Exemplo n.º 1
void Module::loadModule(const Common::UString &module) {

	if (module.empty())
		throw Common::Exception("Tried to load an empty module");

	try {
		indexMandatoryArchive(module, 1001, &_resModule);


		if (_ifo.isSave())
			throw Common::Exception("This is a save");

		_tag = _ifo.getTag();

	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		e.add("Can't load module \"%s\"", module.c_str());
		throw e;


	_hasModule = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void extractFiles(Aurora::RIMFile &rim, Aurora::GameID game) {
	const Aurora::Archive::ResourceList &resources = rim.getResources();
	const size_t fileCount = resources.size();

	std::printf("Number of files: %u\n\n", (uint)fileCount);

	size_t i = 1;
	for (Aurora::Archive::ResourceList::const_iterator r = resources.begin(); r != resources.end(); ++r, ++i) {
		const Aurora::FileType type     = TypeMan.aliasFileType(r->type, game);
		const Common::UString  fileName = TypeMan.setFileType(r->name, type);

		std::printf("Extracting %u/%u: %s ... ", (uint)i, (uint)fileCount, fileName.c_str());

		Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = 0;
		try {
			stream = rim.getResource(r->index);

			dumpStream(*stream, fileName);

		} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
			Common::printException(e, "");

		delete stream;

Exemplo n.º 3
void QuickTimeDecoder::VideoSampleDesc::initCodec(Graphics::Surface &surface) {
	if (_codecTag == MKID_BE('mp4v')) {
		Common::UString videoType;

		// Parse the object type
		switch (_parentTrack->objectTypeMP4) {
		case 0x20:
			videoType = "h.263";

			_videoCodec = new H263Codec(_parentTrack->width, _parentTrack->height);
			if (_parentTrack->extraData)
				_videoCodec->decodeFrame(surface, *_parentTrack->extraData);

			videoType = "Unknown";

		if (!_videoCodec)
			warning("MPEG-4 Video (%s) not yet supported", videoType.c_str());

	} else if (_codecTag == MKID_BE('SVQ3')) {
		// TODO: Sorenson Video 3
		warning("Sorenson Video 3 not yet supported");
	} else {
		warning("Unsupported codec \'%s\'", tag2str(_codecTag));
Exemplo n.º 4
bool ScriptContainer::runScript(const Common::UString &script,
                                const Aurora::NWScript::ScriptState &state,
                                Aurora::NWScript::Object *owner,
                                Aurora::NWScript::Object *triggerer) {
	if (script.empty())
		return true;

	try {
		Aurora::NWScript::NCSFile ncs(script);

		const Aurora::NWScript::Variable &retVal = ncs.run(state, owner, triggerer);
		if (retVal.getType() == Aurora::NWScript::kTypeInt)
			return retVal.getInt() != 0;
		if (retVal.getType() == Aurora::NWScript::kTypeFloat)
			return retVal.getFloat() != 0.0f;

		return true;

	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		e.add("Failed running script \"%s\"", script.c_str());
		Common::printException(e, "WARNING: ");
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void extractFiles(Aurora::HERFFile &herf) {
	const Aurora::Archive::ResourceList &resources = herf.getResources();
	const size_t fileCount = resources.size();

	std::printf("Number of files: %u\n\n", (uint)fileCount);

	size_t i = 1;
	for (Aurora::Archive::ResourceList::const_iterator r = resources.begin(); r != resources.end(); ++r, ++i) {
		Common::UString fileName = r->name, fileExt = TypeMan.setFileType("", r->type);
		if (fileName.empty())
			findHashedName(r->hash, fileName, fileExt);

		fileName = fileName + fileExt;

		std::printf("Extracting %u/%u: %s ... ", (uint)i, (uint)fileCount, fileName.c_str());

		Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = 0;
		try {
			stream = herf.getResource(r->index);

			dumpStream(*stream, fileName);

		} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
			Common::printException(e, "");

		delete stream;

