Exemplo n.º 1
template<> bool
device<Simulate>::acquire( task& task )
    if ( simulator * simulator = task.simulator() )
        return simulator->acquire( task.io_service() );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
template<> bool
device<UserFDK>::readData( task& task, waveform& data )
    static std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point __uptime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    IAgMD2LogicDevicePtr spDpuA = task.spAgDrvr()->LogicDevices->Item[L"DpuA"];

	long words_32bits = task.method().nbr_of_s_to_acquire;
    data.method_ = task.method();

    try {
		SAFEARRAY * psaWfmDataRaw(0);
        spDpuA->ReadIndirectInt32(0x11, 0, words_32bits, &psaWfmDataRaw, &data.actualElements_, &data.firstValidElement_);
        // workaround
        data.timestamp_ = std::chrono::duration< uint64_t, std::pico >( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - __uptime ).count();

		safearray_t<int32_t> sa( psaWfmDataRaw );
        data.d_.resize( words_32bits );
		std::copy( sa.data() + data.firstValidElement_, sa.data() + words_32bits, data.d_.begin() );

    } catch ( _com_error& e ) {
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
template<> bool
device<Simulate>::readData( task& task, waveform& data )
    data.method_ = task.method();
    if ( simulator * simulator = task.simulator() )
        return simulator->readData( data );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
template<> bool
device<UserFDK>::acquire( task& task )
    //Start the acquisition
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->UserControl->StartSegmentation(); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "StartSegmentation"); }
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->UserControl->StartProcessing(AgMD2UserControlProcessingType1); } catch ( _com_error& e ) {
        TERR( e, "StartProcessing" ); }
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void interface5::internal::task_base::destroy( task& victim ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( victim.prefix().ref_count== (ConcurrentWaitsEnabled(victim) ? 1 : 0), "Task being destroyed must not have children" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( victim.state()==task::allocated, "illegal state for victim task" );
    task* parent = victim.parent();
    if( parent ) {
        __TBB_ASSERT( parent->state()==task::allocated, "attempt to destroy child of running or corrupted parent?" );
        // Despite last reference to *parent removed, it should not be destroyed (documented behavior).
    governor::local_scheduler()->free_task<no_hint>( victim );
Exemplo n.º 6
device_ap240::acquire( task& task )
    auto rcode = AcqrsD1_acquire( task.inst() );

    if ( rcode != VI_SUCCESS ) {
        task::checkError( task.inst(), rcode, "device_ap240::acquire",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

            AcqrsD1_stopAcquisition( task.inst() );

        std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 1000 ) );
    return rcode == VI_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 7
void interface5::internal::task_base::destroy( task& victim ) {
    // 1 may be a guard reference for wait_for_all, which was not reset because
    // of concurrent_wait mode or because prepared root task was not actually used
    // for spawning tasks (as in structured_task_group).
    __TBB_ASSERT( (intptr_t)victim.prefix().ref_count <= 1, "Task being destroyed must not have children" );
    __TBB_ASSERT( victim.state()==task::allocated, "illegal state for victim task" );
    task* parent = victim.parent();
    if( parent ) {
        __TBB_ASSERT( parent->state()==task::allocated, "attempt to destroy child of running or corrupted parent?" );
        // Even if the last reference to *parent is removed, it should not be spawned (documented behavior).
    governor::local_scheduler()->free_task<no_hint>( victim );
Exemplo n.º 8
device_ap240::digitizer_setup( task& task, acqrscontrols::ap240::method& m )
    assert( m.hor_.mode == 0 );
    auto inst = task.inst();
    ViStatus status;

