Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::cout << log(10.0) << std::endl;

  // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp( false );

  // Default run-time options that can be changed from the command line
  bool   verbose                = true    ;
  bool   restart                = false   ;
  int    NumGlobalElementsUO2   = 2001    ;
  int    NumGlobalElementsHe    = 2001    ;
  int    NumGlobalElementsClad  = 2001    ;
  // Physical parameters
  double qdot                   = 2.0e8   ;
  double xB                     = 0.02    ;
  double xminUO2                = 0.0     ;
  double xmaxUO2                = 0.0043  ;
  double xminHe                 = 0.0043  ;
  double xmaxHe                 = 0.00433 ;
  double xminClad               = 0.00433 ;
  double xmaxClad               = 0.00483 ;

  clp.setOption( "verbose", "no-verbose", &verbose, "Verbosity on or off." );
  clp.setOption( "restart", "no-restart", &restart, "Restart from previous solution." );
  clp.setOption( "nUO2",  &NumGlobalElementsUO2, "Number of elements in UO2 domain" );
  clp.setOption( "nHe",   &NumGlobalElementsHe, "Number of elements in He domain" );
  clp.setOption( "nClad", &NumGlobalElementsClad, "Number of elements in Cladding domain" );
  clp.setOption( "qdot", &qdot, "Source term coefficient, Qdot" );
  clp.setOption( "xB", &xB, "Non-stoichiometry at outer surface of fuel rod, xB" );
  clp.setOption( "xminUO2", &xminUO2, "Left boundary location of UO2 domain (m)" );
  clp.setOption( "xmaxUO2", &xmaxUO2, "Right boundary location of UO2 domain (m)" );
  clp.setOption( "xminHe", &xminHe, "Left boundary location of He domain (m)" );
  clp.setOption( "xmaxHe", &xmaxHe, "Right boundary location of He domain (m)" );
  clp.setOption( "xminClad", &xminClad, "Left boundary location of Cladding domain (m)" );
  clp.setOption( "xmaxClad", &xmaxClad, "Right boundary location of Cladding domain (m)" );

  Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);

  if( parse_return != Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
    return parse_return;

  // Create and reset the Timer
  Epetra_Time myTimer(Comm);
  double startWallTime = myTimer.WallTime();

  // Get the process ID and the total number of processors
  int MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
  int NumProc = Comm.NumProc();

  // The number of unknowns must be at least equal to the
  // number of processors.
  //if (NumGlobalNodes < NumProc)
  //  std::cout << "numGlobalNodes = " << NumGlobalNodes << " cannot be < number of processors = " << NumProc << std::endl;
  //  std::cout << "Test failed!" << std::endl;
  //  exit(1);

  // Create the PelletTransport problem class.  This creates all required
  // Epetra objects for the problem and allows calls to the
  // function (F) and Jacobian evaluation routines.
  Teuchos::RCP<PelletTransport> Problem =
    Teuchos::rcp(new PelletTransport(
                   NumGlobalElementsUO2  , xminUO2  , xmaxUO2  ,
                   NumGlobalElementsHe   , xminHe   , xmaxHe   ,
                   NumGlobalElementsClad , xminClad , xmaxClad ,
                   Comm, restart) );

  // Get the vector from the Problem
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> soln = Problem->getSolution();
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxSoln(soln, NOX::Epetra::Vector::CreateView);

  // Plug in the needed material models
  MaterialPropBase * propEnity;
  propEnity = MaterialPropFactory::factory().add_model( new MaterialProp_He()   );
  propEnity = MaterialPropFactory::factory().add_model( new MaterialProp_Clad() );
  propEnity = MaterialPropFactory::factory().add_model( new MaterialProp_UO2()  );
  dynamic_cast<MaterialProp_UO2 *>(propEnity)->set_qdot( qdot );
  dynamic_cast<MaterialProp_UO2 *>(propEnity)->set_xB( xB );

  // Begin Nonlinear Solver ************************************

  // Create the top level parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> nlParamsPtr =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = *(nlParamsPtr.get());

  // Set the nonlinear solver method
  nlParams.set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");
  //nlParams.set("Nonlinear Solver", "Trust Region Based");

  // Set the printing parameters in the "Printing" sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
  if (verbose) {
    printParams.set("MyPID", MyPID);
    printParams.set("Output Precision", 3);
    printParams.set("Output Processor", 0);
    printParams.set("Output Information",
                 NOX::Utils::OuterIteration +
                 NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest +
                 NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
                 NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails +
                 NOX::Utils::Parameters +
                 NOX::Utils::Details +
    printParams.set("Output Information", NOX::Utils::Error);

  // Create a print handle object
  NOX::Utils utils(printParams);

  // Sublist for line search
  Teuchos::ParameterList& searchParams = nlParams.sublist("Line Search");
  searchParams.set("Method", "Full Step");

  // Sublist for direction
  Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
  dirParams.set("Method", "Newton");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
    newtonParams.set("Forcing Term Method", "Constant");

  // Sublist for linear solver for the Newton method
  Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
  lsParams.set("Aztec Solver", "GMRES");
  lsParams.set("Max Iterations", 800);
  lsParams.set("Tolerance", 1e-4);
  lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 100);
  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "AztecOO");

  // Create the interface between the test problem and the nonlinear solver
  Teuchos::RCP<Problem_Interface> interface =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Problem_Interface(*Problem));

  utils.out() << "Cannot use Coloring without package epetraext !!!!" << std::endl;
  utils.out() << "Test passed!" << std::endl;
  // Create a timer for performance
  Epetra_Time fillTime(Comm);