Exemplo n.º 6
void ResourceManager::dumpResourcesList(const Common::UString &fileName) const {
	Common::DumpFile file;

	if (!file.open(fileName))
		throw Common::Exception(Common::kOpenError);

	file.writeString("                Name                 |        Hash        |     Size    \n");

	for (ResourceMap::const_iterator r = _resources.begin(); r != _resources.end(); ++r) {
		if (r->second.empty())

		const Resource &res = r->second.back();

		const Common::UString &name = res.name;
		const Common::UString   ext = TypeMan.setFileType("", res.type);
		const uint64           hash = r->first;
		const uint32           size = getResourceSize(res);

		const Common::UString line =
			Common::UString::sprintf("%32s%4s | 0x%016llX | %12d\n", name.c_str(), ext.c_str(),
                               (unsigned long long) hash, size);



	if (file.err())
		throw Common::Exception("Write error");

Exemplo n.º 7
ResourceManager::ChangeID ResourceManager::addResourceDir(const Common::UString &dir,
		const char *glob, int depth, uint32 priority) {

	// Find the directory
	Common::UString directory = Common::FilePath::findSubDirectory(_baseDir, dir, true);
	if (directory.empty())
		throw Common::Exception("No such directory \"%s\"", dir.c_str());

	// Find files
	Common::FileList files;
	files.addDirectory(directory, depth);

	ChangeID change = newChangeSet();

	if (!glob) {
		// Add the files
		addResources(files, change, priority);
		return change;

	// Find files matching the glob pattern
	Common::FileList globFiles;
	files.getSubList(glob, globFiles, true);

	// Add the files
	addResources(globFiles, change, priority);
	return change;
Exemplo n.º 8
void printUsage(FILE *stream, const Common::UString &name) {
	std::fprintf(stream, "BioWare TLK to XML converter\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s [<options>] <input file> [<output file>]\n", name.c_str());
	std::fprintf(stream, "  -h      --help              This help text\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --version           Display version information\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1250            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1250\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1251            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1251\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1252            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1252\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp932             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-932\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp936             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-936\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp949             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-949\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp950             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-950\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf8              Read TLK strings as UTF-8\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf16le           Read TLK strings as little-endian UTF-16\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf16be           Read TLK strings as big-endian UTF-16\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --nwn               Use Neverwinter Nights encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --nwn2              Use Neverwinter Nights 2 encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --kotor             Use Knights of the Old Republic encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --kotor2            Use Knights of the Old Republic II encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --jade              Use Jade Empire encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --witcher           Use The Witcher encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --dragonage         Use Dragon Age encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --dragonage2        Use Dragon Age II encodings\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "If no output file is given, the output is written to stdout.\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "There is no way to autodetect the encoding of strings in TLK files,\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "so an encoding must be specified. Alternatively, the game this TLK\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "is from can be given, and an appropriate encoding according to that\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "game and the language ID found in the TLK is used.\n");
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: room.cpp Projeto: kevL/xoreos
void Room::loadLayout(const Common::UString &roomFile) {
	if (!ResMan.hasResource(roomFile, Aurora::kFileTypeRML) || EventMan.quitRequested())

	GFF4File rml(roomFile, Aurora::kFileTypeRML, kRMLID);
	if (rml.getTypeVersion() != kVersion40)
		throw Common::Exception("Unsupported RML version %s", Common::debugTag(rml.getTypeVersion()).c_str());

	const GFF4Struct &rmlTop = rml.getTopLevel();

	float roomPos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	rmlTop.getVector3(kGFF4Position, roomPos[0], roomPos[1], roomPos[2]);

	float roomOrient[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	rmlTop.getVector4(kGFF4Orientation, roomOrient[0], roomOrient[1], roomOrient[2], roomOrient[3]);
	roomOrient[3] = Common::rad2deg(acos(roomOrient[3]) * 2.0);