    if ( ( status = AcqrsD1_configHorizontal( inst, m.hor_.sampInterval, m.hor_.delayTime ) ) == ACQIRIS_WARN_SETUP_ADAPTED ) {
        ViReal64 sampInterval, delay;
        if ( AcqrsD1_getHorizontal( inst, &sampInterval, &delay ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {
            std::cerr << boost::format( "sampInterval: %e <= %e, delay: %e <= %e\n" )
                % sampInterval % m.hor_.sampInterval
                % delay % m.hor_.delayTime;
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configHorizontal", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    if ( (status = AcqrsD1_configMemory( inst, m.hor_.nbrSamples, nbrSegments )) == ACQIRIS_WARN_SETUP_ADAPTED ) {
        ViInt32 nbrSamples, nSegments;
        if ( AcqrsD1_getMemory( inst, &nbrSamples, &nSegments ) == VI_SUCCESS )
            m.hor_.nbrSamples = nbrSamples;
    } else 
        task::checkError( inst, status, "configMemory",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    status = AcqrsD1_configMode( inst, 0, 0, 0 ); // 2 := averaging mode, 0 := normal data acq.
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configMode",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
template<> bool
device<Simulate>::waitForEndOfAcquisition( task& task, int /* timeout */)
    if ( simulator * simulator = task.simulator() )
        return simulator->waitForEndOfAcquisition();
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
    /// \warning call only from event loop thread, otherwise the behavior is undefined.
    void on_connect(task<std::error_code>::future_move_type future, std::shared_ptr<task<void>::promise_type> promise) {
        const auto ec = future.get();

        if (ec) {
            switch (ec.value()) {
            case asio::error::already_started:
            case asio::error::already_connected:
                queue.apply([&](queue_type& queue) {
                    for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it) {
        } else {
            queue.apply([&](queue_type& queue) {
                for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it) {
Exemplo n.º 11
template<> bool
device<Simulate>::initial_setup( task& task, const method& m )
    IAgMD2LogicDevicePtr spDpuA = task.spAgDrvr()->LogicDevices->Item[L"DpuA"];	
    IAgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankPtr spDDR3A = spDpuA->MemoryBanks->Item[L"DDR3A"];
    IAgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankPtr spDDR3B = spDpuA->MemoryBanks->Item[L"DDR3B"];
    // Create smart pointers to Channels and TriggerSource interfaces
    IAgMD2ChannelPtr spCh1 = task.spAgDrvr()->Channels->Item[L"Channel1"];
    IAgMD2TriggerSourcePtr spTrigSrc = task.spAgDrvr()->Trigger->Sources->Item[L"External1"];

    try { spCh1->TimeInterleavedChannelList = "Channel2";       } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "TimeInterleavedChannelList");  }
    try { spCh1->PutRange(m.front_end_range);                   } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Range");  }
    try { spCh1->PutOffset(m.front_end_offset);                 } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Offset");  }
    // Setup triggering
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Trigger->ActiveSource = "External1"; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Trigger::ActiveSource");  }
    try { spTrigSrc->PutLevel(m.ext_trigger_level);             } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "TriggerSource::Level");  }

    // Calibrate
    ADTRACE() << "Calibrating...";
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Calibration->SelfCalibrate(); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Calibration::SelfCalibrate"); }

    // Set the sample rate and nbr of samples to acquire
    double sample_rate = 3.2E9;
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->PutSampleRate(sample_rate); }  catch (_com_error& e) { TERR(e,"SampleRate"); }

    try { spCh1->Filter->Bypass = 1; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR( e, "Bandwidth" ); } // invalid value

    ADTRACE() << "Apply setup...";
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->ApplySetup();  } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR( e, "ApplySetup" ); }

    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 1000 ) );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
   void task_pool::process_task(task& tsk)
      if (tsk.m_flags & cTaskFlagObject)
         tsk.m_pObj->execute_task(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);
         tsk.m_callback(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);

Exemplo n.º 13
device_ap240::waitForEndOfAcquisition( task& task, int timeout )
    return AcqrsD1_waitForEndOfAcquisition( task.inst(), ViInt32( timeout ) ) == VI_SUCCESS;
    // case VI_SUCCESS: return success;
    // case ACQIRIS_ERROR_ACQ_TIMEOUT: return error_timeout;
    // case ACQIRIS_ERROR_OVERLOAD: return error_overload; //  if a channel/trigger overload was detected.
    // case ACQIRIS_ERROR_IO_READ: return error_io_read;   //  if a link error has been detected (e.g. PCI link lost).
    // case ACQIRIS_ERROR_INSTRUMENT_STOPPED: return error_stopped; // if the acquisition was not started beforehand
Exemplo n.º 14
    void task_pool::process_task(task &tsk)
        if (tsk.m_flags & cTaskFlagObject)
            tsk.m_pObj->execute_task(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);
            tsk.m_callback(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);

        if (atomic_increment32(&m_total_completed_tasks) == m_total_submitted_tasks)
            // Try to signal the semaphore (the max count is 1 so this may actually fail).
Exemplo n.º 15
   void task_pool::process_task(task& tsk)
      if (tsk.m_flags & cTaskFlagObject)
         tsk.m_pObj->execute_task(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);
         tsk.m_callback(tsk.m_data, tsk.m_pData_ptr);



