/** Fill in the fee on behalf of the client.
    This is called when the client does not explicitly specify the fee.
    The client may also put a ceiling on the amount of the fee. This ceiling
    is expressed as a multiplier based on the current ledger's fee schedule.

    JSON fields

    "Fee"   The fee paid by the transaction. Omitted when the client
            wants the fee filled in.

    "fee_mult_max"  A multiplier applied to the current ledger's transaction
                    fee that caps the maximum the fee server should auto fill.
                    If this optional field is not specified, then a default
                    multiplier is used.

    @param tx       The JSON corresponding to the transaction to fill in
    @param ledger   A ledger for retrieving the current fee schedule
    @param result   A JSON object for injecting error results, if any
    @param admin    `true` if this is called by an administrative endpoint.
static void autofill_fee (Json::Value& request,
    Ledger::pointer ledger, Json::Value& result, bool admin)
    Json::Value& tx (request["tx_json"]);
    if (tx.isMember ("Fee"))

    if (request.isMember ("fee_mult_max"))
        if (request["fee_mult_max"].isNumeric ())
            mult = request["fee_mult_max"].asInt();
            RPC::inject_error (rpcHIGH_FEE, RPC::expected_field_message (
                "fee_mult_max", "a number"), result);

    std::uint64_t const feeDefault = getConfig().FEE_DEFAULT;

    // Administrative endpoints are exempt from local fees
    std::uint64_t const fee = ledger->scaleFeeLoad (feeDefault, admin);
    std::uint64_t const limit = mult * feeDefault;

    if (fee > limit)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss <<
            "Fee of " << fee <<
            " exceeds the requested tx limit of " << limit;
        RPC::inject_error (rpcHIGH_FEE, ss.str(), result);

    tx ["Fee"] = static_cast<int>(fee);