        WingSect* ws = ( WingSect* ) m_XSecSurf.FindXSec( i );
        if ( ws )
            //==== Reset Group Names ====//
            ws->SetGroupDisplaySuffix( i );

            double rad = ws->m_Span();
            double ty = rad*cos(GetSumDihedral(i)*DEG_2_RAD);
            double tz = rad*sin(GetSumDihedral(i)*DEG_2_RAD);

            double tan_le  = ws->GetTanSweepAt( ws->m_Sweep(), 0.0 );
            double toff    = tan_le*rad;                    // Tip X Offset

            if ( i == 0 )
                ty = 0;
                tz = 0;
                toff = 0;

            total_dihed_offset += tz;
            total_span += ty;
            total_sweep_offset += toff;

            if ( m_RelativeTwistFlag() )
                total_twist += ws->m_Twist();
                total_twist = ws->m_Twist();

            ws->SetProjectedSpan( ty );

            //==== Find Width Parm ====//
            string width_id = ws->GetXSecCurve()->GetWidthParmID();
            Parm* width_parm = ParmMgr.FindParm( width_id );

            if ( width_parm )
                width_parm->Set( ws->m_TipChord() );

            double dihead_rot = 0.0;
            if ( m_RotateAirfoilMatchDiedralFlag() )
                if ( i == 0 )
                    dihead_rot = GetSumDihedral( i+1 );
                else if ( i ==  m_XSecSurf.NumXSec()-1 )
                    dihead_rot = GetSumDihedral( i );
                    dihead_rot = 0.5*( GetSumDihedral( i ) + GetSumDihedral( i+1 ) );

            //==== Load Transformations =====//
            ws->m_YDelta = total_span;
            ws->m_XDelta = total_sweep_offset;
            ws->m_ZDelta = total_dihed_offset;

            ws->m_YRotate = total_twist;
            ws->m_XRotate = dihead_rot;

            ws->m_XCenterRot = ws->m_XDelta + ws->m_TwistLoc()*ws->m_TipChord();
            ws->m_YCenterRot = ws->m_YDelta;
            ws->m_ZCenterRot = ws->m_ZDelta;

            crv_vec[i] =  ws->GetCurve();

            if ( i > 0 )
                m_TessUVec.push_back( ws->m_SectTessU() );

    m_MainSurfVec[0].SkinC0( crv_vec, false );
    if ( m_XSecSurf.GetFlipUD() )
    m_MainSurfVec[0].SetSurfType( vsp::WING_SURF );

    //==== Load Totals ====//
    m_TotalSpan = ComputeTotalSpan();
    m_TotalProjSpan = ComputeTotalProjSpan();
    m_TotalChord = ComputeTotalChord();
    m_TotalArea = ComputeTotalArea();