Exemplo n.º 16
 tbb::task* execute() {
     // Capture execution order in the very beginning
     int execution_order = 2 - my_successor->decrement_ref_count();
     // Create some local work.
     TaskGenerator& p = *new( allocate_root() ) TaskGenerator(2,2);
     if( execution_order==2 ) { // the "slower" of two peer tasks
         // Of course execution order can differ from dequeue order.
         // But there is no better approximation at hand; and a single worker
         // will execute in dequeue order, which is enough for our check.
         if (my_enqueue_order==execution_order)
     return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 17
template<> bool
device<UserFDK>::waitForEndOfAcquisition( task& task, int timeout )
    //Wait for the end of the acquisition

    long wait_for_end = 0x80000000;
    IAgMD2LogicDevicePtr spDpuA = task.spAgDrvr()->LogicDevices->Item[L"DpuA"];	

    int count = 0;
    while ( wait_for_end >= 0x80000000 ) {
        std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 200 ) );
        try { spDpuA->ReadRegisterInt32( 0x3308, &wait_for_end ); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "ReadRegisterInt32"); }
        if ( ++count > 15 ) {
            ADTRACE() << "U5303A::waitForEndOfAcqisition timed out";
            return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
device_ap240::initial_setup( task& task, acqrscontrols::ap240::method& m )
    ViStatus status;
    ViStatus * pStatus = &status;

    auto inst_ = task.inst();

    if ( ( ( m.channels_ & 03 ) == 03 ) && ( m.hor_.sampInterval < 0.51e-9 ) ) { // if 2ch acquisition, 
        m.hor_.sampInterval = 1.0e-9;

    int nAveragerDelay(0);

    if ( m.hor_.mode == 2 ) {

        m.hor_.nbrSamples = m.hor_.nbrSamples + 32 & ~0x1f; // fold of 32, can't be zero
        double delay = m.hor_.delayTime >= 0 ? m.hor_.delayTime : 0; // averager mode can't be negative
        if ( m.hor_.mode == 0 )
            nAveragerDelay = int32_t( delay / m.hor_.sampInterval + 0.5 ) & ~0x1f;      // fold of 32, can be zero
            nAveragerDelay = int32_t( delay / m.hor_.sampInterval + 0.5 ) + 32 & ~0x1f; // fold of 32, can't be zero

    // trigger setup
    if ( ( status = AcqrsD1_configTrigClass( inst_
                                             , m.trig_.trigClass, m.trig_.trigPattern, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
        ViInt32 trigClass, trigPattern, a, b; ViReal64 c, d;
        if ( AcqrsD1_getTrigClass( inst_, &trigClass, &trigPattern, &a, &b, &c, &d ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {
            std::cerr << boost::format( "trigClass: %x <- %x, trigPattern: %x <- %x")
                % trigClass % m.trig_.trigClass % trigPattern % m.trig_.trigPattern << std::endl;
    task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configTrigClass", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    ViInt32 trigChannel = m.trig_.trigPattern & 0x80000000 ? (-1) : m.trig_.trigPattern & 0x3;
    status = AcqrsD1_configTrigSource( inst_
                                       , trigChannel
                                       , m.trig_.trigCoupling
                                       , m.trig_.trigSlope //m.ext_trigger_slope // pos(0), neg(1)
                                       , m.trig_.trigLevel1 //m.ext_trigger_level // 500 
                                       , m.trig_.trigLevel2 );
    task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configTrigSource", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    // vertical setup
    const int chlist [] = { -1, 1, 2 };
    int idx = 0;
    for ( auto& v: { m.ext_, m.ch1_, m.ch2_ } ) {
        int channel = chlist[ idx++ ];
        status = AcqrsD1_configVertical( inst_
                                         , channel
                                         , v.fullScale  
                                         , v.offset     
                                         , v.coupling   
                                         , v.bandwidth );
        // std::cerr << "\tch(" << channel << ") offset: " << v.offset << " fs: " << v.fullScale << std::endl;        
        if ( status == ACQIRIS_WARN_SETUP_ADAPTED ) {
            ViReal64 fullScale, offset; ViInt32 coupling, bandwidth;
            if ( AcqrsD1_getVertical( inst_, channel, &fullScale, &offset, &coupling, &bandwidth ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {
                std::cerr << boost::format( "\tfullscale,offset): (%g,%g) <- (%g,%g)" )
                    % fullScale % offset % v.fullScale % v.offset << std::endl;
        } else
            task::checkError( inst_, status, "configVertical",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    // channels configuration
    if ( m.channels_ == 03 ) { // 2ch simultaneous acquisition