	Common::Matrix4x4 roomTransform;
	roomTransform.translate(roomPos[0], roomPos[1], roomPos[2]);
	roomTransform.rotate(roomOrient[3], roomOrient[0], roomOrient[1], roomOrient[2]);

	status("Loading room \"%s\" (%d)", roomFile.c_str(), _id);

	const GFF4List &models = rmlTop.getList(kGFF4EnvRoomModelList);

	for (GFF4List::const_iterator m = models.begin(); m != models.end(); ++m) {
		if (!*m || ((*m)->getLabel() != kMDLID))

		float scale = (*m)->getFloat(kGFF4EnvModelScale);

		float pos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
		(*m)->getVector3(kGFF4Position, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

		float orient[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
		(*m)->getVector4(kGFF4Orientation, orient[0], orient[1], orient[2], orient[3]);
		orient[3] = Common::rad2deg(acos(orient[3]) * 2.0);

		// TODO: Instances

		Graphics::Aurora::Model *model = loadModelObject((*m)->getString(kGFF4EnvModelFile));
		if (!model)


		Common::Matrix4x4 modelTransform(roomTransform);

		modelTransform.translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
		modelTransform.rotate(orient[3], orient[0], orient[1], orient[2]);

		modelTransform.getPosition(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
		modelTransform.getAxisAngle(orient[3], orient[0], orient[1], orient[2]);

		model->setPosition(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
		model->setOrientation(orient[0], orient[1], orient[2], orient[3]);
		model->setScale(scale, scale, scale);
Exemplo n.º 10
void ScriptObject::readVarTable(const GFF4List &varTable) {
	for (GFF4List::const_iterator v = varTable.begin(); v != varTable.end(); ++v) {
		if (!*v || ((*v)->getLabel() != kVARSID))

		const Common::UString name  = (*v)->getString (kGFF4ScriptVarTableName);
		const uint8           type  = (*v)->getUint   (kGFF4ScriptVarTableType);
		const GFF4Struct     *value = (*v)->getGeneric(kGFF4ScriptVarTableValue);

		if (name.empty() || (type == 0) || !value || !value->hasField(0))

		switch (type) {
			case  4:
				setVariable(name, Aurora::NWScript::Variable());

			case  1:
				setVariable(name, (int32) value->getSint(0));

			case  2:
				setVariable(name, (float) value->getDouble(0));

			case  3:
			case 12:
				setVariable(name, value->getString(0));

				throw Common::Exception("Unknown variable type %u (\"%s\")", type, name.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 11
void Object::speakOneLiner(Common::UString conv, Object *UNUSED(tokenTarget)) {
	if (conv.empty())
		conv = _conversation;
	if (conv.empty())

	Common::UString text;
	Common::UString sound;

	try {
		Aurora::DLGFile dlg(conv, this);

		const Aurora::DLGFile::Line *line = dlg.getOneLiner();
		if (line) {
			text  = line->text.getString();
			sound = line->sound;

	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		e.add("Failed evaluating one-liner from conversation \"%s\"", conv.c_str());
		Common::printException(e, "WARNING: ");

	if (!text.empty())
		speakString(text, 0);
	if (!sound.empty())
Exemplo n.º 12
void AreaBackground::loadTexture(const Common::UString &name) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *cbgt = 0, *pal = 0, *twoda = 0;
	Graphics::CBGT *image = 0;

	try {
		if (!(cbgt  = ResMan.getResource(name, Aurora::kFileTypeCBGT)))
			throw Common::Exception("No such CBGT");
		if (!(pal   = ResMan.getResource(name, Aurora::kFileTypePAL)))
			throw Common::Exception("No such PAL");
		if (!(twoda = ResMan.getResource(name, Aurora::kFileType2DA)))
			throw Common::Exception("No such 2DA");

		image    = new Graphics::CBGT(*cbgt, *pal, *twoda);
		_texture = TextureMan.add(Graphics::Aurora::Texture::create(image, Aurora::kFileTypeCBGT), name);