  EpetraExt::CrsGraph_MapColoring::ColoringAlgorithm algType =
  bool colorParallel = true;
  int reordering = 0;
  int verbosityLevel = 0;
  bool distance1 = false;
  EpetraExt::CrsGraph_MapColoring tmpMapColoring(
    algType, reordering, distance1, verbosityLevel);
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MapColoring> colorMap =
  EpetraExt::CrsGraph_MapColoringIndex colorMapIndex(*colorMap);
  Teuchos::RCP< std::vector<Epetra_IntVector> > columns =

  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifferenceColoring> FDC =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifferenceColoring(printParams,

  if (verbose)
    printf("\n[%d]\tTime to color Jacobian --> %e sec.  for %d colors.\n\n",
       MyPID,fillTime.ElapsedTime(), colorMap->NumColors());


// -------------- End of block needed to use coloring --------------- */

  // Create the Linear System
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac = FDC;
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(printParams, lsParams,
                              iReq, iJac, FDC,

  // Create the Group
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Group> grpPtr =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::Group(printParams,
  NOX::Epetra::Group& grp = *(grpPtr.get());

  // Create the convergence tests
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> absresid =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-5, NOX::StatusTest::NormF::Unscaled));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> maxiters =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(25));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue> finiteval =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue());
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR));

  // Create the method
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Solver::Generic> solver =
    NOX::Solver::buildSolver(grpPtr, combo, nlParamsPtr);

  // Initialize time integration parameters
  int maxTimeSteps = 1;
  int timeStep = 0;
  double time = 100.;
  double dt = Problem->getdt();

  // Print initial solution
  char file_name[25];
  FILE *ifp;
  Epetra_Vector& xMesh = *(Problem->getMesh());
  int NumMyNodes = xMesh.Map().NumMyElements();
  (void) sprintf(file_name, "output.%d_%d",MyPID,timeStep);
  ifp = fopen(file_name, "w");
  for( int i = 0; i < NumMyNodes; ++i )
    fprintf(ifp, "%d  %E  %E  %E\n", xMesh.Map().MinMyGID()+i,
        xMesh[i], (*soln)[2*i], (*soln)[2*i+1]);

  NOX::StatusTest::StatusType status = NOX::StatusTest::Unconverged;

  // Time integration loop
  while(timeStep < maxTimeSteps) {

    time += dt;

    if (verbose)
      utils.out() << "Time Step: " << timeStep << ",\tTime: " << time << std::endl;

    status = NOX::StatusTest::Unconverged;
    status = solver->solve();

    if (verbose)
      if (status != NOX::StatusTest::Converged)
    if (MyPID==0)
      utils.out() << "Nonlinear solver failed to converge!" << std::endl;

    // Get the Epetra_Vector with the final solution from the solver
    const NOX::Epetra::Group& finalGroup =
      dynamic_cast<const NOX::Epetra::Group&>(solver->getSolutionGroup());
    const Epetra_Vector& finalSolution =
      (dynamic_cast<const NOX::Epetra::Vector&>(finalGroup.getX())).getEpetraVector();

    // Get the Epetra_Vector with the last residual from the solver
    const Epetra_Vector& finalResidual =
      (dynamic_cast<const NOX::Epetra::Vector&>(finalGroup.getF())).getEpetraVector();

    // End Nonlinear Solver **************************************

    if( 1 )
      // Print solution
      (void) sprintf(file_name, "T_output.%03d_%05d",MyPID,timeStep);
      ifp = fopen(file_name, "w");
      for( int i = 0; i < NumMyNodes; ++i )
        fprintf(ifp, "%d  %E  %E\n", soln->Map().MinMyGID()+i,
                                     xMesh[i], finalSolution[2*i]);


      (void) sprintf(file_name, "x_output.%03d_%05d",MyPID,timeStep);
      ifp = fopen(file_name, "w");
      for( int i = 0; i < NumGlobalElementsUO2 + 1; ++i )
        fprintf(ifp, "%d  %E  %E\n", soln->Map().MinMyGID()+i,
                                     xMesh[i], finalSolution[2*i+1]);

      // Print residual
      (void) sprintf(file_name, "residual.%03d_%05d",MyPID,timeStep);
      ifp = fopen(file_name, "w");
      for( int i = 0; i < NumMyNodes; ++i )
        fprintf(ifp, "%d  %E  %E  %E\n", soln->Map().MinMyGID()+i,
                                     xMesh[i], finalResidual[2*i],

      NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::writeVector( "restartVec", finalSolution, NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::MATRIX_MARKET );

    utils.out() << "Time Step: " << timeStep << ",\tTime: " << time << ", Tmax = " << finalSolution[0] << ", Xmax = " << finalSolution[1] << std::endl;

    solver->reset(grp.getX(), combo);

  } // end time step while loop

  const Epetra_Vector& finalSolution = (dynamic_cast<const NOX::Epetra::Vector&>(grp.getX())).getEpetraVector();
  NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::writeVector( "transient_restartVec", finalSolution, NOX::Epetra::DebugTools::MATRIX_MARKET );

  // Output the parameter list
  if (verbose) {
    if (utils.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::Parameters)) {
      utils.out() << std::endl << "Final Parameters" << std::endl
       << "****************" << std::endl;
      utils.out() << std::endl;

  // Output timing info
  if (verbose)
      utils.out() << "\nTimings :\n\tWallTime --> " << myTimer.WallTime() - startWallTime << " sec."
       << "\n\tElapsedTime --> " << myTimer.ElapsedTime()
       << " sec." << std::endl << std::endl;


#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  // Final return value (0 = successfull, non-zero = failure)
  return 0;