        status = AcqrsD1_configChannelCombination( inst_, 1, m.channels_ ); // all channels use 1 converter each
        task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configChannelCombination",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    } else {

        status = AcqrsD1_configChannelCombination( inst_, 2, m.channels_ ); // half of the channels use 2 converters each
        task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configChannelCombination",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    if ( status == ACQIRIS_WARN_SETUP_ADAPTED ) {
        ViInt32 nbrConvertersPerChannel, usedChannels;
        if ( AcqrsD1_getChannelCombination( inst_, &nbrConvertersPerChannel, &usedChannels ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {
            std::cerr << boost::format("ChannelCombination( %x, %x ) <- (%x)" )
                % nbrConvertersPerChannel % &usedChannels % m.channels_ << std::endl;

    if ( m.channels_ & 01 ) {
        status = AcqrsD1_configMultiInput( inst_, 1, 0 ); // channel 1 --> A
        task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configMultiInput",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    if ( m.channels_ & 02 ) {
        status = AcqrsD1_configMultiInput( inst_, 2, 1 ); // channel 2 --> B
        task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configMultiInput",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    // "IO B" for Acquisition is active
    status = AcqrsD1_configControlIO( inst_, pin_B, 21, 0, 0 );
    task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configControlIO(B)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    // config trigger out
    status = AcqrsD1_configControlIO( inst_, pin_TR, 1610 / 2, 0, 0 );
    task::checkError( inst_, status, "AcqrsD1_configControlIO(TR)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    if ( m.hor_.mode == 0 )
        return digitizer_setup( task, m );
    else if ( m.hor_.mode == 2 )
        return averager_setup( task, m );

    return false; // unknown mode
Exemplo n.º 19
void allocate_continuation_proxy::free( task& mytask ) const {
    // Restore the parent as it was before the corresponding allocate was called.
    ((task*)this)->prefix().parent = mytask.parent();
Exemplo n.º 20
device_ap240::averager_setup( task& task, acqrscontrols::ap240::method& m )
    // averager mode
    assert( m.hor_.mode == 2 );

    auto inst = task.inst();
    ViStatus status;

    status = AcqrsD1_configMode( inst, 2, 0, 0 ); // 2 := averaging mode
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configMode",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    ViInt32 int32Arg = ViInt32( m.hor_.nbrSamples );
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "NbrSamples", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqirisD1_configAvgConfig, NbrSamples",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    int32Arg = ViInt32( ( int( m.hor_.delayTime / m.hor_.sampInterval + 0.5 ) + 32 ) & ~0x1f ); // fold of 32, can't be zero
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "StartDelay", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig StartDelay ", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    int32Arg = 0;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "StopDelay", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (StopDelay)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    int32Arg = m.hor_.nbrAvgWaveforms;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "NbrWaveforms", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig NbrWaveforms ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    int32Arg = 0;
    for ( auto& cmd: { "TrigAlways", "TrigResync", "ThresholdEnable", "TriggerTimeout" } ) {
        status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, cmd, &int32Arg );
        task::checkError( inst, status, cmd,__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    int32Arg = 1;
    for ( auto& cmd: { "TimestampClock", "MarkerLatchMode" } ) {
        status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, cmd, &int32Arg);
        task::checkError( inst, status, cmd,__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    do {
        int32Arg = m.ch1_.invertData ? 1 : 0; // invert data for mass spectrum;
        status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "InvertData", &int32Arg); 
        task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (InvertData)", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    } while (0);

#if 0
    // config "IO A" -- it seems not working for input level
    status = AcqrsD1_configControlIO( inst, 1, 1, 0, 0 );
    if ( task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configControlIO(A)" ) )
        return false;
    // config "IO B" for Acquisition is active (21)
    status = AcqrsD1_configControlIO( inst, 2, 21, 0, 0 );
    if ( task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configControlIO(B)", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__) )
        return false;