	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		delete image;
		delete cbgt;
		delete pal;
		delete twoda;

		e.add("Failed loading area background \"%s\"", name.c_str());

	delete cbgt;
	delete pal;
	delete twoda;
Exemplo n.º 13
void ScriptObject::readVarTable(const GFF3List &varTable) {
	for (GFF3List::const_iterator v = varTable.begin(); v != varTable.end(); ++v) {
		const Common::UString name  = (*v)->getString ("Name");
		const uint8           type  = (*v)->getUint   ("Type");

		if (name.empty())

		switch (type) {
			case  0:
			case  4:
				setVariable(name, Aurora::NWScript::Variable());

			case  1:
				setVariable(name, (int32) (*v)->getSint("Value"));

			case  2:
				setVariable(name, (float) (*v)->getDouble("Value"));

			case  3:
			case 12:
				setVariable(name, (*v)->getString("Value"));

				throw Common::Exception("Unknown variable type %u (\"%s\")", type, name.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 14
void VideoPlayer::load(const Common::UString &name) {
	delete _video;
	_video = 0;

	::Aurora::FileType type;
	Common::SeekableReadStream *video = ResMan.getResource(::Aurora::kResourceVideo, name, &type);
	if (!video)
		throw Common::Exception("No such video resource \"%s\"", name.c_str());

	// Loading the different image formats
	switch (type) {
	case ::Aurora::kFileTypeBIK:
		_video = new Bink(video);
	case ::Aurora::kFileTypeMOV:
		_video = new QuickTimeDecoder(video);
	case ::Aurora::kFileTypeXMV:
		_video = new XboxMediaVideo(video);
	case ::Aurora::kFileTypeVX:
		_video = new ActimagineDecoder(video);
		delete video;
		throw Common::Exception("Unsupported video resource type %d", (int) type);

Exemplo n.º 15
void Module::loadModule(const Common::UString &module, const Common::UString &entryLocation,
                        ObjectType entryLocationType) {


	_module = module;

	_entryLocation     = entryLocation;
	_entryLocationType = entryLocationType;

	try {


	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {

		e.add("Failed loading module \"%s\"", module.c_str());
		throw e;


	_hasModule = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
TextureHandle TextureManager::add(Texture *texture, Common::UString name) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	bool reloadable = true;
	if (name.empty()) {
		reloadable = false;

		name = Common::generateIDRandomString();

	TextureMap::iterator text = _textures.find(name);
	if (text != _textures.end())
		throw Common::Exception("Texture \"%s\" already exists", name.c_str());

	std::pair<TextureMap::iterator, bool> result;

	ManagedTexture *t = new ManagedTexture(name, texture);

	result = _textures.insert(std::make_pair(name, t));

	text = result.first;

	text->second->reloadable = reloadable;

	return TextureHandle(text);
Exemplo n.º 17
void Functions::executeScript(Aurora::NWScript::FunctionContext &ctx) {
	Common::UString script = ctx.getParams()[0].getString();

	// Max resource name length is 16, and ExecuteScript should truncate accordingly

	if (!ResMan.hasResource(script, Aurora::kFileTypeNCS))

	Aurora::NWScript::Object *object = getParamObject(ctx, 1);
	try {
		Aurora::NWScript::NCSFile ncs(script);

		// Let the child script inherit the environment of this parent script
		Aurora::NWScript::VariableContainer *env = ctx.getCurrentEnvironment();
		if (env)

	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		e.add("Failed ExecuteScript(\"%s\", %s)", script.c_str(), Aurora::NWScript::formatTag(object).c_str());