    // Configure the front panel trigger out (TR.)
    // The appropriate offset is 1,610 mV.
    status = AcqrsD1_configControlIO( inst, 9, 1610 / 2, 0, 0 );
    if ( task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configControlIO (2)", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__) )
        return false;

    // "P2Control" set to average(out) --> disable for debug
    int32Arg = 0;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "P1Control", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (P1Control)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    // "P2Control" to disable
    int32Arg = 0;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "P2Control", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (P2Control)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    int32Arg = 0;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "DitherRange", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (DitherRange)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
    int32Arg = nbrSegments;
    status = AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig( inst, 0, "NbrSegments", &int32Arg );
    task::checkError( inst, status, "AcqrsD1_configAvgConfig (NbrSegments)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /** Doxygen generates namespace function from friend impls... */
 bool operator< (task const & lhs, task const & rhs)
   return lhs.get_id() < rhs.get_id();
Exemplo n.º 22
 /** Doxygen generates namespace function from friend impls... */
 bool operator== (task const & lhs, task const & rhs)
   return lhs.get_task_if() == rhs.get_task_if();
Exemplo n.º 23
device_ap240::readData( task& task, acqrscontrols::ap240::waveform& data, const acqrscontrols::ap240::method& m, int channel )
    data.method_ = m;

    AqDataDescriptor dataDesc;

    // std::cout << "## device_ap240::readData ##" << std::endl;    
    if ( m.hor_.mode == 0 ) {
        AqSegmentDescriptor segDesc;
        if ( readData<int8_t, AqSegmentDescriptor >( task.inst(), m, channel, dataDesc, segDesc, data ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {

            data.timeSinceEpoch_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
            data.meta_.dataType = sizeof( int8_t );
            data.meta_.indexFirstPoint = dataDesc.indexFirstPoint;
            data.meta_.channel = channel;
            data.meta_.actualAverages = 0;
            data.meta_.actualPoints   = dataDesc.returnedSamplesPerSeg; //data.d_.size();
            data.meta_.flags = 0;         // segDesc.flags; // markers not in digitizer
            data.meta_.initialXOffset = data.method_.hor_.delayTime;
            // digitizer mode return time since triggered. 
            data.meta_.initialXTimeSeconds = task::instance()->timestamp(); // computer's uptime

            data.meta_.scaleFactor = dataDesc.vGain;     // V = vGain * data - vOffset
            data.meta_.scaleOffset = dataDesc.vOffset;
            data.meta_.xIncrement = dataDesc.sampTime;
            data.meta_.horPos = segDesc.horPos;
    } else {
        AqSegmentDescriptorAvg segDesc;
        ViStatus rcode(0);
        if ( ( rcode = readData<int32_t, AqSegmentDescriptorAvg>( task.inst(), m, channel, dataDesc, segDesc, data ) ) == VI_SUCCESS ) {

            data.timeSinceEpoch_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
            data.meta_.dataType = sizeof( int32_t );
            data.meta_.indexFirstPoint = dataDesc.indexFirstPoint;
            data.meta_.channel = channel;            
            data.meta_.actualAverages = segDesc.actualTriggersInSeg;  // number of triggers for average
            data.meta_.actualPoints = dataDesc.returnedSamplesPerSeg; // data.d_.size();
            data.meta_.flags = segDesc.flags; // markers
            data.meta_.initialXOffset = dataDesc.sampTime * data.method_.hor_.delayTime;
            uint64_t tstamp = uint64_t(segDesc.timeStampHi) << 32 | segDesc.timeStampLo;
            data.meta_.initialXTimeSeconds = double( tstamp ) / std::pico::den; // ps -> s
            data.meta_.scaleFactor = dataDesc.vGain;
            data.meta_.scaleOffset = dataDesc.vOffset;
            data.meta_.xIncrement = dataDesc.sampTime;
            data.meta_.horPos = segDesc.horPos;
        } else {
            if ( rcode == ACQIRIS_ERROR_READMODE && task::instance()->simulated() ) {