		Common::printException(e, "WARNING: ");
Exemplo n.º 18
UString debugTag(uint32 tag, bool trim) {
	Common::UString str;
	if (tagToString(tag, trim, str))
		return UString::sprintf("0x%08X ('%s')", FROM_BE_32(tag), str.c_str());

	return UString::sprintf("0x%08X", FROM_BE_32(tag));
Exemplo n.º 19
void printUsage(FILE *stream, const Common::UString &name) {
	std::fprintf(stream, "XML to BioWare TLK converter\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s [<options>] [<input file>] <output file>\n", name.c_str());
	std::fprintf(stream, "  -h      --help              This help text\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --version           Display version information\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "  -3      --version30         Write a V3.0 TLK file\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "  -4      --version40         Write a V4.0 TLK file\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "  -l <id> --language <id>     Override the TLK language ID\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1250            Write TLK strings as Windows CP-1250\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1251            Write TLK strings as Windows CP-1251\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp1252            Write TLK strings as Windows CP-1252\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp932             Write TLK strings as Windows CP-932\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp936             Write TLK strings as Windows CP-936\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp949             Write TLK strings as Windows CP-949\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --cp950             Write TLK strings as Windows CP-950\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf8              Write TLK strings as UTF-8\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf16le           Write TLK strings as little-endian UTF-16\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --utf16be           Write TLK strings as big-endian UTF-16\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --nwn               Use Neverwinter Nights encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --nwn2              Use Neverwinter Nights 2 encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --kotor             Use Knights of the Old Republic encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --kotor2            Use Knights of the Old Republic II encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --jade              Use Jade Empire encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --witcher           Use The Witcher encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --dragonage         Use Dragon Age encodings\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "          --dragonage2        Use Dragon Age II encodings\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "If no input file is given, the input is read from stdin.\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "One of --version* to specify the version of TLK to write is mandatory,\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "as is one of the flags for the encoding. If the XML file provides a\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "language ID, the --language flag is optional.\n\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "There is no way to autodetect the encoding of strings in TLK files,\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "so an encoding must be specified. Alternatively, the game this TLK\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "is from can be given, and an appropriate encoding according to that\n");
	std::fprintf(stream, "game and the language ID is used.\n");
Exemplo n.º 20
void TwoDAFile::writeASCII(Common::WriteStream &out) const {
	// Write header

	out.writeString("2DA V2.0\n");
	if (!_defaultString.empty())
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format("DEFAULT: %s", _defaultString.c_str()));

	// Calculate column lengths

	std::vector<size_t> colLength;
	colLength.resize(_headers.size() + 1, 0);

	const Common::UString maxRow = Common::UString::format("%d", (int)_rows.size() - 1);
	colLength[0] = maxRow.size();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		colLength[i + 1] = _headers[i].size();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++) {
			const bool   needQuote = _rows[i]->_data[j].contains(' ');
			const size_t length    = needQuote ? _rows[i]->_data[j].size() + 2 : _rows[i]->_data[j].size();

			colLength[j + 1] = MAX<size_t>(colLength[j + 1], length);

	// Write column headers

	out.writeString(Common::UString::format("%-*s", (int)colLength[0], ""));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format(" %-*s", (int)colLength[i + 1], _headers[i].c_str()));


	// Write array

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++) {
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format("%*u", (int)colLength[0], (uint)i));

		for (size_t j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++) {
			const bool needQuote = _rows[i]->_data[j].contains(' ');

			Common::UString cellString;
			if (needQuote)
				cellString = Common::UString::format("\"%s\"", _rows[i]->_data[j].c_str());
				cellString = _rows[i]->_data[j];

			out.writeString(Common::UString::format(" %-*s", (int)colLength[j + 1], cellString.c_str()));



Exemplo n.º 21
void Tooltip::redoBubble() {
	delete _bubble;
	_bubble = 0;

	if (!_showBubble || (_height <= 0.0))

	float  height = _height - _lineHeight;
	uint32 lines  = 1;

	while (height > _lineSpacing) {
		height -= (_lineSpacing + _lineHeight);

	Common::UString bubbleModel = getBubbleModel(lines, _width);

	_bubble = loadModelGUI(bubbleModel);
	if (!_bubble) {
		warning("Tooltip::redoBubble(): Failed loading model \"%s\"", bubbleModel.c_str());