                data.timeSinceEpoch_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
                data.meta_.dataType = sizeof( int32_t );
                data.meta_.indexFirstPoint = 0;
                data.meta_.channel = channel;
                data.meta_.actualAverages = m.hor_.nbrAvgWaveforms;
                data.meta_.actualPoints = m.hor_.nbrSamples;
                data.meta_.flags = 0;
                data.meta_.initialXOffset = m.hor_.delayTime;
                data.meta_.initialXTimeSeconds = task::instance()->timestamp();
                data.meta_.scaleFactor = 1.0;
                data.meta_.scaleOffset = 0.0;
                data.meta_.xIncrement = m.hor_.sampInterval;
                data.meta_.horPos = 0.0;
        ADDEBUG() << "--------------> " << data.meta_.initialXTimeSeconds;        
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 24
 void AssertTaskCanceled(task<T> & task)
     Assert::ExpectException<task_canceled>([&task](){ task.get(); });
Exemplo n.º 25
template<> bool
device<UserFDK>::initial_setup( task& task, const method& m )
    IAgMD2LogicDevicePtr spDpuA = task.spAgDrvr()->LogicDevices->Item[L"DpuA"];	
    IAgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankPtr spDDR3A = spDpuA->MemoryBanks->Item[L"DDR3A"];
    IAgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankPtr spDDR3B = spDpuA->MemoryBanks->Item[L"DDR3B"];
    // Create smart pointers to Channels and TriggerSource interfaces
    IAgMD2ChannelPtr spCh1 = task.spAgDrvr()->Channels->Item[L"Channel1"];
    IAgMD2TriggerSourcePtr spTrigSrc = task.spAgDrvr()->Trigger->Sources->Item[L"External1"];
    try { spCh1->TimeInterleavedChannelList = "Channel2";       } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "TimeInterleavedChannelList");  }
    try { spCh1->PutRange(m.front_end_range);                   } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Range");  }
    try { spCh1->PutOffset(m.front_end_offset);                 } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Offset");  }
    // Setup triggering
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Trigger->ActiveSource = "External1"; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Trigger::ActiveSource");  }
    try { spTrigSrc->PutLevel(m.ext_trigger_level);             } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "TriggerSource::Level");  }
    // Calibrate
    ADTRACE() << "Calibrating...";
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Calibration->SelfCalibrate(); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "Calibration::SelfCalibrate"); }

    ADTRACE() << "Set the Mode FDK...";
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->Mode = AgMD2AcquisitionModeUserFDK; } catch (_com_error& e) { TERR(e,"Acquisition::Mode"); }

    // Set the sample rate and nbr of samples to acquire
    const double sample_rate = 3.2E9;
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->PutSampleRate(sample_rate); }  catch (_com_error& e) { TERR(e,"SampleRate"); }
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->UserControl->PostTrigger = (m.nbr_of_s_to_acquire/32) + 2; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e,"PostTrigger"); }
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->UserControl->PreTrigger = 0; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e,"PreTrigger"); }

    // Start on trigger
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->UserControl->StartOnTriggerEnabled = 1; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR( e,"StartOnTrigger" ); }

    // Full bandwidth
    try { spCh1->Filter->Bypass = 1; } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR( e, "Bandwidth" ); }

    ADTRACE() << "Apply setup...";
    try { task.spAgDrvr()->Acquisition->ApplySetup();  } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR( e, "ApplySetup" ); }

    long seg_depth = (m.nbr_of_s_to_acquire >> 5) + 5;
    long seg_ctrl = 0x80000;   // Averager mode, Analog trigger

    if (m.invert_signal == 1) 	{
        seg_ctrl = seg_ctrl + 0x400000;
    long delay_next_acq = 2;
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3300, seg_depth);         } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3300"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3304, m.nbr_of_averages); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3304"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3308, seg_ctrl);          } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3308"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3318, m.nbr_of_averages); } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3318"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x331c, m.nsa);             } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x331c"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3320, m.delay_to_first_s);} catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3320"); }
    try { spDpuA->WriteRegisterInt32(0x3324, delay_next_acq);    } catch ( _com_error& e ) { TERR(e, "WriteRegisterInt32,0x3324"); }

    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 1000 ) );

    // Memory settings
    try { spDDR3A->PutAccessControl(AgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankAccessControlUserFirmware); } catch (_com_error& e){TERR(e,"DDR3A::AccessControl");}
    try { spDDR3B->PutAccessControl(AgMD2LogicDeviceMemoryBankAccessControlUserFirmware); } catch (_com_error& e){TERR(e,"DDR3B::AccessControl");}

    std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 1000 ) );

	return true;