Exemplo n.º 22
void Tileset::loadTile(const Common::ConfigFile &set, uint i, Tile &tile) {
	Common::UString domainName = Common::UString::sprintf("TILE%u", i);
	const Common::ConfigDomain *domain = set.getDomain(domainName);
	if (!domain)
		throw Common::Exception("Tileset has no \"%s\" domain", domainName.c_str());

	tile.model = domain->getString("Model");
Exemplo n.º 23
void Campaign::setupStandaloneModule(const Common::UString &module) {
	const Common::UString mod = Module::findModule(module, true);
	if (mod.empty())
		throw Common::Exception("No such module \"%s\"", module.c_str());

	_startModule = mod;
Exemplo n.º 24
Model_KotOR::ParserContext::ParserContext(const Common::UString &name,
                                          const Common::UString &t, bool k2) :
	mdl(0), mdx(0), state(0), texture(t), kotor2(k2) {

	try {

		if (!(mdl = ResMan.getResource(name, ::Aurora::kFileTypeMDL)))
			throw Common::Exception("No such MDL \"%s\"", name.c_str());
		if (!(mdx = ResMan.getResource(name, ::Aurora::kFileTypeMDX)))
			throw Common::Exception("No such MDX \"%s\"", name.c_str());

	} catch (...) {
		delete mdl;
		delete mdx;
Exemplo n.º 25
Variable ScriptManager::getGlobalVariable(const Common::UString &name) const {
	StackGuard guard(*_luaState);

	lua_getglobal(_luaState, name.c_str());

	Stack stack(*_luaState);
	return stack.getVariableAt(-1);
Exemplo n.º 26
bool Stack::isUserTypeAt(int index, const Common::UString &type) const {
	if (type.empty()) {
		return getTypeAt(index) == kTypeUserType;

	tolua_Error error;
	return checkIndex(index) && tolua_isusertype(&_luaState, index, type.c_str(), 0, &error) != 0;
Exemplo n.º 27
void PanelPreviewSound::update() {
	uint64 t = SoundMan.getChannelDurationPlayed(_sound);

	Common::UString played  = formatTime(t);
	Common::UString total   = formatTime(_duration);
	Common::UString percent = formatPercent(_duration, t);

	_textPosition->SetLabelMarkup(Common::UString::format("<tt>%s</tt>", played.c_str()));
	_textPercent->SetLabelMarkup(Common::UString::format("<tt>%s</tt>", percent.c_str()));
	_textDuration->SetLabelMarkup(Common::UString::format("<tt>%s</tt>", total.c_str()));

	_sliderPosition->SetValue(getSliderPos(_duration, t));

	bool isPlaying = SoundMan.isPlaying(_sound);
	bool isPaused  = SoundMan.isPaused(_sound);

	setButtons(!isPlaying || isPaused, isPlaying && !isPaused, isPlaying);
Exemplo n.º 28
void Functions::writeTimestampedLogEntry(Aurora::NWScript::FunctionContext &ctx) {
	boost::posix_time::ptime t(boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time());
	const Common::UString tstamp = Common::UString::format("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d",
		(int) t.date().year(), (int) t.date().month(), (int) t.date().day(),
		(int) t.time_of_day().hours(), (int) t.time_of_day().minutes(),
		(int) t.time_of_day().seconds());

	status("NWN2: %s: %s", tstamp.c_str(), ctx.getParams()[0].getString().c_str());
Exemplo n.º 29
void SaveLoadMenu::tryLoadGame(const Common::UString &dir) {
	try {
		Common::ScopedPtr<SavedGame> save(SavedGame::load(dir, true));
		_returnCode = 2;
	} catch (Common::Exception &e) {
		warning("Failed to load saved game: %s %s", dir.c_str(), e.what());
Exemplo n.º 30
void checkConfigDouble(const Common::UString &key, double min, double max, double def) {
	double value = ConfigMan.getDouble(key, def);
	if ((value >= min) && (value <= max))

	warning("Config \"%s\" has invalid value (%lf), resetting to default (%lf)",
			key.c_str(), value, def);
	ConfigMan.setDouble(key, def);